9 research outputs found

    Influence of brassinosteroids on fruit yield and quality of table grape 'Alphonse Lavallée'

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    This research was carried out to determine the effects of a brassinosteroid compound (22S-, 23S-homobrassinolide) on yield and quality attributes of a field-grown table grape cultivar 'Alphonse Lavallée'. The vines were sprayed at anthesis (first week of May) with the compound over two growing seasons. The solutions were prepared at the concentrations of control, 10-3 and 10-4 mg∙L-1. Clusters were harvested when those of the control vines reached 16 °Brix. Yield and quality parameters were analyzed. There were no clear effects of the compound on yield and quality, except for the cluster length. The low concentration resulted in longer clusters. High concentration increased the tensile strength of the pedicel to some degree. Seasonal differences were observed in most of the parameters studied

    Effect of 22(S), 23(S)-Homobrassinolide on Adventitious Root Formation in Grape Rootstocks

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    In recent times, brassinosteroids have been identified as a group of hormones that regulate plant growthand development. They affect plant development from seed germination to senescence. The aim of thisresearch was to study the effects of brassinosteroids on the rooting of three American grapevine rootstocks(1103 Paulsen, 110 Richter and 99 Richter) used frequently to produce grafted grapevines. Rootstockcuttings were dipped for 10 minutes into five different concentrations of 22(S), 23(S)-homobrassinolide andplanted into a peat-perlite mixture. Data such as fresh and dry root weight, root number and developmentlevel were collected and assessed. Some shoot growth features were also determined. The results showedthat the grapevine rootstocks with the most significant response in improved root and shoot growth were1103 Paulsen, followed by 110 Richter. Root development level was influenced by both the rootstock andthe concentrations of the substance. The lowest concentration, 0.05 ppm, induced more root numbers in1103 Paulsen, while 0.15 ppm resulted in the highest number of roots in 99 Richter. A statistical analysis ofthe data revealed a significant difference between root development and shoot growth

    Wpływ obrączkowania oraz przycinania gron na zawartość kwasów organicznych w jagodach czterech odmian wionogron Vitis vinifera L. przeznaczonych do bezpośredniego spożycia

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    The response of berry organic acids of four organically grown table grape cultivars to cane-girdling and cluster-berry thinning treatments were evaluated over two growing seasons. In addition pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids content and maturity index were also determined. Statistical analyses showed that individual organic acid content of the four grape cultivars were significantly affected by the treatments. Tartaric and malic acids of ‘Red Globe’ were mostly influenced by the cluster-berry thinning treatment. ‘Alphonse Lavalleé’ accumulated the highest tartaric acid and malic acid in both the girdled/thinned and the cluster-berry thinned vines, respectively. The control and girdled ‘Trakya Ilkeren’ vines had the most tartaric acid. Control vines also contained high malic acid amount. ‘Buca Razakısı’, on the other hand, had the most prominent tartaric and malic acid levels in the girdled/thinned and thinned vines, respectively. Quality parameters also showed significant differences among the cultivars in response to the treatments.Oceniono reakcję zawartości kwasów organicznych w czterech odmianach winogron przeznaczonych do bezpośredniego spożycia na zabiegi obrączkowania i przycinania w okresie dwóch okresów wegetacyjnych. Poza tym określono pH, kwasowość miareczkowaną, zawartość substancji rozpuszczalnych sałych oraz indeks dojrzałości. Analizy statystyczne pokazały, że na indywidualną zawartość kwasów organicznych czterech odmian wymienione zabiegi wpływały istotnie . Zabieg przycinania gron najbardziej wpłynął na zawartość kwasu winowego i kwasu jabłkowego odmiany ‘Red Globe’. Odmiana ‘Alphonse Lavalleé’ gromadziła najwięcej kwasu winowego i kwasu jabłkowego odpowiednio w winoroślach opaskowanych/przycinanych i w winoroślach z przycinanymi gronami. Winorośle ‘Trakya Ilkeren’ kontrolne i przycinane miały największą zawartość kwasu winowego. Winorośle kontrolne również zawierały dużą ilość kwasu octowego. Natomiast odmiana ‘Buca Razakısı’ miała najbardziej wyróżniającą się zawartość kwasu winowego i octowego odpowienio w opaskowanych/przycinanych oraz przycinanych winoroślach. Paramentry jakościowe także wykazywały istotne różnice między odmianami w reakcji na zabiegi

    Effects of cane-girdling and cluster and berry thinning on berry organic acids of four Vitis vinifera L. table grape cultivars [Wplyw obra{ogonek}czkowania oraz przycinania gron na zawartosc kwasów organicznych w jagodach czterech odmian wionogron Vitis vinifera L. przeznaczonych do bezposredniego spozycia]

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    The response of berry organic acids of four organically grown table grape cultivars to cane-girdling and cluster-berry thinning treatments were evaluated over two growing seasons. In addition pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids content and maturity index were also determined. Statistical analyses showed that individual organic acid content of the four grape cultivars were significantly affected by the treatments. Tartaric and malic acids of 'Red Globe' were mostly influenced by the cluster-berry thinning treatment. 'Alphonse Lavalleé' accumulated the highest tartaric acid and malic acid in both the girdled/ thinned and the cluster-berry thinned vines, respectively. The control and girdled 'Trakya Ilkeren' vines had the most tartaric acid. Control vines also contained high malic acid amount. 'Buca Razaki{dotless}si{dotless}', on the other hand, had the most prominent tartaric and malic acid levels in the girdled/thinned and thinned vines, respectively. Quality parameters also showed significant differences among the cultivars in response to the treatments

    Wpływ 22s, 23s-homobrassinolidu i GA3 na jakość owoców czereśni ‘0900 Ziraat’ oraz na zaburzenia fizjologiczne

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    Acquiring high quality in sweet cherry production is of great importance. Plant growth regulators have been used to increase yield and quality in the production of sweet cherries. Brassinosteroids, a relatively new group of plant growth regulators, have been found with interesting results on plant growth and development.This research was carried out to evaluate the role of brassinosteroids and gibberellins in development offruit quality and occurrence of physiological disorders in ‘0900 Ziraat’ sweet cherry. Gibberellic acid (GA3) and 22S, 23S-homobrassinolide were applied with a sprayer at full bloom and at the beginning of fruit development for a 2-year period. GA3was applied in concentrations of 25, 50, and 100 mg l-1and 22S, 23S-homobrassinolide was applied in concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5 mg l-1. A combined application of 100 mg l-1 GA3+ 0.1 mg l-122S, 23S-homobrassinolide was also applied. Plant growth regulator applications mainly caused an increase in fruit weight and flesh to seed ration, and a decrease in fruit length. The effect was mainly due to gibberellin. Both Total soluble solids and titratable acidity were affected by the hormones and the seasons.Neither growth regulators had an influ-ence on occurrence of the physiological disorders. They were at a lesser level in the second seasons.Uzyskanie wysokiej jakości w produkcji czereśni ma ogromną wagę. Regulatory wzrostu roślin używane były do zwiększenia plonu i jakości w produkcji czereśni. Stwierdzono, że brassinosteroidy, stosunkowo nowa grupa regulatorów wzrostu roślin, ma ciekawy wpływ na wzrost i rozwój roślin. Badanie przeprowadzono w celu oceny roli brassensteroidów i giberelin dla jakości owoców i występowania zaburzeń fizjologicznych u czereśni ‘0900 Ziraat’. Przez okres 2 lat stosowano kwas giberelinowy (GA3) oraz 22S, 23S-homobrassinolid jako oprysk w pełni kwitnienia i na początku rozwoju owoców. GA3stosowano w stężeniach 25, 50 i 100 mg l-1a 22S, 23S-homobrassinolid –w stężeniach 0,05; 0,1 oraz 0.5 mg l-1. Stosowano też połączone działanie 100 mg l-1 GA3+ 0,1 mg l-122S, 23S-homobrassinolidu. Zastosowanie regulatorów wzrostu roślin spowodowało zwiększenie stosunku masy owoców i miąższu do pestek oraz zmniejszenie długości owoców. Efekt ten był głównie spowodowany gibereliną. Hormony i pora roku miały wpływ na całkowitą zawartość stałych substancji rozpuszczalnych oraz kwasowość oznaczoną. Żaden z regulatorów wzrostu nie miał wpływu na występowanie zaburzeń fizjologicznych. W drugim sezonie były one na mniejszym poziomie

    Influence of shoot topping on yield and quality of Vitis vinifera L.

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    This study was carried out in a 20 year old spur pruned Karasakýz (Kuntra) vineyard during the 2003 and 2004 growth season. Vines were topped at 1, 3 and 5 nodes beyond the last cluster on the main shoot. Yield and quality parameters were analyzed to determine the effects of shoot topping. The results showed that weather conditions had more statistically important effects compared to the topping level. One (1) node topping resulted in more loss of yield due to increased vegetative growth