3 research outputs found

    Seeing the invisible with schlieren imaging

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    Schlieren imaging is a method for visualizing differences in refractive index as caused by pressure or temperature non-uniformities within a medium, or as caused by the mixing of two fluids. It is an inexpensive yet powerful and straightforward tool for sensitive and high-resolution visualization of otherwise invisible phenomena. In this article, application of the method to liquid membranes, sonar pulses and microscopic gas flows is used to illustrate its usefulness and versatility in physics education and research

    COPD patient awareness of disease treatment and turnover of the COPD medicines in A Pharmacy - 6

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    Saslimstība ar HOPS plaši izplatīta pasaulē un kā nāves cēlonis tā ieņem 4. vietu pasaulē vecuma grupā pēc 45 gadiem. HOPS slimībai ir tendence pieaugt. Hroniskais iekaisums rada pastiprinātu elpceļu reaktivitāti, kas izraisa epizodiskas sēkšanas, klepus lēkmes, elpas trūkumu un smaguma sajūtu krūtīs. Lai veiksmīgi ārstētu HOPS slimniekus, būtiska ir pacienta izpratne par saslimšanu un pielietojamo medikamentozo terapiju. Maģistra darba mērķis – bija noskaidrot slimnieku izpratni par HOPS un tās ārstēšanai izmantojamiem medikamentiem un analizet zāļu aprites A aptieka – 6. Pētījumā iegūti rezultāti, ka slimnieku izpratne par HOPS un tās ārstēšanai izmantojamiem medikamentiem ir nepietiekamas. Biežāk lietotās zāles HOPS ārstēšanai ir tiotropinum, salbutamol, indacaterolum/glycopyrronium un budesonidum/formoterolum.Incidence of COPD in the cause of death ranks fourth in the world, in the age group of 45 years plus, and it is a disease which has a tendency to increase. Chronic inflammation leads to increased respiratory tract reactivity, which causes episodic wheezing, coughing, seizures, shortness of breath, and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. In order to successfully treat patients with COPD, patient’s understanding of disease and drug therapy applied is essential. The main objective of the masters thesis was - to clarify patient’s understanding of disease and drug therapy applied and turnover of the COPD medicines in A Pharmacy – 6. The results obtained during the research show that patients understanding of COPD and the medications used for its treatment is insufficient. The most frequently used medicine to treat HOPS is tiotropium, salbutamol, indacaterol/glycopyrroni, budesonidum/formoterolum