154 research outputs found

    The 14C(n,g) cross section between 10 keV and 1 MeV

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    The neutron capture cross section of 14C is of relevance for several nucleosynthesis scenarios such as inhomogeneous Big Bang models, neutron induced CNO cycles, and neutrino driven wind models for the r process. The 14C(n,g) reaction is also important for the validation of the Coulomb dissociation method, where the (n,g) cross section can be indirectly obtained via the time-reversed process. So far, the example of 14C is the only case with neutrons where both, direct measurement and indirect Coulomb dissociation, have been applied. Unfortunately, the interpretation is obscured by discrepancies between several experiments and theory. Therefore, we report on new direct measurements of the 14C(n,g) reaction with neutron energies ranging from 20 to 800 keV

    Measurements of proton induced reaction cross sections on 120Te for the astrophysical p-process

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    The total cross sections for the 120Te(p,gamma)121I and 120Te(p,n)120I reactions have been measured by the activation method in the effective center-of-mass energies between 2.47 MeV and 7.93 MeV. The targets were prepared by evaporation of 99.4 % isotopically enriched 120Te on Aluminum and Carbon backing foils, and bombarded with proton beams provided by the FN tandem accelerator at the University of Notre Dame. The cross sections and SS factors were deduced from the observed gamma ray activity, which was detected off-line by two Clover HPGe detectors mounted in close geometry. The results are presented and compared with the predictions of statistical model calculations using the codes NON-SMOKER and TALYS.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, regular articl

    AGB yields and Galactic Chemical Evolution : last updated

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    We study the s-process abundances at the epoch of the Solar-system formation as the outcome of nucleosynthesis occurring in AGB stars of various masses and metallicities. The calculations have been performed with the Galactic chemical evolution (GCE) model presented by [1, 2]. With respect to previous works, we used updated solar meteoritic abundances, a neutron capture cross section network that includes the most recent measurements, and we implemented the s-process yields with an extended range of AGB initial masses. The new set of AGB yields includes a new evaluation of the 22^{22}Ne(α, n)25^{25}Mg rate, which takes into account the most recent experimental information

    Multi-channel R-matrix analysis of CNO cycle reactions

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    The CNO cycle is the main process for hydrogen burning in stars somewhat more massive than the Sun. The reaction cross sections at Gamow energies are typically in the femto to pico-barn range and are consequently very difficult to measure experimentally. The CNO reaction rates are based on extrapolations of experimental data from higher energies. We are developing a multi-channel R-matrix code (AZURE) to provide a new and more comprehensive tool for fitting experimental data and making extrapolations to lower energies in all reaction and scattering channels. The 14N(p,Îł )15O reaction is the slowest reaction of the CNO cycle and thus it determines the energy production rate of CNO burning. Furthermore, this reaction plays an important role in the determination of Globular Cluster age, since the position of the turnoff point, at which the GC stars escape from the Main Sequence, is powered by the onset of the CNO burning, whose bottleneck is the 14N(p, Îł )15O. We have made a reanalysis of the most recent experimental data on the ground state and the 6.18 MeV transitions. The ratio of the cross sections of the 15N(p, Îł )16O and 15N(p,α)12C reactions determines how much catalytic material passes to higher CNO cycles and has an effect on the production of heavier elements, particularly 16O and 17O. Simultaneous analysis of both reactions for all channels suggests that the ratio ÏƒÎł/σα is smaller than previously reported

    The impact of the 18F(a,p)21Ne reaction on asymptotic giant branch nucleosynthesis

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    We present detailed models of low and intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with and without the 18F(a,p)21Ne reaction included in the nuclear network, where the rate for this reaction has been recently experimentally evaluated for the first time. The lower and recommended measured rates for this reaction produce negligible changes to the stellar yields, whereas the upper limit of the rate affects the production of 19F and 21Ne. The stellar yields increase by ~50% to up to a factor of 4.5 for 19F, and by factors of ~2 to 9.6 for 21Ne. While the 18}F(a,p)21Ne reaction competes with 18O production, the extra protons released are captured by 18O to facilitate the 18O(p,a)15N(a,g)19F chain. The higher abundances of 19F obtained using the upper limit of the rate helps to match the [F/O] ratios observed in AGB stars, but only for large C/O ratios. Extra-mixing processes are proposed to help to solve this problem. Some evidence that the 18F(a,p)21Ne rate might be closer to its upper limit is provided by the fact that the higher calculated 21Ne/22Ne ratios in the He intershell provide an explanation for the Ne isotopic composition of silicon-carbide grains from AGB stars. This needs to be confirmed by future experiments of the 18F(a,p)21Ne reaction rate. The availability of accurate fluorine yields from AGB stars will be fundamental for interpreting observations of this element in carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Alpha-induced cross sections of 106Cd for the astrophysical p-process

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    The 106Cd(alpha,gamma)110Sn reaction cross section has been measured in the energy range of the Gamow window for the astrophysical p-process scenario. The cross sections for 106Cd(alpha,n)109Sn and for 106Cd(alpha,p)109In below the (alpha,n) threshold have also been determined. The results are compared with predictions of the statistical model code NON-SMOKER using different input parameters. The comparison shows that a discrepancy for 106Cd(alpha,gamma)110Sn when using the standard optical potentials can be removed with a different alpha+106Cd potential. Some astrophysical implications are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev

    Measurement of the 58Ni(α, γ) 62Zn reaction and its astrophysical impact

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    Funding Details: PHY 08-22648, NSF, National Science Foundation; PHY 0969058, NSF, National Science Foundation; PHY 1102511, NSF, National Science FoundationCross section measurements of the 58Ni(α,γ)62Zn reaction were performed in the energy range Eα=5.5to9.5 MeV at the Nuclear Science Laboratory of the University of Notre Dame, using the NSCL Summing NaI(Tl) detector and the γ-summing technique. The measurements are compared to predictions in the statistical Hauser-Feshbach model of nuclear reactions using the SMARAGD code. It is found that the energy dependence of the cross section is reproduced well but the absolute value is overestimated by the prediction. This can be remedied by rescaling the α width by a factor of 0.45. Stellar reactivities were calculated with the rescaled α width and their impact on nucleosynthesis in type Ia supernovae has been studied. It is found that the resulting abundances change by up to 5% when using the new reactivities. © 2014 American Physical Society.Peer reviewe

    Reaction Ar36(p,)37K in explosive hydrogen burning

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    The reaction Ar36(p,)37K has been measured in the proton energy range of Ep=0.320.93 MeV. A new resonance was found at ER=321 keV. We have measured the branching ratios and the resonance strength. The stellar reaction rates which are dominated by this resonance for temperatures T=0.070.9 GK are calculated. Network calculations have been performed to investigate the influence of the new stellar rates on the time evolution of the Ar36 abundance during explosive H burning

    The C12(α,γ)O16 reaction and its implications for stellar helium burning

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    The creation of carbon and oxygen in our Universe is one of the forefront questions in nuclear astrophysics. The determination of the abundance of these elements is key to our understanding of both the formation of life on Earth and to the life cycles of stars. While nearly all models of different nucleosynthesis environments are affected by the production of carbon and oxygen, a key ingredient, the precise determination of the reaction rate of C12(α, 3)O16, has long remained elusive. This is owed to the reaction's inaccessibility, both experimentally and theoretically. Nuclear theory has struggled to calculate this reaction rate because the cross section is produced through different underlying nuclear mechanisms. Isospin selection rules suppress the E1 component of the ground state cross section, creating a unique situation where the E1 and E2 contributions are of nearly equal amplitudes. Experimentally there have also been great challenges. Measurements have been pushed to the limits of state-of-the-art techniques, often developed for just these measurements. The data have been plagued by uncharacterized uncertainties, often the result of the novel measurement techniques that have made the different results challenging to reconcile. However, the situation has markedly improved in recent years, and the desired level of uncertainty ‰10% may be in sight. In this review the current understanding of this critical reaction is summarized. The emphasis is placed primarily on the experimental work and interpretation of the reaction data, but discussions of the theory and astrophysics are also pursued. The main goal is to summarize and clarify the current understanding of the reaction and then point the way forward to an improved determination of the reaction rate
