20 research outputs found

    Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rhizosphere of Solaris and Regent Grapevine Plants Treated with Bioproducts

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    The aim of this study was to identify the spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the rhizosphere of Solaris and Regent grapevine plants grafted onto SO4 rootstock and treated with bioproducts. The bioproducts Ausuma, Bioilsa, manure and BF Ekomix were tested and applied on their own, or combined with standard mineral fertilisation (NPK). The applied bioproducts contributed to an increase in the number of species of mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere soil of the grapevines. The most frequently occurring AMF species was Claroideoglomus claroideum. Biopreparation BF Ekomix was a promisingagent for increasing the number of AMF spores in the rhizosphere of Regent grapevines. In the rhizosphere of Solaris, a positive influence on the number of spores occurred after the application of Bioilsa

    A randomized phase III study of carfilzomib vs low-dose corticosteroids with optional cyclophosphamide in relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (FOCUS)

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    This randomized, phase III, open-label, multicenter study compared carfilzomib monotherapy against low-dose corticosteroids and optional cyclophosphamide in relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM). Relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma patients were randomized (1:1) to receive carfilzomib (10-min intravenous infusion; 20 mg/m(2) on days 1 and 2 of cycle 1; 27 mg/m(2) thereafter) or a control regimen of low-dose corticosteroids (84 mg of dexamethasone or equivalent corticosteroid) with optional cyclophosphamide (1400 mg) for 28-day cycles. The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS). Three-hundred and fifteen patients were randomized to carfilzomib (n=157) or control (n=158). Both groups had a median of five prior regimens. In the control group, 95% of patients received cyclophosphamide. Median OS was 10.2 (95% confidence interval (CI) 8.4-14.4) vs 10.0 months (95% CI 7.7-12.0) with carfilzomib vs control (hazard ratio=0.975; 95% CI 0.760-1.249; P=0.4172). Progression-free survival was similar between groups; overall response rate was higher with carfilzomib (19.1 vs 11.4%). The most common grade ⩾3 adverse events were anemia (25.5 vs 30.7%), thrombocytopenia (24.2 vs 22.2%) and neutropenia (7.6 vs 12.4%) with carfilzomib vs control. Median OS for single-agent carfilzomib was similar to that for an active doublet control regimen in heavily pretreated RRMM patients

    Detection and quantification of human adenovirus genomes in Acanthamoeba isolated from swimming pools

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    ABSTRACT Acanthamoeba is the most common free-living environmental amoeba, it may serve as an important vehicle for various microorganisms living in the same environment, such as viruses, being pathogenic to humans. This study aimed to detect and quantify human adenoviruses (HAdV) in Acanthamoebas isolated from water samples collected from swimming pools in the city of Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil. Free-living amoebae of the genus Acanthamoeba were isolated from water samples, and isolates (n=16) were used to investigate the occurrence of HAdVs. HAdV detection was performed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). HAdVs were detected in 62.5% (10/16) of Acanthamoeba isolates, ranging from 3.24x103 to 5.14x105 DNA copies per milliliter of isolate. HAdV viral loads found in this study are not negligible, especially because HAdV infections are associated with several human diseases, including gastroenteritis, respiratory distress, and ocular diseases. These findings reinforce the concept that Acanthamoeba may act as a reservoir and promote HAdV transmission through water

    Improvement of the Physico-Chemical Properties, Nutritional, and Antioxidant Compounds of Pomegranate Fruit cv. ‘Wonderful’ Using Integrated Fertilization

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    This study comprised of five different integrated fertilizers of calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 with ammonium sulphate (NH4)2SO4 ratios (0%:100%, 10%:90%, 20%:80%, 30%:70%, and 40%:60%) to enhance the physico-chemical properties, and the antioxidant and nutritional compounds of pomegranate fruits cv. ‘Wonderful’. The results discovered that the application of Ca(NO3)2:(NH4)2SO4 in different ratios significantly affected all measured parameters. Among integrated fertilizers, the 30%:70% combination showed an increment of 10.8% in fruit weight, 2.9% in fruit length, 11.8% in fruit volume, and 7.0% in fruit diameter. Similarly, total soluble solids, vitamin C, anthocyanin, total sugars, and reduced sugars, were also increased by 11.2%, 14.6%, 20.2%, 7.4%, and 5.2%, respectively. Likewise, values of both color variations from green to red (a*) and from blue to yellow (b*), and chroma, were also increased by 13.8%, 16.6%, and 14.4%, respectively. Moreover, the application of Ca(NO3)2:(NH4)2SO4 at a ratio of 40%:60% showed 25.1% decrease in titratable acidity, and 45.4% and 27.0% increase in maturity index and peel luminosity, respectively. Additionally, the 30%:70% combination showed an increment of 30.9% in total phenolic content, 70.5% in total tannin content, and 43.6% in total flavonoid content. Additionally, it showed 25.8% and 1.7% decrease in pH and moisture content, respectively. Moreover, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Ni in fruit increased by different increments by application of the 30%:70% with an increasing range of 28% to 175%. A non-reducing sugar increase was observed at an application of Ca(NO3)2:(NH4)2SO4 at a ratio of 20%:80% by 47.0%. The findings of this study suggest that using calcium nitrate with ammonium sulphate at a ratio of 30%:70%, using the fertigation approach during the growth season, could be a safe, natural, and novel method for the pomegranate cv. ‘Wonderful’ to improve fruit quality, and its amount of antioxidants—specifically, phenolics, vitamin C, anthocyanin, and fruit minerals—with health benefits at harvest

    Wpływ nawozów wzbogaconych mikrobiologicznie na plonowanie truskawki w uprawie kontenerowej przy zróżnicowanym poziomie nawadniania

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    The experiment was established in the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) Experimental Field in Skierniewice in the spring of 2018 in three replications. It was conducted on strawberry plants of the cultivar ‘Marmolada’ growing in stoneware containers with a diameter of 0.40 m and a height of 1.20 m, containing about 120 litres of podzolic soil with a pH of 6.2 (in KCl). The experiment was conducted in two variants: at 100% hydration and 50% hydration (2x13 fertilizer combinations). The aim of the study was to assess the impact of beneficial microorganisms and innovative mineral fertilizers enriched with them on the fruiting intensity and fruit quality of two-year-old strawberry plants in container-based cultivation, optimally irrigated and subjected to stress of prolonged water deficiency. The method of fertilizing the strawberry plants did not significantly affect the number of inflorescences and flowers. However, the treatments significantly increased the chlorophyll content in the leaves of optimally irrigated plants, especially where they were fertilized with NPK fertilizers and Urea enriched with filamentous fungi, and also the fertilizers Polifoska 6 and Super Fos Dar 40 enriched with beneficial bacteria. With limited water availability, regardless of the type of mineral fertilizer, the microorganisms did not have a significant impact on the characteristics of the strawberry plants grown. Reducing the availability of water to plants by 50% caused a significant decrease in fruit yield and mean fruit weight. The microorganisms, especially the filamentous fungi, helped to limit the impact of water deficiency on the quantity and quality of the obtained fruit crop, especially when compared with the effect of full mineral fertilization. However, the strawberry fruit yield was lower than the yield of optimally irrigated plants by about 30%. Under optimal irrigation, the NPK fertilizer enriched with filamentous fungi significantly increased fruit yield. Similarly, an increase in yield occurred after the application of the fertilizers: Urea in the recommended dose (100%) with the addition of filamentous fungi, and Super Fos Dar 40 in the amount of 60% of the recommended dose enriched with beneficial bacteria. Additional fertilization with the microbiological preparations increased the strawberry fruit yield. Better effects were obtained on the containers with a lower level of irrigation than on those with optimal irrigation.Doświadczenie założono na polu doświadczalnym Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (SGGW) w Skierniewicach wiosną 2018 roku w trzech powtórzeniach. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono na sadzonkach roślin truskawki odmiany ‘Marmolada’ posadzonych w kamionkowych kontenerach o średnicy 0,40 m i wysokości 1,20 m, wypełnionych 120 litrami gleby bielicowej o pH of 6,2 (w KCl). Doświadczenie prowadzono w dwóch wariantach: 100% nawodnienie i 50% nawodnienia (2 x 13 kombinacji nawozowych). Celem pracy była ocena wpływu pożytecznych mikroorganizmów i innowacyjnych nawozów mineralnych wzbogaconych mikrobiologicznie na intensywność owocowania i jakości owoców dwuletnich roślin truskawki uprawianych w kontenerach, optymalnie nawadnianych i poddanych stresowi suszy. Sposób nawożenia roślin nie miał istotnego wpływu na liczbę kwiatostanów i kwiatów truskawki. Natomiast zabiegi te istotnie zwiększały zawartość chlorofilu w liściach roślin optymalnie nawadnianych, szczególnie tam, gdzie nawożono je nawozami NPK i mocznikiem wzbogaconymi grzybami strzępkowymi oraz nawozami Polifoska 6 i Super Fos Dar 40 wzbogaconymi pożytecznymi bakteriami. Mikroorganizmy przy ograniczonym dostępie wody, niezależnie od rodzaju nawozu mineralnego, nie miały istotnego wpływu na wielkość badanych cech roślin truskawki. Ograniczenie nawodnienia roślin o 50% spowodowało znaczny spadek plonu i masy jednego owocu. Mikroorganizmy, a szczególnie grzyby strzępkowe pozwoliły ograniczyć wpływ niedoboru wody na wielkość i jakość uzyskanego plonu, zwłaszcza w porównaniu do wpływu pełnego nawożenia mineralnego. Plon truskawki był niższy w porównaniu do plonu roślin optymalnie nawadnianych o około 30%. Nawóz NPK wzbogacony grzybami strzępkowymi w tych warunkach zwiększał istotnie jego wielkość. Podobnie po zastosowaniu nawozów: mocznika w zalecanej dawce (100%) z dodatkiem grzybów strzępkowych i nawozu Super Fos Dar 40 w ilości wynoszącej 60% dawki zalecanej, wzbogaconego pożytecznymi bakteriami. Nawożenie preparatami mikrobiologicznymi zwiększyło plon owoców truskawki. Lepszy efekt uzyskano w kontenerach o niższym poziomie nawadniania niż w kontenerach z nawodnieniem optymalnym

    Effect of Some Biostimulants on the Vegetative Growth, Yield, Fruit Quality Attributes and Nutritional Status of Apple

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    Although the application of chemical fertilizers to crops promotes plant growth and yield, their continuous use affects soil heath and creates environmental pollution. On the other hand, plant biostimulants improve nutrients absorption, plant growth, yield and produce quality and are environment-friendly. Therefore, an experiment was conducted during 2021-22 to evaluate the effect of some biostimulants on the performance of the apple cv. Anna, planted in a sandy loam soil at Marsa Matruh governorate, Egypt. Ninety trees were randomly selected and sprayed with 4 or 6% moringa leaf extract (MLE), 0.3 or 0.4% seaweed extract (SWE), 1000 or 2000 mg L−1 Fulvic acid (FA), 4% MLE + 0.3% SWE + 1000 mg L−1 FA (combination 1), or 6% MLE + 0.4% SWE + 2000 mg L−1 FA (combination 2) before flowering, during full bloom and one month later and compared with a control (untreated trees). The results demonstrated that spraying MLE, SWE or FA or their combinations positively improved the vegetative growth, fruit set %, fruit yield and fruit physical and chemical characteristics as well as leaf nutritional status. The positive effect of MLE, SWE and FA was increased in parallel to an increase in the used concentration of each one of them. The highest increments in the measured parameters were accompanied by the application of combination 2 over the other treatments

    Influence of beneficial soil microorganisms and mineral fertilizers enriched with them on the flowering, fruiting, and physical and chemical parameters of the fruit of three-year-old strawberry plants in field cultivation

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    The excessive use of chemicals in plant production, including mineral fertilizers has a harmful effect on the morpho- and physiological state of strawberry plants, their yielding, and the physicochemical properties of the fruit and soil. Increasing the effectiveness of beneficial microorganisms, i.e. filamentous fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and bacteria, is an essential method of reducing the amount of fertilizers used to fertilize the soil. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of beneficial soil microorganisms (filamentous fungi and bacteria) applied alone or together with mineral fertilizers on the morpho- and physiological state of 'Marmolada' strawberry plants, their yielding, and the physico-chemical properties of the fruit. The experiment included the application of fungi (Aspergillus niger and Purpureocillium lilacinum), bacteria (Bacillus sp., Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Paenibacillus polymyxa) alone or together with mineral fertilizers (Polifoska 6, Urea, Super Fos Dar 40). The study investigated the number of inflorescences and flowers, the intensity of the green colour of leaves, fruit yield and weight (g and %), pH, extract (°Brix), titratable acidity (g/100 g), fruit firmness (N), as well as the concentrations of macro-and microelements in the leaves of the plants. The obtained results depend on the type of fertilizer and its concentration. Strains of filamentous fungi or bacterial strains only (without fertilizer), increase the fruit yield by 60 and 35%, respectively. Reduced to 60% doses of Polifoska 6, Urea, and Super Fos Dar 40 combined with beneficial soil microorganisms influence the strawberry fruit yield more beneficially than the fertilizers applied in standard doses (100%). The mineral fertilizers enriched with soil beneficial fungi and bacteria increase the mean fruit weight by 25-30%. Both Super Fos Dar 40 enriched with bacterial strains and Polifoska 6 at 100% positively affect the physical and chemical properties of strawberry fruits. The application of reduced to 60% doses of Fos Dar 40 and Polifoska 6 enriched with beneficial bacterial strains increase the nitrogen and potassium contents in the leaves, respectively. Urea and Super Fos Dar 40 at 100% enriched with beneficial bacteria positively affect magnesium content in the leaves. Application of Polifoska 6 and NPK enriched with bacteria beneficially influences the iron content in the leaves. The calcium content in strawberry leaves decreases due to fertilization

    Wpływ nawozów wzbogaconych mikrobiologicznie na plonowanie roślin truskawki w warunkach polowych w drugim roku prowadzenia plantacji

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    The experiment was established in the spring of 2018 in the Experimental Orchard of the Research Institute of Horticulture in Dąbrowice (Central Poland) and was carried out on strawberry plants of the cultivar ‘Marmolada’. The experiment included the following experimental combinations: 1. Control – no fertilization; 2. Standard NPK fertilization (control); 3. Application of only the fungi Aspergillus niger and Purpureocillium lilacinum; 4. Application of only the bacteria Bacillus sp., Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Paenibacillus polymyxa; 5. Standard NPK + fungi; 6. Standard NPK + bacteria; 7. Polifoska 6, 100% + bacteria; 8. Urea 100% + fungi; 9. Polifoska 6, 100%; 10. Super Fos Dar 40 innovative fertilizer, 100% + bacteria; 11. Urea 60% + fungi; 12. Polifoska 6, 60% + bacteria; 13. Super Fos Dar 40 60% + bacteria. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of fertilization with innovative mineral fertilizers enriched with bacteria and filamentous fungi on the fruiting of two-year-old strawberry plants under open-field conditions. In the second year of the study, the number of inflorescences and flowers, the intensity of the green colour of the leaves, the yielding of the plants, and the quality of the fruit were determined. The measurements showed that the strawberry plants fertilized with the microbiologically enriched standard NPK fertilizer and those fertilized with a 60% dose of microbiologically enriched Polifoska 6 formed a greater number of inflorescences and flowers than the plants without fertilization. The leaves of the strawberry plants fertilized with Super Fos Dar 40 in full dose and with Polifoska 6, both microbiologically enriched, had a more intensely green colour than the control plants. The largest number of fruit was collected from the plants fertilized with the standard NPK fertilizer microbiologically enriched with the filamentous fungi. The increase in yield in this combination was as much as 123.1% in relation to the control. Comparatively high yields were also produced by the strawberry plants after the application of Bacillus bacteria and when fertilized with the microbiologically enriched NPK fertilizer. The largest fruits were those in the combinations where standard fertilization with the microbiologically enriched NPK fertilizer was used. The type and method of fertilizing the plants did not have a significant effect on the physicochemical properties of the fruit, such as pH, soluble-solids content, firmness and acidity.Doświadczenie założono wiosną 2018 roku w Sadzie Doświadczalnym Instytutu Ogrodnictwa w Dąbrowicach (k. Skierniewic) i prowadzono je na roślinach truskawki odmiany ‘Marmolada’. Doświadczenie objęło następujące kombinacje: 1. Kontrola – bez nawożenia; 2. Standardowe nawożenie NPK (kontrola); 3. Aplikacja grzybów strzępkowych Aspergillus niger i Purpureocillium lilacinum; 4. Aplikacja bakterii Bacillus sp., Bacillus amyloliquefaciens i Paenibacillus polymyxa. 5. Standardowe nawożenie NPK + grzyby; 6. Standardowe nawożenie NPK + bakterie; 7. Polifoska 6, 100% + bakterie; 8. Mocznik 100% + grzyby; 9. Polifoska 6, 100%; 10. Super Fos Dar 40, 100% + bakterie; 11. Mocznik 60% + grzyby; 12. Polifoska 6, 60% + bakterie; 13. Super Fos Dar 40 60% + bakterie. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu innowacyjnych nawozów wzbogaconych mikrobiologicznie o bakterie i grzyby strzępkowe na owocowanie dwuletnich roślin truskawki w warunkach polowych. W drugim roku prowadzenia badań określono liczbę kwiatostanów i kwiatów, natężenie zielonej barwy liści, plonowanie roślin i jakość owoców. Pomiary wykazały, że rośliny truskawki nawożone standardowo nawozami NPK wzbogaconymi mikrobiologicznie oraz nawożone 60% dawką Polifoski 6 wzbogaconej mikrobiologicznie uformowały większą liczbę kwiatostanów i kwiatów niż rośliny bez nawożenia. Liście roślin truskawki nawożone nawozem Super Fos Dar 40 w pełnej dawce oraz Polifoską 6 wzbogaconych mikrobiologicznie miały bardziej intensywne zielone liście niż rośliny kontrolne. Najwięcej owoców zebrano z roślin nawożonych standardowo nawozami NPK wzbogaconymi mikrobiologicznie o grzyby strzępkowe. Przyrost plonu w tej kombinacji wyniósł aż 123,1% w odniesieniu do kontroli. Bardzo dobrze plonowały także truskawki po zastosowaniu bakterii z rodzaju Bacillus oraz nawożone standardowo nawozami NPK wzbogaconymi mikrobiologicznie. Najlepiej wyrastały owoce w kombinacjach, gdzie zastosowano standardowe nawożenie nawozami NPK wzbogaconymi mikrobiologicznie. Rodzaj i sposób nawożenia roślin nie miał istotnego wpływu na fizykochemiczne właściwości owoców, takie jak: pH, poziom ekstraktu, jędrność i kwasowość