36 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to introduce a structural equation model of testing the mediation role of organizational resilience in the relationship between organizational myopia and organizational sustainability. Thus, it was designed with structural regression model. In the study, it was aimed to collect data from a higher education organization which had already received “Turkey Continuity in Excellence Award”. For this purpose, the participants of the study comprised purposefully selected 322 academics at Sakarya University, which was the only university in Turkey having the relevant award holistically. For the data collection, “Organizational Sustainability Scale” developed by Sezen-Gültekin (2019), “Organizational Resilience Scale” and “Organizational Myopia Scale” adapted to educational organizations by Sezen-Gültekin (2019) were utilized. As result, it was found that the established model had acceptable and excellent compliance values. In addition, it was determined that the organizational myopia independent variable directly affected the organizational resilience dependent variable, while it was both directly and indirectly organizational sustainability dependent variable. It was also seen that the organizational resilience independent variable directly affected the organizational sustainability dependent variable. In addition, it was observed that the organizational myopia and the organizational resilience variables had indirect effects on the sub-dimensions of executive, economic, social, cultural and environmental sustainability. Keywords: Continuity in Excellence Award, higher education institution, organizational myopia, organizational resilience, organizational sustainability, quality managemen

    Examination of the Relationship between Organizational Resilience and Organizational Sustainability at Higher Education Institution

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    As organizational environments become increasingly complex, uncertain and unpredictable, organizations face more crises and are forced to maintain their resilience in these circumstances. In spite of these situations, organizations that maintain their resilience try to secure their organizational sustainability by taking their existence one step further. According to the UNDP report, organizations can create a sustainable dynamic if they can make individuals and communities more resilient. Then it is obviously seen that organizational resilience and organizational sustainability concepts are related to each other. For this reason, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between organizational resilience and organizational sustainability at higher education isntitutions based on the literature. In this respect, the study was designed with a literature review. As the data collection, the a six-step research strategy was determined, and six steps of this strategy was applied. After then, it was occurred as far as was accessed, there was no study that directly quantifies the relationship between organizational resilience and organizational sustainability in higher education was found. However, it was seen that some of the studies mentioned below analyze the relationship between resilience and sustainability conceptually. For this reason, it was proved the importance of both handling organizational resilience and organizational sustainability together and handling this relationship at higher education institutions. In this context, some suggestions were presented. Keywords: Educational organization; higher education institution; literature review; organizational resilience; organizational sustainability

    Examination of 2015 Human Development Index in Terms of Education: Comparison of the Continents and Turkey

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    This study aims to compare Turkey to the first three countries from each continent in terms of educational indicators in 2015 Human Development Report.  In line with this aim, it is a case study utilizing document review method.  Analysis of the data has been carried out on a single document which is United Nations Development Report (2015).  To determine the sample, data were categorized according to continents and the first three countries of continents were compared to Turkey.  The indicators evaluated in the scope of this study are expected and net enrollment rates, population with at least some secondary education, inequality in education and adjusted ineqaulity index in education, satisfaction with education quality, international student mobility, workforce with higher education, education achievements and the population between 15-24 unemployed and unschooled.  The findings of the study showed that Turkey does not have satisfying values in terms of these indicators and appears at the bottom of the list or very close to the bottom.  It is also suggested that Turkey should invest more to education to have a better performance in human development index. Keywords: continents, education, human development, index, report, Turkey, UND

    Lifelong Learning As a Necessity, Progress, Durableness and Incentive Tool: Metaphoric Perceptions

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    DergiPark: 460003tredThis study examined the metaphorical perception of master students about lifelonglearning term. In this context, phenomenology pattern which is a qualitativeresearch model was used as the research model. The study group was determinedwith sampling criteria which is one of the purposeful sampling methods.Therefore, 31 postgraduate students who have distance education at SakaryaUniversity Institute of Education Sciences occupied in the study group. Asemi-structured interview form was developed by the researchers for collectingdata. Some measures were taken in order to ensure trustworthiness, and somemethods were applied in order to consider confirmability, credibility,dependability and transferability criteria. The data were analyzed with contentanalysis method. After this analysis, totally 31 different metaphors aboutlifelong learning were developed. The metaphors were categorized according totheir rationales. Based on these rationales, four categories were made in whichrequirement, development, continuity and encouragement categories existed. Inthe light of these findings, the results were produced, and the discussionswere made. After then, some suggestions were presented for future authors andstudies.Bu çalışma katılımcıların yaşamboyu öğrenme kavramına ilişkin metaforikalgılarını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda, araştırma modeli nitelaraştırma modellerinden fenomenoloji deseni ile tasarlanmıştır. Çalışmagrubunun belirlenmesinde, amaçlı örneklem yöntemlerinden biri olan kriterörneklem tercih edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, çalışma grubu Sakarya ÜniversitesiEğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsünde uzaktan eğitim alan 31 yüksek lisansöğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin toplanma için araştırmacılar tarafındanbir yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu geliştirilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında,geçerlik ve güvenirliği sağlamak adına inanırlık, aktarılabilirlik,güvenilebilirlik ve onaylanabilirlik ölçütleri göz önünde bulundurularak bazıtedbirler alınmıştır. Çalışma grubundan elde edilen verilerin analizinde içerikanalizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Katılımcıların yaşamboyu öğrenme ile ilgilitoplam 31 farklı metafor geliştirdiği görülmüştür. Bu metaforlar gerekçelerinegöre incelenmiş ve sonrasında bu gerekçeler üzerinden gereklilik, gelişim,süreklilik ve teşvik şeklinde dört kategori oluşturulmuştur. Bu bağlamda, eldeedilen bulgulara dayalı olarak sonuç ve tartışma belirtilmiş; ayrıca yaşamboyuöğrenmenin bu dört yönü vurgulanarak öneriler sunulmuştur

    Higher Education Students’ Perception of Transactional Distance and Their Tendencies Toward Lifelong Learning

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    DergiPark: 478037tredBu çalışmada, açıköğretim fakülteleriaracılığıyla yaygın yükseköğretime devam eden öğrencilerin uzaklık algılarınınyaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri çerçevesinde ele alınması amaçlanmaktadır. Nitelaraştırma yöntemlerine uygun olarak desenlenen araştırmanın çalışma grubununbelirlenmesi için amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi izlenmiştir. Bu kapsamda çalışmagrubu, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesinde öğrenim görmekte olan ve biraçıköğretim programına kayıtlı olan öğrencilerden oluşmaktadır. Verilerintoplanmasında araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış biranket formu kullanılmıştır. Görüşme formundaki soruların oluşturulmasındaMoore’un (1993) transaksiyonel uzaklık kuramının yapı, diyalog ve özerklikboyutları ile Coşkun ve Demirel’in (2012) yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleriölçeğinin motivasyon, kararlılık, merak ve öğrenmeyi düzenleme boyutlarındanfaydalanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz kullanılmıştır. Bukapsamda, katılımcılardan elde edilen veriler incelenmiş ve böylecekatılımcıların yaygın yükseköğretime ilişkin uzaklık algısı ile yaşam boyuöğrenme eğilimlerine yönelik görüşleri doğrudan alıntılar yapılarak ortayakonmuştur. Transaksiyonel uzaklık algısının yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimi ileilgisi incelendiğinde olumlu, olumsuz ve nötr ifadelerin olduğu  görülmektedir.  Elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında, yaygınyükseköğretimin uzaktan eğitim ve yaşam boyu öğrenme işlevleri tartışılmış;ilgili sonuçlar, yaygın ve örgün yükseköğretim açısından değerlendirilmiştir.Thisstudy aims to investigate university students’ perceptions of transactionaldistance in the framework of their lifelong learning tendencies, who continuetheir non-formal tertiary education through open education faculties. As a typeof qualitative research design, a purposeful sampling method was used todetermine the sample of the study. Within this scope, the sample constitutesthe students who were enrolled in an open education program and were studyingat Sakarya University Faculty of Education. A semi-structured questionnairedeveloped by researchers was used to collect the data. Dialogue and autonomydimensions of Moore's (1993) Transactional Distance Theory and dimensions ofmotivation, self-determination for learning, curiosity and self-regulation for learningin Coşkun and Demirel's (2012) lifelong learning tendency scale were used inconstructing the questions in the interview form. The data were analyzedthrough descriptive analysis and revealed the participants' perceptions oftransactional distance regarding common tertiary education and their tendencyto lifelong learning. When the relation of transactional distance perceptionwith lifelong learning tendency is examined, it is seen that there arepositive, negative and neutral expressions. In the light of the results,distance learning and lifelong learning functions of the nonformal highereducation were discussed and related outcomes were evaluated in terms of formaland nonformal higher education

    Evaluation of Nutritional Status in Cancer Patients Underwent Radiotherapy: The Results of Biochemical, Body Composition with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, Anthropometric Measurements, and Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment

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    Aim: This study aims to evaluate the nutritional status and the effect of radiotherapy (RT) on nutrition in all ambulatory cancer patients. Material and Method: In this prospective observational study 105 cancer patients with various diagnoses treated between 2013 and 2014 were evaluated. All patients were ≥18 years old and had Karnofsky Performance Status ≥70. Anthropometric measurements, body composition with bioelectric impedance, and patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) tools were used. The height, weight, body mass index (BMI), triceps skin fold thickness, mid-upper arm circumference, hemoglobin, and serum albumin levels were determined twice before and after RT. Additionally, nutrition-related symptoms and short-term weight loss results were determined by PG-SGA questionnaires. Results: The patients’ median age was 53 years (range, 18-82 years). At initial evaluation 74 patients were well nourished using the PG-SGA global rating. Malnutrition developed in totally 33 of these 74 patients after RT. The PG-SGA results after RT were significantly worse than before treatment. PG-SGA revealed no significant relationship between nutritional status prior to RT and the parameters including gender, age, mean weight, BMI, disease duration, pre-RT hemoglobin and albumin levels. Post-RT evaluation showed a significant relationship between deterioration (PG-SGA B-C) and mean weight, BMI, serum albumin, hemoglobin levels, and concomitant chemotherapy. Gastrointestinal and head and neck cancer patients had the most deterioration after RT. The patients' weight, BMI, fat-free mass, total body water, and the percentage weight loss at the end of RT were significantly lower than the initial assessment. Conclusion: It is considerable to use multiple tools for nutritional monitoring. Patients who received RT to the head and neck and upper abdomen region had a high risk of deterioration after treatment. These patients should be monitored carefully during all treatment periods

    An Investigation on the Health Expenditures, Life Expectancy and Economic Growth Relationship in G20 Countries

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    Bu çalışmada 2000-2017 yılları arasında G-20 ülkelerinde sağlık harcamaları ve ekonomik büyüme arasındakiilişkinin varlığı araştırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda sağlık harcamaları, özel sağlık harcamaları, kişisel sağlıkharcamaları, GSYH ve doğumdan beklenen yaşam süresi değişkenleri panel ARDL testi ile analiz edilmiştir.Analiz sonucunda sağlık harcamaları, özel sağlık harcamaları ve yapılan kişisel sağlık harcamalarıdeğişkenlerinin hem uzun hem de kısa dönem parametreleri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Uzundönemde sağlık harcamalarındaki %1’lik artış ekonomik büyümede % 0,8 oranında artışa sebep olurken, özelsağlık harcamalarındaki %1’lik artış ekonomik büyümede %0,6 oranında azalışa sebep olacaktır. Yine uzundönemde yapılan kişisel sağlık harcamaları değişkenindeki %1’lik artış ekonomik büyümede %0,7 oranındaartışa sebep olacaktır.In this study, the relationship between health expenditures and economic growth in G20 countries between 2000-2017 was investigated. In this context, health expenditures, private health expenditures, GDP and life expectancy from birth were analyzed with panel ARDL test. As a result of the analysis, both long and shortterm parameters of health expenditures, private health expenditures and personal health expenditures are statistically significant. In the long term, a 1% increase in health expenditures will cause an increase in economic growth by 0.8%, and a 1% increase in private health expenditures will cause a 0.6% decrease in economic growth. Again, an increase of 1% in the variable of personal health expenditures in the long term will cause an increase of 0.7% in economic growth

    Examining the Relationships Among Teachers' Work Engagement, Teamwork Attitudes, and Efficacy for Classroom Diversity

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    The purpose of this quantitative research is to examine the relationships among teachers' work engagement, teamwork attitudes, and efficacy for classroom diversity within the scope of structural equation modeling. The sample of the study consists of 355 teachers involved in the Project Supporting the Integration of Syrian Children into the Turkish Education System (PIKTES) during the 2020-2021 academic year. The Teachers' Teamwork Attitude Scale, Work Engagement Scale, and Teacher EfficacyScale for Classroom Diversity have been used for collecting the data. Four hypotheses were developed based on the structural model created within the context of this study. Accordingly, (i) teachers' work engagement is claimed to positively affects both teachers' efficacy for classroom diversity as well as their (ii) teamwork attitude; and (iii) teachers' efficacy for classroom diversity is claimed to positively affect their teamwork attitude, and (iv) teachers' work engagement is also claimed to positively affect their teamwork attitude through their efficacy for classroom diversity. To verify these hypotheses, the relationships among the variables were determined first, and all the variables were seen to have moderately positive relationships. Based on these relations, the given structural model was then created and tested using path analysis. The findings showed all the hypotheses to have been proven confirmed