50 research outputs found

    Does Benford's law hold in economic research and forecasting?

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    First and higher order digits in data sets of natural and socio-economic processes often follow a distribution called Benford's law. This phenomenon has been used in many business and scientific applications, especially in fraud detection for financial data. In this paper, we analyse whether Benford's law holds in economic research and forecasting. First, we examine the distribution of leading digits of regression coefficients and standard errors in research papers, published in Empirica and Applied Economics Letters. Second, we analyse forecasts of GDP growth and CPI inflation in Germany, published in Consensus Forecasts. There are two main findings: The relative frequencies of the first and second digits in economic research are broadly consistent with Benford's law. In sharp contrast, the second digits of Consensus Forecasts exhibit a massive excess of zeros and fives, raising doubts on their information content. --Benford's Law,fraud detection,regression coefficients and standard errors,growth and inflation forecasts

    Adaptive Netzverfeinerung in der Formoptimierung mit der Methode der Diskreten Adjungierten

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    Formoptimierung bezeichnet die Bestimmung der Geometrischen Gestalt eines Gebietes auf dem eine partielle Differentialgleichung (PDE) wirkt, sodass bestimmte gegebene Zielgrößen, welche von der Lösung der PDE abhängen, Extrema annehmen. Bei der Diskret Adjungierten Methode wird der Gradient einer Zielgröße bezüglich einer beliebigen Anzahl von Formparametern mit Hilfe der Lösung einer adjungierten Gleichung der diskretisierten PDE effizient ermittelt. Dieser Gradient wird dann in Verfahren der numerischen Optimierung verwendet um eine optimale Lösung zu suchen. Da sowohl die Zielgröße als auch der Gradient für die diskretisierte PDE ermittelt werden, sind beide zunächst vom verwendeten Netz abhängig. Bei groben Netzen sind sogar Unstetigkeiten der diskreten Zielfunktion zu erwarten, wenn bei Änderungen der Formparameter sich das Netz unstetig ändert (z.B. Änderung Anzahl Knoten, Umschalten der Konnektivität). Mit zunehmender Feinheit der Netze verschwinden jedoch diese Unstetigkeiten aufgrund der Konvergenz der Diskretisierung. Da im Zuge der Formoptimierung Zielgröße und Gradient für eine Vielzahl von Iterierten der Lösung bestimmt werden müssen, ist man bestrebt die Kosten einer einzelnen Auswertung möglichst gering zu halten, z.B. indem man mit nur moderat feinen oder adaptiv verfeinerten Netzen arbeitet. Aufgabe dieser Diplomarbeit ist es zu untersuchen, ob mit gängigen Methoden adaptiv verfeinerte Netze hinreichende Genauigkeit der Auswertung von Zielgröße und Gradient erlauben und ob eventuell Anpassungen der Optimierungsstrategie an die adaptive Vernetzung notwendig sind. Für die Untersuchungen sind geeignete Modellprobleme aus der Festigkeitslehre zu wählen und zu untersuchen.Shape optimization describes the determination of the geometric shape of a domain with a partial differential equation (PDE) with the purpose that a specific given performance function is minimized, its values depending on the solution of the PDE. The Discrete Adjoint Method can be used to evaluate the gradient of a performance function with respect to an arbitrary number of shape parameters by solving an adjoint equation of the discretized PDE. This gradient is used in the numerical optimization algorithm to search for the optimal solution. As both function value and gradient are computed for the discretized PDE, they both fundamentally depend on the discretization. In using the coarse meshes, discontinuities in the discretized objective function can be expected if the changes in the shape parameters cause discontinuous changes in the mesh (e.g. change in the number of nodes, switching of connectivity). Due to the convergence of the discretization these discontinuities vanish with increasing fineness of the mesh. In the course of shape optimization, function value and gradient require evaluation for a large number of iterations of the solution, therefore minimizing the costs of a single computation is desirable (e.g. using moderately or adaptively refined meshes). Overall, the task of the diploma thesis is to investigate if adaptively refined meshes with established methods offer sufficient accuracy of the objective value and gradient, and if the optimization strategy requires readjustment to the adaptive mesh design. For the investigation, applicable model problems from the science of the strength of materials will be chosen and studied

    Unicentric castleman's disease located in the lower extremity: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Castleman's disease is a rare form of localized lymph node hyperplasia of uncertain etiology. Although the mediastinum is the most common site of involvement, rare cases occurring in lymph node bearing tissue of other localization have been reported, including only a few intramuscular cases. Unicentric and multicentric Castleman's disease are being distinguished, the latter harboring an unfavorable prognosis.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>Here, we present a case of unicentric Castleman's disease in a 37-year-old woman without associated neoplastic, autoimmune or infectious diseases. The lesion was located in the femoral region of the right lower extremity and surgically resected after radiographic workup and excisional biopsy examinations. The tumor comprised lymphoid tissue with numerous germinal centers with central fibrosis, onion-skinning and rich interfollicular vascularization. CD23-positive follicular dendritic cells were detected in the germinal centers and numerous CD138-positive plasma cells in interfollicular areas. The diagnosis of mixed cellularity type Castleman's disease was established and the patient recovered well.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, the differential diagnosis of Castleman's disease should be considered when evaluating a sharply demarcated, hypervascularized lymphatic tumor located in the extremities. However, the developmental etiology of Castleman's disease remains to be further examined.</p

    Numerical Aspects in Optimal Control of Elasticity Models with Large Deformations

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    This thesis addresses optimal control problems with elasticity for large deformations. A hyperelastic model with a polyconvex energy density is employed to describe the elastic behavior of a body. The two approaches to derive the nonlinear partial differential equation, a balance of forces and an energy minimization, are compared. Besides the conventional volume and boundary loads, two novel internal loads are presented. Furthermore, curvilinear coordinates and a hierarchical plate model can be incorporated into the formulation of the elastic forward problem. The forward problem can be solved with Newton\\\'s method, though a globalization technique should be used to avoid divergence of Newton\\\'s method. The repeated solution of the Newton system is done by a CG or MinRes method with a multigrid V-cycle as a preconditioner. The optimal control problem consists of the displacement (as the state) and a load (as the control). Besides the standard tracking-type objective, alternative objective functionals are presented for problems where a reasonable desired state cannot be provided. Two methods are proposed to solve the optimal control problem: an all-at-once approach by a Lagrange-Newton method and a reduced formulation by a quasi-Newton method with an inverse limited-memory BFGS update. The algorithms for the solution of the forward problem and the optimal control problem are implemented in the finite-element software FEniCS, with the geometrical multigrid extension FMG. Numerical experiments are performed to demonstrate the mesh independence of the algorithms and both optimization methods

    Über den Abbau der Gehörknöchelchenkette bei entzündlichen Vorgängen im Mittelohr

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