32 research outputs found

    Design for non-designers (D4ND)

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    This article exposes a methodology of design workshops for non-designers (D4ND) developed in an academic context interested in (1) deepening the explanation for what is the design for non-designers and (2) the strategies which may be to provide the tools of design thinking to non-designers. It is not a matter of transposing formal training structures to non-formal training, but rather, to explore new pedagogical processes involving design students to be applied to non-designers. Design is seen here as a discipline supported by an active learning process, critical, and directed towards problem-solving. We use the word design in its broadest sense, contemplating a humanist vision capable of generating social transformations, promoting more democratic actions that aim at a better, more just and equal world. At an individual level, it can empower people (students and non-designers) to increase their quality of life. In the first part, we address the assumption of D4ND project, beginning by describing its goals and identifying its actors. Later we questioned the work process through design and how to create knowledge through the implementation of the workshops. In the second part, we expose the methodology of the exercise of D4ND and present a synthesis of its outputs: five projects. We conclude with an analysis of the outcomes of this pedagogical experience, at the level of the students, as well as the team teachers. Closing this paper with the perspective of the future of the D4ND project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contra un diseño dependiente : un modelo para la autodeterminación nacional

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    254 páginasEl presente trabajo se publicó por primera vez en 1977. Fue el esfuerzo de un grupo de profesores fundadores de la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana y se instituyó en ese momento como el fundamento operativo para una teoría unificada del diseño. Su antecedente, fue el postulado innovador que propuso a las diferentes disciplinas del diseño a reunirse en un conjunto interdisciplinario unificado donde la integración de los diferentes cuerpos teóricos posibilitaron al diseño a constituir un sistema de conocimientos coherentes con su campo de acción y su objeto de estudio. El resultado del trabajo fue una propuesta metodológica, un "Modelo General del Proceso de Diseño". Se tuvo entonces el cuidado de considerar que constituirse en su marco general y ser por ello un sistema flexible en su desarrollo y desenvolvimiento

    Research methods applied to studies with active elderly: A literature review

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    In almost every developed and in developing countries, the elderly population is increasing. It is assumed that environments, products and services must be appropriate and accessible to them as many people, regarding their characteristics, abilities and limitations. The purpose of this paper is to establish an outlook about the methods that are usually applied in research involving active elderly at the development stages of products designed for that specific segment of the Society

    Design, Objects and Memory: A Sustainability-Oriented Project Itinerary

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    Game kasino Concerns related to sustainability are recurrent in Design. Questioning project practices, reassessing principles which are intrinsic to the design process, promoting the dissemination of sustainability-oriented actions, and contributing with a new awareness-raising process about consumption are attitudes that might help in the inclusion of environmental and social requirements in design practices. The relationship between sustainability and esthetic, symbolic and affective aspects is under explored in project elaboration. The project process that emphasizes subjective and material characteristics of objects with a view towards the appreciation of affective memories, through the analysis of users’ real-life experiences, might allow the designer to rethink time, tradition, aesthetics and perception to comprehend characteristics at play that are emotionally sustainable. This paper presents and discusses the ongoing research, whose main objective is to design a sustainability-oriented project itinerary, through affections and memory embedded into the relationship between people and objects

    Coherence of visual and epistemic elements in multimodal artifacts for the cultural heritage education : the case study of the Vitruvian man by Leonardo da Vinci

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    In this article we hypothesize that, in an interactive system for the representation of the knowledge related to a work of art, it is possible to detect a relation between visual coherence (in particular, the coherence of the number of constituent traits in graphical elements) and epistemic coherence (in particular, the coherence of the forms of knowledge), and that this relation affects the readability and the understanding of specific contents of the work of art. This article describes an experimental design which is conceived for verifying the validity of the research hypothesis. The planned research allows to describe a valid criterion for the development of a system of signs and contents related to a work of art

    Análise diacrônica e sincrônica da cadeira de rodas mecanomanual Dyachronous and synchronous analysis of the manual mechanic standard turnable wheelchair

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    Este estudo discute a evolução tanto histórica (análise diacrônica) quanto atual (análise sincrônica) da cadeira de rodas mecanomanual padrão dobrável - no Centro-Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil -, segundo as técnicas analíticas de Gui Bonsiepe et al. (1984). Tal estudo revela uma parte dos produtos destinados aos portadores de deficiência, pouco estudada tanto na área da Saúde como na de Tecnologia. No início apresenta uma classificação segundo o grau de complexidade tecnológica e na conclusão mostra que existe, hoje, uma lacuna na oferta de cadeira de rodas. Esta lacuna representa um nicho de mercado não conquistado pelas empresas fabricantes desse produto.<br>This study discusses either the historical (dyachronous analysis) or the current (synchronous analysis) evolution of the manual mechanic standard turnable wheelchair, in the Center-west of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, according to the analytic techniques by Gui Bonsiepe et al. (1984). It reveals a part of the products destined to the handcaps, rarely studied either in the Health or in the Technological area. It begins presenting a classification according to the degree of technological complexity and it concludes showing that nowadays there is a gap in this wheelchair group. This gap represents a market niche, which has not been conquered by the manufacturing companies of wheelchairs