173 research outputs found

    Alexander Brem & Éric Viardot (eds.), Adoption of Innovation: Balancing Internal and External Stakeholders in the Marketing of Innovation

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    Abstract. The Adoption of Innovation:Balancing Internal and External Stakeholders in the Marketing of Innovation book edited by Alexander Brem & Éric Viardot provides a contemporary look at innovation from a marketing point of view. Innovation has been a hot topic both for academicians and managers for the last twenty years may well remain an area of interest for years to come. The title of the book emphasizes basic topics that are covered in the book but it hardly represents whole coverage of the book. Each of the eleven chapters discusses a distinct aspect of innovation in marketing related issues. In this way the book offers its readers interested in a specific area an effective way of welcoming different aspects of it and helps in enabling the development of more comprehensive approaches to innovation. The research areas revealed throughout the book includes innovation and internal & external stakeholders, adoption of innovation, business model innovations, corporate vision and innovation. Comprehensive coverage of the book and up-to-date research carried out in diverse settings such as space ventures may be considered the basic strengths of the book. On the other hand, each chapter presented is a standalone study and consequently there are no cross-references between the chapters. This creates a certain degree of disparity and can be considered as the major weakness of the book. Keywords. Innovation, Marketing of Innovation.JEL. M30, M31, M10


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    In this study, we examined 32 journal articles in which measurement tools such as DAST, DAST-C, etc. were used to reveal the views of scientists in science education in Turkey. According to the findings obtained from the systematic review, research has been intensified since 2013, data were collected from small student groups in a short time, no data on two important regions of the country could be determined, and a uniform data collection tool was preferred, and the studies focused on the 5th and 8th-grade levels. In addition, it was determined that students from the kindergarten level to the 8th-grade level generally have stereotypical views toward scientists. The results revealed in the research stated that this situation stems from the media, culture, gender effect, field of study, teacher, family, curriculum, textbooks, social life, and the word scientist that emphasizes the male gender-specific to Turkey. It can be said that the recommendations in the studies are for the determined factors. The results of the study also include gifted students. In this respect, the research gives an idea about the design and future direction of research that uses the views of scientists in science education

    Tüketici temelli marka değerinin finansal performans üzerine etkisi

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    Gerçekleştirilen çalışmada önemi artan (tüketici temelli) marka değeri konusu ve finansal performans üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Tüketici gözünde oluşan marka değerinin alt boyutlarıyla ortaya konularak, bu boyutların şirkete somut finansal katkıları olup olmadığı ve katkı şekilleri Türkiye menşeli firmalar için analiz edilmiştir. Yöntem olarak çalışma, Türkiye’de tüketici temelli marka değerinin (brand equity) bir anket çalışmasından elde edilecek veriler ile belirlenmesi, firmaların finansal performansının halka açık finansal tablolardan elde edilmesi ve bu iki veri grubu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulunup bulunmadığının detaylı olarak analizi ve yorumlanması şeklindedir. Tüketici temelli firma gücünün (değerinin) ölçümünde pazarlama literatüründe genel kabul gören Aaker (1991)’in önerdiği boyutlar üzerine geliştirilen çok boyutlu bir model kullanılmıştır. Aaker’in önerdiği ve çalışma içerisinde kullanılan boyutlar marka farkındalığı, algılanan kalite, marka sadakati ve marka çağrışımları olarak sıralanabilir. Bu boyutların ölçümü için geçtiğimiz yıllar içerisinde uluslararası literatürde yer alan çalışmalarda kullanılarak geçerliliği test edilmiş ölçeklerden faydalanılmıştır. Bu ölçeklerde yer alan ölçüm soruları Türkçe’ye ve Türkiye şartlarına uyarlanarak, uzman görüşleri ve pilot çalışma doğrultusunda yapılan ekleme ve değişiklikler sonucunda nihai haline getirilmiştir. Firmaların finansal performanslarının karşılaştırılabilmesi için uluslararası kabul görmüş çeşitli finansal performans göstergelerinden faydalanılmıştır. Finansal performans göstergelerinin her bir firma için değerini hesap etmekte İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası vasıtasıyla elde edilen halka açık finansal tablolar kullanılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tüketici temelli marka değeri, marka ederi, marka sermayesi, finansal performans.This study analyzes the brand and brand equity concepts and the financial performance that is expected to be improved as a result of branding activities and brand equity. This study is carried out to understand whether the consumer based brand equity affect the firms' financial performance and the degree and type of the relationship between these if there is a significant correlation is available.In the analysis stage, the consumer based brand equity's dimensions are revealed for companies from different business sectors in Turkey and these are compared with the financial performance indicators to understand whether a statistically significant relation is visible. The methodology used may be summarized as follows: the determination of the consumer based brand equity for each firm in the study by a field study (questionnaire), the acquirement of the financial data from Istanbul Stock Exchange, calculation of related variables and factors, the detailed analysis of the consumer based data and financial data together to understand the relationships between them and finally the interpretation of the results.The model used in the determination and measurement of the consumer based brand equity in this study is fundamentally based on the model proposed by Aaker (1991) and the scale developed by Yoo and Donthu (2001). The consumer based brand equity dimensions proposed by Aaker are; "Brand awareness", "Perceived quality", "Brand loyalty", and "Brand associations". The data needed for comparing the consumer based brand equity dimensions among the firms are obtained using a questionnaire, which is applied with face-to-face interview in Istanbul to 505 subjects. The scale used for measuring these dimensions is based on popular and verified scales referenced in international literature. The questions in the mentioned scales (Yoo and Donthu, 2001; Bruner and Hensel, 2001; Bearden and Netemeyer, 1999) are translated to Turkish and are modified to give the same meaning and feeling, moreover some questions were omitted and new ones are added in the light of a pilot study and expert opinions. The companies and brand that are included in this study are selected using the following criteria: publicly listed companies (to be able to have audited and comparable financial performance data), companies with a family brand (to be able to use the firm's financial data as the brand's data), not operating in the financial services sector (as the performance indicators are different in this sector). A total of 28 firms are included in the study. The questionnaire is structured to include; brand experience, category knowledge, consumer based brand equity dimensions (perceived quality, brand awareness, brand associations and brand loyalty), attitude towards brand, purchase intention, demographical and socio-economic-status questions. The internationally accepted financial ratios used in the study for comparison of financial performance between the firms may be listed as: Annual return on shares, Firm Value / Market Value, Price / Earnings, Price / Net Sales per share, EBITDA / Net Sales, Return on Assets, Operational Profit, Net Sales, Market Value, Financial Leverage Ratio, Current Ratio, and Annual Change in Net Sales. The balance sheets, income statements and related annotations that are publicly available through the Istanbul Stock Exchange for years 2007 and 2006 are used as data in calculating the aforementioned financial performance measures for the companies included in the study. The data obtained through questionnaires and from publicly available financials are processed and analyzed. An explanatory factor analysis is carried out to derive the brand equity dimensions from the questionnaire. Three different factors are obtained as a result of the factor analysis. These three factors of the brand equity are then used as the independent variables in the regression analysis with the financial performance measures, which are entered as dependent variables. As an outcome of the statistical analysis conducted, it has been seen that the consumer based brand equity positively affects most of the financial performance indicators to varying extents. Keywords: Consumer based brand equity, financial performance

    Social media engagement and organic post effectiveness: A roadmap for increasing the effectiveness of social media use in hospitality industry

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    The present study assessed the social media use behavior of luxury hospitality facilities and offers suggestions to improve organic post effectiveness. All five-star tourism facilities operating in Turkey were incorporated into the study and publicly available post data on Facebook accounts of 441 facilities (out of a total of 612) were examined in the high tourist season (August) for one month. Data on 2,012 Facebook posts were obtained manually and filtered down to 1,847. The collected post data were subsequently coded using a content analysis form and analyzed via ordinal regression. The results highlighted the positive effects of interactive content and vivid content as well as the significance of the content type in achieving higher interaction among followers. The facility location and category (hotel, holiday village, thermal hotel) also emerged as significant factors affecting follower interactions

    Diagnosis and Management of Rectosigmoid Perforations

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    Rectosigmoid colon, starting from the descending colon to the anus, having the peritoneal and retroperitoneal parts, is provided through the superior mesenteric artery and the inferior mesenteric artery. Many etiological reasons may be responsible for the perforation of the rectosigmoid colon, which may be usually perforated due to causes of iatrogenic and traumatic origins. The rectosigmoid perforations, which can be diagnosed preoperatively through examination, laboratory, and radiological examinations, may not be detected even in the intraoperative period sometimes. In its treatment, applications, such as conservative approaches, endoclip, laparoscopy, and open surgery, can be performed

    Investigation of Physical Activity Levels of Eligible Students in Terms of Various Variables

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    This study aimed to examine the physical activity levels of the eligible students to study at the Faculty of Sports Sciences in the current academic year. A total of 200 students participated in the research as a result of the removal of the erroneous questionnaires from the questionnaires applied to 224 students who were eligible to attend the Faculty of Sports Sciences. The "International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) short form was applied to the participants. While there was no significant difference according to the gender and body mass index variables values of the students who were entitled to study (p&gt;0.05), a significant difference was found according to the sports branches, sports experience, and the departments they attend (p&lt;0.05). As a result, a significant difference was found according to the departments of the students studying at the faculty of sports sciences according to their physical activity levels, sports experience, and the sports branches.</p


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    Anestezi derinliği ölçmek için birçok EEG (Elektroensaflogram) analiz yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerin tümü çevrim dışı tabanlı olduğundan, gerçek zaman tabanlı yöntemlerin geliştirilmesine hala gereksinim vardır. Çalışmadaki amaç, derin anestezi ve uyanıklık durumlarının değerlendirilmesi için gerçek zaman dsPIC tabanlı EEG analiz sistemi geliştirmektir. Gerçek hipnogram değerleri ve hesaplanmış EEG tabanlı ölçümler arasında benzerlikler olduğu gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmanın anestezi izleme aygıtı geliştirmek için yeterli birikime sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Many of the EEG analysis methods are used to monitor the depth of anesthesia. All of these methods are off-line based; therefore, the real-time based methods still need to be developed. Our aim is to develop a real-time dsPIC based EEG analysis system for evaluating of deep anesthesia and of awake states. It was shown that there were quite similarities between the actual hypnogram values and the calculated EEG based measures. Consequently, we could say that this study has enough potential application to develop an anesthesia monitoring device

    The Radiologic Evaluation of Pediatric Acute Abdomen; Results of Tertiary Referral Center

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    Purpose: In this study we aimed to evaluate the radiological examinations of the pediatric patients who were operated with initial diagnosis of acute abdomen. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records and imaging findings of 252 children. All patients were evaluated by plain abdominal radiographs (PAX) and ultrasonography (US). Only 10 patients were examined using computed tomography (CT). The findings of the PAX, US and CT of each patient were determined from their detailed archive records according to their clinical diagnosis. Results: The most frequent pathology was appendicitis in our study whereas the other pathologies were invagination, ovarian torsion, the complications of Meckel’s diverticulum, gastrointestinal obstruction and tuboovarian abscess in decreasing frequency. PAXs were valuable in diagnosis of the patients with ileus. It has been showed that US was the most useful for patients with appendicitis and invagination. CT was performed only in 4% of our cases as an advanced diagnostic method. Conclusion: The pediatric patients with acute abdomen have been evaluated radiologically by PAX and US routinely and frequently. CT was performed as an advanced diagnostic method very rarely. CT would be utilized to a lower extent as a more advanced method of imaging in unsolved patient group, as US and PAX solve the pediatric acute abdominal pathologies in high percentages

    TURKISH JOURNAL of ONCOLOGY Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis in a Krukenberg Tumor Associated with Signet Ring Cell Gastric Cancer

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    SUMMARY Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis (LCM) is a rare complication of gastric cancer. It usually occurs late in advanced stage of disease and is sometimes misdiagnosed as toxicity of chemotherapeutic agents. Here we report a rare case of gastric cancer that developed LCM in follow-up. A 28-year-old woman with signet ring cell gastric cancer associated with Krukenberg tumor was admitted with persistent headache, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and diplopia. Linear appearance of contrast enhancement in cerebellar fissures and around cranial nerves was seen in magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid was hypercellular with numerous carcinoma cells. LMC was confirmed and treated with intrathecal methotrexate and additional whole-brain irradiation. LCM is a rare complication, but occurs more often than expected and is often misdiagnosed. If patient who is being treated for gastric cancer presents with neurological symptoms, LCM should be kept in mind. Clinical improvement can be achieved with current treatment modalities, including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or targeted molecules

    Laboratuvardan Kliniğe Transplantasyon Pratiği

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    Transplantasyon; Temel Tıbbi Bilimler, Moleküler Tıp, Genetik ve İmmünolojiden klinik uygulamalardan destek alan multidisipliner bir tıp dalıdır. Temel bilimlerdeki başarılı çalışmaların kliniğe uygulanması, klinikte karşılaşılan sorunların da, oluşturulan deneysel hayvan modellerinde irdelenmesi, elde edilen bilgilerin klinik uygulamalara aktarılması; diğer deyişle tecrübelerin “Translational” özellikli olması günümüz transplantasyon çalışmalarında bir gerekliliktir. İmmün sistemin bileşenlerinin ve reaksiyonlarının iyi bilinmesi, hücreler arası ilişkilerde greftin reddi ya da kabul edilmesinin şartlarını doğru anlamak ve uygun laboratuvar yöntemleri ile klinik durumun aydınlatılması transplantasyonda stratejik önemdedir. Bu nedenle, klinik transplantasyon çalışmaları yapanlar temel bilimler bilgileri ile de donanımlı olmalıdırlar. Multidisipliner bir dal olma bilinci ile yapılan klinik transplantasyon çalışmalarında başarı yakalanmaktadır. Laboratuvardan Kliniğe Transplantasyon kitabımızda tüm yönleri ile transplantasyonun organizmaya etkileri ve bunların klinik sonuçlarını, çalışmalarımızın ışığında sunmayı ve tartışmayı hedefledik. Editör: Prof.Dr. Mesut İzzet TİTİZ Yardımcı Editör: Doç.Dr. Pınar AT