155 research outputs found

    Boundary conditions compatible with the generalized symmetries

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    Ankara : Department of Mathematics and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 1995.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995.Includes bibliographical references leaves 29-30.In this work evolution type integrable equations and systems are considered. An efficient method is given to construct their boundary conditions and hence boundary value problems which are compatible with the generalized symmetries. This method is applied to some well-known nonlinear partial differential equations.Gürel, T BurakM.S

    Global Well-posedness for the Biharmonic Quintic Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation on R2\mathbb{R}^2

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    We prove that the Cauchy problem for the 2D quintic defocusing biharmonic Schr\"odinger equation is globally well-posed in the Sobolev spaces Hs(R2)H^s(\mathbb{R}^2) for 87<s<2\frac{8}{7}<s<2. Our main ingredient to establish the result is the II-method of Colliander-Keel-Staffilani-Takaoka-Tao \cite{colliander2002almost} which is used to construct the modified energy functional that is conserved in time

    Iterative near-field preconditioner for the multilevel fast multipole algorithm

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    For iterative solutions of large and difficult integral-equation problems in computational electromagnetics using the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA), preconditioners are usually built from the available sparse near-field matrix. The exact solution of the near-field system for the preconditioning operation is infeasible because the LU factors lose their sparsity during the factorization. To prevent this, incomplete factors or approximate inverses can be generated so that the sparsity is preserved, but at the expense of losing some information stored in the near-field matrix. As an alternative strategy, the entire near-field matrix can be used in an iterative solver for preconditioning purposes. This can be accomplished with low cost and complexity since Krylov subspace solvers merely require matrix-vector multiplications and the near-field matrix is sparse. Therefore, the preconditioning solution can be obtained by another iterative process, nested in the outer solver, provided that the outer Krylov subspace solver is flexible. With this strategy, we propose using the iterative solution of the near-field system as a preconditioner for the original system, which is also solved iteratively. Furthermore, we use a fixed preconditioner obtained from the near-field matrix as a preconditioner to the inner iterative solver. MLFMA solutions of several model problems establish the effectiveness of the proposed nested iterative near-field preconditioner, allowing us to report the efficient solution of electric-field and combined-field integral-equation problems involving difficult geometries and millions of unknowns. © 2010 Societ y for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

    Incomplete LU preconditioning for the electric-field integral equation

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    Linear systems resulting from the electric-field integral equation (EFIE) become ill-conditioned, particularly for large-scale problems. Hence, effective preconditioners should be used to obtain the iterative solution with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm in a reasonable time. In this paper, we show that a threshold-based incomplete LU (ILU) preconditioner, i.e., ILUT, can be used safely for such systems, provided that column pivoting is applied for the stability of the incomplete factors. It is observed that the resulting preconditioner ILUTP reduces the solution times by an order of magnitude, compared to simple Jacobi preconditioner. Moreover, we also use the iterative solution of the near-field system as a preconditioner, and use ILUTP as the preconditioner for the near-field system. This way, the effectiveness of the ILUTP is further improved

    Iterative solution of dielectric waveguide problems via schur complement preconditioners

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    Surface integral-equation methods accelerated with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm provide suitable mechanisms for the solution of dielectric problems. In particular, recently developed formulations increase the stability of the resulting matrix equations, hence they are more suitable for iterative solutions [1]. Among those formulations, we consider the combined tangential formulation (CTF), which produces more accurate results, and the electric and magnetic current combined-field integral equation (JMCFIE), which produces better-conditioned matrix systems than other formulations [1, 2]. ©2010 IEEE

    Approximate Schur preconditioners for efficient solutions of dielectric problems formulated with surface integral equations

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    We propose direct and iterative versions of approximate Schur preconditioners to increase robustness and efficiency of iterative solutions of dielectric problems formulated with surface integral equations. The performance of these preconditioners depends on the availability of fast and approximate solutions to reduced matrix systems. We show that sparse-approximate-inverse techniques provide a suitable mechanism for this purpose. The proposed preconditioners are demonstrated to significantly improve convergence rates of dielectric problems formulated with two different surface integral equations. ©2009 IEEE

    Incomplete lu preconditioning with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm for electromagnetic scattering

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    Iterative solution of large-scale scattering problems in computational electromagnetics with the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) requires strong preconditioners, especially for the electric-field integral equation (EFIE) formulation. Incomplete LU (ILU) preconditioners are widely used and available in several solver packages. However, they lack robustness due to potential instability problems. In this study, we consider various ILU-class preconditioners and investigate the parameters that render them safely applicable to common surface integral formulations without increasing the script O sign(n log n) complexity of MLFMA. We conclude that the no-fill ILU(O) preconditioner is an optimal choice for the combined-field integral equation (CFIE). For EFIE, we establish the need to resort to methods depending on drop tolerance and apply pivoting for problems with high condition estimate. We propose a strategy for the selection of the parameters so that the preconditioner can be used as a black-box method. Robustness and efficiency of the employed preconditioners are demonstrated over several test problems. © 2007 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

    Preconditioning large integral-equation problems involving complex targets

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    Parallel preconditioners for solutions of dense linear systems with tens of millions of unknowns

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    We propose novel parallel preconditioning schemes for the iterative solution of integral equation methods. In particular, we try to improve convergence rate of the ill-conditioned linear systems formulated by the electric-field integral equation, which is the only integral-equation formulation for targets having open surfaces. For moderate-size problems, iterative solution of the near-field system enables much faster convergence compared to the widely used sparse approximate inverse preconditioner. For larger systems, we propose an approximation strategy to the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) to be used as a preconditioner. Our numerical experiments reveal that this scheme significantly outperforms other preconditioners. With the combined effort of effective preconditioners and an efficiently parallelized MLFMA, we are able to solve targets with tens of millions of unknowns, which are the largest problems ever reported in computational electromagnetics. ©2007 IEEE

    Analysis of dielectric photonic-crystal problems with MLFMA and Schur-complement preconditioners

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    We present rigorous solutions of electromagnetics problems involving 3-D dielectric photonic crystals (PhCs). Problems are formulated with recently developed surface integral equations and solved iteratively using the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA). For efficient solutions, iterations are accelerated via robust Schur-complement preconditioners. We show that complicated PhC structures can be analyzed with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy by an effective solver based on the combined tangential formulation, MLFMA, and Schur-complement preconditioners. © 2006 IEEE