254 research outputs found

    The Existence of Innovation Factors In the Vision and Mission Statements of Organizations, the Case of Fortune 100 Companıes of Turkey

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    In this study, factors that are considered to be determinants of organizational innovation were sought in organizations’ vision and mission statements. Those factors and criteria that are used to measure innovativeness of organizations have been identified and categorized previous studies. Those criteria were translated into patterns of expressions which can take place in organizations’ vision and mission statements. Then, these elements were sought in vision and mission statements of 2013’s top 100 companies that were published in Fortune Magazine Turkey via content analysis method which is one of the qualitative research methods. According to the statements, it is assessed that, companies are focused on product and service innovations by tracking customer demands and they are insufficient at using external sources of knowledge and innovation in-house processe

    The comparison of bone mineral density in primary hyperparathyroidim, vitamin D induced secondary hyperparathyroidism, and patients with both condition: a single center experience

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    Background: To compare bone mineral densities via dual energy X-ray absorptiometry method (DXA) between various hyperparathyroidism (HPT) types such as primary, vitamin D induced secondary, and both conditions.Methods: Participants who were aged between 18-45 years and had elevated parathyroid hormone levels were included. After initial evaluations, patients were divided into 3 groups according to diagnoses: primary HPT (pHPT), vitamin D induced secondary HPT (sHPT), and combined (primary+secondary) one. In addition to the bone mineral density (BMD), demographic and laboratory datas were recorded.Results: Of 166 patients, 147 of the patients were female, 19 were male, and average age was 38.10±7.24 years. Significant difference was found in terms of age (p=0.03) between pHPT and sHPT. Blood calcium, PTH, 25-OH vitamin D, and daily urine calcium excretion levels were significantly higher and phosphorus levels were lower in the pHPT group compared to the sHPT and combined disease group. Both T and Z scores of the pHPT group were significantly lower than the sHPT group especially in the lumbar region. However, no significant difference was noted between pHPT and combined disease group with respect to T and Z scores in all regions.Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that pHPT has a significantly worse impact on skeletal mineral density particularly in the lumbar region than sHPT. The addition of vitamin D deficiency to the clinical picture seems to have no significant influence on BMD in pHPT. To confirm and clarify these findings, prospective studies with larger number of participants are needed

    Birinci Trimester MPV/Trombosit ve PDW/Trombosit Oranlarının Abortus İmminens ve Abortusu Öngörmede Etkinliği

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, gebelerde birinci trimester döneminde yapılan rutin tam kan sayımı ile elde edilen trombosit değeri, ortalama trombosit hacmi (MPV) değeri, platelet dağılım genişliği (PDW) değeri, MPV/trombosit oranı ve PDW/trombosit oranının gebelik süresince oluşabilecek abortus imminens ve abortus durumlarını öngörmedeki rolünü incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya gebe polikliniklerinde 2018-2020 yılları arasında gebeliğin 6.-12. haftaları arasında tam kan sayımı örneği veren 300 hasta alındı. Hasta dosyalarından hastaların yaşları, abortus sayıları, gebelik haftaları, trombosit değerleri, MPV değerleri, PDW değerleri, MPV/trombosit oranları ve PDW/trombosit oranları kaydedildi. Hastalar düşük, düşük tehdidi ve kontrol olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrıldı. Tüm veriler karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Abortus grubu, abortus imminens grubu ve kontrol grubu arasında trombosit değerleri, PDW değerleri, MPV değerleri, PDW/trombosit oranları ve MPV/trombosit oranları açısından anlamlı (p>0,05) bir farklılık gösterilmemiştir. Laboratuvar parametreleri açısından değerlendirildiğinde ise ortalama trombosit değeri 256,7±65,6, PDW değeri 12,2±1,8, MPV değeri 10,2±0,8, MPV/trombosit oranı 0,042±0,011 ve PDW/trombosit oranı 0,051±0,016 olarak saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Birinci trimesterde sağlıklı gebelerin tam kan sayımı testinden elde edilen MPV, PDW ile MPV/trombosit ve PDW/trombosit oranları ileri dönem abortus ve abortus imminens riskini öngörmede etkin değildir

    Graph-based modelling of query sets for differential privacy

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    Differential privacy has gained attention from the community as the mechanism for privacy protection. Significant effort has focused on its application to data analysis, where statistical queries are submitted in batch and answers to these queries are perturbed with noise. The magnitude of this noise depends on the privacy parameter " and the sensitivity of the query set. However, computing the sensitivity is known to be NP-hard. In this study, we propose a method that approximates the sensitivity of a query set. Our solution builds a query-region- intersection graph. We prove that computing the maximum clique size of this graph is equivalent to bounding the sensitivity from above. Our bounds, to the best of our knowledge, are the tightest known in the literature. Our solution currently supports a limited but expressive subset of SQL queries (i.e., range queries), and almost all popular aggregate functions directly (except AVERAGE). Experimental results show the efficiency of our approach: even for large query sets (e.g., more than 2K queries over 5 attributes), by utilizing a state-of-the-art solution for the maximum clique problem, we can approximate sensitivity in under a minute

    Privacy-preserving learning analytics: challenges and techniques

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    Explode: an extensible platform for differentially private data analysis

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    Differential privacy (DP) has emerged as a popular standard for privacy protection and received great attention from the research community. However, practitioners often find DP cumbersome to implement, since it requires additional protocols (e.g., for randomized response, noise addition) and changes to existing database systems. To avoid these issues we introduce Explode, a platform for differentially private data analysis. The power of Explode comes from its ease of deployment and use: The data owner can install Explode on top of an SQL server, without modifying any existing components. Explode then hosts a web application that allows users to conveniently perform many popular data analysis tasks through a graphical user interface, e.g., issuing statistical queries, classification, correlation analysis. Explode automatically converts these tasks to collections of SQL queries, and uses the techniques in [3] to determine the right amount of noise that should be added to satisfy DP while producing high utility outputs. This paper describes the current implementation of Explode, together with potential improvements and extensions

    Back reaction effects on the dynamics of heavy probes in heavy quark cloud

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    We holographically study the effect of back reaction on the hydrodynamical properties of N=4\mathcal{N} = 4 strongly coupled super Yang-Mills (SYM) thermal plasma. The back reaction we consider arises from the presence of static heavy quarks uniformly distributed over N=4\mathcal{N} = 4 SYM plasma. In order to study the hydrodynamical properties, we use heavy quark as well as heavy quark-antiquark bound state as probes and compute the jet quenching parameter, screening length and binding energy. We also consider the rotational dynamics of heavy probe quark in the back-reacted plasma and analyse associated energy loss. We observe that the presence of back reaction enhances the energy-loss in the thermal plasma. Finally, we show that there is no effect of angular drag on the rotational motion of quark-antiquark bound state probing the back reacted thermal plasma.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figure

    Penrose Limits, Deformed pp-Waves and the String Duals of N=1 Large n Gauge Theory

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    A certain conformally invariant N=1 supersymmetric SU(n) gauge theory has a description as an infra-red fixed point obtained by deforming the N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory by giving a mass to one of its N=1 chiral multiplets. We study the Penrose limit of the supergravity dual of the large n limit of this N=1 gauge theory. The limit gives a pp-wave with R-R five-form flux and both R-R and NS-NS three-form flux. We discover that this new solution preserves twenty supercharges and that, in the light-cone gauge, string theory on this background is exactly solvable. Correspondingly, this latter is the stringy dual of a particular large charge limit of the large n gauge theory. We are able to identify which operators in the field theory survive the limit to form the string's ground state and some of the spacetime excitations. The full string model, which we exhibit, contains a family of non-trivial predictions for the properties of the gauge theory operators which survive the limit.Comment: 39 pages, Late