19 research outputs found

    Congenital arterial thrombosis in newborn: A case report

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    Neonatal thrombosis is a serious event that can cause mortality or severe morbidity. Although catheters are the most common cause of neonatal thrombosis, spontaneous events can also occur. Arterial thrombosis is very rare and accounts for approximately half of all thrombotic events in neonates. Genetic prothrombotic risk factors may affect the occurence of neonatal thrombosis. In this report, a case of left brachial, radial, and ulnar arterial thrombosis associated with methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene C677T and A1298C polymorphism heterozygosity is presented. Plasma homocysteine level and other prothrombotic components were normal. Standard heparin, aspirin, vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid were initiated for treatment. However, the left arm of the patient was amputated at the shoulder because its capillary stream could not be observed. We suggest that MTHFR gene C677T and A1298C polymorphism heterozygosity might be investigated in neonates with congenital arterial thrombosis in spite of normal serum homocysteine levels. © Trakya University Faculty of Medicine

    The Effect of Moderate-Intensity Physical Exercise on Some Serum Inflammation Markers and the Immune System in Rats Fed Intermittent Fasting with a High-Fat Diet

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    Background and Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the impact of moderate-intensity physical exercise on serum inflammation markers and the immune system in rats that were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) with intermittent fasting. Materials and Methods: A total of 48 Wistar albino male rats were included in the study and divided into eight groups, each consisting of six rats. Group 1 served as the control group (CG), receiving a standard diet. Group 2 followed the standard nutrition program with intermittent fasting (CG + IF). Group 3 underwent exercise with a standard diet (CG + E). Group 4 underwent both a standard diet with intermittent fasting and exercise (CG + IF + E). Group 5 was fed a high-fat diet (HFD). Group 6 received a high-fat diet with intermittent fasting (HFD + IF). Group 7 followed a high-fat diet with exercise (HFD + E). Group 8 underwent both a high-fat diet with intermittent fasting and exercise (HFD + IF + E). The study lasted for 8 weeks. Results: The results of the analysis show that lymphocyte cell levels in groups HFD + IF, HFD + IF, and HFD + IF + E were higher compared to groups CG-HFD (p Conclusions: These findings indicate that moderate exercise and intermittent fasting, particularly in groups fed a high-fat diet, increased anti-inflammatory cytokine levels, and certain immune system cell counts, while decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine levels

    Relationship between MTHFR Gene Polymorphisms and Gastrointestinal Tumors Development: Perspective from Eastern Part of Turkey

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    Background Gastric and esophageal cancers are 2 of the most prevalent cancer types worldwide. Polymorphisms in the genes that code the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) enzyme increase the formation of both cancer types. In this study, it was aimed to research the relationship between the existence of MTHFR C677T and A1298C polymorphisms in patients with gastric and esophageal cancer and the lifespans of patients. Methods and Materials This prospective study was performed at Van Yuzuncu Yil University. Included in the study were 30 patients with esophageal tumors, 70 patients with gastric tumors, and 61 healthy volunteers. From each of the patients, 5 mL of blood was drawn. DNA was isolated via kits with spin-column technology. Results It was concluded that the risk of developing gastric cancer was 4.13 times higher in individuals who had the AC genotype of the A1298C polymorphism when compared to those who had the AA genotype, while the risk was 2.91 times higher in individuals who had the CC genotype when compared to those who had the AA genotype (P = 0.001, P = 0.027). Carriers of the AC genotype of the A1298C polymorphism had 2.89 times higher risk of developing esophageal cancer when compared to those who had the AA genotype (P = 0.033). It was determined that individuals who had the 1298 CC genotype were not at higher risk of developing esophageal cancer when compared to those with the AA genotype (P = 0.863). It was concluded that individuals who had the TT genotype of the C677T polymorphism were not at higher risk of developing gastric and esophageal cancers when compared to those who had the 677CC genotype (P > 0.05). There was no difference in terms of the life spans of the patients with regards to the genotypes (P > 0.05). Conclusion The results showed that the A1298C polymorphism on the MTHFR gene can be a risk factor for gastric and esophageal cancer in eastern Turkey. These polymorphisms may have no effect on the life spans of the patients

    Isırgan Otu'nun dimetilbenzantrasen uygulanan tavşanlarda lipit peroksidasyonu, antioksidan maddeler ve nitrit-nitrat düzeyleri üzerine etkisi

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    Bu çalışmada, ısırgan otu ekstresinin 7,12-dimetilbenzantrasen(DMBA) verilen tavşanlarda nitrik oksit oksidasyon ürünleri, lipit peroksidasyon ürünleri ve antioksidan maddeler düzeyleri üzerine etkileri araştırıldı. Çalışmayı 21 dişi Yeni Zelanda ırkı tavşan oluşturdu. Tavşanlar üç gruba bölündüler. Deneme süresi 150 gün olarak belirlendi. Kontrol grubuna 0.5 ml/kg/gün dozunda % 10’luk dimetilsülfoksit (DMSO) çözeltisi, DMBA grubuna %10’ luk DMSO’da çözündürülen DMBA maddesi 0.5 ml/kg/gün olarak verildi. Diğer gruba DMBA’ ya ilaveten ısırgan otu ekstraktı 0.2 ml/kg/gün şeklinde uygulandı. Deneme sonunda kan örnekleri alındı. Yapılan analizlerde kontrol grubu ölçümlerine göre hem DMBA verilen hem de DMBA+ısırgan otu verilen grupta nitrit ve nitrat düzeylerinde gözlenen artışlar istatistik olarak anlamlı bulundu(P<0.001). Malondialdehit(MDA) seviyelerinde gözlenen artışlarda DMBA grubunda P<0.001 kadar, DMBA+ısırgan otu grubunda P<0.01 kadar bir anlam gözlendi. Seruloplazmin, glutatyon, retinol ve β-karoten düzeylerindeki artışlar DMBA grubunda P<0.001 kadar bir önem arzederken, Vit.C’ de bu anlam P<0.01 kadardı. DMBA+ısırgan otu verilen grupta glutatyon, Vit.C, retinol ve β-karoten seviyelerindeki düşüşler istatistik olarak P<0.001 kadar bir önem arz etti. Seruloplazminde ise bu anlam P<0.01 olarak gözlendi. Sonuç olarak, ısırgan otu ekstraktı verilen grupta hem nitrik oksit oksidasyon ürünlerinde hem de lipit peroksidasyon ürünlerinde diğer deneme grubuna göre daha az artışların gözlenmesi bu bitkinin kısmen de olsa lipit peroksidasyonuna karşı bir koruma özelliği olduğunu göstermiştir

    Urtica dioica L. (Isırgan Otu)’nin metanol ve su ekstraktının 7,12 dimetilbenz(a) antrasen uygulanan tavşan tüylerindeki iz element seviyeleri üzerine etkileri

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    Bu çalışmada, Urtica dioica L.’nin, bir karsinojenik madde olan polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbonlardan 7,12- dimetilbenz(a)antrasen (DMBA) uygulanan tavşanların tüylerindeki iz element (Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe) konsantrasyonlarına etkileri araştırıldı. Her biri yedişer tavşandan oluşan üç deneme ve bir kontrol grubu oluşturuldu. A grubuna 7,12- dimetilbenz(a)antrasen (0,5 ml/kg/gün), B grubuna 0,5 ml/kg/gün DMBA+0.2 ml/kg/gün dozunda ısırgan otu metanol ekstraktı, C grubuna 0,5 ml/kg/gün DMBA+0.5 ml/kg/gün dozunda ısırgan otu sulu ekstraktı ve kontrol grubuna ise fizyolojik tuzlu su ile hazırlanan %10’luk dimetilsülfoksit çözeltisinden 0.5 ml/kg/gün dozunda İM olarak beş ay süreyle uygulandı. Yapılan ölçümlerde Cu düzeylerinde gözlenen azalmalar kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında istatistik olarak anlamlı bulundu (P<0.01). Fe düzeylerinde DMBA+Urtica dioica L’nin sulu ekstraktı uygulanan grupta kontrol grubuna göre ölçülen azalma istatistik açıdan önemli bulundu (P<0.05). Sonuç olarak, Urtica dioica L’nin metanol ve sulu ekstraklarının uygulandığı deneme gruplarında tüy iz element seviyeleri kontrol verilerine göre düşük, DMBA grubuna göre yüksek bulundu. Bu bağlamda Urtica dioica L’nin DMBA’ nın neden olduğu zararlı etkilere karşı koruyucu olabileceği düşünülmektedir


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    In this study, the effect of experimental administration of fluorine and DMBA, alone or in combination, on rats on vascular responses was investigated. After adaptation, the rats were randomly selected and divided into 9 groups, 10 male rats in each group. While sodium fluoride was applied daily in drinking water for 12 weeks to the groups to which fluoride will be applied; on the other hand, DMBA was dissolved in sesame oil and applied to the groups that needed it, once a week for a total of 12 weeks. The groups were determined as C, SO, 1NaF, 15NaF, 30NaF, DMBA, 1NaF+DMBA, 15NaF+DMBA and 30NaF+DMBA. Tensions in the thoracic aorta were provided with phenylephrine. Then, relaxation responses were recorded by giving ACh ((10-8'-7'-6'-5)) and SNP ((10-,-9,-8,-7,)(-6)(,)(-5)) at different cumulative concentrations. In the study, it was determined that fluorine caused the vessels to contract and DMBA to relax. Concurrent exposure to high amounts of fluorine and DMBA was observed to cause vasoconstriction