32 research outputs found

    Postmortem Süreçte COVID-19 Enfeksiyon Etkeninin Pozitif Kalma Süresi

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    Objective:Studies show that in patients diagnosed with Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests can give false negative results depending on sampling techniques/regions. In this study; the positivity of virus RNA was studied consecutive lung tru-cut needle biopsy taken at 6-hour intervals in cases who died during treatment due to COVID-19 infection, it was aimed to determine the postmortem safe working range.Methods:In May 2020-April 2021, 21 patients who died during treatment due to COVID-19 infection diagnosed with clinical and/or RNA detection in Muğla Training Research Hospital, Anesthesia Intensive Care Unit were included. Antemortem, postmortem swabs results, and virus RNA detection by PCR made from postmortem lung tissue samples were compared with their clinics. Statistical analysis was performed.Results:Fifteen (71.4%) of 21 cases were male and 6 (28.6%) were female. The mean age is 71.9 (standard deviation=12.079). All of the toracic CT findings at hospitalization had a ground-glass opacity. The mean hospitalization time was 11.7 days. Antemortem nasopharyngeal virus positivity was shown in 13 cases (61.9%), postmortem nasopharyngeal virus positivity in 5 cases (23.8%), and virus positivity in lung tissue samples in 7 cases (33.3%). No significant correlation was found virus positivity in nasopharyngeal swab and lung tissue sample, the incompatibility rate was 19.1%, which was statistically significant.Conclusion:Although the targeted sample size could not be reached due to study limitations, the inconsistency in virus positivity in nasopharyngeal swabs and lung tissue samples is significant. It is certain that studies with a large comparative sample are needed in terms of postmortem survival time, clinical and organ damage caused by the virus

    Experimental Models to Study Immune Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, age-related, progressive multisystem disease associated with neuroinflammation and immune dysfunction. This review discusses the methodological approaches used to study the changes in central and peripheral immunity in PD, the advantages and limitations of the techniques, and their applicability to humans. Although a single animal model cannot replicate all pathological features of the human disease, neuroinflammation is present in most animal models of PD and plays a critical role in understanding the involvement of the immune system (IS) in the pathogenesis of PD. The IS and its interactions with different cell types in the central nervous system (CNS) play an important role in the pathogenesis of PD. Even though culture models do not fully reflect the complexity of disease progression, they are limited in their ability to mimic long-term effects and need validation through in vivo studies. They are an indispensable tool for understanding the interplay between the IS and the pathogenesis of this disease. Understanding the immune-mediated mechanisms may lead to potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of PD. We believe that the development of methodological guidelines for experiments with animal models and PD patients is crucial to ensure the validity and consistency of the results

    Russıan Lıterature In The Sovıet Perıod (1953-1991)

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    Toplumu derinden etkileyen olaylar, tarihin her döneminde edebiyata yansımıştır. XX. yüzyıl boyunca Sovyetlerde toplumu etkileyen bu tarz olaylara sıklıkla rastlanmaktadır. 20'li yılların sonunda uygulamaya konan kolektifleştirme politikası sonucunda köylülerin başına gelenler özellikle köy kökenli yazarların konuya dikkat çekmesine neden olur. 30'lu yılların sonunda başlatılan Büyük Terör, insanların toplu halde cezalandırılıp çalışma kamplarına yollanması ve bu kamplarda yaşananlar farklı bir konu olarak edebiyatta yer bulur. 40'lı yıllar ise II. Dünya Savaşı ile başlar. Savaşa cephelerde katılan, onun tüm acılarına şahit olan yazarlar gördüklerini tüm gerçekliğiyle insanlara aktarmaya çalışırlar. Sanayi sektörüne yapılan yatırımlarla artan şehirleşme sonucunda ise demografik yapıda büyük değişiklikler görülür. Entelektüellerin, bürokratik çevrenin ve çalışmak için geldikleri şehri tanımayan insanların hep beraber kurdukları bu yeni dünya yazarlar tarafından farklı yönleriyle kaleme alınır. XX. yüzyıl boyunca yaşanan bu olaylar edebiyatta dört ana temanın ortaya çıkmasına neden olur: savaş, köy, şehir ve kamp. Belirtilen temaları tercih eden yazarlar sadece Rus edebiyatına yön vermekle kalmamış, aynı zamanda toplumun yaşadığı süreci de ortaya çıkarmışlardır. Ele alınacak yazarlar ve eserleri hem tarihsel süreci hem de sosyolojik yapıyı yansıtmaları açısından oldukça önemlidir.The events that affected the society deeply have been reflected in literature in every period of history. These types of events occurred frequently in the Soviet Union throughout the 20th century. The things that happened to the Russian peasants as a result of the collectivization policy implemented at the end of the 20s caused the writers born in the countryside to draw attention to the matter. The Great Purge which started at the end of the 30s, the people sent working camps as a punishment, and the events in these camps have distinctively been subjected to literature. And the 40s started with the World War II. Writers that fought in the trenches in the war, witnessing every bit of tragedy, tried to starkly narrate the things they saw. There have been major changes in demographic structure by the investments made in the industrial sector. This new world, built by intellectuals, bureaucrats, and the people who did not know the city they came to work, was written out with its different aspects by writers. These events occurring throughout the 20th century caused the four main theme in literature to emerge: war, village, city and camp. The writers preferring the stated themes did not only direct the Russian literature, but they also revealed the process that the society lived on. The writers and their works examined are crucial to reflect both the course of history and the sociological structure

    The negative mother type in Nadezhda Teffi’s stories

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    Edebi eserleri oluşturan farklı unsurlar arasında tip önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Özellikle karakter ve tip kavramlarının edebi eserdeki kişileri tanımlarken kullanılması yani aynı ögeyi belirtmek amacıyla iki farklı terimin bulunması kimi zaman araştırmacıların tercih yapmasını zorlaştırmaktadır. Tip, belirli bir topluluğun ortak özelliklerini bünyesinde bulundurur. Eserde olayı ya da durumu aktarmak için kullanılan araçtır. Karakter ise yazarın kurguladığı özel bir kişidir, eserde araç değil amaçtır. Olay, karakter etrafında şekillenir, merkezde karakter bulunmaktadır. Rus göçmen edebiyatının önemli isimlerinden Nadejda Teffi, şiirle başladığı yazın yaşamına öykü türüyle devam eder. Rusya’nın ilk kadın mizah yazarı Teffi, eserlerindeki komik unsurlara hayatın gerçeği olan trajediyi, melankoliyi ve acıyı da katar. Yarattığı tipler halkın ortak özelliklerini barındırmaktadır. Bir kadın olarak olumsuz anne tipine öykülerinde yer vermekte ve anneliğin iki karşıt özelliğini eserlerinde kullanarak tek bir tip yaratmaktadır. Bu makalede edebi bir unsur olarak “tip” tanımlanmaya ve Teffi’nin öykülerindeki anne tipi, tip çözümlemesi yöntemiyle incelenerek örneklendirilmeye çalışılmaktadır.The type occupies an important place among the different elements that create literary works. In particular, the use of character and type concepts when describing people ina literary work, two different terms to indicate the same element, sometimes makes it difficult for researchers to choose. The type embodies the common characteristics of a particular community. The type is the tool used to convey the event or situation in the work. The character, who is a special person fictionalized by the author, not the tool in the work is the purpose. The event is shaped around the character; the character is in the center. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Teffi, one of the most important figures of Russian immigrant literature, started her literary life with poetry, but continued with the story. Known as Russia’s first female humor writer, Teffi also adds tragedy, melancholy and pain to the comic elements in her works. The types, she creates, have common characteristics of the people. As a woman, she gives rise to the negative type of mother in her stories and creates a single type by using the two opposite characteristics of motherhood in her different works. This article attempts to define “type” as a literary element and to examine and exemplify the mother type in Nadezhda Teffi’s stories. Type analysis, as a research method, was used for the purpose of the study

    Popüler kültür bağlamında Türk halk oyunlarında uygulama alanlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Popüler kavramının en genel anlamı, yaygın bir biçimde beğenilen ve tüketilen olarak ifade edilebilir. Popüler olan, günlük yaşama, günlük yaşamın ihtiyaçlarına cevap veren ve göreceli olarak kısa ömürlü olan her şeyi kapsamaktadır. Günümüzde bireyleri bir araya toplayan ve yönlendiren popüler kültürün yaygınlaşmasındaki başat unsurlar, kitle iletişim araçları, sosyal sanal ortamlar ve geleneğin meta olarak pazarlama ürününe dönüştürülmesidir. Üretim, yeniden üretim ve hızlı tüketim dinamiğinde gelenekselden moderne her alan kent kültürünün gündelik pratiği haline gelmiştir. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda halk kültürü, yüksek kültür, popüler kültür, kitle kültürü gibi çeşitli kültür katmanlarının tanımı yapılarak, popüler kültürün özelde geleneksel dansta yarattığı sahneleme anlayışı, dijital uyaranlar, yenilikçi tasarım destekleri ve sürekli değişim talep eden seyircinin (sanat tüketicisi) algıları yorumlanmıştır. Tezde dünya çapında popüler olmuş, dansta disiplinler arası anlayışı benimseyen ve geleneksel eksende gösterimler yapan dans gruplarından kısaca bahsedilmiş, popüler olanı sunma yöneliminde olan topluluklarda bu görsel-işitsel ve teknik etkilerin kullanım biçimleri örneklerle sunulmuştur.The general meaning of the concept of ‘popular’ can be stated as the thing commonly liked and consumed. The popular thing includes everything that has a relatively short life and satisfies daily life and its needs. Today, the main factors in popularization of popular culture that gathers and leads individuals are the mass media, social virtual environments and conversion of tradition into a marketing meta. Every area from traditional to modern within the dynamics of production, reproduction and fast consumption has become daily practice of city culture. As a result of the literature review, the perception of staging created by popular culture in traditional dance, digital stimuli, innovative design supports and the perceptions of the audience (art consumer) demanding continuous change were interpreted by defining various culture layers such as folk culture, high culture, popular culture and mass culture. In the thesis, dance groups that are popular around the world, adopting an interdisciplinary understanding in dance and performing on traditional axis are briefly mentioned and the usage patterns of these audiovisual and technical effects within the communities that have a tendency for presenting the popular are presented with examples

    Dünden Bugüne Dünya Destanları

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