15 research outputs found

    Eltrombopag for the treatment of immune thrombocytopenia: The aegean region of Turkey experience

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    Objective: Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an immune-mediated disease characterized by transient or persistent decrease of the platelet count to less than 100x109/L. Although it is included in a benign disease group, bleeding complications may be mortal. With a better understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease, thrombopoietin receptor agonists, which came into use in recent years, seem to be an effective option in the treatment of resistant cases. This study aimed to retrospectively assess the efficacy, long-term safety, and tolerability of eltrombopag in Turkish patients with chronic ITP in the Aegean region of Turkey. Materials and Methods: Retrospective data of 40 patients with refractory ITP who were treated with eltrombopag in the Aegean region were examined and evaluated. Results: The total rate of response was 87%, and the median duration of response defined as the number of the platelets being over 50x109/L was 19.5 (interquartile range: 5-60) days. In one patient, venous sinus thrombosis was observed with no other additional risk factors due to or related to thrombosis. Another patient with complete response and irregular follow-up for 12 months was lost due to sudden death as the result of probable acute myocardial infarction. Conclusion: Although the responses to eltrombopag were satisfactory, patients need to be monitored closely for overshooting platelet counts as well as thromboembolic events. © 2015 Turkish Society of Hematology. All rights reserved

    Sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of a fluvial travertine: A case from the eastern mediterranean region

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    A sedimentological and geochemical study was performed on the travertines in the southern part of the Uşak geothermal field, western Turkey, to assess the applicability of a fluvial tufa facies model in interpreting late Quaternary travertine deposits developed along the stream valleys that follow fault and fracture systems. Modern thermal (31 to 38°C) springs are found on the floor of the valley between 480 m and 520 m above sea-level. The distribution and nature of travertine facies were determined from natural outcrops. Samples of the travertines and spring water were characterized using a range of geochemical and petrographic methods. Waterfall, slope and pool facies associations consist of various combinations of travertine facies and subordinate detrital facies. Waterfall and slope facies associations of the older deposits occur where the springs emerged onto a hillslope or topographic break. In contrast, the pool facies association developed in depressions or flat areas that were fed by thermal springs. The youngest generation (1·85 ka) precipitated at lower elevations than the older ones (147 to 153 ka). Stable carbon and oxygen isotope values of the Aksaz travertines range between +4·3‰ and +6·3‰ (Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) and -12·6‰ and -7·2‰ (Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite), respectively. The high δ13C values suggest that the thermal waters were charged with isotopically heavy CO2 of deep origin. Based on palaeotemperature calculations, the temperatures of the palaeosprings are slightly higher (up to 44°C) than the present equivalents, but sometimes the temperature is lower, probably due to mixing with the stream water. Although the thermal waters occasionally are impeded by fluvial activity, travertine precipitation occurs in the protected parts of the Aksaz Stream valley. This contribution highlights the applicability of the fluvial facies model for tufa for the interpretation of travertine deposits worldwide. © 2013 International Association of Sedimentologists

    Eltrombopag for the treatment of immune thrombocytopenia: The aegean region of Turkey experience [İmmün Trombositopeni Tedavisinde Eltrombopag: Türkiye Ege Bölgesi Deneyimi]

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    PubMed ID: 25914025Objective: Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an immune-mediated disease characterized by transient or persistent decrease of the platelet count to less than 100x109/L. Although it is included in a benign disease group, bleeding complications may be mortal. With a better understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease, thrombopoietin receptor agonists, which came into use in recent years, seem to be an effective option in the treatment of resistant cases. This study aimed to retrospectively assess the efficacy, long-term safety, and tolerability of eltrombopag in Turkish patients with chronic ITP in the Aegean region of Turkey. Materials and Methods: Retrospective data of 40 patients with refractory ITP who were treated with eltrombopag in the Aegean region were examined and evaluated. Results: The total rate of response was 87%, and the median duration of response defined as the number of the platelets being over 50x109/L was 19.5 (interquartile range: 5-60) days. In one patient, venous sinus thrombosis was observed with no other additional risk factors due to or related to thrombosis. Another patient with complete response and irregular follow-up for 12 months was lost due to sudden death as the result of probable acute myocardial infarction. Conclusion: Although the responses to eltrombopag were satisfactory, patients need to be monitored closely for overshooting platelet counts as well as thromboembolic events. © 2015 Turkish Society of Hematology. All rights reserved