54 research outputs found

    Identification of extracellular enzyme producing alkalophilic bacilli from Izmir province by 16S-ITS rDNA RFLP

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    Aims: To screen industrially important extracellular enzymes from the newly isolated alkalophilic bacilli and to characterize them by phenotypic and 16S-internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA restriction pattern analysis. Methods and Results: Three different environmental samples, soil, leather and horse faeces, were collected within the province of Izmir. Isolates grown on Horikoshi-I medium for 24 h at 37°C were screened for extracellular enzyme activity by using eight different substrates: birchwood xylan, carboxymethylcellulose, casein, citrus pectin, polygalacturonic acid, soluble starch, and Tween 20 and 80. In total, 115 extracellular enzyme-producing bacilli were obtained. Casein was hydrolysed by 78%, soluble starch by 67%, citrus pectin by 63%, polygalacturonic acid by 62%, Tween 20 by 34%, birchwood xylan by 16%, Tween 80 by 12%, and carboxymethylcellulose by 3% of the isolates. The isolates were differentiated into 19 distinct homology groups by the 16S-ITS rDNA restriction pattern analysis. Conclusions: Eight different extracellular enzyme activities were determined in 115 endospore forming bacilli. The largest 16S-ITS rDNA homology group (HT1) included 36% of the isolates, 98% of which degraded casein, polygalacturonic acid, pectin and starch. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is the first report on the characterization of the industrial enzyme-producing alkalophilic bacilli by 16S-ITS rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Restriction profiles of 64% of the isolates were found to be different from those of five reference strains used

    Evaluation of number 32 Galata court case records

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    Osmanlı Tarihi araştırmalarında şer’îyye sicillerinin önemi büyüktür. Bu kayıtlar yaşanmış hayatların somut verileri oldukları için kaydedildiği dönem ve yer hakkında sosyal, kültürel, idarî, hukûkî ve demografik açılardan ciddi bir bilgi kaynağı konumundadırlar. İncelenen siciller idârî yapı, mahalleler, köyler, içtimâi durum, ticari vaziyet, esnaf, kullanılan eşyalar, gibi pek çok konuda bilgi vermektedir. 1015-1016 (1606-1607) yıllarına ait 32 No’lu Galata Şer’îyye Sicilinde 276 adet belge bulunmaktadır. Araştırmamızda bu döneme ait bilgileri ortaya çıkarmaya ve değerlendirmeye gayret ettik. Çalışmamız Giriş Bölümünden sonra dört bölümden meydana gelmiştir. Giriş bölümünde Osmanlı Devleti’nde Şer’îyye Sicilleri ve Tarihi Öneminden bahsedilerek, 32 No’lu Şer’îyye Sicili’nin Kaynak Tanıtımı yapılmıştır. Diğer dört bölümde ise Galata sosyal, idarî, ekonomik ve hukûkî alanlar açısından incelenmeye gayret edilmiştir.In Ottoman History researches, court case records play an important role. As these records give concrete data of the actual life of the period in history, they serve as a significant information source because they reflect the society’s social, cultural, administrative, judicial and demographic aspects. The court cases which have been examined give data on various fields such as administrative structure, neighborhood, villages, social status, commerce, artisans and the objects that were used. Numbered as 32, Galata Court Cases which belong to the period 1015-1016 (1606-1607) contain 276 documents. In this research, we tried to reveal and evaluate the information regarding the above mentioned period. The research consists of four parts after the introduction. In the introduction, the importance of court cases in the Ottoman State and their history were mentioned. After that, Sources of Court Cases Number 32 were introduced. In the remaining four parts, Galata was examined in terms of social, administrative, economical and judicial aspects

    An activity based action research aiming historical empathy thorough creative drama in social studies

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    06.03.2018 tarih ve 30352 sayılı Resmi gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Empati en genel tanımıyla kişinin kendini başkasının yerine koyması demektir. Empati kavramı sosyal bilimler içerisinde birçok alanda karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Nitekim sosyal bilimleri kapsayan, interdisipliner bir alan olan sosyal bilgiler için de önem arz etmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, sosyal bilgiler dersinde, tarihi konuların öğrenimi açısından önemli olan tarihsel empati becerisinin yaratıcı drama yöntemi ile kazanımını incelemektir. Bu amaçla sosyal bilgiler dersi kapsamında 7.sınıf öğrencileri ile “Türk İslam Devletlerinde Yetişen Bilginler” adlı konu yaratıcı drama yöntemi ile etkinlik temelli işlenmiş ve öğrencilerin tarihsel empati becerisi kazanma durumları incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Bartın İlindeki bir ortaokulun 7.sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmuştur. Eylem araştırması modeliyle gerçekleştirilen çalışmada birden fazla veri toplama aracı kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, 7.sınıf öğrencilerinin yaratıcı drama yöntemi ile tarihsel empati becerisinin geliştiği görülmüştür. Bunun yanında öğrencilerin, yaratıcı drama yöntemiyle tarihsel empati becerisine yönelik etkinliklerden keyif aldıkları, tarih konularına ilişkin ilgilerinin ve öğrenme isteklerinin arttığı gözlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları dikkate alınarak, tarihsel empati becerisinin kazandırılmasında ve geliştirilmesinde yaratıcı drama yöntemiyle işlenebilecek sosyal bilgiler dersi öğretim programında kazanımlar belirlenmiştir. Bundan sonra yapılacak çalışmalara yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.The most general definition of empathy is that someone else. Tre concept of empathy everges in mony fields in social sciences. As a motter of fact, it is also important for social studies wich is an interdisiplinary field covering social studies. The aim of this research is to examine the historical drama skills which are impotent in terms of karning of historical subjects in social studies course through creative drama method. For this purpase, scholors in Turkish İslamic States in the social studies book have been studied with creative drama method by 7th grade students and historical empathy skills of students was examined. The study group of the research was compased of 7th grade students of secondary school in Bartın province. Multiple date collection tools were used in the research and the action research models was used. As a result of the research, it was seen that creative drama contributed significantly to the 7th grade students historical empathy skills. Besides, thanks to the creative drama, the students have learned the history topics with pleasure. Besides, that students enjoyed activities aiming historical empathy skills trough creative drama method and their interest in history topics and desire to learn went up was observed. Considering result of the research, objectives in social studies teaching curriculum wich can be covered through creative drama method in development and acquisition of historical empathy skill are determined. After that suggestions related to works that will be done were presented

    Spirulina platensis katkılı cilt kremlerinin geliştirilmesi ve hücre kültürleri üzerinde etkilerinin incelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, cilt kremi olarak geliştirilecek Spirulina platensis ham ekstrakt katkılı cilt kremlerinin hücre kültürleri üzerinde in vitro olarak sitotoksik, genotoksik ve yara iyileşmesi çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Mikroalgler ve mavi-yeşil algler, çok eski yıllardan beri terapötik amaçlı kullanılmaktadır. Mikroalgler, yararlı terapötik ajan, etken madde olarak kullanılabilecek biyolojik aktiviteye sahip birçok yeni bileşiğin önemli üreticilerindendir. Spirulina, Chlorella gibi mikroalgler, protein, karbonhidrat, gama linolenik asit, yağ asidi, karotenoidler, vitamin B1 ve B2 gibi birçok biyoaktif bileşeni bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. Ayrıca bazı mikroalgler, içerdikleri omega–3 ve omega–6 yağ asitleri, karotenoidler, tokoferol, fikosiyanin ve fenolik bileşikler nedeniyle antioksidan özellik göstermektedir. Bunlara bağlı olarak birçok mikroalg ve mavi-yeşil alg farmasötik özellikleri ve olumlu etkileri nedeniyle kozmetik sektöründe yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Mikroalgal ve siyanobakteriyel ekstraktlar cilt bakım ürünlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Spirulina platensis’in laboratuvar koşullarında kontrollü olarak üretimi sağlandıktan sonra ham ekstraktı elde edilmiştir. Krem formulasyonuna ilave edilecek olan optimum ham ekstrakt oranını bulmak için farklı ham ekstrakt oranlarıyla bir seri ön deneme yapılmıştır. Daha sonra belirlenen farklı oranlar geliştirilen cilt kreminin formulasyonuna ilave edilmiş ve in vitro sitotoksisite, genotoksisite ve yara iyileşmesi testleri yapılmıştır. In vitro koşullarda hem sitotoksisite, proliferasyon ve yara iyileşmesi hem de genotoksisite denemelerinde en iyi sonuç, % 1.125 oranında Spirulina platensis ham ekstrakt içeren kremde elde edilmiştir

    Hypericum perforatum incorporated chitosan films as potential bioactive wound dressing material

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    Recent studies in wound dressing applications offer new therapies and promote wound healing process. The aim of this study was to develop Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) oil incorporated chitosan films for wound dressing applications. H. perforatum oil as a potential therapeutic agent was encapsulated in chitosan film to achieve a better wound dressing material. Oil incorporated chitosan films were successfully prepared by solvent casting method in different oil concentrations (0.25–1.5%v/v). Water vapor permeability (WVP), mechanical test, swelling behavior and surface hydrophobicity were performed in order to characterize the prepared films. Antimicrobial test was performed by disc diffusion method and the growth inhibition effects of the films including different amount of H. perforatum oil were investigated on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. WVP increased with oil incorporation and the highest value was obtained for 0.25% oil concentration.The highest strain value was obtained in 0.25% oil content films although tensile stress decreased with increasing oil content. H. perforatum oil incorporated films had antimicrobial effect on both microorganisms. Chitosan based films had no cytotoxic effects on NIH3T3fibroblast cells and provided a good surface for cell attachment and proliferation. The results showed that the H. perforatum incorporated chitosan films seems to be a potential and novel biomaterial for wound healing applications

    Essential oil loaded mucoadhesive nanocomposite delivery system for gastrointestinal system

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    Applicant(s): İzmir Technology Development Zone, Inc. and İzmir Institute of TechnologyInternational application number: PCT/TR2014TR00542Current treatments for H. pylori infection are not efficient enough due to poor diffusion of antibiotics to mucus layer, low stability, side effects and insufficient residence time of antibiotics in gut, antibiotic resistance of H. pylori and allergy of patients against antibiotics. Therefore, alternative therapies including new drugs and therapeutic approaches with enhanced action and reduced side effects are needed to achieve high eradication rate of the bacteria. This invention is related with eradication and/or prevention therapy of H.pylori that provides better diffusion to mucus layer and stabilization in gastric conditions. This invention comprises the local treatment of H.pylori and/or improving the drug release profiles of encapsulated essential oil within chitosan/nanoclay microspheres which could be located in gastrointestinal system. Therefore, the aim of this invention is to encapsulate essential oil in gastroretentive chitosan/nanoclay spheres which has antimicrobial activity against H.pylori and release in a controlled manner in the prior to art

    Essential oil loaded mucoadhesive nanocomposite delivery system for gastrointestinal system

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    Applicant(s): İzmir Technology Development Zone, Inc. and İzmir Institute of TechnologyInternational application number: PCT/TR2014TR00542Current treatments for H. pylori infection are not efficient enough due to poor diffusion of antibiotics to mucus layer, low stability, side effects and insufficient residence time of antibiotics in gut, antibiotic resistance of H. pylori and allergy of patients against antibiotics. Therefore, alternative therapies including new drugs and therapeutic approaches with enhanced action and reduced side effects are needed to achieve high eradication rate of the bacteria. This invention is related with eradication and/or prevention therapy of H.pylori that provides better diffusion to mucus layer and stabilization in gastric conditions. This invention comprises the local treatment of H.pylori and/or improving the drug release profiles of encapsulated essential oil within chitosan/nanoclay microspheres which could be located in gastrointestinal system. Therefore, the aim of this invention is to encapsulate essential oil in gastroretentive chitosan/nanoclay spheres which has antimicrobial activity against H.pylori and release in a controlled manner in the prior to art