581 research outputs found

    Connotative Meaning of L.A. Bold Cigarette Advertisement My Kind of Bold Version

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    This study concerns on the connotative meaning in L.A. Bold cigarette TV version advertisement. The objectives of the research are to find out connotative meaning and to describe how connotative meaning denoted in the advertisement. Regarding to this, the writers applied theory of Connotative of a Denotative Sign from Roland Barthes consisting of E, an expression (or signifier), in relation (R) to C, a content (or signified): E R C. The data and data source of this study are the text and pictures that appear in the whole advertisement. As the result, it concludes that each sign has a sign system creates connotative meaning. It is found 16 connotative meanings from 7 data, they are Good Carrier, Enjoyment and Challenge, High class, Masculine and Classic, Playboy and Glamour, Metropolitan, Modern, Masculine, Sporty, Brave, Risk Taker, and not be afraid to smoke cigarette

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pencacah Daun dan Ranting Gambir

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    Tanaman Gambir merupakan tanaman perdu yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Ekstrak (getah) daun dan ranting gambir mengandung asam katechu tannat (tanin), katechin, pyrocatechol, florisin dan lilin fixed oil. Sumatera Barat merupakan penghasil gambir terbesar di Indonesia namun bila dilihat dari produktivitas per hektar masih rendah yaitu berkisar antara 300 sampai 400 kg gambir kering per hektar per tahun. Hal ini disebabkan pengolahan gambir yang masih tradisional. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan diatas adalah dengan dibuatnya alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir. Alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah masyarakat dalam proses pengempaan karena daun dan ranting gambir sudah dicacah terlebih dahulu. Kapasitas alat pencacah ini adalah 53,83 kg/jam dan laju pengumpanan 63,6 kg/jam. Untuk analisa ekonomi teknik didapat total biaya tetap Rp.1.911.052/tahun, total biaya tidak tetap Rp. 91.088,8 / jam, biaya sewa alat Rp. 1.706,9 /jam dan BEP untuk pengoperasionalan alat 2.365,45 Kg/jam. Harga jual alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir adalah Rp. 7.463.000 dengan laba 30

    Konsep Dir Anggota Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam Fisip Universitas Riau

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    Student neture lover, for the member is only as a community, but it has been became a life for the member. Is their opinions, student neture lover is the second home. Almost everty night, thet gather is the homestay to do activities, such as singing, culding, it is like the campus is never silent. They are look like a mess and careless with their performance, that convince their characteristic as the member of student neture love. This study aims to knowing the underlying motive behind self, concept of member and self aspects are formed on student neture lover.This study is using phenomenology approaching and data collection is using purposive sampling ammount to five, with data collections technique is in depth interview participant, oberservation participant, and documentation. Meanwhile, for validity correction terchinique, the resercher is using extension opt-in techinique and the then the reseracher is processing the data for reducted and presented until produce generai conlusion.The result of this study indicate that the underlying motive behind the student become student neture lover because there is hobby, enveronmental of domicile and nateru activities. The factors that affect self-concept of student nature lover, because there is education factor, teach the each member to become discipline persone, form the characteristic, caring the neture, the other can giving information about student neture lover that thery get form student camp, member and senior Fisip (Faculty of Social and Political Science) and aapects of self, concept are formed on student neture lover, they are psychic, comfortable as a member, and social aspects because there is caring for the others affeected by disaster

    Regenerative-Relational Tritangtu: Sundanese Triadic Transformation Model

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    Â Tritangtu atau pola pikir tritunggal merupakan kosmologi masyarakat Sunda dan Minang yang terdiri dari tiga entitas (pola tiga). Tritangtu sebagai kearifan lokal juga melatarbelakangi struktur mental pelaku kreatif dalam membuat karya baik berupa pertunjukan, nilai filosofi artefak mau- pun produk budaya lainnya di masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi partisipasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Obyek penelitian ini adalah praktik pelaku kreatif di bidang desain di Bandung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya transformasi tritangtu Sunda dari struktur yang tetap menjadi struktur dinamis. Perubahan struktur ini ditentukan oleh relasi antar struktur pembentuk unsur desain de- ngan segmentasi pasar global. Peminjaman penanda identitas Sunda khususnya budaya rakyat atau tradisi masa lalu merupakan upaya regeneratif dalam usahanya untuk harmonisasi pola tiga dalam menghadapi dan memenangkan persaingan pasar bebas di Indonesia.

    Degradasi Lapisan Aluminida Pada Paduan Intermetalik 2-Ti3Al / -TiAl Akibat Oksidasi Siklik

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    Two-phase inter-metallic alloy 2-Ti3Al/-TiAl is developed to operated at high temperature in oxidative environment. However its oxidation rate can not be tolerated due to formation of TiO2 which is not protective. If the alloy is used in gas turbine that often have thermal cycle, it will cause cracking and flaking oxide crust. Coating is correct solution to improve properties of this alloy so that it can be used at high temperature. By enriching the material surface with significant amount of Al element there will be a formation of Al2O3 protective oxide. The method applied to get formation of Al2O3 is the pack cementation. This study discusses of characteristic coating and oxide crust formation at two-phase inter-metallic alloy of 2-Ti3Al/-TiAl from pack aluminizing proces

    Karakterisasi Enzim Polifenol Oksidase Biji Kakao (Theobroma Cacao Linn.)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui karakteristik enzim polifenol oksidase dan (2) menen- tukan kondisi (suhu, pH dan waktu inkubasi) optimum aktivitas enzim polifenol oksidase, yang diisolasi dari biji kakao kering. Hasil penelitian berupa kondisi (suhu, pH dan waktu inkubasi) optimum aktivitas enzim polifenol oksidase akan diaplikasikan untuk perbaikan mutu biji kakao kering melalui teknik rehidrasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui tahapan: (1) isolasi enzim polifenol oksidase dari 10 sampel biji kakao kering di Provinsi Bali, (2) karakterisasi enzim polifenol oksidase (aktivitas, kinetika enzim, BM) dan (3) penentuan kondisi suhu, pH dan waktu inkubasi optimum. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa: (1) aktivitas enzim polifenol oksidase rata-rata 157,49 ± 58,03 U/gram (bk) biji kakao dengan aktivitas maksimum 258,22 U/gram (bk) biji kakao dan minimum 59,01 U/gram (bk) biji kakao; maks sebesar 595,24 U/gram (bk) biji kakao dan K sebesar 0,20 M; hasil SDS-PAGE enzim menunjukkan pita-pita protein yang terbentuk pada BM 11,75; 17,80; 27,80; 36,03 dan 131,52 kDa; dan (2) kondisi optimum aktivitas enzimadalah suhu 53,43oC; pH 5,42 dan waktu inkubasi 80,91 menit

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Motivasi Dalam Meningkatkan Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership style and organizational culture on the motivation in improving organizational citizenship behavior in PT. BPD Bali Renon Branch. The population used in this study were all employees at PT. BPD Bali Branch Renon totaling 88 employees using census sampling techniques. The analysis technique used is the technique of path analysis. The analysis showed that transformational leadership and significant positive effect on the motivation of the beta coefficient 0,349. Organizational culture positive and significant impact on the motivation of the beta coefficient 0.352. Motivation positive and significant impact on organizational citizenship behavior with beta coefficient 0.393. Transformational leadership and significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior with beta coefficient 0.231. Organizational culture positive and significant impact on organizational citizenship behavior with a beta coefficient of 0.275

    Peran Emotional Response Konsumen dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Store Environment terhadap Impulse Buying (Survei Pembeli di Carrefour Kota Denpasar)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of emotional response in the consumer environment to mediate the effect of store impulse buying is done at the buyer at Carrefour Denpasar. This study uses qualitative research is by using observation and questionnaires to 140 buyers in Carrefour Denpasar. The data analysis technique used is structural equation modeling (SEM). Obtained findings that the store environment variable positive and significant impact on impulse buying and store environment variable positive and significant effect on positive emotions. Furthermore, it was found that the emotional response variables and significant positive effect on impulse buying. Finally, the emotional response in mediating store significant effect on the environment of impulse buying

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja dan Perceived Organizational Support (Pos) terhadap Retensi Karyawan

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