113 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to present the possibility of assessing the economic results of Public Benefit Organizations (PBOs) by using ranking methods. These methods may be used not only by individual donors, but also by local or central government bodies, that decide on subsidies. Due to the lack of unified reporting system for non- profit organizations on a global scale, the additional aim of the paper is to present mandatory reports that must be prepared by Polish PBOs. The theoretical part of the paper is the result of critical review of the law regulations in Poland and the literature in the field of non-profit reporting. The case study part of the paper is based on the example of PBOs from one of Polish voivodeships, operating in the field of ‘Sport and recreation’. In the analysis conducted an approach called MAMIMCA – Multiple Assessment Multiple Importance Multiple Criteria Analysis – was used to determine the most suitable PBOs for co-funding. In the evaluation performer nineteen different criteria were taken into account, two well-known multi-criteria decision-aiding (MCDA) techniques were used (PROMETHEE II and TOPSIS) and two various vectors of weights were applied. As a result, the ranking of ten selected PBOs was received allowing to obtain a comprehensive picture of entities considered

    Miłość, wybaczenie i ofiara. Obraz chrześcijaństwa w komiksowych wersjach Quo vadis

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    Quo Vadis, thanks to its plot structure, favours transformations – even into comic books, where the image of Christianity as an important aspect of the story is challenging to depict. It is therefore worth determining how religious issues are manifested in comic books related to the novel and how the culture in which they were conceived affected them. I reflect on the image of Christianity, recognising religion as a personal experience of each individual (W. James), especially one of love, forgiveness, and sacrifice. These values were given more attention by the Polish writers, and in both adaptations, the sequences and frames were formulated differently, they differed in terms of composition (different perspectives, plans, and use of text), and finally, both offered different interpretations of Sienkiewicz’s novel. The authors of the French adaptation read the book as a vibrant, adventure-history-love story, while the Polish authors saw it as a story dedicated to a moment in history in which one world ends and another one begins, as a new religion emerges. These interpretations confirm that culture plays an important role in how literary works are adapted into the comic book format.Quo Vadis, thanks to its plot structure, favours transformations – even into comic books, where the image of Christianity as an important aspect of the story is challenging to depict. It is therefore worth determining how religious issues are manifested in comic books related to the novel and how the culture in which they were conceived affected them. I reflect on the image of Christianity, recognising religion as a personal experience of each individual (W. James), especially one of love, forgiveness, and sacrifice. These values were given more attention by the Polish writers, and in both adaptations, the sequences and frames were formulated differently, they differed in terms of composition (different perspectives, plans, and use of text), and finally, both offered different interpretations of Sienkiewicz’s novel. The authors of the French adaptation read the book as a vibrant, adventure-history-love story, while the Polish authors saw it as a story dedicated to a moment in history in which one world ends and another one begins, as a new religion emerges. These interpretations confirm that culture plays an important role in how literary works are adapted into the comic book format

    Kicz w przekładzie intersemiotycznym dzieła literackiego jako trop aksjologii. O pocztówkowych przedstawieniach jednej sceny z „Quo vadis” H. Sienkiewicza

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    Autorka skupia uwagę na kiczu w przekładach intersemiotycznych, eksponujących rolę znaku ikonicznego – na pocztówkach powstałych na podstawie powieści Quo vadis Henryka Sienkiewicza i wybranych obszarach uobecniania się kiczu: preferencjach fabularnych (obraz Ligii, mit gladiatora-Słowianina), stanowiących świadectwa kultury (zwłaszcza aksjologii), w której przekłady te powstały i są tożsame zarazem z rodzajami kiczu.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Ciężka i terminalna postać przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc

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    Do the short helices exist in the nematic TB phase?

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    Dimeric compounds forming twist-bend nematic, Ntb, phase show unusual optical textures related to the formation of arrays of focal conic defects (FCDs). Some of the focal conics exhibit submicron internal structure with 8 nm periodicity, which is very close to that found in the crystalline phase of the material, that might suggest surface freezing


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    The aim of this paper is to present the possibility of assessing the economic results of Public Benefit Organizations (PBOs) by using ranking methods. These methods may be used not only by individual donors, but also by local or central government bodies, that decide on subsidies. Due to the lack of unified reporting system for non- profit organizations on a global scale, the additional aim of the paper is to present mandatory reports that must be prepared by Polish PBOs. The theoretical part of the paper is the result of critical review of the law regulations in Poland and the literature in the field of non-profit reporting. The case study part of the paper is based on the example of PBOs from one of Polish voivodeships, operating in the field of ‘Sport and recreation’. In the analysis conducted an approach called MAMIMCA – Multiple Assessment Multiple Importance Multiple Criteria Analysis – was used to determine the most suitable PBOs for co-funding. In the evaluation performer nineteen different criteria were taken into account, two well-known multi-criteria decision-aiding (MCDA) techniques were used (PROMETHEE II and TOPSIS) and two various vectors of weights were applied. As a result, the ranking of ten selected PBOs was received allowing to obtain a comprehensive picture of entities considered

    Microbiome of the lung

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    W ostatnim dziesięcioleciu dużym zainteresowaniem zaczęła się cieszyć teoria wskazująca na znaczący wpływ na zdrowie człowieka różnych mikroorganizmów—bakterii [...

    Zalecenia Polskiego Towarzystwa Chorób Płuc dotyczące rozpoznawania i leczenia przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc (POChP)

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    Pierwsze krajowe Zalecenia Postępowania w Przewlekłej Obturacyjnej Chorobie Płuc (POChP) powstały w 1998 roku z inicjatywy Profesorów Jana Zielińskiego i Józefa Małolepszego oraz Doktora hab [...

    Polish Respiratory Society Guidelines for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Pierwsze krajowe “Zalecenia postępowania w przewlekłej obturacyjnej chorobie płuc (POChP)” powstały w 1998 roku z inicjatywy profesorów Jana Zielińskiego i Józefa Małolepszego oraz dr. hab [...