70 research outputs found

    Positive and Negative Regulation of Prostate Stem Cell Antigen Expression by Yin Yang 1 in Prostate Epithelial Cell Lines

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    Prostate cancer is influenced by epigenetic modification of genes involved in cancer development and progression. Increased expression of Prostate Stem Cell Antigen (PSCA) is correlated with development of malignant human prostate cancer, while studies in mouse models suggest that decreased PSCA levels promote prostate cancer metastasis. These studies suggest that PSCA has context-dependent functions, and could be differentially regulated during tumor progression. In the present study, we identified the multi-functional transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1) as a modulator of PSCA expression in prostate epithelial cell lines. Increased YY1 levels are observed in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and advanced disease. We show that androgen-mediated up-regulation of PSCA in prostate epithelial cell lines is dependent on YY1. We identified two direct YY1 binding sites within the PSCA promoter, and showed that the upstream site inhibited, while the downstream site, proximal to the androgen-responsive element, stimulated PSCA promoter activity. Thus, changes in PSCA expression levels in prostate cancer may at least partly be affected by cellular levels of YY1. Our results also suggest multiple roles for YY1 in prostate cancer which may contribute to disease progression by modulation of genes such as PSCA

    Causes and mechanisms of synchronous succession trajectories in primeval Central European mixed Fagus sylvatica forests

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    1. Natural succession trajectories of Central European forest ecosystems are poorly understood due to the absence of long‐term observations and the pervasive effects of past human impacts on today's vegetation communities. This knowledge gap is significant given that currently forest ecosystems are expanding in Europe as a consequence of global change. 2. Annually laminated sediments were extracted from two small lowland lakes (Moossee 521 m a.s.l.; Burgäschisee 465 m a.s.l.) on the Swiss Plateau. We combine high‐resolution palaeoecological and quantitative analyses to assess changes in vegetation during the Neolithic. We test for regionally synchronous land‐use phases and plant successional patterns that may originate from complex interactions between human and climatic impacts. 3. Mixed Fagus sylvatica forests dominated the Swiss Plateau vegetation over millennia. During the period 6,500-4,200 cal year bp, pronounced forest disruptions accompanied by increased fire and agricultural activities occurred at c. 6,400-6,000 cal year bp, 5,750-5,550 cal year bp, around 5,400 cal year bp and at 5,100-4,600 cal year bp. Biodiversity increased during these land‐use phases, likely in response to the creation of new open habitats. After decades to centuries of land‐use, arboreal vegetation re‐expanded. In a first succession stage, heliophilous Corylus avellana shrubs were replaced by pioneer Betula trees. These open arboreal communities were out‐competed within 150-200 years by late‐successional  F. sylvatica and Abies alba forests. Most strikingly, cross‐correlations show that these successions occurred synchronously (±11 years) and repeatedly over large areas (>1,000 km2) and millennia. 4. Synthesis. First notable human impact shaped the primeval mixed Fagus sylvatica forests in Central Europe from c. 6,800-6,500 cal year bp on. Agrarian societies were susceptible to climate changes and we hypothesize that climate‐induced, simultaneous agricultural expansion and contraction phases resulted in synchronous regional forest successions. Currently, forests are expanding in Central Europe as a result of land abandonment in marginal areas. Our results imply that mixed Fagus sylvatica forests with Abies alba and Quercus may re‐expand rapidly in these areas, if climate conditions will remain within the range of the mid‐Holocene climatic variability (with summers c. +1-2°C warmer than today)

    Providing an adequate social infrastructure in rural areas: an application of a maximal supply dispersion model to elementary school planning in Rotenburg/W�mme (FRG)

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    A short introduction is given to the structural problems of rural areas in the Federal Republic of Germany, and as an example the case of the declining provision of schools (especially elementary schools) is then presented. A location - allocation model, called a maximum supply dispersion model, is introduced which is capable of demonstrating the relation between the provision of schools and the minimum school size, and which may be used as a base for planning the development of schools and other public central facilities in rural areas.

    Zur räumlichen Orientierung suburbaner Haushalte

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    Технологические решения для строительства вертикальной эксплуатационной скважины глубиной 2500 метров на Приразломном нефтяном месторождении (ХМАО)

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    В дипломном проекте запроектированы технологические параметры по строительству вертикальный добывающей скважины глубиной 2560м на Западно-Асомкинском месторождении. - в геологической части рассмотрена орогидрография района ведения работ, тектоника и нефтегазоводоносность разреза. -В технической части выполнены все расчеты касающиеся бурения промывки и крепления и заканчивания скважины; - в специальной части рассматриваются повышение качества цементирования эксплуатационной колонны в интервале спуска технической колонны за счет применения РМФТМ и установки ПДМ башмака технической колонны - в экономической части произведен расчет сметной стоимости сроков бурения , крепления проектируемой скважины . - в части «Безопасность и экологичность проекта» рассмотрены вопросы безопасного ведения рабоThe diploma project is projected technological parameters for the construction of a vertical production well depth of 2560m on the West Asomkinskom field. - In the geological area of the considered orogidrografiya reference works, tectonics and neftegazovodonosnost cut. -In The technical parts are made all the calculations concerning the drilling and flushing attachment and completions; - In a special part deals with improving the quality of cementing production casing in a range of technical descent of the column due to the use and installation of PDM RMFTM technical shoe string - In the economic part of a calculation timing of drilling and fastening well designed and its estimated cost; - In the part of "Safety and environmental project," the issues of safe operatio