716 research outputs found

    Women in public cultural organizations and their professional paths strategies : a rhizomatic approach

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    The aim of this article is to explore the rhizomatic nature of the professional development strategies used by the female workforce of public cultural organizations. The research problem of this study are (1) the challenges of women who work in public cultural organizations and (2) ways of dealing with them by women. The empirical material was collected between January 2021 and January 2022 through 20 in-depth interviews with female managers of public cultural organizations in Poland. The findings are presented in three sections: (1) specificity of work in culture, (2) twists and configurations on the way to grow, and (3) communities. In this way, it was possible to capture the specific strategies used by the female workforce for the development of their professional paths. To illustrate the complexity of these strategies, the concept of Rhizome—a root structure that grows in unpredictable and manifold directions—developed by Deleuze and Guattari was used. It also highlighted the fact that the professional development strategies used by women develop in a strong relationship with their environment and constantly evolve according to the needs of the women who decide to undertake them. The results of the research illustrate the impact of the far-reaching gendered nature of work in cultural organizations on the professional development of women in this sector. Moreover, this reveals that to achieve their professional ambitions, women in cultural organizations co-create complex informal organizational constructs, rhizome-like in structure, which help women cope with the challenges that arise along their professional paths. These findings contribute to the theory of gendered organizations and the knowledge of gender inequality in cultural organizations

    The professional paths development in Polish cultural organizations from female perspective

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    The last decades have been characterized by numerous changes in the functioning of the organizations. One of them concerns the understanding of the organizational roles of women who, initially identified with lower administrative staff, began to use specialist and managerial positions more and more often and more effectively. Despite what numerous studies have highlighted the increase in the participation of women in leadership positions in organizations is still slow, even in sectors with high feminization rates. This paper focuses on one of the most feminized organizations in the economy – public cultural organizations. On the one hand, they are perceived as traditional, stiff, boring, and by some, even unnecessary organizations. On the other hand, people perceive them as progressive, inspiring, and extremely important from the viewpoint of broadly understood social development and thus consider them as ‘friendly’ for marginalized groups, including women. This paper presents the findings of a research conducted between January 2021 and April 2022 among cultural workers in Poland. The research was based on a survey among 512 public cultural organizations and 20 biographic interviews with female managers working in various cultural organizations in Poland. The purpose of this research was to map the organizational environment of Polish cultural and arts managers. The study provided rich empirical material documenting the impact of the far-reaching gendered nature of work in public cultural organizations, which influences the professional development of women in these workplaces. Additionally, and what makes Polish case interesting to study, is the context of the research. As proven by this study, although, previously functioning in Poland socialist system, supported the professional activization of women, the transformation period 1989 significantly slowed down those processes and consequently in some sectors of economy even deepened existing inequalities. Public cultural organizations, according to participants of those studies, are its example. The findings presented in this paper broaden the knowledge about both gender inequality in cultural industries and theory of gendered organizations. The main contribution of the study revealed career development challenges for women working in public cultural organizations

    To what extent is the heritage management system in Poland really participatory?

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    The participatory approach towards management seems to be adopted, to a certain extent, in different spheres of public space, including heritage management. The experts seem to believe that the participation of stakeholders in each phase of a proposed project’s development will assist in building trust and confidence between the affected community and local government authority and will encourage community participation in future phases of the project. As a consequence, it will also help to satisfy the expectations of different groups of interest and in a longer perspective facilitate the sustainable development of a region. The aim of this article is to provide a critical reflection on the contemporary Polish cultural heritage management system as seen from the perspective of active citizens as well as on the role of local communities in this system. Attention is also paid to the relationships that exist between the social and public sector in heritage management processes

    What is the linguistic landscape?

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    The language that is present in our environment, words and images displayed and exposed in public spaces are the interest of a relatively recent and rapidly growing study referred to as linguistic landscape (LL). The highest density of signs can be found in cities, especially in the main shopping streets and industrial areas. The study of LL can provide important insights on phenomena which occur in the cities, it can reflect language tendencies and social relations. Hence, the analysis of LL adresses the issues of multilingualism, language policy, cultural diversity and language contacts. It also strongly relates to national identity, globalisation and the spread of English.The language that is present in our environment, words and images displayed and exposed in public spaces are the interest of a relatively recent and rapidly growing study referred to as linguistic landscape (LL). The highest density of signs can be found in cities, especially in the main shopping streets and industrial areas. The study of LL can provide important insights on phenomena which occur in the cities, it can reflect language tendencies and social relations. Hence, the analysis of LL adresses the issues of multilingualism, language policy, cultural diversity and language contacts. It also strongly relates to national identity, globalisation and the spread of English

    Cultural heritage as a shared resource : the role of collaboration between stakeholders in cultural heritage management

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    A particularly important issue in the context of cultural heritage management is currently the question of sustainable development, in which cultural heritage objects are analyzed in terms of their economic, social and cultural values. Most accepted perspective in the current discussions focuses on the formulation and implementation of cultural policies. While on the other hand much less space is given to local communities, their needs and expectations in relation to the available resources of cultural heritage. In this text I will discuss the issue of the functioning of various objects of cultural heritage within local communities and management of those objects at the local level. Particular emphasis will be placed on the issue of multiplicity of cultural heritage stakeholders and interactions between them

    The phenomenon of women in managerial positions in public cultural institutions

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    The purpose of this paper was to explore the organisation of a support system for the professional development of women in public cultural institutions. The deliberations in this paper are based on qualitative research. The research included biographical interviews with ten women who currently work in managerial positions in public cultural institutions in Poland. This research strategy made it possible to get to know the experiences of women who reached managerial positions in their professional career in culture and to attempt an explanation of the observed phenomena as they are seen by people who were part of the system. Research has shown that the support system for the professional development of women in public cultural institutions seems to be largely based on informal solutions initiated within the personal support networks of women who are part of the system, its foundation being interpersonal relations. The main contribution of the paper is the interesting dataset gathered. Moreover, the proposed rhizome metaphor enriches the field of organizational research by suggesting new ideas that contribute to expanding on how we can see and perceive the complexity and variation in organizational phenomena of women in leadership positions and therefore opening up new interpretations and directions

    Analiza możliwości funkcjonalnego wprowadzania form fleksyjnych w grupach studentów cudzoziemców uczących się język a polskiego (na podstawie wybranych związków składniowych z liczebnikami głównymi)

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę