28 research outputs found

    Stationary Point Sets: Convex Quadratic Optimization is Universal in Nonlinear Optimization

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    We investigate the local topological structure, stationary point sets in parametric optimization genericly may have. Our main result states that, up to stratified isomorphism, any such structure is already present in the small subclass of parametric problems with convex quadratic objective function and affine-linear constraints. In other words, the convex quadratic problems produce a normal form for the local topological structure of stationary point sets. As a consequence we see, as far as no equality constraints are involved, that the closure of the stationary point set constitutes a manifold with boundary. The boundary is exactly the violation set of the Mangasarian Fromovitz constraint qualification. A side result states that stationary point sets and violation sets of Mangasarian Fromovitz constraint qualification carry the same set of possible local structures as stratified spaces

    Strongly Stable Stationary Points for a Class of Generalized Equations

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    In this paper we consider a generalized equation that is mainly characterized by a cone-valued mapping. It is well known that optimality conditions for different classes of optimization problems can be formulated as such a generalized equation. Moreover, we generalize Kojima’s concept of strong stability and introduce appropriate constraint qualifications. We discuss corresponding properties between strong stability and these constraint qualifications. Finally, we apply these results to the particular class of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints and to that of mathematical programs with abstract constraints.publishedVersio

    MPCC: Strong stability of M-stationary points

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    In this paper we study the class of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints MPCC. Under the Linear Independence constraint qualification MPCC-LICQ we state a topological as well as an equivalent algebraic characterization for the strong stability (in the sense of Kojima) of an M-stationary point for MPCC. By allowing perturbations of the describing functions up to second order, the concept of strong stability refers here to the local existence and uniqueness of an M-stationary point for any sufficiently small perturbed problem where this unique solution depends continuously on the perturbation. Finally, some relations to S- and C-stationarity are briefly discussed.publishedVersio

    Повышение энергоэффективности электроснабжения локальной сети

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    Повышение эффективности существующей гибридной электростанции в п. Батагай Верхоянского улуса Республики Саха (Якутия). В результате исследования выбрано оборудование для гибридной электростанции, рассчитана динамика выработки электроэнергии солнечными модулями, построены графики заряда-разряда накопителей электрической энергии, разработана схема гибридной электростанции, разработана автоматизированная система управления и синхронизации генерирующего оборудования, выбрано оборудование в соответствии со схемой, оценена экономическая эффективность проекта гибридной электростанции и определен срок окупаемости.To increase the efficiency of the existing hybrid power plant in the Batagai settlement of the Verkhoyansky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). As a result of the research, the equipment for a hybrid power plant was selected, the dynamics of power generation by solar modules was calculated, the charge-discharge diagrams of electric power storage were constructed, the hybrid power plant scheme was developed, the automated control and synchronization system of the generating equipment was developed, the equipment was selected in accordance with the scheme, the economic efficiency of the project was estimated and determined the payback period

    Электропривод постоянного тока питателя сырого концентрата

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    Цель работы – модернизация электропривода шнекового питателя сырого концентрата с использованием имеющегося оборудования. В работе произведён расчет и выбор электродвигателя, комплектного регулируемого электропривода, определена область существования электромеханических характеристик привода, произведен расчет, расчет переходных процессов нелинейной САУ методом имитационного моделирования.he work purpose – modernization of the electric drive of a screw feeder of a crude concentrate with use of the available inventory. In work calculation and the choice of the electric motor, complete adjustable electric drive is made, the area of existence of electromechanical characteristics of the drive is defined, calculation, calculation of transition phenomenons of non-linear SAU is made by method of a simulation modeling

    Оценка лояльности потребителей к продукции предприятия

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    Данная работа посвящена оценке лояльности потребителей к продукции предприятия. В работе рассмотрены теоретические основы формирования и оценки лояльности потребителей к продукции, выполнен анализ действующих программ лояльности потребителей к продукции ГК ЛАМА, проанализированы отзывы потребителей о компании ГК ЛАМА и ее продукции, проведено маркетинговое исследование потребителей продукции ГК ЛАМА путем анкетирования, предложены мероприятия по повышению лояльности потребителей к продукции предприятия.The work is devoted to estimation of consumer’s loyalty to enterprise production. In the research author study theoretical aspects of formation and assessment consumer’s loyalty, analyze LAMA consumer loyalty programs, analyze customer reviews about LAMA and LAMA products, conduct marketing research of LAMA consumer’s loyalty, offer measures to improve LAMA consumer’s loyalty

    The Universal Partition Theorem for Oriented Matroids

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    On the topology of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker set under Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification

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