16 research outputs found

    Comparative investigation of solar cell thin film processing using nanosecond and femtosecond lasers

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    International audiencelaser-machining of CuInSe2-based photovoltaic devices. Therefore, ablation thresholds and ablation rates of ZnO, CuInSe2 and Mo thin films have been measured for irradiation with nanosecond laser pulses of ultraviolet and visible light and subpicosecond laser pulses of a Ti : sapphire laser. The experimental results were compared with the theoretical evaluation of the samples heat regime obtained from numerical calculations. In addition, the photo-electrical properties of the solar cells were measured before and after laser-machining. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analyses were employed to characterize the laser-induced ablation channels. As a result, two phenomena were found to limit the laser-machining process: (i) residues of Mo that were projected onto the walls of the ablation channel and (ii) the metallization of the CuInSe2 semiconductor close to the channel. Both effects lead to a shunt in the device that decreases the photovoltaic efficiency. As a consequence of these limiting effects, micromachining of CuInSe2-based solar cells was not possible with nanosecond laser pulses. Only subpicosecond laser pulses provided selective or complete ablation of the thin layers without a relevant change in the photoelectrical properties

    SIMNORAT - Marine protected areas in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coasts - Database completion and analysis (D10)

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    Component 1.3.2 – Spatial demands and future trends for maritime sectors and marine conservation C1.3.2 Marine protected areas in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coasts database completion and analysis Completion of the North East Atlantic MPA database: to enhance decision makers awareness on MPA policies, a concrete view on the network is necessary. To do so, the North Est MPA database (available through http://www.maia-network.org), which was developed by a previous Interreg Project, has been completed with as much information as possible for the 350 MPAs of the SIMNORAT Area. This task has provided harmonized maps of the MPA network throughout the SIMNORAT area. This basin scale view of the network is essential since marine conservation must take into account ecosystem functioning, which is not framed by administrative delimitation. Moreover, collection of the information related to the management of each MPA allowed to provide original views on the network. For example, maps displaying MPAs based on their conservation objectives have been produced. This report was produced as part of SIMNORAT Project (Grant Agreement N0. EASME/EMFF/2015/ Competition for maritime space – for renewable energy equipment, aquaculture and other uses – has highlighted the need to manage our waters more coherently. Maritime spatial planning (MSP) works across borders and sectors to ensure human activities at sea take place in an efficient, safe and sustainable way. That is why the European Parliament and the Council have adopted a legislation to create a common framework for maritime spatial planning in Europe. The Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 (said Maritime Spatial Planning Directive) establishes a framework in order to reduce conflicts between sectors and create synergies between different activities, to encourage investment – by creating predictability, transparency and clearer rules, to increase cross-border cooperation – between EU countries to develop energy grids, shipping lanes, pipelines, submarine cables and other activities, but also to develop coherent networks of protected areas, and to protect the environment – through early identification of impact and opportunities for multiple use of space. The SIMNORAT project (Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Northern European Atlantic) is an EU/DG Mare co-funded cross-border project. It was launched on 1st of January 2017 and involves Portugal, Spain and France, while these countries had just designated their Competent Authorities and transposed the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive. SIMNORAT aims to support the implementation of the MSP Directive in the waters of Portugal, Spain and France, as well as to establish cross-border cooperation mechanisms between these Member States, to contribute to the coherence of their marine spatial plans to be established in 2021. The action ran until 31st of January 2019 and was based on a partnership of public bodies of the countries and one international organisation. It was composed of UAVR, CEDEX, IEO, AFB, CEREMA, Shom, and CPMR. Shom acted as coordinator. The objectives of the SIMNORAT project were addressed through a variety of activities and desktop or case studies. They are dedicated to identifying the methodology steps, and explore the challenges and opportunities of the MSP implementation in the Northern European Atlantic, including thus related to transboundary issues (Ecosystem based approach, marine policies, OSPAR Convention, Land Sea Interactions, geographical scale of the plans, data interoperability, tools to support MSP). The project led to a multiplicity of outputs including overviews of MSP relevant information related to the countries and on more focus areas, to a number of interviews and meetings where stakeholder views were collected to feed the reasoning, and to guidelines and good practices to be shared at a national and transnational level with marine stakeholders, scientific as well as planners, administrations and authorities. In addition, SIMNORAT permitted a lot of progression internally in the countries and regarding transboundary cooperation. It led to establish and develop new dialogues and to connect the technical or scientific actors, the stakeholders, the administrations of the countries of a same sea basin, and the administrations within the countries, including the representative of Regions. It allowed to better understand Maritime Spatial Planning mechanisms, to share knowledge and as such reached to build capacities, which is of importance as there is such a need in the Atlantic area compared to more Northern countries. The project also permitted to address topics which have never been addressed before. The involvement of France and Spain in SIMNORAT and in the EU-DG Mare sister projects SIMWESTMED and SIMCelt was useful for them to develop a global vision with their neighbours in the Western Mediterranean. At the end of this exercise, it is stated the need of pursuing the work and dialogue in particular through common tools, but at this stage, the SIMNORAT project has constituted a common knowledge and background. Disclaimer: The contents and conclusions of this report, including the maps and figures were developed by the participating partners with the best available knowledge at the time. They do not necessarily reflect the national governments' positions and are not official documents, nor data. The European Commission or Executive Agency for Small and Medium sized Enterprises is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    SIMWESTMED - Interactions between uses, between uses and environment, including cumulative impacts. Review of evaluation methods carried out in France, Spain and Italy - Western Mediterranean Sea (R18)

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    Component:1.3.4. Tools and methods supporting MSP process Sub-component: Interactions between uses and between uses and environment, including cumulative impacts. - Interactions between uses, between uses and environment, including cumulative impacts. Review of evaluation methods carried out in France, Spain and Italy - Western Mediterranean Sea MSP as a process, must be based on a strong and shared knowledge of planned areas. Distribution of each activities and there needs have to be evaluated as well as location of species and habitats, associated with a good comprehension of ecosystems functionalities. Moreover, the understanding of how human and ecological components of the system interact is crucial. This concerns both interaction between various maritime uses (conflict or synergies) and between uses and environment (pressures and impacts). Here, we focus on approaches seeking to evaluate and map effects of human activities in marine ecosystems. Various tools and approaches have been developed throughout the world to do so. Their use as source of information to feed MSP is a ongoing question. This report aims to detail and compare the mains characteristics of the tools developed in SIMWESTMED countries. A better comprehension of divergence between approaches is a step toward an increased transboundary coherence for MSP processes. This report/document was produced as part of the SIMWESTMED Project (Grant Agreement N0. EASME/EMFF/2015/ PROJECT: Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region (SIMWESTMED) Competition for maritime space – for renewable energy equipment, aquaculture and other uses – has highlighted the need to manage our waters more coherently. Maritime spatial planning (MSP) works across borders and sectors to ensure human activities at sea take place in an efficient, safe and sustainable way. That is why the European Parliament and the Council have adopted a legislation to create a common framework for maritime spatial planning in Europe. The Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 (said Maritime Spatial Planning Directive) establishes a framework in order to reduce conflicts between sectors and create synergies between different activities, to encourage investment – by creating predictability, transparency and clearer rules, to increase cross-border cooperation – between EU countries to develop energy grids, shipping lanes, pipelines, submarine cables and other activities, but also to develop coherent networks of protected areas, and to protect the environment – through early identification of impact and opportunities for multiple use of space. The SIMWESTMED project (Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region) is an EU/DG Mare co-funded cross-border project. It was launched on 1st of January 2017 and involves Spain, France, Italy and Malta, while these countries had just designated their Competent Authorities and transposed the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive. SIMWESTMED aims to support the implementation of the MSP Directive in the waters of Spain, France, Italy and Malta, as well as to establish cross-border cooperation mechanisms between these Member States, to contribute to the coherence of their marine spatial plans to be established by 2021. The action ran until 31st of December 2018 and was based on a partnership of public bodies of the countries and two international organisations. It was composed of CEDEX, IEO, AFB, CEREMA, Shom, CORILA and its affiliated entities IUAV and CNR-ISMAR, MIT, IMELS, PA, CPMR, UNEP-MAP and its affiliated entity UNEP-MAP/PAP-RAC. Shom acted as coordinator. The objectives of the SIMWESTMED project were addressed through a variety of activities and desktop or case studies. They are dedicated to identifying the methodology steps, and explore the challenges and opportunities of the MSP implementation in the Western Mediterranean area, including thus related to transboundary issues (Ecosystem based approach, marine policies, Barcelona Convention, Land Sea Interactions, geographical scale of the plans, data interoperability, tools to support MSP). The project led to a multiplicity of outputs including overviews of MSP relevant information related to the countries and on more focus areas, to a number of interviews and meetings where stakeholder views were collected to feed the reasoning, and to guidelines and good practices to be shared at a national and transnational level with marine stakeholders, scientists as well as planners, administrations and authorities. In addition, SIMWESTMED permitted a lot of progression internally in the countries and regarding transboundary cooperation. It led to establish and develop new dialogues and to connect the technical or scientific actors, the stakeholders, the administrations of the countries of a same sea basin, and the administrations within the countries, including the representative of Regions. It allowed to better understand Maritime Spatial Planning mechanisms, to share knowledge and as such reached to build capacities, which is of importance as there is such a need in the Mediterranean area compared to more Northern countries. The project also permitted to address topics which have never been addressed before. The involvement of some countries in SIMWESTMED and in the EU-DG Mare "brother" projects SUPREME, SIMNORAT and SIMCelt was useful for them to develop a global vision with their neighbours through the East and West side of the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic sea basin. At the end of this exercise, it is stated the need of pursuing the work and dialogue in particular through common tools, but at this stage, the SIMWESTMED has constituted a common knowledge and background. Disclaimer: The contents and conclusions of this report, including the maps and figures, do not imply the expression of any opinion or endorsement of the participating partners concerning the legal status of any country, territory, area, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names and related data shown on maps included in this report are not warranted to be error free nor do they imply official endorsement or acceptance by any of the participating partners. This report is a working document and may rely on data from sources external to the SIMWESTMED project Consortium and, in addition to this, it may contain some information gaps. Neither the European Commission or Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises nor UN Environment/MAP Barcelona Convention Secretariat may be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained in this report

    Estimating the biodiversity of Planning Domain 5 (Marion and Prince Edward Islands – Del Cano – Crozet) for ecoregionalisation

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    The CCAMLR MPA Workshop on Marine Protected Areas, held in Brest (France) in August 2011, recommended that the Scientific Committee considers supporting three technical workshops including one specific to Planning Domain 5. Planning Domain 5 includes Marion and Prince Edward Islands, the Del Cano Rise and the Crozet Archipelago in the north. It also includes the Ob and Lena seamounts. The workshop focusing on Planning Domain 5 was held in St Pierre, La Réunion, France from 15th May to 18th May, 2012 at the headquarters of TAAF (French Southern and Antarctic Territories). It followed a meeting on the northern part of Planning Domain 5, which was held in South Africa in 2008, organized and funded by WWF South Africa and known as Del Cano 1. The intention of the CCAMLR workshop was to study the ecological values and the use of the marine environment and to identify possible threats that might occur in this area. It extended the Del Cano 1 study spatially and also ecologically to include the benthic and pelagic realms. Identification of objectives for Conservation Planning and future research were discussed in relation to national and international projects. Depending on the availability of data, the approach was based on mapping species distributions (either observed data or predictions for species or community presence/abundance based on environmental factors). Various national and international datasets were used including data from CCAMLR. However, South African and French data relevant to the Planning Domain 5 and surrounding domains were a major focus in the workshop because these CCAMLR member nations are the major scientific actors in this region. Species distributions were visualized by the mean of a Geographic Information System. Available Norwegian data from the Bouvetøya region were also discussed, but this region is less studied compared to the Planning Domain 5. The workshop provided benthic and pelagic abiotic classifications of the Planning Domain using geographic and oceanographic features. Distributions of plankton, mesopelagic fish and top predators were consistent with the abiotic regionalization showing latitudinal patterns of communities for the pelagic species. The importance of frontal zones such as the Antarctic Polar Front and especially the Subantarctic Front were highlighted. North of the CCAMLR area, the Agulhas Return Current has a strong influence on this region. The latitudinal zonation of bioregions according to frontal zones may be influenced by climate change. This will have consequences for marine bird and mammal populations as it will change the habitat of their main pelagic prey species (e.g. euphausiids, squids, mesopelagic fish, etc.). The working group concluded that ecoregionalisation has to be conducted at the scale of plateaus which includes Prince Edward Islands, Del Cano Rise and Crozet Islands i.e. a more detailed level than what has been done to date. High productive pelagic areas must be considered in relation to the bathymetry, iron enrichment, fronts and island mass effects, which contrast with high nutrient low chlorophyll areas farther south. Ichtyofauna and benthos were described as being characteristic of the subantarctic zone with some species being endemic. However, cryptic benthic species have not yet been studied. The French and South African islands support substantial colonies of seabirds and seals, which for several species have global importance. For example, the Crozet and Prince Edward Islands together host the entire population of Crozet shag, about 70% of the world population of wandering albatross, 54% of king penguin, 33% of Indian yellow-nosed albatross, 33% of subantarctic fur seal, 27% of sooty albatross and 21% of the world’s southern rockhopper penguin. The high productivity in the vicinity of the islands, together with the large aggregations of seabirds and seals found at the islands, attract various other animals, e.g. several cetaceans, to their vicinity. The populations of several seabirds that breed at the islands have decreased. There is accumulating evidence that decreases of albatrosses and petrels have been substantially influenced by by-catch mortality in fisheries, whereas decreases in some penguins are probably attributable to decreased availability of prey that may have been caused by environmental change. Although the islands themselves enjoy a protected status and fishing is at present excluded within 12 nautical miles of the islands, providing some protection to inshore-foraging species, many of the seabirds and seals range well beyond the immediate precincts of the islands. Some circumnavigate Antarctica and others move to the north well beyond the CCAMLR convention area. Hence, many seabirds and seals are affected by human activities, and almost certainly environmental change, in other CCAMLR domains as well as in regions of the high seas that are administered by other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations. In particular the CCAMLR Planning domains that neighbour Domain 5 are of importance, as is the southern region of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC, FAO Area 51). Human activities in these other areas adversely influence the conservation status of animals from Planning Domain 5, as is the case with by-catch mortality, it will be necessary for CCAMLR to work in close association with other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (e.g. IOTC), treaties (e.g. Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, ACAP) and conservation organisations (e.g. BirdLife International) to achieve a favourable conservation status for species that are at present Threatened or Near Threatened. The problem is sometimes compounded by albatrosses and petrels segregating their at-sea distributions by sex or age or both, so that components of populations may suffer particularly high mortality leading, e.g., to sex imbalances or inadequate recruitment into breeding populations. Preliminary models suggest that both topographical (e.g. plateau and rises) and oceanographic (e.g. locations of fronts) features play important roles in defining good foraging grounds for some wide-ranging predators. Whereas topographical features are permanent, the locations of oceanographic features may be changing, thereby presenting a greater challenge for spatial conservation planning. For some albatrosses (notably Thalassarche spp.) and penguins (notably Eudyptes spp.) there is accumulating evidence that populations and species may segregate their feeding grounds, which also will need to be accounted for in any form of spatial conservation planning. The Working group noted set of preliminary strategic points essential to Systematic Conservation Planning, which include accounting for ecological relationships with surrounding areas (Bouvet to the West, Kerguelen to the East and East Antarctica to the South). The working group concluded that subtropical areas north of the Planning Domain 5 should be included in the planning, because of the spatial range covered by top predators, and also because the limit of the CCAMLR area cuts across the EEZs of both the Prince Edward and the Crozet Islands, as well as the Del Cano Rise. Strategic points include: First of all, biodiversity features needed to be mapped. The workshop concentrated on this objective most of the time. Second, biodiversity targets need to be determined. France will see how to adapt the ones that were used by Lombard et al. (2007) for the EEZ of the Prince Edward Islands, to the Crozet Islands. For the high seas, the working group recommended that the definition of targets should be discussed by EMM and the MPA circumpolar workshop. Third, the Working Group started to evaluate pressures and areas of research that need to be defined (spawning and nursery areas, bycatch, interactions with killer whales, etc.). The involvement of stakeholders was discussed, including fishing industries, NGOs, other relevant treaties and CCAMLR members for the high sea areas. This general theme has to be more specifically discussed during the circumpolar workshop and at the SC. The workshop also considered MPAs existing under national jurisdiction in the Planning Domain, procedures to extend them, and the need for strengthened cooperation between CCAMLR and other relevant legal instruments, organizations and initiatives. To achieve these goals, research and monitoring were discussed under three headings: (1) census of biodiversity, (2) ecoregionalisation classification and (3) monitoring. Such research would make up for a current lack of data, e.g. with regard to the benthos (deep and shallow), the mesopelagic zone and plankton. With regard to monitoring ecological processes, especially at the northern limits of the CCAMLR area, CCAMLR may wish to broaden the lists of species and environmental parameters that are monitored, to consider parameters of species that may best reflect change associated with global warming and, if necessary, develop protocols for any new parameters to be monitored. This would naturally include the use of the Continuous Plankton Recorder and tracking for birds, seals and mammals

    Estimating the biodiversity of Planning Domain 5 (Marion and Prince Edward Islands – Del Cano – Crozet) for ecoregionalisation

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    The CCAMLR MPA Workshop on Marine Protected Areas, held in Brest (France) in August 2011, recommended that the Scientific Committee considers supporting three technical workshops including one specific to Planning Domain 5. Planning Domain 5 includes Marion and Prince Edward Islands, the Del Cano Rise and the Crozet Archipelago in the north. It also includes the Ob and Lena seamounts. The workshop focusing on Planning Domain 5 was held in St Pierre, La Réunion, France from 15th May to 18th May, 2012 at the headquarters of TAAF (French Southern and Antarctic Territories). It followed a meeting on the northern part of Planning Domain 5, which was held in South Africa in 2008, organized and funded by WWF South Africa and known as Del Cano 1. The intention of the CCAMLR workshop was to study the ecological values and the use of the marine environment and to identify possible threats that might occur in this area. It extended the Del Cano 1 study spatially and also ecologically to include the benthic and pelagic realms. Identification of objectives for Conservation Planning and future research were discussed in relation to national and international projects. Depending on the availability of data, the approach was based on mapping species distributions (either observed data or predictions for species or community presence/abundance based on environmental factors). Various national and international datasets were used including data from CCAMLR. However, South African and French data relevant to the Planning Domain 5 and surrounding domains were a major focus in the workshop because these CCAMLR member nations are the major scientific actors in this region. Species distributions were visualized by the mean of a Geographic Information System. Available Norwegian data from the Bouvetøya region were also discussed, but this region is less studied compared to the Planning Domain 5. The workshop provided benthic and pelagic abiotic classifications of the Planning Domain using geographic and oceanographic features. Distributions of plankton, mesopelagic fish and top predators were consistent with the abiotic regionalization showing latitudinal patterns of communities for the pelagic species. The importance of frontal zones such as the Antarctic Polar Front and especially the Subantarctic Front were highlighted. North of the CCAMLR area, the Agulhas Return Current has a strong influence on this region. The latitudinal zonation of bioregions according to frontal zones may be influenced by climate change. This will have consequences for marine bird and mammal populations as it will change the habitat of their main pelagic prey species (e.g. euphausiids, squids, mesopelagic fish, etc.). The working group concluded that ecoregionalisation has to be conducted at the scale of plateaus which includes Prince Edward Islands, Del Cano Rise and Crozet Islands i.e. a more detailed level than what has been done to date. High productive pelagic areas must be considered in relation to the bathymetry, iron enrichment, fronts and island mass effects, which contrast with high nutrient low chlorophyll areas farther south. Ichtyofauna and benthos were described as being characteristic of the subantarctic zone with some species being endemic. However, cryptic benthic species have not yet been studied. The French and South African islands support substantial colonies of seabirds and seals, which for several species have global importance. For example, the Crozet and Prince Edward Islands together host the entire population of Crozet shag, about 70% of the world population of wandering albatross, 54% of king penguin, 33% of Indian yellow-nosed albatross, 33% of subantarctic fur seal, 27% of sooty albatross and 21% of the world’s southern rockhopper penguin. The high productivity in the vicinity of the islands, together with the large aggregations of seabirds and seals found at the islands, attract various other animals, e.g. several cetaceans, to their vicinity. The populations of several seabirds that breed at the islands have decreased. There is accumulating evidence that decreases of albatrosses and petrels have been substantially influenced by by-catch mortality in fisheries, whereas decreases in some penguins are probably attributable to decreased availability of prey that may have been caused by environmental change. Although the islands themselves enjoy a protected status and fishing is at present excluded within 12 nautical miles of the islands, providing some protection to inshore-foraging species, many of the seabirds and seals range well beyond the immediate precincts of the islands. Some circumnavigate Antarctica and others move to the north well beyond the CCAMLR convention area. Hence, many seabirds and seals are affected by human activities, and almost certainly environmental change, in other CCAMLR domains as well as in regions of the high seas that are administered by other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations. In particular the CCAMLR Planning domains that neighbour Domain 5 are of importance, as is the southern region of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC, FAO Area 51). Human activities in these other areas adversely influence the conservation status of animals from Planning Domain 5, as is the case with by-catch mortality, it will be necessary for CCAMLR to work in close association with other Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (e.g. IOTC), treaties (e.g. Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, ACAP) and conservation organisations (e.g. BirdLife International) to achieve a favourable conservation status for species that are at present Threatened or Near Threatened. The problem is sometimes compounded by albatrosses and petrels segregating their at-sea distributions by sex or age or both, so that components of populations may suffer particularly high mortality leading, e.g., to sex imbalances or inadequate recruitment into breeding populations. Preliminary models suggest that both topographical (e.g. plateau and rises) and oceanographic (e.g. locations of fronts) features play important roles in defining good foraging grounds for some wide-ranging predators. Whereas topographical features are permanent, the locations of oceanographic features may be changing, thereby presenting a greater challenge for spatial conservation planning. For some albatrosses (notably Thalassarche spp.) and penguins (notably Eudyptes spp.) there is accumulating evidence that populations and species may segregate their feeding grounds, which also will need to be accounted for in any form of spatial conservation planning. The Working group noted set of preliminary strategic points essential to Systematic Conservation Planning, which include accounting for ecological relationships with surrounding areas (Bouvet to the West, Kerguelen to the East and East Antarctica to the South). The working group concluded that subtropical areas north of the Planning Domain 5 should be included in the planning, because of the spatial range covered by top predators, and also because the limit of the CCAMLR area cuts across the EEZs of both the Prince Edward and the Crozet Islands, as well as the Del Cano Rise. Strategic points include: First of all, biodiversity features needed to be mapped. The workshop concentrated on this objective most of the time. Second, biodiversity targets need to be determined. France will see how to adapt the ones that were used by Lombard et al. (2007) for the EEZ of the Prince Edward Islands, to the Crozet Islands. For the high seas, the working group recommended that the definition of targets should be discussed by EMM and the MPA circumpolar workshop. Third, the Working Group started to evaluate pressures and areas of research that need to be defined (spawning and nursery areas, bycatch, interactions with killer whales, etc.). The involvement of stakeholders was discussed, including fishing industries, NGOs, other relevant treaties and CCAMLR members for the high sea areas. This general theme has to be more specifically discussed during the circumpolar workshop and at the SC. The workshop also considered MPAs existing under national jurisdiction in the Planning Domain, procedures to extend them, and the need for strengthened cooperation between CCAMLR and other relevant legal instruments, organizations and initiatives. To achieve these goals, research and monitoring were discussed under three headings: (1) census of biodiversity, (2) ecoregionalisation classification and (3) monitoring. Such research would make up for a current lack of data, e.g. with regard to the benthos (deep and shallow), the mesopelagic zone and plankton. With regard to monitoring ecological processes, especially at the northern limits of the CCAMLR area, CCAMLR may wish to broaden the lists of species and environmental parameters that are monitored, to consider parameters of species that may best reflect change associated with global warming and, if necessary, develop protocols for any new parameters to be monitored. This would naturally include the use of the Continuous Plankton Recorder and tracking for birds, seals and mammals

    Rheological, Textural and Flavour Properties of Yellow Mustard Sauce as Affected by Modified Starch, Xanthan and Guar Gum

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    Influence of a modified starch-gum thickening system on the rheological, textural and flavour properties of yellow mustard sauce was studied. The rheological measurements indicated that the sauces exhibited a weak gel-like, strong shear thinning behaviour. Dynamic viscoelasticity measurements showed that the sauces with modified starch (MS) and xanthan gum (XG) presented superior viscoelastic properties to those with MS and guar gum (GG) samples. All tested sauces showed non-Newtonian, pseudoplastic and thixotropic fluids characteristics. Parameters such as hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and spreadability were used to evaluate the textural properties, and the results indicated that MS/XG was more influential than MS/GG on the textural properties. Sensory analysis suggested that 0.4 % MS/0.3 % XG, 0.4 % MS/0.4 % XG and 0.4 % MS/0.4 % GG were superior thickeners for the yellow mustard sauces. The flavours of these three sample groups with the highest sensory scores and a sample with only MS were analysed by an electronic nose, which showed that the electronic nose was able to distinguish their differences