305 research outputs found
Investigation of individual anxiety levels of sedentary and athletes in the novel coronavirus: Sedanter ve sporcuların yeni tip koronavirüse yakalanmada bireysel kaygı düzeylerinin incelenmesi
This study aims to examine the anxiety of getting COVID-19 according to different variables in terms of sedentary and athletes. In the study designed with a quantitative model, the Athlete's Anxiety Scale for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) was used and Pearson Correlation analysis was used with the t-test. 86 active sports athletes and 84 sedentary athletes with licenses in different branches participated in the study. In the study, it was determined that the individual anxiety levels of women were significantly higher in getting COVID-19 compared to men, and sedentary people compared to athletes. It has been determined that the level of anxiety of those who have caught COVID-19 before, in catching COVID-19, is significantly higher than those who have caught this disease. In addition, no significant relationship was found between the age of the participants and individual anxiety. As a result of the research, it can be said that the level of individual anxiety in catching COVID-19 is negatively affected by the state of doing sports.
Bu çalışma COVID-19 yakalanma kaygısını sedanter ve sporcular açısından farklı değişkenlere göre incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Nicel modelle tasarlanan araştırmada Sporcunun Yeni Koronavirüse (COVID-19) Yakalanma Kaygısı Ölçeği kullanılmış ve t-testi ile Pearson Korelasyon analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmaya, farklı branşlarda lisansa sahip aktif spor yapan 86 sporcu ve 84 sedanter katıldı. Araştırmda kadınlarrın erkeklere göre, sedanterlerin ise sporculara göre COVID-19’a yakalanmada bireysel kaygı düzeylerinin anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Daha önce COVID-19’a yakalanmayaların, COVID-19’a yakalanmada bireysel kaygı düzeyinin bu hastalığa yakalananlara göre anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca katılımcıların yaşı ile bireysel kaygı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmamıştır. Araştırma sonucunda COVID-19’a yakalanmada bireysel kaygı düzeyinin spor yapma durumundan olumsuz etkilendiği söylenebilir
Analyzing hospital high length of stay outliers in Turkey
Purpose: The study aims to examine the length of stay (LOS) outliers by analyzing the hospital administrative database.Material and Methods: The Turkish Ministry of Health DRG grouper database was utilized to obtain hospital administrative data on discharges for 15 training and research hospitals in 2012. For each diagnosis-related group (DRG), the geometric mean plus two standard deviations were calculated to identify the outliers. According to the recent data, demographic, clinical, and DRG-specific characteristics influence LOS outliers. Analyses were conducted using descriptive statistics and logistic regression using generalized estimating equations (GEE).Results: High LOS outliers were found to be 4.4 % of the cases. Even though they made up only 4.4 percent of the patients, outliers accounted for 24.50 percent of all discharge days. The top three specific DRGs with the highest LOS outliers were neonatal cases. According to the multivariate model, alcohol, drug use disorders, burns, and ear, nose, mouth, and throat diseases influenced high LOS outliers the most. Furthermore, DRG weight, DRG type, discharge type, and age groups were other significant factors related to high LOS outliers.Conclusion: A quarter of all inpatient days are made up of LOS outliers. Burns, neonate cases, and alcohol/drug use cases should be carefully evaluated. To improve clinical quality and effectively manage hospital resources, hospital administrators and health policymakers should consider the length of stay outliers
Şâfiî Müçtehit Tabakaları ve Mezhep İçi Tercihteki Rolleri
İçtihat, tahriç ve tercih gibi fıkhî istidlâl yöntemleri temel alınarak oluşturulan müçtehit tabakaları (tabakâtü’l-müctehidîn), mezhep mensubu bir fakihin mezhep içindeki faaliyetlerde hareket alanını belirlemesi bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Bu yönüyle bakıldığında müçtehit tabakalarının mezhep içi tercihle sıkı bir irtibatının bulunduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Sahip oldukları ilmî seviye bakımından müçtehit tabakalarında farklı mertebelere yerleştirilen müçtehitler, bulundukları yerde mezhep içi tercih faaliyetlerinin muhtelif yönlerini temsil etmektedirler. Bu çalışmada Şâfiî mezhebi esas alınarak oluşturulan müçtehit tabakaları ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın Şâfiî mezhebiyle sınırlandırılmasının sebebi, ülkemizde genel olarak konu hakkında yapılan çalışmalarda Hanefî mezhebinin esas alınıp Şâfiîlerin tasnifine ya hiç değinilmemesi, değinilse bile bunun kısa bilgilerle sınırlı kalmasıdır. Bu durumun da alana dair bir eksikliği barındırdığı açık bir husustur. Zikredilen sebeplerden ötürü bu çalışmada Şâfiî müçtehit tabakalarının mahiyetinin anlaşılmasının yanı sıra mezhep içi tercih faaliyetlerinde oynadıkları rol de tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır
We introduce the bi-rotational hypersurface in the four dimensional Euclidean geometry We obtain the -th curvatures of the hypersurface. Moreover, we consider the Laplace--Beltrami operator of the bi-rotational hypersurface satisfying for some matrix
Utilization of ceramic waste in the production of Khorasan mortar
Khorasan mortar was used in almost all of the historical structures in the geographical area of turkey. It is still used in the renovation of these structures. Water, lime, baked clay is used in the production of Khorasan by breaking and grinding. Crushed brick and tiles are preferred as baked clay. In this study, the usability of ceramic wastes as baked clay was investigated. An important part of ceramic production is made especially in Eskişehir and its vicinity. 10% of ceramic production shows up as wastes because of various reasons. These wastes which are under 20 mm are crushed in the jaw breakers and these which are under 150 mm are grinned in grinders, transformed to powder and then mixed with hydrated lime and water in various proportions, in this way Khorasan mortars are obtained. In mortar production, crushed ceramic-ceramic powder ratio, ceramic-lime ratio were changed and the most suitable ratios were tried to be found. Samples taken from these mortars which are 4 cm x 4 cm x 16 cm in size are removed after a day from the mold and kept in humid environment. Physical and mechanical properties such as unit weight, ultrasonic pulse velocity, bending strength, compressive strength of the mortar were determined. As a result of the experiments, the unit weights range was between 1.5–1.65 kg/dm3, the ultrasonic pulse velocity rates range from 1.3–1.9 km/h, the range of bending strengths was from 0.25–1.05 MPa, and compressive strength has changed in the range of 7.5–10.5 MPa. With the work done, it is recommended to use a high percentage of lime while using ceramic wastes in the process of producing Khorasan mortar
Manager Opinions on the Cyberloafing Problem in Public Institutions: A Case Study
Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, genel olarak insanların ve özel olarak işgörenlerin yeni alışkanlıklar edinmelerine neden olmaktadır. Özellikle, hyperlinkler aracılığıyla bağlanılan web sayfalarından oluşan ve tam bir etkileşim imkânı vermeyen, statik web içeriklerinden, karşılıklı etkileşim özelliği güçlü web 2.0. tabanlı internet altyapısı, işyerlerinde sanal aylaklığa neden olmaktadır. Bu araştırmada işyerinde verimlilik kaybına neden olduğu varsayılan “sanal aylaklık” konusunda yönetici görüşlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması desenine göre tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi amaçsal örnekleme tekniklerinden ölçüt örnekleme tekniğine göre belirlenmiştir. Araştırma verileri kamu kurumlarında yönetici pozisyonunda olan 14 kişilik bir çalışma grubundan elde edilmiştir. Verilerin toplanmasında yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Toplanan veriler içerik analizine göre analiz edilerek çeşitli yorum ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Araştırma bulgularına göre “sanal aylaklık” kamu kurumlarında yaygın bir sorundur ve ne yazık ki bir çözüm bulmakta kolay olmamaktadır. Bilgisayar ve cep telefonu gibi mobil cihazların işyerinde amacı dışında kullanılması zaman, performans ve verimlilik kaybına neden olmaktadır.Developments in information and communication technologies cause people in general and employees_x000D_
in particular to acquire new habits. Especially, the web 2.0, which consists of web pages linked through_x000D_
hyperlinks and does not allow full interaction, is static web content, with strong interaction feature based_x000D_
internet infrastructure causes cyberloafing in workplaces. In this study, it is aimed to examine the_x000D_
opinions of managers about cyberloafing which is assumed to cause productivity loss in the workplace._x000D_
The research was designed according to the case study design, one of the qualitative research designs._x000D_
The sample of the study was determined according to the criterion sampling technique, which was one_x000D_
of the purposive sampling techniques, and the research data were obtained from a working group of 14_x000D_
people in public institutions. Semi-structured interview form was used to collect data. The collected data_x000D_
were analyzed according to content analysis and various comments and suggestions were made._x000D_
According to the research findings, cyberloafing is a common problem in public institutions and_x000D_
unfortunately it is not easy to find a solution. Misuse of mobile devices such as computers and mobile_x000D_
phones causes loss of time, performance and productivity at the workplace.Developments in information and communication technologies cause people in general and employees in particular to acquire new habits. Especially, the web 2.0, which consists of web pages linked through hyperlinks and does not allow full interaction, is static web content, with strong interaction feature based internet infrastructure causes cyberloafing in workplaces. In this study, it is aimed to examine the opinions of managers about cyberloafing which is assumed to cause productivity loss in the workplace. The research was designed according to the case study design, one of the qualitative research designs. The sample of the study was determined according to the criterion sampling technique, which was one of the purposive sampling techniques, and the research data were obtained from a working group of 14 people in public institutions. Semi-structured interview form was used to collect data. The collected data were analyzed according to content analysis and various comments and suggestions were made. According to the research findings, cyberloafing is a common problem in public institutions and unfortunately it is not easy to find a solution. Misuse of mobile devices such as computers and mobile phones causes loss of time, performance and productivity at the workplace
Psychopathology in Down Syndrome
The main aim of this section is to provide clinicians with a guide to the prevalence of psychopathologies, associated factors, and their treatment in children with Down syndrome (DS). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavioral disorders, depression, and autism are more common in DS than the normal population. However, the incidence of psychopathology is generally lower in DS than in other diseases that cause mental retardation. While writing this chapter, approximately 200 articles in electronic databases were scanned using the keywords “Down Syndrome and Psychopathology,” “Down Syndrome and Mood Disorder,” “Down Syndrome and Autism,” “Down Syndrome and Anxiety,” “Down Syndrome and Catatonia,” and “Down Syndrome and Behavioral Disorder.” Psychopathologies in DS will be presented in eight subtitles beginning with the most often diagnosed. It is important to perform psychological evaluations of patients with DS during routine follow-ups. Comorbid diseases (obstructive sleep apnea, cardiac pathologies, etc.) should be taken into account when choosing drugs
Science and Library in the Ancient Age
Bilim, büyü, din ve akıl aşamaları sonucu çağdaş kimliğine kavuşur. Yazının bulunmasıyla din aşaması başlar ve Eski Yunanda Thales ile bu aşama yerini “akıl”a bırakır. Bilgi dinsel inançlardan sıyrılır. Bilginin ne olduğu yanında, doğru, güvenilir, gerçekçi bilgiye ulaşma yolları aranır. Bu nedenle bilimin başlangıcı felsefe ile birlikte ele alınır. Çalışmanın amacı, Antikçağ bilgisi ve bilimini Mezopotamya, Mısır ve Eski Yunan’da genel çizgilerle ele almak ve buralarda üretilen bilgilerle kurulmuş kütüphaneler arasındaki ilişkiyi kurmaktır. Hipotez ise “bilim tarihinin başlangıç noktasındaki Mısır ve Mezopotamya ile Eski Yunan’da bilim ve kütüphane birbirine koşut gelişmiştir” biçiminde belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın kapsamı, Mezopotamya, Mısır, Eski Yunan ile sınırlandırılmış; Eski Yunan’a ilişkin kısım ise İyonya, Atina, Helenistik ve Roma dönemleri çerçevesinde kısaca betimleme yöntemiyle açıklanmıştır. Antikçağda kurulan pek çok arşiv ve kütüphaneden söz edilmeden önce arşiv ve kütüphane arasındaki ayırıma değinilerek, Mezopotamya’da Ninova, Eski Yunan’da İskenderiye, Mısır’da da birçok kütüphane tanıtılmıştır. Bilgi üretimi ile kütüphane arasında sıkı bir ilişki olduğu; özellikle İskenderiye Kütüphanesi ile belirgin biçimde öne çıkmıştır.Science assumes its contemporary identity as a result of the stages of magic, religion and reason. The religious stage starts with the invention of writing and this stage leaves its place to reason with Thales in Ancient Greece. Knowledge eludes from religious beliefs. Ways to reach accurate, reliable and realistic knowledge are sought, along with the answer for what knowledge is. Therefore, beginning of the science is taken into consideration together with science and philosophy. The purpose of this study is to approach knowledge and science of the ancient age in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Ancient Greece in general terms and to determine the relationship between the knowledge produced in those places and libraries established. The hypothesis has been determined as “Egypt and Mesopotamia at the starting point of the history of science and science, and libraries in Ancient Greece have developed parallelly to each other.” The scope of the study has been limited to Mesopotamia, Egypt and Ancient Greece; and Ancient Greece has been explained, with descriptive method, in the frame of the topics of Ionia, Athens, Hellenistic Period and Rome. Many archives and libraries have been established in the ancient age. The difference between an archive and a library has been mentioned first, and then, various libraries have been introduced such as Nineveh in Mesopotamia, Alexandria in Ancient Greece and many others in Egypt. It has been clearly distinguished that there had been a very tight relationship between knowledge production and library, especially with the Library of Alexandria
Usefulness of Maximal Exercise- Corrected QT as a Predictor of Coronary Artery Disease: A Comparison of Simpler Heart Rate Corrections
29th Turkish Cardiology Congress of the Turkish-Society-of-Cardiology (TSC) with International Participation -- OCT 26-29, 2013 -- Antalya, TURKEY[No Abstract Available]Turkish Soc Cardio
Heart rate recovery may predict the presence of coronary artery disease
Objective: We investigated whether post-exercise first minute abnormal heart rate recovery (HRR1) helps to predict the presence and severity of CAD, because of some confounding data. Methods: A cross-sectional, retrospective study was performed. Two hundred individuals were included. Gensini scores and the number of coronary artery involvements were used to evaluate the severity of CAD. Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney U test and chi-square test were used for the analysis continuous and categorical data. Spearman's correlation analysis was used to determine whether there is correlation between Gensini scoring and HRR1. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to determine predictors for abnormal HRR1. ROC curve analysis was performed to detect the best sensitivity and specificity value of HRR1 in predicting CAD presence. Results: Seventy subjects (35%) did not have CAD, and CAD was present in 130 patients (65%). HRR1 0.05), there was relationship CAD presence and abnormal HRR1 (OR=2.1, 95% CI: 1.1-3.9, p=0.02), but not between CAD severity and HRR1 (r=-0.13, p=0.112). The sensitivity, specificity, and the positive and negative predictive values of abnormal HRR1 <= 21 beats at first minute for predicting CAD presence were 76.1%, 41.3% (AUC=0.588, CI 95%: 0.517-0,657, p=0.039), 70.7% and 48.3%, respectively. Conclusion: In the study abnormal HRR1 predicted the presence of CAD, but not the severity of it
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