71 research outputs found


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    Introduction and aim: In sports, self-confidence can be characterized by high-grade achievement expectation. In this context, the aim is to determine whether is any difference between the self-confidence levels of middle school students who do individual sports and those who are engaged in team sports. Age groups and gender as well as differences in self-esteem levels are also analyzed.Method: The study group consisted of 96 students who were engaged in individual and team sports in 5 secondary schools in Istanbul. "Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory", developed by Coopersmith (1967), was used in order to determine self-esteem levels and the personal information form was prepared to collect participants' age, gender and sport type data. First, the Shapiro Wilk test was performed to test the distribution of the data and it was found that the data provided a normal distribution. Independent sample t-test was conducted to determine whether self-esteem levels differed significantly in terms of gender and age variables.Findings: At the end of the study, the findings obtained from the data analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the self-confidence levels of the secondary school students compared to the sports types (p> 0,05). In the data obtained from other variables, it was determined that the level of self-esteem did not show any significant difference according to age and sex (p> 0,05).Discussion: There was no significant difference between the presented study and the mean scores of confidence, age, sport type and gender (p> 0,05). It can be said that no definite decision has been reached on whether this self-confidence is influential or not according to the results of this sample and the results of the researches made. It is advisable to add lessons such as communication skills, human relations in order to improve curriculum self- confidence building levels in schools.  Article visualizations

    Mapping the establishment and invasiveness potential of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Turkey: With special emphasis on the conservation of native salmonids

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    Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) has become by far the most frequently farmed freshwater fish species in Turkey, whereas very little is known about its establishment and invasiveness potential. We explored this potential through a combination of Maxent habitat suitability model and the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK) on the river basin scale by generating an overall risk score (ORS). The outcome of this approach was also incorporated with the spatial analysis of native salmonid species by generating a relative vulnerability score (RVS) to prioritize susceptibility of native species (or populations) and to propose risk hotspots by identifying their potential geographic overlap and interaction with O. mykiss. Results suggest that the northern basins (Eastern Black Sea, Western Black Sea and Marmara basins) are the most suitable basins for O. mykiss. According to the Basic Risk Assessment (BRA) threshold scores, O. mykiss is classified as "high risk" for 3 (12.0%) of the 25 river basins screened (Western Black Sea, Eastern Black Sea and Maritza-Ergene), and as "medium risk" for the remaining basins. The climate change assessment (CCA) scores negatively contributed the overall invasiveness potential of O. mykiss in 22 (88.0%) of the river basins and resulted in zero contribution for the remaining three, namely Aras-Kura, coruh river and Eastern Black Sea. The ORS score of river basins was lowest for Orontes and highest for Western Black Sea, whereas it was lowest for Konya-closed basin and highest for Eastern Black Sea, when CCA was associated. The micro-basins occupied by Salmo rizeensis had the highest mean habitat suitability with O. mykiss. Among the all species, S. abanticus had the highest RVS, followed by S. munzuricus and S. euphrataeus. The overall outcome of the present study also suggests that the establishment and invasiveness potential of O. mykiss may decrease under future (climate warmer) in Turkey, except for the northeast region. This study can provide environmental managers and policy makers an insight into using multiple tools for decision-making. The proposed RVS can also be considered as a complementary tool to improve IUCN red list assessment protocols of species

    Kronik yaygın ağrılı kadınlarda ağrı ve yorgunluğu etkileyen faktörler

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma Kronik Yaygın Ağrı’lı (KYA) kadınlarda ağrı şiddeti ve genel yorgunlukla ilişkili faktörleri incelemek amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve yöntem: KYA’lı 104 hasta dahil edildi. Yaş ortalaması 40.28±10.82 yıldı. Hem ağrı şiddeti hem de genel yorgunluk görsel analog skalası kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Hastane Anksiyete ve Depresyon Ölçeği anksiyete ve depresyon bulgularını tanımlamak için kullanıldı. Üç farklı anket (boş zaman aktivitesi, iş ve evde fiziksel aktivite) fiziksel aktivite düzeylerini tanımlamak için kullanıldı. Sonuçlar: Anksiyete skoru ağrı eşiğini etkileyen en yaygın faktördü (p=0.003). Diğer taraftan, orta düzeydeki evdeki fiziksel aktivite (p=0.027), işteki fiziksel aktivite (p=0.008) ve anksiyete skoru (p=0.027) genel yorgunluğu etkileyen anlamlı faktörlerdi. Tartışma: Sonuçlarımız anksiyetenin KYA’lı kadınlarda ağrı ve genel yorgunluğu etkileyen en önemli faktör olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlar ağrı, yorgunluk ve anksiyete özelliklerinin ayrıca değerlendirilmesinin gerekli olduğu düşüncesini desteklemektedir.Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate factors related to pain intensity and global fatigue in females with Chronic Widespread Pain (CWP). Material and methods: One hundred four patients with CWP were included. The mean age was 40.28±10.82 years. Both Pain intensity and global fatigue were assessed using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale was used to describe anxiety and depression symptoms. Three different questionnaires (leisure time activity, and physical activity at home, at work) were used to determine physical activity levels. Dorsal regression was used to analyze the data. Results: The anxiety score was the most common factor affecting pain intensity (p=0.003). On the other hand, a moderate level of physical activity at home (p=0.027), physical activity level at work (p=0.008), and the anxiety score (p=0.027) were significant factors affecting global fatigue. Conclusion: Our results show that anxiety is the most important factor affecting both pain and global fatigue in women with CWP. These results also support the idea that the characteristics of pain, fatigue and anxiety should be evaluated separately

    A prognostic marker in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss serum calprotectin

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    Objectives. Calprotectin, a protein released by neutrophils, has been used in many studies as a biomarker showing the presence of inflammation. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between serum calprotectin level and response to the treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL). Methods. The present study is a prospective, cross-sectional historical cohort study.The study group consisted of 44 patients with ISSHL, and the control group consisted of 41 healthy volunteers without ear pathology. At the same time, patients in the study group were divided into three groups according to the response to ISSHL treatment (recovered, partially recovered, unrecovered). The relationship between the groups was statistically evaluated in terms of serum calprotectin levels. Results. The mean serum calprotectin value was 75.67 +/- 19.48 ng/mL in the study group and 50.24 +/- 29.14 ng/mL in the control group (P=0.001). Serum calprotectin value according to the severity of hearing loss in the mild, moderate and severe was 66.20 +/- 8.82, 70.35 +/- 16.77, and 91.23 +/- 1.9.73 ng/mL, respectively. Serum calprotectin value in the severe group was significantly higher compared to the moderate and mild groups (P=0.004, P=0.001, respectively). Serum calprotectin value according to the treatment response in the recovered, partially recovered and unrecovered groups was 63.36 +/- 11.54, 80.17 +/- 12.06, and 85.33 +/- 22.33 ng/mL, respectively. Serum calprotectin value in the recovered group was significantly lower compared to the partially recovered and unrecovered groups (P=0.002, P= 0.001, respectively). Conclusion. Serum calprotectin value informs the clinician about both the severity of hearing loss and the response to treatment. Hence, serum calprotectin can be used as an important biomarker in ISSHL patients for the determination of the prognosis of disease

    Elevated serum calprotectin as an inflammatory marker in obstructive sleep apnea

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    OBJECTIVE To investigate the serum calprotectin (SCal) levels and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) values in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). METHODS Sixty-seven OSA patients and 46 healthy volunteers without any sleep disorders were included in the study. The patient group was divided into three subgroups according to the severity of OSA. The SCal levels and NLR values were compared among subgroups and between the experimental and control groups. RESULTS The mean SCal level and NLR value were higher in the study group than in the control group (p = 0.002 and p = 0.001, respectively). The SCal levels were significantly higher in patients with severe OSA than in those with moderate and mild OSA (p = 0.004 and p = 0.001, respectively). DISCUSSION Unlike NLR, the SCal level may inform the severity of OSA and could be used as an indicator for OSA

    Bankacılık sektöründe müşteri memnuniyeti açısından ürün ve hizmet inovsyon faaliyetlerinin değerlendirilmesi : Karaman ilinde bir uygulama

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    TEZ 332. 156523/GÜLbKaynakça: 150-166 ss.[Özet Yok

    The effects of urinary incontinence on health the effects of urinary incontinence on health status, social function, sexual life and quality of life in women of reproductive age

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    Üriner inkontinans yaşamı tehdit eden bir olay olmasa da kişilerin fiziksel ve sosyalyaşamlarını kısıtlamakta ve depresyona kadar varan emosyonel sorunların gelişmesine nedenolmaktadır. Bununla birlikte inkontinanslı hastaların günlük iş ve ev içi aktiviteleri, cinsel yaşamlarıda olumsuz yönde etkilenmektedir.Bu çalışma sosyal ve hijyenik bir problem haline gelen inkontinansın nedenlerini, budurumun sağlık, sosyal, seksüel ve yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla planlanmıştır.Denizli ilinde yaşayan yaşları 15- 49 yıl arasında olan toplam 160 inkontinanslı kadınrastgele örneklem yöntemiyle çalışma kapsamına alınmıştır.Çalışmaya alınan kadınların üriner inkontinans problemi dışında herhangi bir nörolojik vesistemik probleminin olmamasına ve menopoza girmemiş olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Çalışmayaalınan olgular, Beck Depresyon Envanteri, Bayan Seksüel Fonksiyon İndeksi (FSFI), Kısa Form 36(SF 36) ve Notthingham Sağlık Profili anketleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmamıza, yaş ortalaması 33,02±9,32 yıl ve VKİ ortalaması 26,86± 9,32 (kg/m2) olantoplam 160 inkontinanslı kadın rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle alınmıştır. Kadınların %38.8'inde stresüriner inkontinans, % 28.1'inde miks tip inkontinans ve %33.1'inde urge inkontinans görüldüğüsaptanmıştır. İnkontinanslı kadınların %25'inde cinsel fonksiyonlarının etkilendiği, Miks ürinerinkontinansı olan kadınlarda depresyon skoru daha yüksek olduğu ve inkontinans süresi arttıkçadepresyon skorunun yükseldiği, yaşam kalitelerinin olumsuz yönde etkilendiği tespit edilmiştir.Yaş, obstetrik öykü, geçirilmiş cerrahi operasyon, VKİ, sigara, kahve, alkol tüketimi ve ürinerenfeksiyon üriner inkontinansa neden olan risk faktörleridir. Üriner inkontinas süresi arttıkçakadınların sağlık, sosyal, seksüel ve yaşam kalitesi olumsuz yönde etkilenmektedir.Although urinary incontinence is not a life threathining event, its symptoms such as continousmoisture, irritation, discomfort from bad odour, and anxiety, cause some districtions in physical andsocial relationship and emotional problems especially depression. Besides, daily activities at home andjob area and sexual life may be negativelly effected.This study was planned in order to describe the causes of urinary incontinence which are asocial and hygienic problem and to show is effects on health status, social function, sexual life, andquality of life.One hundred-sixty women with urinary incontinence aged between 15-49 years living inDenizli were selected randomly. Women are in the menopausal period with neurologic or systemicproblems were excluded from the study.The Beck Depression Envantory was used to describe depressive symptoms among subjects.FSFI was used to evaluate sexual life. To investigate the quality of life the subjects, both Short Form-36 and Notthingham Health Profile were used.38.8 % of the women had a diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence, while 28.1% of them hadmixed type incontinence and 33.1% of the women had urge incontinence. 25% of the women who hadhad any type of incontinence reported that urinary incontinence effect negativelly their sexual life.Women with mixed urinary incontinence had a higher depressive symtopms compared to the others.At the same time, the increasing incontinence period was found as a factor which increases thedepression score. And also the increasing depression score affected the quality of life among subjects.Associate risk factors for urinary incontinence such as age, obstetric history, prior surgeries,BMI, smoking, coffee and alchol constupation, and urinary infection are essential. Any type of urinaryincontinence affects health status, social life, sexual life and quality of life in women of reproductiveage

    Type D personality is associated with disease severity and poor quality of life in Turkish patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: A cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate the rate of type D personality in Turkish patients with fibromyalgia (FM) and evaluate its associations with clinical parameters of FM as well as its effects on health-related quality of life (HRQoL).Patients and methods: The study included 100 patients with FM (14 males, 86 females; mean age 34.6 +/- 7.4 years; range, 22 to 49 years) fulfilling 1990 American College of Rheumatology diagnostic criteria and 50 healthy controls (9 males, 41 females; mean age 32.6 +/- 6.5 years; range, 21 to 50 years). Type D personality was assessed using the type D scale-14 (DS-14). FM disease severity was determined by Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), functional status by Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), and HRQoL by Nottingham Health Profile (NHP). Severity of pain and fatigue were measured by visual analog scale (VAS).Results: The frequency of type D personality was 33% in FM patients and 12% in controls (odds ratio=3.612, 95% confidence interval 1.398-9.333) (p=0.006). Type D FM patients scored higher in tender point count (TPC), FIQ, HAQ, VAS-pain and all NHP subgroups except energy (p<0.01). Type D personality was found to be correlated with FIQ, TPC, HAQ, VAS-pain and NHP subgroups except energy (p<0.01).Conclusion: Based on our findings, assessment of personality characteristics of patients with FM may hold the key for the treatment of the disease. Besides, a better understanding of personality-related pain in FM patients may provide a more targeted approach to pain treatment