11 research outputs found

    Was Konsumenten von Bio-Eiern halten. [What consumers think about organic eggs].

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    Wie wichtig Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten ethische Argumente sind, die ĂŒber die gesetzlichen Bio-Richtlinien hinausgehen, wurde im Rahmen eines europĂ€ischen Forschungsprojektes (CORE Organic Farmer Consumer Partnerships) untersucht. Am Beispiel von Bio-Eiern wurde ĂŒber RegionalitĂ€t, Tierhaltungsstandards und faire Preise diskutiert

    Kommunikation von "bioPlus"-Leistungen

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    RegionalitĂ€t, Ressourcenschonung und soziales Engagement sind Zusatzleistungen, die Biobetriebe besonders hĂ€ufig an ihre Konsumenten kommunizieren. Im wachsenden Ökomarkt gewinnen solche Differenzierungsstrategien an Bedeutung

    Höhere Standards in europÀischen Biobetrieben und ihre Kommunikation an die KonsumentInnen

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    In times of rapid growth of the organic sector, efforts are made to define and strengthen organic values. A prominent example are the IFOAM-principles, which form the basis for ethical commitment in context with organic farming, without being fully integrated into organic regulations. This article addresses the question which ethical and other activities are practised in organic farms and companies that go beyond the regulations and if and how these activities are communicated to consumers. The survey encompasses 100 farms and companies in five European countries (Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Switzerland). After a descriptive analysis of the farms and companies, the background and use of communication arguments is explored. Finally, a proposal for a classification of the arguments is made. Although several organic producers and processors practise activities in the economic, ecologic, social and cultural field that go beyond the organic regulations, the communication to the consumers could be improved in many cases

    Profits Over Development?

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    Seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre gewinnt Privatsektorentwicklung im Rahmen der staatlichen Entwicklungspolitik immer mehr an Bedeutung, damit geht auch das Florieren der dazugehörigen DurchfĂŒhrungsorganisationen Development Finance Institutions (DFI) einher. Der Spagat zwischen Gewinnstreben und entwicklungspolitischen Effekten liegt in der Natur der DFI und ist gleichzeitig ihre grĂ¶ĂŸte Herausforderung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, inwiefern die beiden schon lange etablierten Entwicklungsfinanzierungsinstitutionen CDC Group plc. (Großbritannien) und DEG (Deutschland) ihrer Rolle und ihrem Auftrag gerecht werden. Unter Zuhilfenahme von Konzepten aus der Policy Analyse gehen die Autorinnen den Fragen nach, nach welchen Kriterien die DFI ihre Investitionsprojekte auswĂ€hlen, was fĂŒr sie entwicklungspolitische Relevanz bedeutet und wie sie mit Transparenz und Rechenschaftspflichten gegenĂŒber Politik und Öffentlichkeit umgehen. Im Zuge der deskriptiven Analyse wird klar, dass die beiden Entwicklungsfinanzierungsinstitutionen große Unterschiede aufweisen; die identifizierten UnzulĂ€nglichkeiten werden schlussendlich als Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr Politikempfehlungen genommen.At the beginning of the 1990s a new trend in the field of governmental development policy was born: Private Sector Development. At the same time, implementing agencies called Development Finance Institutions (DFI) started to boom. The balancing act between achieving high rates of return and creating development impact is in their nature and constitutes their major challenge. The authors of this paper discuss whether the already long time ago established CDC Group plc. (UK) and DEG (Germany) are able to come up to their roles and fulfil their missions. The study is done by taking recourse to the policy analysis and asking several questions: which criteria do the DFI use in order to choose the projects they invest in, what do they consider as development impact and how do they deal with transparency and accountability in relation to government and public. The descriptive analysis shows that there are substantial differences between the two DFI; the identified shortcomings are taken as a starting point for policy recommendations

    Farmer Consumer Partnerships - How to successfully communicate the values of organic food

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    As the popularity of organic food increases, many organic businesses are facing ever greater competition in the marketplace. And in a world where more and more organic products are mass produced, and where most consumers have little - if any - contact with the organic farmers who have produced their food, many people feel that the underlying principles of the organic movement are coming under increasing threat. Yet research shows that there is growing interest among today's consumers in the wider ethical principles which underpin organic agriculture. They want fairer working conditions; they want to support disadvantaged societal groups, higher standards of animal welfare, and the preservation of tradition and landscapes through their purchasing decisions - and they are willing to pay more for products which support this 'added value'. This booklet provides farmers and processors with practical advice and case studies on how to target their marketing strategies to the growing number of 'ethical consumers', and how to improve their communication with their customers. This publication summarises the main results of the CORE Organic project 'Farmer Consumer Partnerships'. The research project aimed to determine how the commitment of organic farmers to ethical values can be communicated to customers in order to strengthen the companies positioning in the market

    Landwirte-Verbraucher-Partnerschaften – Erfolgreiche Kommunikation von Werten ökologischer Lebensmittel.

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    Durch die zunehmende Beliebtheit ökologischer Lebensmittel bei Verbrauchern steigt auch das Angebot und der Wettbewerb zwischen ökologischen Erzeugern nimmt zu. Viele Produkte werden mittlerweile unter Bedingungen erzeugt, die zwar gerade noch den Minimalanforderungen der EU-Öko-Verordnung an die Produktion entsprechen, in denen aber die ursprĂŒnglichen Werte der ökologischen Bewegung kaum noch beachtet werden. In jĂŒngster Zeit gibt es aber auch eine wachsende Gruppe von Konsumenten, die sich eine Orientierung des Öko-Landbaus an diesen weitergehenden „ethischen“ Kriterien, wie fairen Arbeitsbedingungen, der Integration von benachteiligten Menschen, besonders artgerechter Tierhaltung oder die Erhaltung von bĂ€uerlichen Traditionen und den regionaltypischen Landschaften wĂŒnscht und durchaus bereit ist fĂŒr diese „Mehr-Werte“ zu zahlen. Dieses Handbuch gibt Landwirten und Verarbeitern Hinweise, wie sie ihre Marketingstrategie auf den „ethischen Konsumenten“ abstimmen und ihre Kommunikation in diesem Bereich mit den Kunden verbessern können. Diese Veröffentlichung fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des CORE Organic Projekts "Farmer Consumer Partnerships" zusammen. Ziel des Projekts war es zu untersuchen, wie das soziale und ökologische Engagement landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen, das ĂŒber die Anforderungen der EU-Öko-Verordnung hinausgeht, erfolgreich an Verbraucher kommuniziert werden kann

    Alleanze tra Agricoltori e Consumatori – Come comunicare con successo il valore degli alimenti biologici ai consumatori Manuale pratico

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    Il risultato principale della nostra ricerca ha confermato che la comunicazione degli attributi etici addizionali offre a molte aziende biologiche una reale opportunitĂ  di differenziazione dei propri prodotti nel piĂč vasto mercato biologico. Molti consumatori e produttori sono d’accordo sul fatto che la produzione biologica in conformitĂ  al regolamento UE sull’agricoltura biologica (834/2007) non rappresenta la ‘fase finale’ in riferimento a una produzione alimentare sostenibile ed etica. Un numero crescente di consumatori acquista prodotti che siano realizzati secondo standard ‘etici’ non attualmente ricompresi nelle norme previste dal regolamento UE sull’agricoltura biologica o che – in ogni caso – vanno al di lĂ  degli standard minimi ivi previsti. Servendoci di strumenti informatici, abbiamo testato 14 argomenti etici addizionali su circa 1.200 consumatori di cinque paesi Europei: gli attributi etici risultati i piĂč importanti sono stati la ‘produzione regionale/locale’, il ‘benessere animale’, e il ‘prezzo equo per gli agricoltori’, mentre sono risultati meno rilevanti le questioni riguardanti l’’agricoltura sociale’, la ‘tutela della biodiversità’, la ‘considerazione degli aspetti culturali nella produzione’ e gli ‘aspetti sociali della produzione’ (come le condizioni di lavoro)

    Corporate Social Responsibility: oft gelebt - selten kommuniziert. [Corporate Social Responsibility: often praticed - rarely communicated]

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) gewann in den letzten Jahren in Mitteleuropa enorm an Bedeutung und wird heute bereits von zahlreichen österreichischen Unternehmen in ihre Firmenstrategie miteinbezogen. Doch was steckt hinter dem Konzept, das seinen Ausgang im angloamerikanischen Raum nahm? Ist CSR ein bloßer Marketinggag, oder gelebte Verantwortung? Wie werden CSR-Ă€hnliche Leistungen der Landwirtschaft in der Gesellschaft wahrgenommen? Welche Rolle spielt CSR in der österreichischen Lebensmittelbranche? Welche Bedeutung haben CSR und Ă€hnliche AnsĂ€tze im Biobereich

    Communication of ethical activities going beyond organic standards in European organic enterprises

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    In times of rapid growth of the organic market and differentiation processes within the sector, efforts are made on different levels to (re)define and strengthen organic values. The normative part of this process is the reformulation of IFOAM-principles, which form the basis for ethical commitment within the organic movement, without being fully integrated into organic regulations. This article addresses the question of which ethical activities are practised on organic farms and by organic companies that go beyond the organic regulations (referred to as "organicPlus" in this study), with what arguments these activities are communicated to consumers and how they are related to the dimensions of sustainability. The survey encompasses 100 small and medium-sized enterprises in five European countries (Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Switzerland) that deal with organic products. In the paper various "organicPlus" approaches are analysed with a particular focus on communication arguments. Innovative communication strategies are seen as a valuable tool for the strategic positioning of organic companies. The mapping of companies resulted in a total of 72 different generic communication arguments relating to "organicPlus" activities. The paper offers a categorisation of these communication arguments on the basis of the economic, ecological/environmental and the social pillar of sustainability extended by a cultural dimension. Furthermore, the relations between the companies' "organicPlus" approaches, business size, company type and product category are analysed. Finally, the paper reflects on status quo and the potential of integrating "organicPlus" approaches into organic enterprises and their communication to consumers

    Ethical oriented activities going beyond organic standards in European enterprises/farms from different theoretical perspectives

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    This article deals with ethical activities that are going beyond the organic regulations (referred to as 'organicPlus' in this study) and their communication strategies practised by organic farms and enterprises. The results are based on a qualitative survey of 100 organic small and medium-sized enterprises/farms in five European countries. Their engagement can be perceived in a certain sense as an opposite trend of the ongoing conventionalisation process in the organic sector. The organicPlus activities are related to the three classical sustainability dimensions extended by a cultural dimension. All enterprises/farms represent unique approaches with more or less professional communication strategies and a local or regional orientation. Therefore they have the potential to contribute to social capital, to build new local networks and to influence local structures. The organicPlus activities and the communication arguments are diverse as well as the motivations behind them. Open questions are if these organicPlus activities have the potential to contribute to a change of values and organic practices in the national and international context