42 research outputs found

    Spring-Block Model Reveals Region-Like Structures

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    A mechanical spring-block model is used for realizing an objective space partition of settlements from a geographic territory in region-like structures. The method is based on the relaxation-dynamics of the spring-block system and reveals in a hierarchical manner region-like entities at different spatial scales. It takes into account in an elegant manner both the spatiality of the elements and the connectivity relations among them. Spatiality is taken into account by using the geographic coordinates of the settlements, and by detecting the neighbors with the help of a Delaunay triangulation. Connectivity between neighboring settlements are quantified using a Pearson-like correlation for the relative variation of a relevant socio-economic parameter (population size, GDP, tax payed per inhabitant, etc.). The method is implemented in an interactive JAVA application and it is applied with success for an artificially generated society and for the case of USA, Hungary and Transylvania

    A systematic review of tests of empathy in medicine

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    Abstract Background Empathy is frequently cited as an important attribute in physicians and some groups have expressed a desire to measure empathy either at selection for medical school or during medical (or postgraduate) training. In order to do this, a reliable and valid test of empathy is required. The purpose of this systematic review is to determine the reliability and validity of existing tests for the assessment of medical empathy. Methods A systematic review of research papers relating to the reliability and validity of tests of empathy in medical students and doctors. Journal databases (Medline, EMBASE, and PsycINFO) were searched for English-language articles relating to the assessment of empathy and related constructs in applicants to medical school, medical students, and doctors. Results From 1147 citations, we identified 50 relevant papers describing 36 different instruments of empathy measurement. As some papers assessed more than one instrument, there were 59 instrument assessments. 20 of these involved only medical students, 30 involved only practising clinicians, and three involved only medical school applicants. Four assessments involved both medical students and practising clinicians, and two studies involved both medical school applicants and students. Eight instruments demonstrated evidence of reliability, internal consistency, and validity. Of these, six were self-rated measures, one was a patient-rated measure, and one was an observer-rated measure. Conclusion A number of empathy measures available have been psychometrically assessed for research use among medical students and practising medical doctors. No empathy measures were found with sufficient evidence of predictive validity for use as selection measures for medical school. However, measures with a sufficient evidential base to support their use as tools for investigating the role of empathy in medical training and clinical care are available.</p

    Identification of a Carboxyl group at the Active Site of Barley MaIt Phosphatase

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    The dependence of the maximal velocity, Vm with pH for barley malt phosphatase has been studied from pH 4.0 to 5.4. The data show that an ionizable group in the enzyme-substrate complex with a pK2 of 4-4.6 is important for enzymic activity. These results suggest strongly the involvement of a carboxyl group of a glutamic or aspartic acid residue at the active site of this enzyme

    Factors influencing physical activity and rehabilitation in survivors of critical illness: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies

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    PURPOSE: To identify, evaluate and synthesise studies examining the barriers and enablers for survivors of critical illness to participate in physical activity in the ICU and post-ICU settings from the perspective of patients, caregivers and healthcare providers. METHODS: Systematic review of articles using five electronic databases: MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Scopus. Quantitative and qualitative studies that were published in English in a peer-reviewed journal and assessed barriers or enablers for survivors of critical illness to perform physical activity were included. Prospero ID: CRD42016035454. RESULTS: Eighty-nine papers were included. Five major themes and 28 sub-themes were identified, encompassing: (1) patient physical and psychological capability to perform physical activity, including delirium, sedation, illness severity, comorbidities, weakness, anxiety, confidence and motivation; (2) safety influences, including physiological stability and concern for lines, e.g. risk of dislodgement; (3) culture and team influences, including leadership, interprofessional communication, administrative buy-in, clinician expertise and knowledge; (4) motivation and beliefs regarding the benefits/risks; and (5) environmental influences, including funding, access to rehabilitation programs, staffing and equipment. CONCLUSIONS: The main barriers identified were patient physical and psychological capability to perform physical activity, safety concerns, lack of leadership and ICU culture of mobility, lack of interprofessional communication, expertise and knowledge, and lack of staffing/equipment and funding to provide rehabilitation programs. Barriers and enablers are multidimensional and span diverse factors. The majority of these barriers are modifiable and can be targeted in future clinical practice

    Comfort and patient-centred care without excessive sedation:the eCASH concept

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    We propose an integrated and adaptable approach to improve patient care and clinical outcomes through analgesia and light sedation, initiated early during an episode of critical illness and as a priority of care. This strategy, which may be regarded as an evolution of the Pain, Agitation and Delirium guidelines, is conveyed in the mnemonic eCASH—early Comfort using Analgesia, minimal Sedatives and maximal Humane care. eCASH aims to establish optimal patient comfort with minimal sedation as the default presumption for intensive care unit (ICU) patients in the absence of recognised medical requirements for deeper sedation. Effective pain relief is the first priority for implementation of eCASH: we advocate flexible multimodal analgesia designed to minimise use of opioids. Sedation is secondary to pain relief and where possible should be based on agents that can be titrated to a prespecified target level that is subject to regular review and adjustment; routine use of benzodiazepines should be minimised. From the outset, the objective of sedation strategy is to eliminate the use of sedatives at the earliest medically justifiable opportunity. Effective analgesia and minimal sedation contribute to the larger aims of eCASH by facilitating promotion of sleep, early mobilization strategies and improved communication of patients with staff and relatives, all of which may be expected to assist rehabilitation and avoid isolation, confusion and possible long-term psychological complications of an ICU stay. eCASH represents a new paradigm for patient-centred care in the ICU. Some organizational challenges to the implementation of eCASH are identified.SCOPUS: re.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Knee Fix or Replace Trial (KFORT): a randomized controlled feasibility study

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of conducting a full-scale, appropriately powered, randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing internal fracture fixation and distal femoral replacement (DFR) for distal femoral fractures in older patients. Patients and Methods: Seven centres recruited patients into the study. Patients were eligible if they were greater than 65 years of age with a distal femoral fracture, and if the surgeon felt that they were suitable for either form of treatment. Outcome measures included the patients’ willingness to participate, clinicians’ willingness to recruit, rates of loss to follow-up, the ability to capture data, estimates of standard deviation to inform the sample size calculation, and the main determinants of cost. The primary clinical outcome measure was the EuroQol five-dimensional index (EQ-5D) at six months following injury. Results: Of 36 patients who met the inclusion criteria, five declined to participate and eight were not recruited, leaving 23 patients to be randomized. One patient withdrew before surgery. Of the remaining patients, five (23%) withdrew during the follow-up period and six (26%) died. A 100% response rate was achieved for the EQ-5D at each follow-up point, excluding one missing datapoint at baseline. In the DFR group, the mean cost of the implant outweighed the mean cost of many other items, including theatre time, length of stay, and readmissions. For a powered RCT, a total sample size of 1400 would be required with 234 centres recruiting over three years. At six months, the EQ-5D utility index was lower in the DFR group. Conclusion: This study found that running a full-scale trial in this country would not be feasible. However, it may be feasible to undertake an international multicentre trial, and our findings provide some guidance about the power of such a study, the numbers required, and some challenges that should be anticipated and addressed.</br

    University admission based on tests and interviews : Implementation and assessment

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    Admission to higher education has far-reaching implications and an impact not only on individuals, but also on society. In most developed countries, admission to university studies remains a key issue in higher education: the admissions system determines who will have access to higher education and raises the issue of equal opportunity, in terms of e.g. age, gender, and social class. Traditionally, admission to university studies in Sweden has been centralised, but in recent decades, universities have been permitted to reserve a specified number of undergraduate places for individual admission of selected students. Such a system was introduced to the dental course at the Dental School, Karolinska Institutet, in 1993. The main objective is to seek out, from a pool of applicants with good academic standards, highly motivated students with the potential to become good dentists. The overall aim of the thesis was to assess the relationship between individual student selection adopted at the Dental School and subsequent student achievement, including professional competence. It also presents an overall impression of the selection procedures, as perceived by successful applicants and by members of the selection committee. The specific aims of the thesis were to assess the outcome of an individualised admissions system for dental undergraduates in terms of. student drop-out rates, academic performance during the preclinical years and professional competence of dental students in their final undergraduate year. Students admitted through traditional modes served as a control group. The results are based on data from the first three rounds of admission using the system. During the first years of the undergraduate course, the results of three major integrated examinations, designed to disclose both comprehension and academic ability were analysed to give an early indication of students' potential to become 'good dentists'. The individually selected students achieved better results than those accepted through traditional modes. After three intakes, there have been few or no dropouts among the individually selected students. With respect to professional competence, faculty members who were clinical supervisors in the comprehensive care clinic and knew the students well assessed all the final-year students from the same three rounds of admission. The assessors were uninformed of the means by which the students had originally been admitted to the undergraduate course. Assessment by means of a specially designed protocol comprised seven different criteria and one overall - global - rating. Students originally admitted by individual selection seem to be more professionally competent than students admitted by traditional means. With respect to the relationship between student selection procedures and academic achievement, both interviewed students and the admissions committee are of the same opinion: that the individualised admissions procedure has a positive influence on students' academic achievement and professional competence. The students feel specially selected for their potential to become good dentists and the committee members agree that this awareness lead the students to aspire to higher achievements. It is concluded that motivation and commitment are important determinants of student achievement and that these criteria are more readily disclosed through tests and interview than through traditional modes such as matriculation grades and aptitude tests