240 research outputs found

    The future (?) of effective protection

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    This paper aims at a comparative reading of some archaeological remains in the island of Sardinia, starting from a reflection on the UNESCO discipline, which introduces a hierarchy of cultural heritage based on the level of worthiness of protection and provides enhanced protection for the goods that are on its list. The main goal of the study is to investigate in parallel the application of this ‘selective appreciation’ on the actual context of the protection of the so-called ‘real cultural heritage’ (article 9 of the Italian Constitution). The study proceeds by comparing some important sites on the island having similar contextualization, but different strategies for protection: the Archaeological Park of Porto Torres, Su Nuraxi in Barumini, registered since 1997 in the World Heritage List of UNESCO, and the archaeological area of Neapolis (Oristano). From comparisons and analysis carried out in selected areas it was possible to focus attention on some critical aspects of the UNESCO rules and on contradictions between the operational guidelines and the objectives that the organization provides for the protection of property. In the wake of new reforms for the reorganization of the Ministry of Heritage, Culture and Tourism, the critical issues discussed in this paper appear even more evident in Sardinia. The idea of a ‘protection of the exceptional’ appears to reduce the opportunities of intervention, by isolating the evidence from its context and making the action of protection inadequate for the territory and for the same items contained therein

    The future (?) of effective protection

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    This paper aims at a comparative reading of some archaeological remains in the island of Sardinia, starting from a reflection on the UNESCO discipline, which introduces a hierarchy of cultural heritage based on the level of worthiness of protection and provides enhanced protection for the goods that are on its list. The main goal of the study is to investigate in parallel the application of this ‘selective appreciation’ on the actual context of the protection of the so-called ‘real cultural heritage’ (article 9 of the Italian Constitution). The study proceeds by comparing some important sites on the island having similar contextualization, but different strategies for protection: the Archaeological Park of Porto Torres, Su Nuraxi in Barumini, registered since 1997 in the World Heritage List of UNESCO, and the archaeological area of Neapolis (Oristano). From comparisons and analysis carried out in selected areas it was possible to focus attention on some critical aspects of the UNESCO rules and on contradictions between the operational guidelines and the objectives that the organization provides for the protection of property. In the wake of new reforms for the reorganization of the Ministry of Heritage, Culture and Tourism, the critical issues discussed in this paper appear even more evident in Sardinia. The idea of a ‘protection of the exceptional’ appears to reduce the opportunities of intervention, by isolating the evidence from its context and making the action of protection inadequate for the territory and for the same items contained therein

    Risposta allo stress idrico di alcuni portainnesti del ciliegio allevati in ambiente controllato

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    Growth chamber estimation under severe water-stress of behaviour of 4 cherry rootstocks (seedling, Colt, CAB/6 P and CAB/11 E) was carried out through the measure of leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and transpiration rates. This experience showed a positive correlation between leaf water potenti al and stomatal conductance, a difference equivalent to 1,0 - 1,5 M Pa, O,5 - O,7 . sec→1 and 15/h/m2 of water respectively in leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and transpiration rates between irrigated and stressed trees. In particular, CAB/6 P selection resulted the most sensible to water stress, followed by CAB/11 E, Colt and seedling; the last one kept more intense transpiration rates and showed more rapid restarting of stomatal conductance during recovery than Colt

    Treatment of a Severe Pediatric Lyell Syndrome with Amniotic Membrane: Case Report and Histological Findings

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    Background: Lyell Syndrome (TEN, Toxic epidermal necrolysis) represents a medical emergency particularly in pediatric patients in whom the massive skin damage can quickly lead to multi-organ dysfunction and death. Prompt restoration of the physiologic mucosal/cutaneous barrier is mandatory. The use of amniotic membranes has been described in the treatment of ophthalmic Lyell Syndrome, but its use has not yet been adopted for the management of larger cutaneous wounds. Study Hypothesis: Here we report the use of amniotic membranes in a pediatric case of severe Lyell Syndrome with complete skin surface, ocular and mucosal involvement with life threating presentation. Methods: A 7-year old female was admitted to our Burn Centre for severe cutaneous/mucosal exfoliation (100% Total body surface area, TBSA) as a result of an adverse reaction to ibuprofen administration. Supportive fluid administration, cardiac-pulmonary assistance and pain management were complemented by serial grafting of amniotic membranes on all affected areas to provide coverage of the exfoliated skin/mucosa. Biopsies were obtained to monitor histological skin changes. Results: The patient showed an excellent response to amniotic membrane treatment, with rapid restoration of mucosal and cutaneous layers in the grafted areas. This resulted in a decreased need for dressing changes, avoidance of additional surgeries and a reduced dependence on supportive therapy. Lower pain levels than usually expected led to a reduced need for narcotic pain medications and allowed for early physical rehabilitation and a short hospital stay. Histology confirmed evidence of topical immune-modulation in treated areas (reduction of inflammatory infiltrate). Conclusion: As we tested in numerously TEN and burn pediatric injuries Amniotic membranes with their regenerative and immune-modulatory effects may represent an life saving treatment even in the worst cases of pediatric Lyell syndrome

    Auditory steady-state rersponses to click trains from the rat temporal cortex

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    n order to investigate the mechanisms underlying the generation of steady-state responses (SSRs), auditory evoked potentials elicited by click trains presented at several stimulation rates (30, 40, 50, 60 Hz) were recorded in 7 awake rats by means of epidural electrodes placed over the temporal cortex. Mean amplitude-rate function calculated on the recorded responses appeared almost flat and showed the maximum value at 50 Hz, while mean phases showed a linear increase when increasing the stimulation rate. In each rat, predictions of the recorded responses at 30, 40, 50 and 60 Hz were synthesized by superimposing middle-latency auditory evoked potentials (MAEPs) at suitable time intervals at each rate. Mean amplitudes calculated on the predicted curves decreased linearly when increasing the stimulation rate and appeared higher in comparison to those obtained from the recorded SSRs. Predicted phases showed a linear increase when increasing the stimulation rate and were leading with respect to corresponding phase values calculated for recorded SSRs. Our findings indicate that the MAEP superimposition mechanism does not adequately predict the generation of temporal recorded SSRs in rats. This was explained by admitting that phenomena related to the recovery cycle and, to a lesser extent, to rate-dependent facilitating effects come into play

    Pancreaticoduodenal Artery Aneurysm Ruptured into Duodenum, Associated with Celiac Trunk Stenosis. Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Pancreaticoduodenal artery (PDA) aneurysm associated with a celiac artery (CA) occlusion or stenosis is an uncommon event. We report the case of a 63-years old man who presented with acute abdominal pain radiating to the back. During the hospital stay, the patient had an episode of severe hematemesis. He had a gastroscopy and then a surgical exploration. However only with arteriography we found a PDA, which had ruptured into duodenum. The aneurysm was associated with a stenosis of the celiac trunk and was supplied by a dense network of collateral vessels from the SMA. The patient was successfully treated with embolization and was discharged on the 64th postoperative day. Short term and mid term follow-up was uneventful. This case shows the difficulty in diagnosing these rare events in time, indicating that angiography is indispensable to establish a diagnosis and enable nonsurgical treatment

    Clinical course and features of persistent polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis with BCL-6 amplification during pregnancy

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    Background: Persistent polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis is a rare nonmalignant disorder characterized by mild persistent lymphocyte proliferation with possible evolution to aggressive lymphoma. Its biology is not well known, but it is characterized by a specific immunophenotype with rearrangement of the BCL-2/IGH gene, whereas amplification of the BCL-6 gene has rarely been reported. Given the paucity of reports, it has been hypothesized that this disorder is associated with poor pregnancy outcomes. Case report: To our knowledge, only two successful pregnancies have been described in women with this condition. We report the third successful pregnancy in a patient with PPBL and the first with amplification of the BCL-6 gene. Conclusions: PPBL is still a poorly understood clinical condition with insufficient data to demonstrate an adverse effect on pregnancy. The role of BCL-6 dysregulation in the pathogenesis of PPBL and its prognostic significance are still unknown. Evolution into aggressive clonal lymphoproliferative disorders is possible and prolonged hematologic follow-up is warranted in patients with this rare clinical disorder

    UV Light Acclimation Capacity of Leaf Photosynthetic and Photochemical Behaviour in Near-isohydric and Anisohydric Grapevines in Hot and Dry Environments

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    The photosynthetic and photochemical adaptation of grapevine leaves to high UV radiation, under hot and dry summer conditions, was investigated in near-isohydric Cannonau (syn. Grenache) and nearanisohydric Bovale grande (syn. Carignan). From pea-size stage until harvest, vines with mild to moderate water deficit were subjected to UV-blocking treatment (–UV) and compared to a control exposed to sunlight (C). Canopy light and thermal microclimate, growth and density, maximum leaf gas exchange, primary photochemistry (PSII) and phenols were monitored. Average increments in canopy temperature under –UV tunnels during day-time and night-time were 3.3°C and 0.8°C in Bovale grande and 2.6°C and 1.1°C in Cannonau. Cultivars reached similar leaf area, intrinsic water-use efficiency and stem water potential under C and –UV. Cannonau showed lower stomatal conductance, maximum net assimilation and transpiration rates, but also faster recovery of PSII under heat and moderate water stress. UV radiation induced a stronger and longer impact on leaf assimilation, but the duration of elevated temperatures under −UV induced higher photoinhibition and lower photochemical efficiency. A similar degree of correlation between leaf temperature and gas exchange was found among cultivars and treatments. In Cannonau, leaf anthocyanin decreased due to heat-induced long-lasting PSII photoinactivation under C. Conversely, Bovale grande showed higher phenolic content stability, thus higher photoprotection and recovery of PSII functional units. Agronomical practices affecting leaf phenolic accumulation influence canopy acclimation to heat and high sunlight. Vineyard management must avoid excessive canopy sun exposure and duration of elevated temperatures to favour high assimilation, while reducing photoinactivation and heat damage
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