54 research outputs found

    Low retinal noise in animals with low body temperature allows high visual sensitivity

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    The weakest pulse of light a human can detect sends about 100 photons through the pupil and produces 10−20 rhodopsin isomerizations in a small retinal area1,2. It has been postulated3 that we cannot see single photons because of a retinal noise arising from randomly occurring thermal isomerizations. Direct recordings have since demonstrated the existence of electrical 'dark' rod events indistinguishable from photoisomerization signals4−6. Their mean rate of occurrence is roughly consistent with the 'dark light' in psychophysical threshold experiments, and their thermal parameters justify an identification with thermal isomerizations5. In the retina of amphibians, a small proportion of sensitive ganglion cells have a performance-limiting noise that is low enough to be well accounted for by these events7−10. Here we study the performance of dark-adapted toads and frogs and show that the performance limit of visually guided behaviour is also set by thermal isomerizations. As visual sensitivity limited by thermal events should rise when the temperature falls, poikilothermous vertebrates living at low temperatures should then reach light sensitivities unattainable by mammals and birds with optical factors equal. Comparison of different species at different temperatures shows a correlation between absolute threshold intensities and estimated thermal isomerization rates in the retina

    Is neural filling-in necessary to explain the perceptual completion of motion and depth information?

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    Retinal activity is the first stage of visual perception. Retinal sampling is non-uniform and not continuous, yet visual experience is not characterized by holes and discontinuities in the world. How does the brain achieve this perceptual completion? Fifty years ago, it was suggested that visual perception involves a two-stage process of (i) edge detection followed by (ii) neural filling-in of surface properties. We examine whether this general hypothesis can account for the specific example of perceptual completion of a small target surrounded by dynamic dots (an 'artificial scotoma'), a phenomenon argued to provide insight into the mechanisms responsible for perception. We degrade the target's borders using first blur and then depth continuity, and find that border degradation does not influence time to target disappearance. This indicates that important information for the continuity of target perception is conveyed at a coarse spatial scale. We suggest that target disappearance could result from adaptation that is not specific to borders, and question the need to hypothesize an active filling-in process to explain this phenomenon

    Menschliche Sinnesorgane

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