466 research outputs found

    Soil Ecological Processes in Vegetation Patches of Well Drained Permafrost Affected Sites (Kangerlussuaq - West Greenland)

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    Biotic indicators of carabid species richness on organically and conventionally managed arable fields

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    Carabids, a species rich arthropod family, potentially contribute much to biodiversity in agroecosystems, but assessing and monitoring carabid diversity is costly and time consuming. Therefore, this study aimed at finding more easily measurable parameters indicating high carabid diversity within organic and conventional management systems. Cover and number of weed species as well as activity density of single carabid species and of total carabids were investigated as potential indicators of carabid species richness. The study was carried out near Reckenfeld in Westphalia on sandy Plaggenesch soils. Three organically and four conventionally managed fields (cereals and corn) were investigated at the field margins and in the field centres from April to August 1999. Additionally, data of carabid catches and weed flora in winter cereals from an extended study in Düren (Northrhine-Westphalia) were reanalysed to validate the results. However, neither of the potential indicators showed consistently significant positive correlation with carabid diversity. This is partly attributed to the low variability of management conditions within the management systems in the studies presented

    Fiscal Federalism and Foreign Transfers: Does Inter-Jurisdictional Competition Increase Foreign Aid Effectiveness?

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    This paper empirically studies the impact of decentralization and inter-jurisdictional competition on foreign aid effectiveness. For this purpose we examine a commonly used empirical growth model, considering different measures of fiscal decentralization. Our panel estimations reveal that expenditure decentralization and inter-jurisdictional competition - reflected by the degree of tax revenue decentralization - negatively impact aid effectiveness. We therefore conclude that donor countries should carefully consider how both anti-poverty instruments - foreign assistance and decentralization - work together

    Validation of the performance of a GMO multiplex screening assay based on microarray detection

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    A new screening method for the detection and identification of GMO, based on the use of multiplex PCR followed by microarray, has been developed and is presented. The technology is based on the identification of quite ubiquitous GMO genetic target elements first amplified by PCR, followed by direct hybridisation of the amplicons on a predefined microarray (DualChip® GMO, Eppendorf, Germany). The validation was performed within the framework of a European project (Co-Extra, contract no 007158) and in collaboration with 12 laboratories specialised in GMO detection. The present study reports the strategy and the results of an ISO complying validation of the method carried out through an inter-laboratory study. Sets of blind samples were provided consisting of DNA reference materials covering all the elements detectable by specific probes present on the array. The GMO concentrations varied from 1% down to 0.045%. In addition, a mixture of two GMO events (0.1% RRS diluted in 100% TOPAS19/2) was incorporated in the study to test the robustness of the assay in extreme conditions. Data were processed according to ISO 5725 standard. The method was evaluated with predefined performance criteria with respect to the EC CRL method acceptance criteria. The overall method performance met the acceptance criteria; in particular, the results showed that the method is suitable for the detection of the different target elements at 0.1% concentration of GMO with a 95% accuracy rate. This collaborative trial showed that the method can be considered as fit for the purpose of screening with respect to its intra- and inter-laboratory accuracy. The results demonstrated the validity of combining multiplex PCR with array detection as provided by the DualChip® GMO (Eppendorf, Germany) for the screening of GMO. The results showed that the technology is robust, practical and suitable as a screening too

    Export and Benefits of Hedging in Emerging Economies

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    We study the impact of exchange rate risk upon export production within an emerging economy lacking in currency forward markets. However there exists a financial asset whose price is correlated with the relevant foreign currency. We present conditions under which export production is stimulated when the hedging device becomes more effective. In any case the exporting firm benefits from imperfectly hedging exchange rate risk

    Should Subsidies to Urban Passenger Transport be Increased? A Spatial CGE Analysis for a German Metropolitan Area

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    In many countries passenger transport is significantly subsidized in a variety of ways for various reasons. The objective of this paper is to examine efficiency, distributional, environmental (CO2 emissions) and spatial effects of increasing different kinds of passenger transport subsidies discriminating between household types, travel purposes and travel modes. The effects are calculated by applying a numerical spatial general equilibrium approach calibrated to an average German metropolitan area. In extension to most studies focusing on only one kind of subsidy, we compare the effects of different transport subsidies within the same unified framework that allows to account for two features not yet considered simultaneously in studies on transport subsidies: endogenous labor supply and location decisions. Furthermore, congestion, travel mode choice, travel related CO2 emissions and institutional details regarding the tax system in Germany are taken into account. The results suggest that optimal subsidy levels are either small or even zero. While subsidizing public transport is welfare enhancing, subsidies to urban road traffic reduce aggregate urban welfare. Concerning the latter it is shown that making investments in urban road infrastructure capacity or reducing gasoline taxes may even be harmful to residents using predominantly automobile. In contrast, pure commuting subsidies hardly affect aggregate urban welfare, but distributional effects are substantial. All policies cause suburbanization of city residents and (except for subsidizing public transport) contribute to urban sprawl by raising the spatial imbalance of residences and jobs but the effect is relatively small. In addition, the policies induce a very differentiated pattern regarding distributional effects, benefits of landowners and environmental effects

    Prospect Theory and Hedging Risks

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    The prospect theory is one of the most popular decision-making theories. It is based on the S-shaped utility function, unlike the von Neumann and Morgenstern (NM) theory, which is based on the concave utility function. The S-shape brings in mathematical challenges: simple extensions and generalizations of NM theory into the prospect theory cannot be frequently achieved. For example, the nature of monotonicity of the indifference curve depends on the underlying mean. Price hedging decisions also become more complex within the prospect theory. We discuss these topics in detail and offer a general result concerning the sign of a covariance from which we then infer desired properties of the indifference curve and also justify hedging decisions within the prospect theory. We illustrate our general considerations with a thoroughly worked out example
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