289 research outputs found

    Working Hand Syndrome: A New Definition of Nonclassified Polyneuropathy Condition

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    The aim of this chapter was to define an unexplained nonclassified polyneuropathy condition as a new neurological disease. This new diagnosis of occupation-related polyneuropathy has been named as “working hand syndrome (WHS).” This study collected and compared clinical and electrophysiological analyses data from healthy controls, WHS patients, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) patients, and polyneuropathy patients. The WHS patients presented to the clinic with pain, numbness, tingling, and burning sensations in their hands that increased significantly during rest and nighttime. However, there was no weakness in the muscles, and the deep tendon reflexes were normal in this disease. The patients had all been working in physically demanding jobs requiring the use of their hands/arms for at least 1 year, but no vibrating tools were used by the patients. All of the cases were men. I suppose that overload caused by an action repeated chronically by the hand/arm may impair the sensory nerves in mentioned hand/arm. In patients with these complaints, for a definitive diagnosis, similar diseases must be excluded. Nonetheless, the specific electrophysiological finding that the sural nerves are normal on the lower sides, as well as the occurrence of sensory axonal polyneuropathy in the sensory nerves without a significant effect on velocity and latency in the work-ups of the upper extremity are enough to make a diagnosis

    Modern bir finansal araç olarak sukukun teorik ve hukuki altyapı yönüyle incelenmesi

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    Ekonomik sistemin en önemli yapı taşlarından biri olan finans sektöründe, sermaye piyasası araçlarının şekli toplumlara göre şekillenebilmektedir. Toplumun sosyal ve kültürel yapısına göre şekillenen bazı sermaye piyasası araçları, yeni bir yatırım alanı oluşturma amacı taşırlar. Son zamanlarda ise ülkemizde gündemde olan “kira sertifikası” diğer adıyla “sukuk”, yoğun ilgi görmektedir. Sukuk, İslam prensiplerine uygun olarak ticareti yapılan bir sermaye piyasası aracıdır. Ülkemize katılım bankalarının gelişimiyle sukukun önemi giderek artmıştır. Özellikle yüksek miktarlarda fon yaratmak amacıyla kullanılan sukuk, dünyanın birçok ülkesinde yeni değildir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, kira sertifikası olarak bilinen sukukun teorik ve hukuki olarak ülkemizde yeterli payı alıp almadığını ve SPK tebliğleri bağlamında geliştirilmesi gereken yönlerini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmanın son bölümünde, sukukun muhasebeleştirilmesi ile ilgili uygulama yapılarak, sukukun muhasebe bilimi açısından nasıl kayıtlandırıldığı ortaya konmuştur.İÇİNDEKİLER KABUL VE ONAY SAYFASI .............................................................................................. iii BİLİMSEL ETİK BİLDİRİM SAYFASI ................................................................................ v ÖZET ....................................................................................................................................... v ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... vi ÖNSÖZ .................................................................................................................................. vii ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ ................................................................................................................ ix TABLOLAR DİZİNİ ............................................................................................................... x GRAFİKLER DİZİNİ ............................................................................................................ xi KISALTMALAR DİZİNİ ..................................................................................................... xii GİRİŞ ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1. BÖLÜM .............................................................................................................................. 3 1. SERMAYE PİYASASI ....................................................................................................... 3 1.1. Sermaye Piyasası ve Oluşumu ..................................................................................... 3 1.2. Sermaye Piyasasının Gelişimi ..................................................................................... 4 1.3. Sermaye Piyasasının Türkiye’deki Yeri ve Önemi ...................................................... 5 1.4. Sermaye Piyasasının Hukuki Yapısı ............................................................................ 8 1.5. Sermaye Piyasası Araçları ........................................................................................... 9 1.5.1. Paylar ................................................................................................................. 9 1.5.2. Tahviller ........................................................................................................... 10 1.5.3. Bonolar ............................................................................................................ 11 1.5.4. Yatırım Fonları Katılım Belgesi ...................................................................... 11 1.5.5. Borsa Yatırım Fonları ...................................................................................... 11 1.5.6. Varlık Finansman Fonları ve Varlığa Dayalı Menkul Kıymetler .................... 12 1.5.7. İpotek Teminatlı Menkul Kıymet .................................................................... 12 1.5.8. Varlık Teminatlı Menkul Kıymetler ................................................................ 13 1.5.9. Varantlar .......................................................................................................... 13 ix 1.5.10. Gayrimenkul Sertifikası ................................................................................. 13 1.5.11. Depo Sertifikaları ........................................................................................... 13 1.5.12. Vadeli İşlem Sözleşmeleri ............................................................................. 14 1.5.13. Katılma İntifa Senetleri .................................................................................. 14 1.5.14. Kira Sertifikaları ............................................................................................ 15 2. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................ 16 2.KATILIM BANKACILIĞI ................................................................................................ 16 2.1 Katılım Bankacılığı Temelleri ......................................................................................... 16 2.2. Katılım Bankacılığında Tarihsel Süreç ...................................................................... 19 2.3. Türkiye’de Katılım Bankacılığı ................................................................................. 21 2.4. Katılım Bankacılığı ile Mevduat Bankacılığı Farklılıkları ........................................ 23 2.5. Katılım Bankacılığının Ortaya Çıkma Nedenleri ...................................................... 26 2.5.1. Dini Nedenler ................................................................................................... 26 2.5.2. Sosyal ve Kültürel Nedenler ............................................................................ 27 2.5.3. İktisadi Nedenler .............................................................................................. 27 2.6. Katılım Bankacılığının Özellikleri ............................................................................. 28 2.6.1. Faizsiz ve Ahlaki Olması ................................................................................. 28 2.6.2. Dini Kurallar ile Düzenlenmiş Yatırım Ürünleri ............................................. 29 2.6.3. Esas İşinin Ticareti Kapsaması ........................................................................ 30 2.6.4. Kar ve Zararın Paylaşımı ................................................................................. 30 2.7. Dünya’da Katılım Bankacılığı Uygulamaları ............................................................ 30 2.7.1. Malezya ............................................................................................................ 31 2.7.2. BAE ve Suudi Arabistan .................................................................................. 34 2.7.3. İran ................................................................................................................... 35 2.7.4. Katar ................................................................................................................ 38 2.7.5. Endonezya ........................................................................................................ 39 2.7.6. Bahreyn ............................................................................................................ 40 x 2.7.7. Türkiye ............................................................................................................. 42 2.8. Türkiye’de Katılım Bankaları .................................................................................... 44 2.8.1. Albaraka Türk .................................................................................................. 44 2.8.2. Kuveyt Türk ..................................................................................................... 44 2.8.3. Türkiye Finans ................................................................................................. 45 2.8.4. Ziraat Katılım ................................................................................................... 46 2.8.5. Vakıf Katılım ................................................................................................... 46 2.9. İslami Finans Kuruluşları ........................................................................................... 47 2.9.1. İslami Finansal Kuruluşlar İçin Muhasebe ve Denetim Organizasyonu (AAOIFI) .......................................................................................................... 47 2.9.2. İslami Bankacılık ve Finansal Kurumlar Genel Konseyi (CIBAFI) ............... 47 2.9.3. İslam Kalkınma Bankası (IDB) ....................................................................... 47 2.9.4. Türkiye Katılım Bankaları Birliği (TKBB) ..................................................... 47 3. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................ 49 3. SUKUKUN TEORİSİ VE HUKUKİ YAPISI .................................................................. 48 3.1. Tanımı ........................................................................................................................ 49 3.2. Sukukun Tarihsel Gelişimi ........................................................................................ 50 3.3. Sukukun Temel İlkeleri ............................................................................................. 51 3.4. Sukukun İşleyişi ve İhraç Süreci ............................................................................... 52 3.5. Sukuk Türleri ............................................................................................................. 53 3.5.1. Bağlı Olduğu Esasa Göre ................................................................................. 53 Proje esasına bağlı ............................................................................... 53 Varlık esasına bağlı ............................................................................. 53 Bilanço esasına bağlı ........................................................................... 53 3.6. Dayandığı Finansman Modeline Göre Sukuk ............................................................ 53 3.6.1. Mudaraba ......................................................................................................... 55 3.6.2. Muşaraka .......................................................................................................... 55 3.6.3. Murabaha ......................................................................................................... 56 xi 3.6.4. Selem ............................................................................................................... 57 3.6.5. İstisna ............................................................................................................... 58 3.6.6. İcara ................................................................................................................. 58 3.7. Sukukun Hukuki Boyutu ........................................................................................... 60 3.7.1. Sermaye Piyasası Sukuk Tebliği ..................................................................... 60 4. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................ 63 4. SUKUKUN MUHASEBELEŞTİRİLMESİ: TÜRKİYE FİNANS UYGULAMASI ....... 63 4.1. Türkiye Finans’ın Sukuk İhracı İle İlgili Bilgiler ...................................................... 63 4.2. Muhasebe Uygulaması ............................................................................................... 66 5. TARTIŞMA VE SONUÇ ................................................................................................ 70 6. KAYNAKLAR ................................................................................................................. 75 ÖZGEÇMİŞ ......................................................................................................................... 8

    Identification of the Predictive Power of Five Factor Personality Traits for Individual Instrument Performance Anxiety

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    This study, with the aim of identifying the predictive power of the five-factor personality traits of music teacher candidates on individual instrument performance anxiety, was designed according to the relational screening model. The study population was students attending the Music Education branch of Fine Arts Education Departments in Educational Faculties in Turkey with the sample comprising 256 students attending the Music Education branch of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Pamukkale University and Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University during the 2016-2017 academic year. For data collection in the study, the Individual Instrument Performance Test Anxiety Scale developed by Dalkıran et al. (2014) and the Adjective-based Personality Test developed by Bacanlı et al. (2009) according to the five factor concept were used. Correlation analysis was performed to test whether there was a significant correlation between the individual instrument performance anxiety of students and the five factor personality traits. Additionally, to determine the predictive power of the five factor personality traits on individual instrument test performance anxiety of Music Education branch students, standard multiple regression analysis was performed. Data were tested at the significance level of 0.05. According to the obtained data, it can be said there is a significant correlation between the individual instrument performance anxiety levels and the five factor personality traits of Music Education branch students. A positive and high level relationship was identified between performance anxiety levels and the five factor personality trait of emotional balance/neuroticism, while there was no correlation with agreeableness and performance anxiety level. Extraversion and openness to experience had a negative correlation with performance anxiety level, while there was a positive correlation observed between conscientiousness and performance anxiety. The five factor personality traits of emotional balance/neuroticism and conscientiousness positively and significantly predicted performance anxiety, while extraversion negatively and significantly predicted performance anxiety level. Contrarily, openness to experience and agreeableness were not identified to significantly predict performance anxiety level

    The relationship of economic growth and carbon-dioxide emissions: an application on member countries of Organization of Islamic Cooperation

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    Motivation: Humanity has benefited from natural resources in production activities throughout history and this pressure on natural resources has increased even more with the efforts of industrialization. In this process, people benefited heavily from fossil fuels in their production and distribution activities, thereby damaging the environment and the atmosphere to a large extent. With the destruction of the environment, it has become important for the countries and the academic circles to measure environmental damage with the increase of economic activities in order to take various measures. Aim: At this point, in this study, the relationship between economic growth and carbon-dioxide emissions was examined within the scope of 50 countries that are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). In this process, annual data of the countries concerned between 1995 and 2017 were used; Pedroni Cointegration Analysis, Granger Causality Analysis, Pooled Mean Group Estimator (PMGE) and Mean Group Estimator (MGE) methods were used to measure and estimate the relationship between these two variables. The causality analysis shows that the economic growth is the Granger cause of carbon-dioxide emissions in the country group studied. In addition, the coefficients obtained in PMGE and MGE analyzes were found as 0.43 and 0.33 and were statistically significant and positive. Then, with the help of Hausman Homogeneity Test, it was decided between the two estimators, and it concluded that PMGE Estimator is the more reliable estimator. Results: The results obtained with the PMGE estimator indicate that the 1% increase in economic growth increased carbon dioxide emission by 0.43%

    Prenatal diagnosis and pregnancy outcomes of 149 fetuses with tetralogy of Fallot accompanied by concomitant cardiac and extracardiac anomalies

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    Objective: We aimed to analyze the pregnancy outcomes of cases that were diagnosed prenatally with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and to investigate its prenatal diagnosis, treatment conditions, and postnatal outcomes. Methods: The clinical information data of a total of 149 fetuses diagnosed with TOF (145 cases were singleton and 4 cases were twins) were collected and reviewed retrospectively between January 2016 and January 2022 at İstanbul Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital. Results: Among completely 61,034 pregnancies between these years, 149 fetuses were diagnosed with TOF by fetal prenatal ultrasound imaging with the occurrence rate of about 0.24% (149/61,034), and the average gestational age was 26.13 weeks. Among these cases, 22 cases (14.76%, 22/149) opted for termination of pregnancy. Of these 149 fetuses, a total of 60 (46.30%, 60/149) accepted genetic testing and 11 (7.38%, 11/149) revealed chromosomal disorders with trisomy 21 in 5 cases, trisomy 18 in 1 case, 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome in 4 cases and abnormality of the short arm of 8th chromosome in 1 case. After delivery, 4 cases were diagnosed with trisomy 21. Pregnancy was continued in a total of 127 fetuses, of which 114 cases resulted in delivery. While 36 cases were delivered by cesarean section, the other 78 cases were delivered vaginally. Thirteen fetuses died during the pregnancy period. Newborns who survived the postpartum period were followed up to 5 years of age for surgery. Among 114 cases, 28 cases died during the postnatal period at different times. Conclusion: The diagnosis of TOF is mainly established with the help of fetal ultrasound in the second trimester. A genetic examination is also necessary after prenatal diagnosis and multidisciplinary work is also important between departments. TOF without genetic disorder can be successfully corrected with surgery after birth

    Comparison of proteinuria diagnostic methods in pregnant patients

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    Objective: This study aimed to compare spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratio and 24-hour urine methods in pregnant patients and to evaluate the accuracy of spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratio against the reference standard 24-hour urine method. Methods: This retrospective study included 399 pregnant patients diagnosed with proteinuria, gestational hypertension, or preeclampsia. Urinary protein concentrations were measured by spot dipstick urine analysis, spot urinary protein-to-creatinine, and 24-hour total proteinuria via 24-hour urine collection. The 24-hour total proteinuria measurement was accepted as the reference standard for diagnosis of proteinuria, and significant proteinuria was defined ≥300 mg of protein in the 24-hour urine collection. Results: According to the receiver operating characteristics analysis of the spot urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio measurements, the cut-off value of the protein-to-creatinine ratio method was ≥0.443 mg protein/mg creatinine, the area under the curve was 0.887, the sensitivity was 77.14%, the specificity was 87.76%, and the accuracy was 84.96%. According to the receiver operating characteristics analysis of the 24-hour total proteinuria measurements, these values were >0.405 mg/day, 0.874, 82.86%, 84.64%, and 84.17%, respectively. No difference was observed between these two proteinuria methods regarding the receiver operating characteristics analysis (p=0.475). There was a strong and significant correlation between the spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratio and the 24-hour total proteinuria (r=0.842, p<0.001). Conclusion: Our findings revealed that there was a strong and significant correlation between the spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratio and the 24-hour total proteinuria, and it may be used as an alternative to the 24-hour total proteinuria. In addition, the spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratio is noteworthy, especially in an emergency situation in pregnant women for whom the time is limited to make a rapid clinical decision

    Girişimsel tedavi uygulanan baş ağrılarında pupil çapının değerlendirilmesi

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    MakaleWOS:000940895500004PubMed ID: 36625194Objectives: Pain is a subjective experience. Besides, sensory, affective and behavioral responses, and autonomic response are part of pain response to noxious stimuli. Evaluation of pupil diameter by pupillometry has been used as an alternative method for pain assessment. In algologic procedures like interventional headache management have not been addressed in the literature. Herein, we investigated changes in pupil diameter during interventional headache management as an objective method for pain assessment. Methods: Demographic data of the patients were collected before the bilateral major occipital nerve blockage (MONB) pro-cedure. Numeric rating score (NRS) and pupil diameter measurements by pupillometer were recorded before MONB. Standard MONB procedure was applied to all patients. Pain assessment and pupillary diameter measurements were obtained after nerve blockage. Results: Twenty-eight patients were included in this study. Mean age was 41.03 +/- 12.63 years. There is no difference between the hemodynamic parameters before and after the procedure. Post-procedure NRS and pupil diameter values were signifi-cantly lower than pre-procedure values. There was a positive correlation between changes in NRS scores and changes in the right and left pupil diameters. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between NRS score and pupil diameter in patients who underwent MONB. Monitoring of pupil diameter can be used for pain assessment during headache treatment. Evaluation of pupil diameter is a new approach in pain palliation. Future research is needed to study the effect of other parameters, that is, gender, age, origin of pain, acute, and chronic pain on pupil diameter and to evaluate its application in different algological procedures.Amaç: Ağrı, öznel bir deneyimdir. Duyusal, duygusal ve davranışsal tepkilerin yanı sıra otonomik tepki, ağrılı uyaranlara verilen tepkinin bir parçasıdır. Pupil çapının pupillometre ile değerlendirilmesi, ağrı değerlendirmesi için alternatif bir yöntem olarak kullanıldı. Bu çalışmada, girişimsel baş ağrısı yönetimi sırasında ağrı değerlendirmesi için pupil çapındaki değişiklikler araştırıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bilateral majör oksipital sinir blokajı (MONB) işlemi öncesi hastaların demografik verileri toplandı. Numerik derecelendirme puanı (NRS) ve pupillometre ile göz bebeği çapı ölçümleri, MONB’den önce kaydedildi. Tüm hastalara standart MONB prosedürü uygulandı. Sinir blokajı sonrası ağrı değerlendirmesi ve pupil çapı ölçümleri alındı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 28 hasta dahil edildi. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 41,03 +/- 12,63 yıl idi. İşlem öncesi ve sonrası hemodinamik parametreler arasında fark yoktu. İşlem sonrası NRS ve göz bebeği çapı değerleri işlem öncesi değerlerden önemli ölçüde düşüktü. NRS puanlarındaki değişiklikler ile sağ ve sol göz bebeği çaplarındaki değişiklikler arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardı. Sonuç: MONB uygulanan hastalarda NRS skoru ile göz bebeği çapı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki vardı. Baş ağrısı tedavisi sırasında ağrı değerlendirmesi için göz bebeği çapının izlenmesi kullanılabilir. Pupil çapının değerlendirilmesi ağrı palyasyonunda yeni bir yaklaşımdır. Cinsiyet, yaş, ağrının kaynağı, akut ve kronik ağrı gibi diğer parametrelerin göz bebeği çapı üzerindeki etkisini incelemek ve farklı algolojik prosedürlerde uygulanmasını değerlendirmek için gelecekteki araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır