19 research outputs found

    Vitamin D Deficiency and Insufficiency in Obese Children and Adolescents and Its Relationship with Insulin Resistance

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    Objectives. We aimed to determine the relationship between insulin resistance and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) levels in obese children and their nonobese peers. Materials and Methods. Included in the study group were 188 obese children (aged 9–15 years), and 68 age- and gender-matched healthy children of normal weight as control group. Anthropomorphic data were collected on patients and fasting serum glucose, insulin, serum lipids, alanine aminotransaminase (ALT) and 25-OHD were measured. The homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated in both groups. Results. The levels of 25-OHD in the obese group were significantly lower than those of the nonobese (). HOMA-IR, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, and ALT levels in the obese group were significantly higher than values of control group ( and , resp.). In the obese group, vitamin D deficiency, insufficiency, and sufficiency (25-OHD 10 ng/dl; > 20 ng/dl, resp.) were not correlated with HOMA-IR (, ). HOMA-IR was negatively correlated with BMI, BMI SDS, and BMI%, and triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, and ALT levels (). Conclusion. The insulin resistance of the obese subjects who were vitamin D deficient and insufficient did not statistically differ from those with vitamin D sufficiency. Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were not related with higher insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents. In obese subjects, insulin resistance was affected more from BMI, BMI SDS, and BMI% than from 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels

    Salivary and serum concentrations of monocyte chemoattractant protein‐1, macrophage inhibitory factor, and fractalkine in relation to rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis

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    Background: Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), and fractalkine are chemokines that are expressed by a variety of cell types to regulate macrophage inflammatory response. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on their serum and salivary concentrations.Methods: Adults with either periodontitis (P, n = 21), or with rheumatoid arthritis (RA, n = 23), or with both diseases (RA+P, n = 23) were included in the study. Systemically and periodontally healthy individuals (n = 22) served as controls. Saliva and serum samples were collected from all participants before the medical and periodontal examinations. Salivary and serum MCP-1, MIF, and fractalkine concentrations were measured by the Luminex technique. Total salivary protein levels were determined by the Bradford assay.Results: Salivary MCP-1, MIF, and fractalkine concentrations were elevated in both RA groups (RA+P and RA) in comparison with systemically healthy controls. As related to total salivary protein levels, higher MCP-1 (P = 0.003) and fractalkine (P = 0.045) concentrations were found in controls compared with the P group. In serum, MCP-1 concentrations in the RA+P group were higher (P = 0.003) than those of group P. Elevated serum fractalkine concentrations were observed in both periodontitis groups (RA+P, P = 0.014; and P, P = 0.013) compared with controls.Conclusions: In RA, MCP-1, MIF, and fractalkine concentrations are elevated in saliva. These chemokines may disrupt oral macrophage responses and potentially take part in the interaction between periodontitis and RA.</p

    Clinical Study The Comparition of the Efficacy of Two Different Probiotics in Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Children

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    Objectives. The aim of the study is to compare the clinical effectiveness of the probiotics-Saccharomyces boulardii and Bifidobacterium lactis-in children who had been diagnosed with rotavirus gastroenteritis. Materials and methods. Seventy five patients aged between 5 months-5 years diagnosed as rotavirus gastroenteritis were included in the study. The patients diagnosed as rotavirus gastroenteritis by latex agglutination test in stool were divided into 3 groups of twenty-five patients each: First group was given oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet with Saccharomyces boulardii (spp. I-745), second group was given oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet with Bifidobacterium lactis (spp. B94, culture number: N • 118529) and third group received only oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet. Results. The duration of diarrhea was shorter in the group given oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet with Bifidobacterium lactis and Saccharomyces boulardii than the group given only oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet. Conclusion. Bifidobacterium lactis has a complemental role in the treatment of rotavirus gatroenteritis and other probiotics may also have a beneficial effect in rotavirus gastroenteritis compared with the therapy included only oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet

    Erişkin Still Hastalığında Belirgin Reaktif Trombositozis

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    Erişkin still hastalığı (ESH), bilinmeyen nedenlere bağlı gelişen multisistemik inflamatuvar bir hastalıktır. Ateş, artrit ve gövdede tipik olarak görülen somon renklidöküntülerle karakterizedir. Tanı genellikle benzer bulgularla seyreden hastalıkların dışlanmasına ek olarak klinik ve laboratuvar bulgularının birlikteliği ile konur.Lenfadenopati ve lökositoz gibi nonspesifik hematolojik bulgular ve farenjit mevcut olabilir. Reaktif trombositoz ESH’da beklenen bir durumken 1 milyonu geçentrombosit yüksekliği ise nadir görülen bir laboratuvar bulgusudur. Bu olguda erişkin still hastalığına eşlik eden belirgin reaktif trombositoz ve nötrofili ile takip ettiğimiz33 yaşında bir erkek hasta sunulmaktadır. ( Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 2019, 9(2):342-346)Adult still disease (ASD) is a multi system inflammatory disease of unknown origin. It is an inflammatory disease characterized by fever, arthritis and salmon-colored rash typically seen in the body. The diagnosis is usually made by the association of clinical and laboratory findings in addition to exclusion of diseases with similar findings. Nonspecific hematological findings such as lymphadenopathy and leukocytosis and pharyngitis may be present. Reactive thrombocytosis may be seen but platelet levels exceeding 1 million is a rare laboratory finding. In this case report, we present a 33-year-old male patient who was followed with adult still disease and accompanying reactive thrombocytosis and neutrophilia. ( Sakarya Med J 2019, 9(2):342-346

    Pneumococcal Nasopharyngeal Carriage in Young Healthy Children After Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Turkey

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    Aims: To determine the prevalence of nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in healthy children aged 0-6 years who were vaccinated with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 healthy Turkish children between 1 month and 6 years of age. Serotyping was performed and risk factors of carriage were evaluated. Results: The overall carriage rate was 14%. Vaccine type serotypes were determined in 17 (12.6%) children who received full-dose PCV13 vaccine. The highest carriage rate was observed among children younger than 24 months (76.2%). In multivariate analysis, respiratory infection in recent months, age, attendance at a day-care center and antibiotic usage were not statistically significant risk factors for carriage. Overall, S. pneumoniae strains were considered as penicillin susceptible and antimicrobial resistance was limited. Conclusion: We observed a low rate of pneumococcal carriage in children after PCV13 implementation compared with that of children receiving PCV7. Although it was reduced, vaccine serotype colonization in PCV13-vaccinated children remains persisten

    Pneumococcal Nasopharyngeal Carriage in Young Healthy Children After Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Turkey

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    Aims: To determine the prevalence of nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in healthy children aged 0-6 years who were vaccinated with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 healthy Turkish children between 1 month and 6 years of age. Serotyping was performed and risk factors of carriage were evaluated. Results: The overall carriage rate was 14%. Vaccine type serotypes were determined in 17 (12.6%) children who received full-dose PCV13 vaccine. The highest carriage rate was observed among children younger than 24 months (76.2%). In multivariate analysis, respiratory infection in recent months, age, attendance at a day-care center and antibiotic usage were not statistically significant risk factors for carriage. Overall, S. pneumoniae strains were considered as penicillin susceptible and antimicrobial resistance was limited. Conclusion: We observed a low rate of pneumococcal carriage in children after PCV13 implementation compared with that of children receiving PCV7. Although it was reduced, vaccine serotype colonization in PCV13-vaccinated children remains persisten

    The Comparition of the Efficacy of Two Different Probiotics in Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Children

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    Objectives. The aim of the study is to compare the clinical effectiveness of the probiotics—Saccharomyces boulardii and Bifidobacterium lactis—in children who had been diagnosed with rotavirus gastroenteritis. Materials and methods. Seventy five patients aged between 5 months–5 years diagnosed as rotavirus gastroenteritis were included in the study. The patients diagnosed as rotavirus gastroenteritis by latex agglutination test in stool were divided into 3 groups of twenty-five patients each: First group was given oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet with Saccharomyces boulardii (spp. I-745), second group was given oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet with Bifidobacterium lactis (spp. B94, culture number:∘118529) and third group received only oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet. Results. The duration of diarrhea was shorter in the group given oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet with Bifidobacterium lactis and Saccharomyces boulardii than the group given only oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet. Conclusion. Bifidobacterium lactis has a complemental role in the treatment of rotavirus gatroenteritis and other probiotics may also have a beneficial effect in rotavirus gastroenteritis compared with the therapy included only oral rehydration therapy and rapid refeeding with a normal diet