62 research outputs found

    Deep awareness as a factor of environmental motivation at sea

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    There are environmental problems at sea and some of them are specific. The International Maritime Organization is on the way of strict controlling permanently intensification regulations. One of the most important of them is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). To prevent uncontrolled and undesired actions of seafarers officers are interested in strong methods including motivating others and themselves as leadership skills are requested by practice and the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). After considering different types of motives, factors in/decreasing their effectiveness existing at sea, the authors developed the practical research, analyzed the revealed data on the nature of the dominating motives among cadets of the Maritime University and the seafarers, and concluded highly developed awareness of the existing pollution at sea. Established forming experiment proved that the deep awareness of environmental problems adds to the inside, the strongest environmental motivation to fallow International regulations, acceptable from both behavioral and self-controlling points of view. Further actualized professional self-organization strategy helped to educational ecological project development, which were involved in the working courses


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    A model for diesel operational process has been developed and this model takes into account composition and physical and chemical properties of mixed fuels. Operational processes of 4ЧН 11/12.5 have been analyzed and this analysis makes it possible to evaluate influence of physical and chemical properties of bio-fuels on combustion process, ecological and economic indices of their operation. Разработана модель рабочего процесса дизелей, учитывающая состав и физико-химических свойства смесевых топлив. Выполнен анализ рабочего процесса дизелей 4ЧН 11/12,5, позволивший оценить влияние физико-химических свойств биотоплив на протекание процесса сгорания, экологические и экономические показатели их работы.

    Інформаційна технологія моніторингу технічного стану систем посадки літаків у процесі експлуатації

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    The paper deals with developing methods of aircraft landing systems technical state data processing during operation. The created methods are the adaptive methods to the increasing amount of the current information.В статье рассмотрены вопросы построения рациональной и адаптивной к нарастающему объему текущей информации методики сбора и обработки данных о техническом состоянии систем посадки самолетов на этапе эксплуатации.Розглядаються питання побудови раціональної й адаптивної до наростаючого обсягу поточної інформації методики одержання й обробки даних про технічний стан систем посадки літаків на етапі експлуатації


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    A model for diesel operational process has been developed and this model takes into account composition and physical and chemical properties of mixed fuels. Operational processes of 4ЧН 11/12.5 have been analyzed and this analysis makes it possible to evaluate influence of physical and chemical properties of bio-fuels on combustion process, ecological and economic indices of their operation