22,142 research outputs found

    Poles of regular quaternionic functions

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    This paper studies the singularities of Cullen-regular functions of one quaternionic variable. The quaternionic Laurent series prove to be Cullen-regular. The singularities of Cullen-regular functions are thus classified as removable, essential or poles. The quaternionic analogues of meromorphic complex functions, called semiregular functions, turn out to be quotients of Cullen-regular functions with respect to an appropriate division operation. This allows a detailed study of the poles and their distribution.Comment: 14 page

    String Organization of Field Theories: Duality and Gauge Invariance

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    String theories should reduce to ordinary four-dimensional field theories at low energies. Yet the formulation of the two are so different that such a connection, if it exists, is not immediately obvious. With the Schwinger proper-time representation, and the spinor helicity technique, it has been shown that field theories can indeed be written in a string-like manner, thus resulting in simplifications in practical calculations, and providing novel insights into gauge and gravitational theories. This paper continues the study of string organization of field theories by focusing on the question of local duality. It is shown that a single expression for the sum of many diagrams can indeed be written for QED, thereby simulating the duality property in strings. The relation between a single diagram and the dual sum is somewhat analogous to the relation between a old- fashioned perturbation diagram and a Feynman diagram. Dual expressions are particularly significant for gauge theories because they are gauge invariant while expressions for single diagrams are not.Comment: 20 pages in Latex, including seven figures in postscrip

    Gradient Echo Quantum Memory for Light using Two-level Atoms

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    We propose a quantum memory for light that is analogous to the NMR gradient echo. Our proposal is ideally perfectly efficient and provides simplifications to current 3-level quantum memory schemes based on controlled inhomogeneous broadening. Our scheme does not require auxiliary light fields. Instead the input optical pulse interacts only with two-level atoms that have linearly increasing Stark shifts. By simply reversing the sign of the atomic Stark shifts, the pulse is retrieved in the forward direction. We present analytical, numerical and experimental results of this scheme. We report experimental efficiencies of up to 15% and suggest simple realizable improvements to significantly increase the efficiency.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring the one-particle excitations of ultracold fermionic atoms by stimulated Raman spectroscopy

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    We propose a Raman spectroscopy technique which is able to probe the one-particle Green's function, the Fermi surface, and the quasiparticles of a gas of strongly interacting ultracold atoms. We give quantitative examples of experimentally accessible spectra. The efficiency of the method is validated by means of simulated images for the case of a usual Fermi liquid as well as for more exotic states: specific signatures of e.g. a d-wave pseudo-gap are clearly visible.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures accepted for publication at Phys. Rev. Letter

    Time- and frequency-domain polariton interference

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    We present experimental observations of interference between an atomic spin coherence and an optical field in a {\Lambda}-type gradient echo memory. The interference is mediated by a strong classical field that couples a weak probe field to the atomic coherence through a resonant Raman transition. Interference can be observed between a prepared spin coherence and another propagating optical field, or between multiple {\Lambda} transitions driving a single spin coherence. In principle, the interference in each scheme can yield a near unity visibility.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Extremely Small Sizes for Faint z~2-8 Galaxies in the Hubble Frontier Fields: A Key Input For Establishing their Volume Density and UV Emissivity

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    We provide the first observational constraints on the sizes of the faintest galaxies lensed by the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) clusters. Ionizing radiation from faint galaxies likely drives cosmic reionization, and the HFF initiative provides a key opportunity to find such galaxies. Yet, we cannot really assess their ionizing emissivity without a robust measurement of their sizes, since this is key to quantifying both their prevalence and the faint-end slope to the UV luminosity function. Here we provide the first such size constraints with 2 new techniques. The first utilizes the fact that the detectability of highly-magnified galaxies as a function of shear is very dependent on a galaxy's size. Only the most compact galaxies will remain detectable in regions of high shear (vs. a larger detectable size range for low shear), a phenomenon we carefully quantify using simulations. Remarkably, however, no correlation is found between the surface density of faint galaxies and the predicted shear, using 87 faint high-magnification mu>10 z~2-8 galaxies seen behind the first 4 HFF clusters. This can only be the case if such faint (~-15 mag) galaxies have significantly smaller sizes than luminous galaxies. We constrain their half-light radii to be <~30 mas (<160-240 pc). As a 2nd size probe, we rotate and stack 26 faint high-magnification sources along the major shear axis. Less elongation is found than even for objects with an intrinsic half-light radius of 10 mas. Together these results indicate that extremely faint z~2-8 galaxies have near point-source profiles in the HFF dataset (half-light radii conservatively <30 mas and likely 5-10 mas). These results suggest smaller completeness corrections and hence much lower volume densities for faint z~2-8 galaxies and shallower faint-end slopes than have been derived in many recent studies (by factors of ~2-3 and by dalpha>~0.1-0.3).Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Generalized Background-Field Method

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    The graphical method discussed previously can be used to create new gauges not reachable by the path-integral formalism. By this means a new gauge is designed for more efficient two-loop QCD calculations. It is related to but simpler than the ordinary background-field gauge, in that even the triple-gluon vertices for internal lines contain only four terms, not the usual six. This reduction simplifies the calculation inspite of the necessity to include other vertices for compensation. Like the ordinary background-field gauge, this generalized background-field gauge also preserves gauge invariance of the external particles. As a check of the result and an illustration for the reduction in labour, an explicit calculation of the two-loop QCD β\beta-function is carried out in this new gauge. It results in a saving of 45% of computation compared to the ordinary background-field gauge.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, 18 figures in Postscrip

    Slavnov-Taylor Parameterization for the Quantum Restoration of BRST Symmetries in Anomaly-Free Gauge Theories

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    It is shown that the problem of the recursive restoration of the Slavnov-Taylor (ST) identities at the quantum level for anomaly-free gauge theories is equivalent to the problem of parameterizing the local approximation to the quantum effective action in terms of ST functionals, associated with the cohomology classes of the classical linearized ST operator. The ST functionals of dimension <=4 correspond to the invariant counterterms, those of dimension >4 generate the non-symmetric counterterms upon projection on the action-like sector. At orders higher than one in the loop expansion there are additional contributions to the non-invariant counterterms, arising from known lower order terms. They can also be parameterized by using the ST functionals. We apply the method to Yang-Mills theory in the Landau gauge with an explicit mass term introduced in a BRST-invariant way via a BRST doublet. Despite being non-unitary, this model provides a good example where the method devised in the paper can be applied to derive the most general solution for the action-like part of the quantum effective action, compatible with the fulfillment of the ST identities and the other relevant symmetries of the model, to all orders in the loop expansion. The full dependence of the solution on the normalization conditions is given.Comment: 23 pages. Final version published in the journa
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