219 research outputs found

    Nebevî Eğitimin Semeresi Olarak Mus‘ab b. Umeyr: Hayatı ve Hz. Peygamber Tarafından Eğitilmesi

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    Mus‘ab b. Umayr is one of the model teachers and an exemplary conveyer who grew up in the Prophet’s school. The prophet (PBUH) discovered his original personality, his ability for education, and sent him to Medina as a teacher. He has fulfilled this duty properly. Undoubtedly, guidance and trust of Prophet had a significant effect on his success. Mus‘ab who had the opportunity to develop his scientific knowledge in Ashab-i Suffe has the honor of carrying the prophet’s flag in great wars like Bedir and UHûd. He has shielded himself for the Prophet and has reached the rank of martyrdom. It can be said that he was the first person to come to mind about teaching and flag-bearing in the history of Islam. In this study, it will be tried to determine the “principles applied by the Prophet on human education” in the axis of Mus‘ab b. Umayr’s life and education by the Prophet. In the study which is a qualitative research, document analysis method will be applied. In order to reach healthy, consistent, reliable results from the sources, the data obtained by this preferred method will be sorted and evaluated.Mus‘ab b. Umeyr, Hz. Peygamber’in risalet mektebinde yetişen, model öğretmen ve örnek tebliğcilerden biridir. Hz. Peygamber, onun özgün kişiliğini, eğitim konusundaki istidadını keşfetmiş ve onu öğretmen olarak Medine’ye göndermiştir. O, kendisine verilen bu görevi lâyıkıyla yerine getirmiştir. Onun bu başarısında şüphesiz, Hz. Peygamber’in ona duyduğu güvenin, onu yönlendirmesinin, ona yetki ve destek vermesinin önemli ölçüde tesiri olmuştur. Ashab-ı Suffe’nin içerisinde ilmî birikimini uygulama ve geliştirme imkânı da bulan Mus‘ab; Bedir ve UHûd gibi büyük gazvelerde Hz. Peygamber’in sancağını taşıma şerefine nail olmuş, UHûd Gazvesi’nde kendisini Hz. Peygamber’e kalkan etmiş ve şehitlik mertebesine erişmiştir. Bu yönleriyle onun, İslâm tarihinde öğretmenlik - tebliğcilik ve sancaktarlık konularında ilk akla gelen kişi olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada Mus‘ab b. Umeyr’in hayatı ve Hz. Peygamber tarafından eğitimi ekseninde, “İnsan yetiştirme konusunda Hz. Peygamber’in uyguladığı Nebevî ilkelerin” tespiti yapılmaya çalışılacaktır

    Term gebelikte spontan over hiperstimülasyon sendromu

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    Gebelik döneminde spontan OHSS son derece nadirdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, term gebelikte spontan over hiperstimülasyon sendromunu sunmaktır. 29 yaşındaki primigravid kadının 35 haftaya kadar olan gebeliği gözlendi. Bu zaman süresince hastanın normal overlere sahip normal bir gebeliği vardı. Hasta kliniğe 37 haftalık iken hızlı kilo alma, abdominal sıkıntısı ve ağrı ile başvurdu. Ultrason inceleme çoklu foliküllü ve hafif assit içeren büyük multifoliküler overleri gösterdi. Gebeliğin 39. haftasında, overler daha önce tespit edilen ile aynıydı ve fötal makrozomi nedeniyle sezaryen uygulandı. 4060 gr ağırlığında sağlıklı bir kız bebeğin doğumu gerçekleştirildi. Multifoliküler içeren genişlemiş bilateral overler elektrokoter ile delindi. Doğumdan 2 hafta sonra overler normal haline geri döndü. Literatürde geç gebelikte meydana gelen spontan OHSS ile ilgili hiç vaka bildirilmedi. Sezaryen sırasında over delimi ileride yararlı olabilir.Spontaneous OHSS in a term pregnancy is extremely rare. The aim of this study is to present a case of spontaneous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in a term pregnancy. A 29-year-old primigravida woman conceived spontaneously and was observed up until 35 weeks of gestation. During this time the patient had a normal pregnancy with normal ovaries. She applied to the current clinic during the 37th week of gestation with complaints of rapid weight gain, abdominal disturbance, and pain. Ultrasound examination showed large bilateral ovaries with multiple follicles and mild ascites. At 39 weeks of gestation, the ovaries were the same as detected previously, and a caesarean section was performed due to fetal macrosomia. A healthy female foetus weighing 4060 gr was delivered. The enlarged bilateral ovaries containing multiple follicles were drilled with electrocautery. The ovaries returned to a near normal state for two weeks after the birth. There are no reported cases of spontaneous OHSS in late pregnancy in the literature. Ovarian drilling may be useful during caesarean section

    Cytotoxic activity and docking studies of 2-arenoxybenzaldehyde N-acyl hydrazone and 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives against various cancer cell lines

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    To understand whether previously synthesized novel hydrazone and oxadiazole derivatives have promising anticancer effects, docking studies and in vitro toxicity assays were performed on A-549, MDA-MB-231, and PC-3 cell lines. The antiproliferative properties of the compounds were investigated using molecular docking experiments. Each compound's best-docked poses, binding affinity, and receptor-ligand interaction were evaluated. Compounds' molecular weights, logPs, TPSAs, abilities to pass the blood-brain barrier, GI absorption qualities, and CYPP450 inhibition have been given. When the activities of these molecules were examined in vitro, for the A-549 cell line, hydrazone 1e had the minimum IC50 value of 13.39 mu M. For the MDA-MB-231 cell line, oxadiazole 2l demonstrated the lowest IC50 value, with 22.73 mu M. For PC-3, hydrazone 1d showed the lowest C50 value of 9.38 mu M. The three most promising compounds were determined as compounds 1e, 1d, and 2a based on their minimum IC50 values, and an additional scratch assay was performed for A-549 and MDA-MB-231 cells, which have high migration capacity, for the three most potent molecules; it was determined that these molecules did not show a significant antimetastatic effect


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    The basement of the study area formed by Crateceous aged gabbros. Over the basement, the rock units span to Cenozoic to Quaternary. The volcanic activity in the region started at Miocene and ended at the end of Quaternary. In this process, the Melendizdağı at first and the Hasandağı volcanites at later were formed. The alluviums and rock talus are the youngest units in the region and were derived from pebbles and sand of volcanic and magmatic origin. The quaternary deposits with high permeability make the aquifer formations of the study area. In tthe investigated area, the aquifers with free pressure made up of tuffs, pebbles, sands and silts around Gölcük (Misli) and through the northwest (Kiledere and its surrounds) the aquifers become pressured as the alluvium interrupted by clay strata. Because of faulting in the Gölcük, Kiledere and Suvermez line, the thickness of the sediments increased at the middle and north of the basin. The underground water map indicates that the water flow from E-SE to W-NW. Since the anions and cation lines of the water are almost parallel to each other in the diagrams the waters are of similar origin. The waters classified as CaCO3 and MgCO3 waters exceeding 50 % carbonate contents. The hardness (stiffing) of the waters are between 18-36 0Fs, while the pH is between7 to 8. Since the EC values are between 456 and 1530 mS/cm, and according to the Standards Institute of Turkey (TSE 266, 1997) and World Health Organization (WHO, 1999) the water is drinkable. For drinkable standards the water in the region is classified as 1st and 2nd quality water while the water according to the Schoeller diagrams can be classified as ‘very good-good and good usage’ for irrigation purposes. The water named as ‘C2S1 and C3S1’ according to the USA Salinity Laboratory. The water is described as carbonate precipitates and the sulphate dissolving water in accordance with saturation indices. The isotopic investigations reveal that the waters are of similar with each other and similar with meteoric origin. The tritium analyses show that the water in the region is feed from higher topography and the underground water percolating at depth.İnceleme alanı içerisinde temeli, Kretase yaşlı gabrolar oluşturmaktadır. Bunun üzerine gelen birimler Senozoyik boyunca Kuvaterner’e kadar devam etmektedir. Volkanik kayaçlardan oluşan bölgede, volkanizma Miyosen’de başlayarak Kuvaterner sonlarına kadar etkinliğini sürdürmüştür. Bu süreçte bölgede önce Melendizdağı ve sonra Hasandağı malzemeleri oluşmuştur. Kuvaterner yaşlı alüvyon ve yamaç dolguları, volkanik ve magmatik kökenli çakıl ve kumlardan oluşan en genç birimlerdir. Yüksek geçirgenliğe sahip Kuvaterner çökelleri ve bazalt lavları akifer birimleri oluşturmaktadır. İnceleme alanında Gölcük (Misli) ve çevresi tüf, çakıl, kum ve siltten oluşan serbest akifer özelliğinde iken, kuzeybatıya gidildikçe (Kiledere ve çevresi) alüvyon, farklı düzeylerinde kiltaşı içermesinden ötürü basınçlı akifer özelliği göstermektedir. Gölcük, Kiledere ve Suvermez hattı boyunca oluşan faylanma nedeni ile sediment kalınlığı orta ve kuzey kesimlerde artmaktadır. Akiferin yeraltısu tablası haritasına göre yeraltı suyu akımı doğu-güneydoğudan batı-kuzeybatıya doğrudur. Bölgedeki suların anyon ve katyonları birleştiren doğruların yaklaşık paralel olması suların kökenlerinin aynı olduğunu göstermektedir. Sular, karbonat sertliği %50’den fazla olan ve CaCO3 ve MgCO3’lı sular sınıfındadır. Suların sertlikleri 18-36 0Fs, arasındadır. pH değerleri 7 ile 8 arasında, değişmektedir. EC değerleri ise 456-1.530 µS/cm arasında olup, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü (TSE 266, 1997) ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO,1999) içme suyu standartlarına göre incelenen sular içilebilecek sular sınıfındadır. İnceleme alanındaki sular, Schoeller’in içilebilirlik diyagramına göre 1. kalite ve 2. kalite sular sınıfındadır. Sulama suyu özelliklerine göre “çok iyi-iyi ve iyi kullanılabilir” özelliktedir. Sular ABD Tuzluluk Laboratuvarı diyagramında C2S1 ve C3S1 sınıfındadır. Doygunluk indislerine göre bölgedeki sular karbonat çökeltebilir, sülfatı ise çözündürebilir özelliktedir. İzotop verilerine göre suların birbirleri ile ilişkili ve meteorik kökenli olduğu belirlenmiştir. Trityum analizlerine göre ise bölgedeki sular yüksek kotlardan beslenen derin dolaşımlı sulardır

    Valproat tedavisi alan çocuklarda serum ghrelin ve nöropeptid Y düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Tartı alımı ve obezite uzun süreli valproik asit tedavisi alan epileptik hastalarda oldukça sık rastlanan ve etyolojisi net olarak bilinmeyen bir yan etkidir. Bu çalışmada valproik asit tedavisi alan çocuklarda meydana gelen tartı alınımı ile serum ghrelin ve nöropeptid Y düzeylerinin ilişkisi araştırılmıştır. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya epilepsi tanısıyla takip edilen, ilk defa çocuk polikliniğimize başvuran ve sadece valproik asit tedavisi alan 25 çocuk hasta (14 erkek, 11 kız; ort. yaş 7.7±3.8; dağılım 4-12) alınmıştır. Hastalar tedavi öncesi ve tedavi başlangıcından bir yıl sonra vücut kitle indeksi, serum ghrelin ve nöropeptid Y düzeyleri bakılarak değerlendirilmeye alınmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışma sonunda olguların %48'inde obezite gelişirken, ortalama vücut kitle indeksi ölçümlerinde artma, serum ghrelin ve nöropeptid Y düzeylerinde ise azalma gözlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışma valproik asit tedavisi gören çocuklarda serum ghrelin ve nöropeptid Y düzeylerinde azalma olduğunu göstermiştir. Valproik asit tedavisi ile ilişkili tartı alımında etkili faktörlerin değerlendirilmesinde daha uzun süreli, daha fazla hastanın katılımında kontrollü çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Objectives: Weight gain and obesity are also among the side effects of long-term valproate treatment, whose etiology remains unclear. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between weight gain, serum neuropeptide Y and ghrelin levels in children taking valproate treatment. Patients and Methods: Our study included 25 epileptic children (14 males, 11 females; mean age 7.7±3.8 years; range 4 to 12 years) who were taking only valproate monotherapy at the outpatient clinics. All study participants were analyzed in terms of body mass index, serum neuropeptide Y and ghrelin levels before treatment and after a follow-up period of one year. Results: At the end of follow-up, the mean body mass index measurements increased, whereas the mean serum neuropeptide Y and ghrelin levels decreased; twelve patients (48%) gained obesity. Conclusion: This study demonstrated low serum ghrelin and neuropeptide Y levels in children receiving valproate treatment. New studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods are needed to evaluate the mechanism of weight gain due to valproate treatment in this population

    A new graph based on the semi-direct product of some monoids

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    In this paper, firstly, we define a new graph based on the semi-direct product of a free abelian monoid of rank n by a finite cyclic monoid, and then discuss some graph properties on this new graph, namely diameter, maximum and minimum degrees, girth, degree sequence and irregularity index, domination number, chromatic number, clique number of (PM). Since graph theoretical studies (including such above graph parameters) consist of some fixed point techniques, they have been applied in fields such as chemistry (in the meaning of atoms, molecules, energy etc.) and engineering (in the meaning of signal processing etc.), game theory and physics

    Comparison of Posterior and Antero-Lateral Renal Tumors in Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis

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    This study aimed to compare the antero-lateral and posterior localized renal masses in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with the retroperitoneal approach in terms of operative, functional, and oncological outcomes. Patients who underwent retroperitoneal laparoscopic partial nephrectomy by a single surgeon between January 2013 and January 2021 were included in the study. A one-to-one propensity score matching (PSM) analysis was conducted to obtain two balanced groups. The patients were divided into two groups as posterior and antero-lateral according to the localization of the mass. A total of 239 patients were included in the PSM analysis, with 65 patients allocated to each group. The mean operative time was 79.2 ± 11.2 min in the posterior group, while it was 90.0 ± 11.6 min in the antero-lateral group (P < 0.001). Warm ischemia time was 15.9 ± 2.4 min in the posterior group and 18.6 ± 2.7 min in the antero-lateral group (P < 0.001). The median decrease in eGFR at 1 year was 4.8 (IQR, 2.9–6.9) mL/min in the posterior group and 5.0 (IQR, 2.8–11) mL/min in the antero-lateral group (P = 0.219). The warm ischemia time and clamping technique were found to be significant factors for predicting eGFR change after surgery (β:0.693, 95% CI: 0.39–0.99, P < 0.001; β:6.43, 95% CI: 1.1–11.7, P = 0.017, respectively). We report that retroperitoneal laparoscopic partial nephrectomy provided longer warm -ischemia and operative time for antero-lateral renal masses than posterior masses. However, long-term oncological and functional results were similar for both localizations

    Investigation of Serum Folate-Receptor-1 in Patients with Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Objective: Histopathological overexpression of folate receptor-1(FOLR1) involved in folate transport in cell growth has been reported in various cancers. Increased serum FOLR1 (sFOLR1) has also been reported in epithelial ovarian cancer. The aim was to investigate sFOLR1 levels in non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) patients and the response prediction of the standard chemotherapy targeting folic acid metabolism. Methods: In this prospective study, sFOLR1 levels were investigated in 30 healthy individuals and 60 patients with stage4 malign metastatic NSCLC before and after standard chemotherapy. The commercial immunoassay(ELISA) kit was used for the analysis of sFOLR1. Serum carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), vitamin B12, and folate levels were also investigated. Results: In NSCLC patients sFOLR1 levels were significantly higher(p<0.001) than the healthy individuals. After 3 months of standard treatment, sFOLR1 was significantly lower than pre-treatment values in NSCLC patients(p<0.001). Diagnostic accuracy was strong in the differentiation of NSCLC patients from healthy individuals(AUC= 0.966). with the cut-off point of 82.45 pg/ml, the sFOLR1 level was performed with 95% sensitivity and 99% specificity. Pretreatment sFOLR1 levels were significantly lower in patients with-response to standard chemotherapy(p<0.01). The best predictive value was determined as 393.80 pg/ml. At the end of the 401 days, a significant difference was found in patients with high sFOLR1 predictive value. The median overall survival(OS) duration was 288 days for all patients (95% GA 198.13-377.87). Median progression-free survival(PFS) was 321 days(95% GA 211.90-430.10). Conclusions: For monitoring standard chemotherapy with drugs targeting folic acid metabolism, sFOLR-1 levels be an biomarker

    nvestigation of Serum Folate-Receptor-1 in Patients with Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Objective: Histopathological overexpression of folate receptor-1(FOLR1) involved in folate transport in cell growth has been reported in various cancers. Increased serum FOLR1 (sFOLR1) has also been reported in epithelial ovarian cancer. The aim was to investigate sFOLR1 levels in non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) patients and the response prediction of the standard chemotherapy targeting folic acid metabolism. Methods: In this prospective study, sFOLR1 levels were investigated in 30 healthy individuals and 60 patients with stage4 malign metastatic NSCLC before and after standard chemotherapy. The commercial immunoassay(ELISA) kit was used for the analysis of sFOLR1. Serum carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), vitamin B12, and folate levels were also investigated. Results: In NSCLC patients sFOLR1 levels were significantly higher(p<0.001) than the healthy individuals. After 3 months of standard treatment, sFOLR1 was significantly lower than pre-treatment values in NSCLC patients(p<0.001). Diagnostic accuracy was strong in the differentiation of NSCLC patients from healthy individuals(AUC= 0.966). with the cut-off point of 82.45 pg/ml, the sFOLR1 level was performed with 95% sensitivity and 99% specificity. Pretreatment sFOLR1 levels were significantly lower in patients with-response to standard chemotherapy(p<0.01). The best predictive value was determined as 393.80 pg/ml. At the end of the 401 days, a significant difference was found in patients with high sFOLR1 predictive value. The median overall survival(OS) duration was 288 days for all patients (95% GA 198.13-377.87). Median progression-free survival(PFS) was 321 days(95% GA 211.90-430.10). Conclusions: For monitoring standard chemotherapy with drugs targeting folic acid metabolism, sFOLR-1 levels may be an important biomar

    Çocukluk çağında nadir görülen bir akciğer kitlesi olgu sunumu: Plöropulmoner blastoma

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    Plöropulmoner blastoma çocukluk çağında oldukça nadir görülen malign tümörlerden biridir. Tüm primer akciğer malignitelerindeki insidansı %0.25- 0.5 arasındadır. Sıklıkla 6 yaş altında görülür ve özellikle akciğer parankimi, mediasten ve plevradan kaynaklanır. Genellikle tek taraflı soliter akciğer kitlesi şeklinde görülür. Bu olgu sunumunda ateş, solunum sıkıntısı, hışıltı, karın ağrısı, kilo kaybı gibi nonspesifik bulgularla başvuran, tek taraflı akciğer kitlesi saptanan ve plöropulmoner blastoma tanısı konulan 3.5 yaşındaki bir erkek olgu sunulmuştur. Sonuç olarak çocukluk çağında tek taraflı solit akciğer kitlesi tespit edilen olgularda nadir görülen plöropulmoner blastoma tanısı da akılda tutulmalıdır.Pleuropulmonary blastoma is a malignant lung tumor affecting children. Pleuropulmonary blastoma is a rare entity having an incidence between 0.25-0.5% of all primary lung malignancies that occurs exclusively in children younger than 6 years. The tumor usually originates from pulmonary parenchyma, mediastin and pleura and especially presents as a solitary pulmonary mass in unilateral lung. In this case report, we present a 3.5-year-old boy who was admitted with fever, dyspnea, wheezing, abdominal pain, weight loss and was diagnosed as pleuropulmonary blastoma. As pleuropulmonary blastoma is rarely seen in childhood, relevant literature on pleuropulmonary blastoma is reviewed