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    Introduction and aim: In sports, self-confidence can be characterized by high-grade achievement expectation. In this context, the aim is to determine whether is any difference between the self-confidence levels of middle school students who do individual sports and those who are engaged in team sports. Age groups and gender as well as differences in self-esteem levels are also analyzed.Method: The study group consisted of 96 students who were engaged in individual and team sports in 5 secondary schools in Istanbul. "Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory", developed by Coopersmith (1967), was used in order to determine self-esteem levels and the personal information form was prepared to collect participants' age, gender and sport type data. First, the Shapiro Wilk test was performed to test the distribution of the data and it was found that the data provided a normal distribution. Independent sample t-test was conducted to determine whether self-esteem levels differed significantly in terms of gender and age variables.Findings: At the end of the study, the findings obtained from the data analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the self-confidence levels of the secondary school students compared to the sports types (p> 0,05). In the data obtained from other variables, it was determined that the level of self-esteem did not show any significant difference according to age and sex (p> 0,05).Discussion: There was no significant difference between the presented study and the mean scores of confidence, age, sport type and gender (p> 0,05). It can be said that no definite decision has been reached on whether this self-confidence is influential or not according to the results of this sample and the results of the researches made. It is advisable to add lessons such as communication skills, human relations in order to improve curriculum self- confidence building levels in schools.  Article visualizations

    Beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin olimpik konulara yönelik farkındalıkları ve olimpik kavramlara ilişkin değerlendirmeleri

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the awareness of Olympic Issues and evaluations in relation to Olympic concepts among the school of physical education and sport students. In the study, descriptive method was used and the "Olympic Information Form" which was developed by the researchers was used to collect data. The form included "Olympic games" "history", "persons" and "institutions", "symbols", "concepts" and "Olympic ideals". 726 students  from 11 different schools of physical education and sports in six different regions participated in the study. Also the qualitative methodology was used to gather data from the written evaluations through open ended questions. In order to increase the reliability and to decrease the subjectivity of the study the qualitative data obtained through open ended questions were numerically grouped. Therefore it was possible to make a comparison between the themes found and categories. Four researchers worked independently on qualitative analysis and the results were compared to reveal the similarities and differences. For the validity of the study the findings were combined to gather meaningful and consistent data. As a result 77.8% of the students were aware that the Olympic Games take place every four years. However 69.7% of them did not know when the first Olympic Games were organized. 78.9% of the students did not know the organization which represents the Olympic Movement in the world and 71.1% of them did not know it for Turkey. Findings for symbols showed that the Olympic Rings were mentioned in the first place both verbally and visually. In the analysis of the Olympic concepts, sport and organization were found. In the concept of Olympism, organization and management and ideas of Olympic Games, and in the concept of Olympic Movement physical movement and Olympic Ideas were found.  It was also found that among the first five con­cepts the initial reaction of the students when the Olympic Games were mentioned were: sports/sport branches (38.14%; 10.34%; 7.73%) in the first, second and fourth place; and the other two concepts competition (8.35%) and success (6.42%). For the ideals in sports, the themes such as fair play and winning were dominant whereas in the answers related to fair play, respect and friendship in sport were dominant. In conclusion it may be argued that the students did not have an adequate level of awareness in Olympic Issues and they tended to focus on sport and competition in the evaluation of the Olympic concepts.Bu çalışmanın amacı Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu’nda (BESYO) öğrenim gören öğrencilerin olimpik konulara yönelik farkındalıklarını belirleyerek, olimpik kavramlar ile ilgili değerlendirmelerini saptamaktır. Betimsel yöntemden yararlanılan araştırmada “Olimpiyat oyunları, tarih, kişi ve kurumlar”, “Semboller”, “Kavramlar” ve “Olimpik idealler” bölümlerinden oluşan ve araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan “Olimpik Bilgi Toplama Formu” kullanılmıştır. Altı farklı bölgedeki 11 BESYO’dan 726 öğrenci araştırmaya katılmıştır. Açık uçlu sorular yoluyla öğrencilerden alınan yazılı değerlendirmeleri içeren bölümerde nitel çözümlemeye gidilmiştir. Çalışmanın güvenirliğini artırmak ve yanlılığı azaltmak için açık uçlu sorular ile alınan nitel veriler sayısallaştırılmıştır. Böylece ortaya çıkan tema ve kategoriler arasında karşılaştırma yapılması mümkün olmuştur. Nitel analiz sırasında dört araştırmacı birbirlerinden bağımsız çalışmışlar,  bulunan sonuçlar karşılaştırılarak örüntüler çıkarılmıştır. Araştırmanın geçerliliği için bulguların anlamlı bir bütün oluşturması sağlanarak kendi aralarında tutarlı ve anlamlı olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin % 77, 8’inin olimpiyat oyunlarının dört yılda bir yapıldığını bilmesine rağmen, % 69,7’sinin ilk kez ne zaman yapıldığını ve olimpik hareketin dünyadaki temsilcisini %78,9, Türkiye’deki temsilcisini %71,1 oranında bilmedikleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Sembollerde, halkaların hem yazılı hem de görsel olarak birinci sırada ifadelendirildiği görülmektedir. Kavramlar için yapılan analizlerde olimpiyat kavramında spor, organizasyon; olimpizmde, yönetim ve organizasyon, olimpiyat düşüncesi; olimpik harekette ise bedensel hareket ve olimpik düşünce gibi temalar tekrarlanan kavramın spor/spor branşları (%38,14; %10,34; %7,73), diğer iki kavramın rekabet (%8,35) ve başarı (%6,42) olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Sporda ideallerde fair play ve kazanmak temaları öne çıkarken, fair play ile ilgili cevaplarda sporda saygı ve dostluk öne çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak,  öğrencilerin olimpik konularla ilgili farkındalıklarının yeterli düzeyde olmadığını, kavramları değerlendirmede spor ve yarışmaya odaklanma eğiliminde olduklarını söylemek mümkündür

    Türküye'de yeni bir spor dalı: "Korfbol"

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    1902 yılında Hollandalı bir öğretmen tarafından ortaya çıkarılan Korfbol sporu, ülkemizde 1995 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu ve FMV Özel Işık Lisesi'nde başlatılmıştır. Türkiye’de yeni tanınmaya başlayan Korfbol, erkek ve bayanların aynı takımda beraber oynadıkları tek takım sporu olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra, özellikle Avrupa da çeşitli yaşlardaki insanların ve aile fertlerinin de rekreatif amaçla bir arada oynayabildikleri bir spor olarak göze çarpmaktadır

    Spor hizmetinin sunulmasında halkla ilişkilerin fonksiyonu

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    1. SPOR YÜKSEKOKULU VE KULÜPLERİNDE HALKLA İLİŞKİLER FONKSİYONUNUN ETKİNLİĞİ Halkla ilişkiler hedef kitle ve örgütün elemanları ile etkili bir iletişim ve etkili bir pazarlama için önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Özellikle spor pazarlamasında halkla ilişkilerin pazarlama karmasının ayrı bir bileşeni olarak kabul edilmesi, spor yüksekokulu ve kulüplerinde de bu bileşenin önemini arttırmaktadır. Bu nedenle yapmış olduğumuz çalışmanın esas amacı, İstanbul'daki spor yüksekokulu ve kulüplerinin halkla ilişkiler fonksiyonu ile ilgili durumunu ortaya koymaktır. Buna ilave olarak dernek kulübü, kurum kulübü ve spor eğitim kuruluşları arasındaki farklılıkların belirlenmesi de amaçlanmıştır. Spor pazarlamasında halkla ilişkilerin sekiz fonksiyonu belirlenerek, spor yüksekokulu ve kulüplerinde deneklerin görüşlerini saptamak için bir anket formu geliştirilmiştir. Bazı kriterler doğrultusunda toplam sekiz spor kulübü ve bir beden eğitimi spor yüksekokulu saptanarak anketler uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın kapsamına spor kulüplerindeki tüm yöneticiler ve sporcularla spor yüksekokulundaki yöneticiler ve öğrencilerin tamamının alınması hedeflenmiştir. Toplam 1892 anketten 944 tanesi (% 49.89) doldurulup geri dönmüş fakat 870 tanesi değerlendirilmeye alınmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS bilgisayar programıyla analiz edilmiştir. Gruplar arasındaki farklılıkların olup olmadığını saptamak için tek yönlü varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Grup ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir sonucun bulunması sonucunda bu farkın hangi gruplardan kaynaklandığını belirlemek amacıyla Tukey HSD tekniği uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, spor eğitim kuruluşunda halkla ilişkiler fonksiyonlarının pek çoğunun yerine getirilmediği, spor kulüplerinde ise kısmen uygulandığı fakat etkin olmadığı görülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlar halkla ilişkilerin sekiz fonksiyonuna göre tartışılmış ve bu doğrultuda bazı öneriler sunulmuştur. 2. ABSTRACT THE EFECTIVENESS OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS FUNCTION IN THE SPORTS CLUBS AND THE SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS Public relations plays an important role for effective community and employee relations and effective marketing efforts. Especially, in sport marketing, public relations has been accepted as an additional element of the marketing mix, which increases the importance of this element for the schools of physical education and sports and sports clubs. That's why the purpose of this study was to evaluate public relations practices in the sport clubs and the school of physical education and sports in Istanbul. Also it was aimed to identify the differences in public relations function among the company clubs, the association clubs and the sport education institution. Eight public relations functions in sport marketing were determined and a survey questionnaire was developed to investigate the opinions of the subjects in sport clubs and the school of physical education and sports. A total of eight sport clubs and one school of physical education and sports were selected determining some criterions and questionnaires were distributed to these clubs and the school. The whole sport managers and athletes in sport clubs and the administrators and students in the school of physical education and sports were included in this study. From a total population of 1892, a total of 944 ( 49.89 % ) surveys were completed and returned but 870 of them were evaluated. The collected data were analyzed using the computer program SPSS. One - way ANOVA and Tukey HSD method were used for determining the differences among the groups. As a result, responses indicated that most of the functions of public relations were not administered in the sport education institution but there were some ineffective public relations activities in sport clubs. Results were discussed according to the eight public relations functions and some recommendations were given

    Spor yüksekokulu ve kulüplerinde halkla ilişkiler fonksiyonunun etkinliği

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    Spor yüksekokulu ve kulüplerinde halkla ilişkiler fonksiyonunun etkinliği

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    Spor ve medya ilişkisi ve Türkiye'de spor medyası

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    Improving students’ korfball skills with in-depth content knowledge

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    © 2022 SHAPE America.In this article, we present in-depth content knowledge required for preservice and practicing physical education teachers to teach korfball. We begin by describing knowledge of game rules, safety, etiquette, techniques, and tactics of korfball, which refers to common content knowledge (CCK) and continue with defining knowledge of student errors, instructional tasks, and representations. This refers to specialized content knowledge (SCK) that is essential for teachers to deliver meaningful learning experiences to students in physical education lessons. The article provides preservice and practicing physical education teachers with educationally rich examples to improve their teaching practices, thus promotes students’ lifelong engagement in korfball

    Parental awareness and knowledge for participating in talent selection of golf

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    The aim of this study was to determine the golf knowledge and awareness of the parents whose children were involved in a golf talent selection project. It was held in order to spread golf and find new talents in Turkey. A questionnaire was applied to the parents of 400 children (223 boys and 178 girls) aged 8-11 during this project. Frequency distribution was used for each question (p<0.05). As a result, the majority of the parents who live in Silivri - where one of the well-known golf facilities in Turkey is located - did not have any knowledge about golf but the majority of the parents (97.3%) wanted their children to be involved in golf. This was not effective to bring their children for the project because more than half of the parents brought their children for golf talent selection leading by their of physical education and sport teachers (53.6 %). In addition more than half of the parents were active in sports therefore they encouraged and supported their children to play gol

    Enhancing proton conductivity via sub-micron structures in proton conducting membranes originating from sulfonated PVDF powder by radiation-induced grafting

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    We report here submicron-structured proton conducting poly(vinylidene fluoride)-graft-poly(styrene sulfonic acid) (PVDF-g-PSSA) membranes for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). Highly conductive proton exchange membranes were obtained by single-step radiation grafting of sodium styrene sulfonate (SSS) to powder-form PVDF, followed by casting and subsequent solvent evaporation. The obtained submicron structure of membrane through solvent evaporation led to the arrangement of ionic channels proving increasing proton conductivity with the increase in graft level. In addition, a temperature above melting point of PVDF was used for solvent evaporation to allow melted PVDF to fill the formed pores, providing denser structure resulting in improved mechanical properties of the membranes. SSS grafting to PVDF powder was verified by NMR spectroscopy, and resultant membranes were characterized for proton conductivity, water up-take, morphology, mechanical and thermal properties, and fuel cell performance. According to preliminary tests, proton conductivities which were observed to increase with graft level were found to be around 70 mS/cm2 at 35 % graft level. Thus, this led to a promising power density of 250 mW/cm2 at 650 mA/cm