522 research outputs found

    IdentitĂ  e relazioni sociali. Dai popoli migranti alla cultura del Web 2.0

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    Nel saggio è una riflessione preliminare su cos'è da intendere per identità prima di individuare il ruolo che svolge la comunicazione non solo nel mantenere ma anche e soprattutto nel costruire identità e nel gestire relazioni, nel senso di crearle, mutarle o annullarle.The essay is a reflection about identity and role of communication on creating, mantaining and destroying social relations

    Transmembrane transporters and salt tolerance in temperate japonica rice

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    Several investigations aimed at identifying molecular tools useful for the selection and/or the constitution of high-yield salt tolerant rice have been successfully carried out, concerning in particular indica and/ or tropical rice genotypes. Te global warming process is nowadays determining the intrusion of saline wedge into coastal fresh-water streams, and the soil salt concentration of many European rice areas, where temperate rice cultivars are mainly grown, is more and more increasing. In order to identify molecular markers and/or new loci related to salt tolerance, a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) has been carried out using a panel of 277 japonica rice accessions. Te panel has been subjected to Genotyping By Sequencing and phenotyping concerning tolerance to a mild-salt stress soil condition (5 dS m-1) expressed at the 4th-5th leaf developmental stage using the Standard Evaluation Score (SES) proposed by IRRI. On the basis of GWAS, a QTL including a few genes that in the indica rice genome are localized within the major salinity tolerance-related QTL \u2018SalTol\u2019 have been identified. Among them, the Os01g0337500 gene encoding the vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase 6 (OsOVP6) is present. Since the role of the OsOVP6 activity is considered central in regulating the cellular Na+ homeostasis in both roots and leaves, investigations comparing some elements of the complex mechanisms involved in this process have been carried out. A physiological approach evaluating this possibility has been conducted in two japonica rice varieties (Galileo and Virgo) that resulted salt-tolerant, in one japonica rice variety (PL12) known to be quite salt-susceptible, and in the salt-tolerant indica inbred genotype FL478 (containing the \u2018SalTol\u2019 QTL) as reference genotype. Te root and shoot Na+/K+ ratio, Na+ influx and K+ efflux, H+ extrusion activity, cytosolic and vacuolar pH by in vivo 31P-NMR techniques were evaluated in roots of the four rice genotypes. Te results obtained, together with the electrophysiological evaluation of the whole root Na+ conductance, allow to define a picture that may explain the different salt tolerance observed among the rice genotypes analyzed. As a whole, these results confirm the interest towards a deep allele mining analysis, concerning OsOVP6, within the most significant members of the japonica rice accession panel under investigation

    The INGV Mobile Telemetered Network (Re.Mo.Tel.): long-term monitoring analysis.

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    Since 2008, the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) developed a temporary real-time telemetered seismic network infrastructure (Re.Mo.Tel.) to densify the Italian National Seismic Network in epicentral area, thus improving the location of the aftershocks distribution after a mainshock. This infrastructure consists of various mobile and autonomous seismic stations that in group of three are telemetered to a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT). Using a dedicated bandwidth on UHF, Wi-Fi and satellite frequency, the system is able to stream real-time data to the INGV acquisition centers in Rome and Grottaminarda. The deployment of the seismic network is supported by a geographical information system (GIS) that visualizes, for the epicentral area, information about instrumental seismicity, seismic risk, macroseismic felts and territorial data. The April, 6th, 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila destructive earthquake represented the first real-case where the entire Re.Mo.Tel. infrastructure has been deployed. Less than 6 hours after the earthquake occurrence, a first accelerometric station was streaming data to the INGV seismic monitoring headquarters. A total number of 9 seismic stations was installed within 4 days after the main event, with the aim of recording continuous data to contribute in the aftershocks detection. In detail the first day a number of 3 stations was installed, surrounding the mainshock. Then the rest of the stations was deployed on the third and the fourth day to the south and the north, following the post-seismic evolution. A project funded by the Dipartimento di Protezione Civile (DPC-Civil Defense) gave the opportunity to maintain some of the deployed stations throughout the duration of the project of one year (although the stations are still installed) to assure the long-term monitoring of the triggered seismic sequence. In this work, we investigate: • The impact of the Re.Mo.Tel. on earthquakes detection and real-time monitoring of the sequence evolution; • The location improvement due to the deployment of stations closer to the epicentral area (with installations that followed the early evolution and complexity of fault fractures); • The network reliability in terms of data stored throughout the working period

    IoT sensors for modern structural health monitoring. A new frontier

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    The problem of determining the structural safety level of buildings and civil engineering infrastructures (CEIs) is raising growing concern worldwide. Most of the reinforced concrete constructions have a design life not greater than 100 years, and today it is necessary to face the problem of assessing their level of safety and structural integrity. Such problem is even more pressing when a construction is subjected to extreme environmental conditions. The long-term goal of this study is the realization of wireless low- cost devices, and a data management software, for the structural health monitoring of buildings and CEIs, with remotely controlled sensors embedded in, or installed on, the structural elements, to measure stresses together with accelerations. Once equipped with such system, each construction can become part of the Internet of Things, permitting users and authorities to be alerted in case structural safety is diminished or compromised. A crucial aspect is the unaltered preservation of measurement data over time, which cannot just rely on third parties, and for which it is necessary the exploitation of suitable data-protection technologies. This study have been carried out by experimental testing and validation, both in lab and on site, of the monitoring devices designed and realized. Results show that it is possible to realize low-cost monitoring systems, and related installation techniques, for integration in every new or existing buildings and CEIs

    Permanent monitoring of thin structures with low-cost devices

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    Recently, structural monitoring technology invested in methodologies that give direct information on structures' stress state. Optic fibers, strain gauges, pressure cells give real-time data on the stress condition of a structural element, often determining the area where peak stresses have been reached, with a clear advantage over other less direct monitoring methodologies, such as, e.g., the use of accelerometers and inverse analysis to estimate internal forces. In addition, stresses can be recorded in a data log for analysis after a loading event, as well as for taking into account the lifelong stress state of the structure. Beams and columns of a reinforced concrete frame can be effectively monitored for flexural loads. Differently, thin shells are most of their lifespan under membrane regime, and, when properly designed, they rarely move to the bending regime. Our proposal is to monitor the stress in thin structures by small-sized low- cost devices able to record the stress history at key locations, sending alerts when necessary, with the aim of ensuring safety against the risk of collapse, or simply to perform maintenance/repairing activities. Such devices are realized with cheap off-the-shelf electronics and traditional strain gauges. The application examples are given as laboratory tests performed on a reinforced concrete plate, a masonry panel, and a steel beam. Results shows that the permanent monitoring control of stresses can be conveniently carried out on new structures using low-cost devices of the type we designed and realized in-house

    Black lymph node in tattoo: an easy pitfall

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    Tattoo is one of the most popular body arts in the world. It may be considered as a sign of belonging to a particular community as well as an expression of masculinity. However, it may also have a mere aesthetic purpose. In the past, whereas tattooing was common for male military personnel, bourgeois society spurned it. Nowadays, it is estimated that more than 24% of American adults have at least a tattoo.1 It is trending so tattooing is increasing social acceptability. The practice is equally common in men and women. In Italy, this phenomenon is less extensive than in America. However, it is definitely on the rise if we compare it with the past. Tattooing is becoming extremely popular with adolescent

    Seed priming mitigates high salinity impact on germination of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by improving carbohydrate and protein mobilization

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    Salinity is increasingly considered as a major environmental issue, which threatens agricultural production by decreasing yield traits of crops. Seed priming is a useful and cost-effective technique to alleviate the negative effects of salinity and to enable a fast and uniform germination. In this context, we quantified the effects of priming with gibberellic acid (GP), calcium chloride (CP), and mannitol (MP) on seed germination of three bread wheat cultivars and investigated their response when grown at high salinity conditions (200 mM NaCl). Salt exposure strongly repressed seed imbibition and germination potential and extended germination time, whereas priming enhanced uniformity and seed vigor. Seed preconditioning alleviated the germination disruption caused by salt stress to varying degrees. Priming mitigating effect was agent-dependent with regard to water status (CP and MP), ionic imbalance (CP), and seed reserve mobilization (GP). Na+ accumulation in seedling tissues significantly impaired carbohydrate and protein mobilization by inhibiting amylase and proteases activities but had lesser effects on primed seeds. CP attenuated ionic imbalance by limiting sodium accumulation. Gibberellic acid was the most effective priming treatment for promoting the germination of wheat seeds under salt stress. Moreover, genotypic differences in wheat response to salinity stress were observed between varieties used in this study. Ardito, the oldest variety, seems to tolerate better salinity in priming-free conditions; Aubusson resulted the most salt-sensitive cultivar but showed a high germination recovery under priming conditions; Bologna showed an intermediate behavior

    Analysis of cadmium translocation, partitioning and tolerance in six barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars as a function of thiol metabolism

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    Six barley cultivars widely differing for cadmium (Cd) tolerance, partitioning, and translocation were analyzed in relation to their thiol metabolism. Results indicated that Cd tolerance was not clearly related to the total amount of Cd absorbed by plants, resulting instead closely dependent on the capacity of the cultivars to trap the metal into the roots. Such behaviors suggested the existence of root mechanisms preserving shoots from Cd-induced oxidative damages, as indicated by the analysis of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances \u2014diagnostic indicators of oxidative stress\u2014whose increases in the shoots were negatively related to Cd root retention and tolerance. Cd exposure differentially affected glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatin (PC) levels in the tissues of each barley cultivar. The capacity to produce PCs appeared as a specific characteristic of each barley cultivar, since it did not depend on Cd concentration in the roots and resulted negatively related to the concentration of the metal in the shoots, indicating the existence of a cultivar-specific interference of Cd on GSH biosynthesis, as confirmed by the existence of close positive linear relationships between the effect of Cd on GSH levels and PC accumulation in both roots and shoots. The six barley cultivars also differed for their capacity to load Cd ions into the xylem, which was negatively related to PC content in the roots. Taken as a whole, these data indicated that the different capacity of each cultivar to maintain GSH homeostasis under Cd stress may strongly affect PC accumulation and, thus, Cd tolerance and translocation

    Continuous Flooding or Alternate Wetting and Drying Differently Affect the Accumulation of Health-Promoting Phytochemicals and Minerals in Rice Brown Grain

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    Climate changes impose adoption of water-saving techniques to improve the sustainability of irrigated rice systems. This study was aimed, by a two-years side-by-side comparison, at verifying the hypothesis whether \u201cAlternate Wetting and Drying\u201d (AWD) affects the concentrations of health-related compounds and minerals in brown grains of three japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cvs (\u2018Baldo\u2019, \u2018Gladio\u2019, and \u2018Loto\u2019) usually grown in temperate areas in continuous flooding (CF). Due to the rotational turns in water distribution imposed by local authorities and to the weather behavior, different AWD timing and severity occurred in the two years of the study. AWD induced in both seasons yield losses in \u2018Baldo\u2019 and \u2018Gladio\u2019 but not in \u2018Loto\u2019. In the brown grains of \u2018Loto\u2019, AWD increased the concentrations of total tocols, \u3b3-oryzanol, flavonoids, and the antioxidant activity. AWD affected the concentrations of minerals, particularly increasing copper, cadmium and nickel, and decreasing manganese, arsenic and zinc. In the sensitive cultivars, \u2018Baldo\u2019 and \u2018Gladio\u2019, AWD seems to affect plant yield, rather than for severity of the dry period, for prolonged absence of ponded water that exposes plants to cooler temperatures. The selection of suitable cultivars, like \u2018Loto\u2019, tolerant to AWD-related stresses, could combine environmental, yield-related, and nutritional benefits improving the product quality

    Sequenze sismiche: La nuova struttura di Pronto Intervento dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

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    Fin dai primi anni ‘70, l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, ex ING) si avvale di una struttura di Pronto Intervento in occasione di eventi sismici rilevanti garantendo in tempi relativamente brevi il monitoraggio di dettaglio in area epicentrale. Dal suo primo intervento (terremoto di Ancona 1972) ad oggi, la struttura di Pronto Intervento si è evoluta costantemente implementando migliorie tecnologiche e logistiche. In questo lavoro prensentiamo la nuova struttura impiegata per la prima volta durante l’ ”Operazione Blue Mountains 2008”, l'esercitazione di Protezione Civile sul rischio sismico organizzata dalla Regione Marche il 23-25 maggio 2008
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