101 research outputs found

    Is liberal bias universal? An international perspective on social psychologists

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    Based on our comparison of political orientation and research interests of social psychologists in capitalist Western countries versus post-Communist Eastern European countries, we suggest that Duarte and colleagues' claim of liberal bias in the field seems American-centric. We propose an alternative account of political biases which focuses on the academic tendency to explain attitudes of lower status groups

    Ideological distinction. The political ideologies of social psychologists in the East and West.

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    The problem of “liberal bias” among personality and social psychologists has been widely discussed in recent years (Haidt, 2011; Duarte et al., in press; Inbar, Lammers, 2012). Most of these discussions extrapolated findings observed in American and Western European social psychology to the whole discipline. This article presents a first insight into regional differences in the political opinions of Western, and Eastern social psychologists. Based on the characteristics of intellectuals in Eastern European countries as reproducers of existing structures of dependence, we hypothesised that Eastern European psychologists would not express a “liberal bias” but instead, at least in the domain of economic opinions, that they would support rather conservative political solutions. An empirical study of social psychologists from Hungary, Poland, the USA and the UK supported this hypothesis. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that, despite forming the majority in the field of social psychology, Polish supporters of a free market economy were reluctant to express their views in public. Finally, based on the European Values Survey, we compared the economic attitudes of European social psychologists with the attitudes prevalent in their countries (i.e. Hungary, Poland and the UK). This comparison suggested that Hungarian and Polish social psychologists hold more procapitalist stances on economic issues than the poorest segments of the societies they live in, whereas British social psychologists supported state interventionism to a greater extent than the poorest sections of their society

    Zastosowanie modelu adaptacyjnego Callisty Roy w opiece nad chorym ze stwardnieniem rozsianym – opis przypadku

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    Introduction. Multiple sclerosis (Sclerosis Multiplex — MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system characterized by inflammation and the loss of myelin sheath surrounding the axon. A result of disseminated demyelination process in patients suffering from MS, is a wide variety of symptoms that lead to changes in terms of functioning both in biological and psychosocial aspects. The skilful preparation of a patient to find the optimal way of dealing with the disease, as well as maintaining independence and joy of life is an essential part of the therapeutic process in patients with MS.Aim. The aim of this study was to use the Callista Roy adaptation model in the care of a patient suffering from multiple sclerosis, namely:— demonstrate the usefulness of the holistic Callista Roy adaptation model in the care of chronically ill patients,— prepare a patient to cope with the problems induced by the disease, based on the nursing process developed in line ith the guidlines of C. Roy model.Case Report. A case study of a 69 year old patient with multiple sclerosis (SM) was prepared on the basis of medical documentation (personal information forms from hospitals), an interview with the patient and direct observations.Discussion. The nursing care model based on the theory by Callista Roy proved to be very useful in the process of taking care of a patient chronically ill with SM, as it guaranteed satisfying the needs of a patient in terms of bio-psychosocial aspect, but it also gave the opportunity to acquire skills to cope with problems resulting from the disease.Conclusions. The nursing process based on the theory by Callista Roy requires from a nurse an individual and holistic approach to a patient and patient’s problems. The model structure provides a comprehensive delivery of nursing care and ensures continuous contact with a patient. This is particularly important in the era of technology development in modern medicine.(JNNN 2015;4(3):121–129)Wstęp. Stwardnienie rozsiane (Sclerosis Multiplex — SM) jest przewlekłą chorobą centralnego układu nerwowego, która charakteryzuje się stanem zapalnym i utratą osłonki mielinowej wokół aksonu. W wyniku rozsianego procesu demielinizacyjnego u pacjentów chorujących na SM obserwuje się wiele różnorodnych objawów prowadzących do zmian w funkcjonowaniu zarówno w aspekcie biologicznym, jak i psychospołecznym. Umiejętne przygotowaniepacjenta do znalezienia optymalnego sposobu radzenia sobie z chorobą, a także zachowania samodzielności i radości życia jest niezbędnym elementem procesu terapeutycznego chorych na SM.Cel. Próba zastosowania modelu adaptacyjnego Callisty Roy w opiece nad pacjentką chorującą na stwardnienie rozsiane, czyli:— wykazanie przydatności holistycznego modelu adaptacyjnego Callisty Roy w opiece nad przewlekle chorym,— przygotowanie pacjenta do radzenia sobie z problemami wynikającymi z choroby w oparciu o proces pielęgnowania opracowany zgodnie z założeniami modelu C. Roy.Opis przypadku. Studium przypadku 69-letniej pacjentki ze stwardnieniem rozsianym zostało opracowane na podstawie analizy dokumentacji medycznej (kart informacyjnych ze szpitali), przeprowadzonego wywiadu z pacjentką oraz bezpośredniej obserwacji.Dyskusja. Model pielęgnowania oparty na teorii Callisty Roy okazał się bardzo przydatny w procesie pielęgnowania przewlekle chorego z SM, ponieważ zagwarantował pacjentce zaspokojenie jej potrzeb bio-psycho-społecznych, aletakże dał możliwość nabycia umiejętności radzenia sobie z problemami wynikającymi z choroby.Wnioski. Proces pielęgnowania oparty na teorii Callisty Roy wymaga od pielęgniarki rozpatrywania pacjenta i jego problemów w sposób zindywidualizowany i całościowy. Struktura modelu zapewnia kompleksowe świadczenie usług pielęgniarskich i gwarantuje ciągły kontakt z pacjentem. Jest to szczególnie ważne w dobie technicyzacji we współczesnej medycynie.(PNN 2015;4(3):121–129

    Próba prowokacji spojówek standardowymi wyciągami alergenów

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    The conjunctival provocation test (CPT) is used to evaluate the ocular effects induced by allergen after topical application on the surface of the eye. This review summarizes the indications to CPT, technical aspects of the test, the criteria of inclusion and exclusion to CPT, the role of tear inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of the ocular allergic response. Presented are also the results of the latest clinical and experimental studies and new achievements in DNA technology.Próba prowokacji spojówek (CPT) jest badaniem, w którym ocenia się odpowiedź alergiczną narządu wzroku na dospojówkowe podanie alergenu. W pracy omówiono zastosowanie CPT, metodykę jej wykonania, ocenę objawów klinicznych, działania niepożądane, a także zmiany w składzie łez. Przedstawiono również wyniki ostatnich badań klinicznych z zastosowaniem CPT oraz kierunki rozwoju i najnowsze osiągnięcia biologii molekularnej

    Mental health issues during pregnancy - overview of the current knowledge

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    Depressive disorders of antenatal and postnatal period are diagnostic challenge, as well as increasingly frequent social problem. Incidence of antenatal depression varies from 10% to 16%. Around one third of all postpartum depression cases has its beginning during the antenatal period. From the beginning of 2019, Ministry of Health’s regulations specified for the first time the recommendation to perform screening of depressive symptoms - twice during the pregnancy and once during the perinatal period, defined as the first six weeks after the delivery. Therefore the review of current studies in the subject of mental health issues during pregnancy was conducted in order to establish possible risk factors

    Does excessive alcohol consumption contribute to the development of anxiety disorder?

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    Introduction Over past decades the number of patients suffering from psychiatric disorders all around the world is constantly increasing. Thank to general awareness and less stigmatization people seek for specialist’s help more willingly. Recently, one of the most common diagnoses has been anxiety disorder and many of them also tend to abuse alcohol. So far, scientists have focused mostly on alcoholism as a consequence of anxiety disorder, due to patients’ predilection to addictions. However, ethanol can also trigger anxiety itself. Aim of the study The aim of this study is to summarize the current state of knowledge on the role of alcohol in anxiety disorder development and its pathomechanisms. Material and methods This article is based on available publications in Pubmed and Google Scholar databases. Conclusions Excessive alcohol consumption may lead to the development of anxiety disorder in some patients, as well as, many other psychiatric disturbances. However, further research must be done to find out precise pathomechanism responsible for those states

    Gluten-free diet - opportunities and limitations

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    Objective  The aim of the study was to indicate the difficulties associated with gluten-free diet and the point of its use by people without medical indications. Another important aspect of the article was to analyze the impact of this diet on the course of chronic diseases.  Methods  For the purposes of writing this article, the available literature was reviewed. Using keywords such as gluten, gluten-free, or diet, the database of medical publications - PubMed was searched.  Results: The popularity of the gluten-free diet is growing. The reason for this is increased interest in health lifestyle and nutrition as well as the influence of the mass media. Because of that, the number of people on a gluten-free diet without medical indications is increasing. Following a gluten-free diet is associated with many difficulties. Gluten-free products are much more expensive and less available than their gluten-containing counterparts. It is associated with many obstacles in everyday life. An important aspect is also the imbalance of supplied nutrients and the risk of macro and micronutrient deficiencies, such as magnesium, zinc or selenium, as a result of the gluten-free diet. With the increasing popularity of the gluten-free diet, there are more and more studies on the potential benefits of its use in chronic diseases.  Conclusion: A gluten-free diet remains the only therapeutic option in the course of diseases such as celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy. Due to the insufficient amount of data, its use is not recommended in the course of other chronic diseases and in the population of people without medical indications.&nbsp

    Impact Of Physical Activity And Health Education On The Development Of Depression

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    Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects the majority of the population. The exact cause of depression is not fully understood, but various factors such as genetics, environmental stressors, and psychological factors are believed to play a role. Due to the complexity of the etiopathogenesis of depression, the selection of appropriate therapeutic management is sometimes complicated. Treatment for depression typically involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Antidepressant medication can help alleviate symptoms by regulating neurotransmitters in the brain, while psychotherapy can help individuals understand and change negative thoughts and behaviors. Physical activity, such as sport, has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and can help alleviate symptoms of depression. Exercise releases endorphins, reducing stress and improving mood. Health education can also play a role in preventing and managing depression by raising awareness, reducing stigma, and teaching individuals coping skills to maintain good mental health.     &nbsp