19 research outputs found

    Anisotropic membrane curvature sensing by amphipathic peptides

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    Many proteins and peptides have an intrinsic capacity to sense and induce membrane curvature, and play crucial roles for organizing and remodelling cell membranes. However, the molecular driving forces behind these processes are not well understood. Here, we describe a new approach to study curvature sensing, by simulating the direction-dependent interactions of single molecules with a buckled lipid bilayer. We analyse three amphipathic antimicrobial peptides, a class of membrane-associated molecules that specifically target and destabilize bacterial membranes, and find qualitatively different sensing characteristics that would be difficult to resolve with other methods. These findings provide new insights into the curvature sensing mechanisms of amphipathic peptides and challenge existing theories of hydrophobic insertion. Our approach is generally applicable to a wide range of curvature sensing molecules, and our results provide strong motivation to develop new experimental methods to track position and orientation of membrane proteins.Comment: 14 pages. Supplementary movies available on request. Accepted version, with corrected description lipid bilayer compositio

    Molecular simulations of venom peptide-membrane interactions: Progress and challenges

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    Because of their wide range of biological activities venom peptides are a valuable source of lead molecules for the development of pharmaceuticals, pharmacological tools and insecticides. Many venom peptides work by modulating the activity of ion channels and receptors or by irreversibly damaging cell membranes. In many cases, the mechanism of action is intrinsically linked to the ability of the peptide to bind to or partition into membranes. Thus, understanding the biological activity of these venom peptides requires characterizing their membrane binding properties. This review presents an overview of the recent developments and challenges in using biomolecular simulations to study venom peptide鈥恗embrane interactions. The review is focused on (i) gating modifier peptides that target voltage鈥恎ated ion channels, (ii) venom peptides that inhibit mechanosensitive ion channels, and (iii) pore鈥恌orming venom peptides. The methods and approaches used to study venom peptide鈥恗embrane interactions are discussed with a particular focus on the challenges specific to these systems and the type of questions that can (and cannot) be addressed using state鈥恛f鈥恡he鈥恆rt simulation techniques. The review concludes with an outlook on future aims and directions in the field

    STEM subjects face the Haptic Generation: the iScholar

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    [ES] Desde 2006, las Instituciones de Educaci贸n Superior (IES), las pol铆ticas educativas y los agentes de inter茅s han abordado las recomendaciones de la UE destinadas a proporcionar un marco para el aprendizaje permanente en una sociedad del conocimiento. Estrategias como "Europa 2020" o "Educaci贸n y formaci贸n 2020" (ET2020), centradas en el crecimiento inteligente a trav茅s del desarrollo del conocimiento y la innovaci贸n (COM, 2010), intentan responder a los nuevos desaf铆os globales que trae la era digital. Nuevos conceptos como la especializaci贸n inteligente, la competencia digital o la ciudadan铆a digital, entre otros, son piedras angulares para cumplir con las demandas del mercado laboral de la 4陋 Revoluci贸n Industrial. Recientes encuestas a alumnos actuales evidencian altas tasas de abandono y repetidores (OCDE, 2016), y su baja motivaci贸n para acceder a nuestros campus siguiendo las metodolog铆as existentes. La brecha entre lo que los estudiantes esperan y lo que reciben del profesorado es, hoy por hoy, insuperable; porque el modelo universitario fue creado, desarrollado y actualizado en la era pre-h谩ptica, cuando se incorpor贸 el proceso de Bolonia para la estandarizaci贸n de la educaci贸n superior europea al dise帽o curricular (2010). Las universidades tecnol贸gicas espa帽olas, en un esfuerzo por satisfacer las necesidades de los futuros ingenieros, intentan dise帽ar estrategias que incorporen esas habilidades cruciales para que sus graduados puedan prosperar en una sociedad de trabajo digital (OCDE, 2019) de la mejor manera posible. Desde 2010, la irrupci贸n de tel茅fonos inteligentes y tabletas en nuestros hogares (dispositivos h谩pticos) y la vida normal ha tra铆do un nuevo gesto, la interacci贸n h谩ptica, a nuestro bienestar social y a nuestra forma de vida. Dentro de esa interacci贸n hay elementos como conectividad global, formatos digitales, alfabetizaci贸n en nuevos medios, comunicaci贸n instant谩nea, interactividad o personalizaci贸n que ha afectado a todos los miembros de la sociedad sin importar la edad, incluidos los ni帽os de la Generaci贸n H谩ptica que, en este momento, est谩n observando e imitando todo tipo de gestos y comportamientos llevados a cabo mientras desarrollan su personalidad. El dise帽o etnogr谩fico de la investigaci贸n desde una perspectiva de las Ciencias Sociales gu铆a la labor realizada en esta disertaci贸n y confirma que la interacci贸n h谩ptica en manos de la primera infancia brinda incre铆bles posibilidades para impulsar la creatividad, la adquisici贸n del idioma ingl茅s y el aprendizaje experto, entre otras muchas posibilidades de aprendizaje si se usan estos dispositivos aprovechando al m谩ximo sus caracter铆sticas lecto-escritoras integradas que lo facilitan. Esta capacidad intr铆nseca motiva las preguntas de investigaci贸n de esta tesis. En poco tiempo esos ni帽os, los iScholars, que han adquirido mucho de su aprendizaje mediante interacciones h谩pticas innatas desde muy peque帽os, llenar谩n nuestros campus universitarios trayendo consigo unas necesidades de aprendizaje diferentes en un nuevo escenario que combina entornos educativos formales, informales y no formales con una perspectiva m谩s amplia. Teniendo en cuenta este panorama, se configura un nuevo escenario de aprendizaje, el Atrium, para permitir que las asignaturas STEM acojan a la Generaci贸n H谩ptica: los iScholars. El Atrium, como un espacio polivalente, ofrece a la educaci贸n superior la posibilidad de configurar los t铆tulos universitarios desde una perspectiva STEHEAM que se cree satisface las necesidades de los estudiantes universitarios de 2030 que anhelan conocimiento acad茅mico, habilidades profesionales y adquisici贸n de competencias.[CA] Des de 2006, les Institucions d'Educaci贸 Superior (IES), les pol铆tiques educatives i els agents d'inter茅s han abordat les recomanacions de la UE destinades a proporcionar un marc per a l'aprenentatge permanent en una societat del coneixement. Estrat猫gies com "Europa 2020" o "Educaci贸 i formaci贸 2020" (ET2020), centrades en el creixement intel路ligent a trav茅s del desenvolupament del coneixement i la innovaci贸 (COM, 2010), intenten respondre als nous desafiaments globals que porta l'era digital. Nous conceptes com l'especialitzaci贸 intel路ligent, la compet猫ncia digital o la ciutadania digital, entre altres, s贸n pedres angulars per a complir amb les demandes del mercat laboral de la 4a Revoluci贸 Industrial. Recents enquestes a alumnes actuals evidencien altes taxes d'aband贸 i repetidors (OCDE, 2016), i la seua baixa motivaci贸 per a accedir a nostres campus seguint les metodologies existents. La bretxa entre el que els estudiants esperen i el que reben del professorat 茅s, ara com ara, insuperable; perqu猫 el model universitari va ser creat, desenvolupat i actualitzat en l'era pre-h脿ptics quan el Proc茅s de Bolonya per a l'estandarditzaci贸 de l'Educaci贸 Superior Europea es va incorporar al disseny curricular (2010). Les universitats tecnol貌giques espanyoles, en un esfor莽 per satisfer les necessitats dels futurs enginyers, intenten dissenyar estrat猫gies per a incorporar aqueixes habilitats crucials per a que el seus graduats puguen prosperar en una societat de treball digital (OCDE, 2019) de la millor manera possible. Des de 2010, la irrupci贸 de tel猫fons intel路ligents i tauletes en les nostres llars (dispositius h脿ptics) i la vida normal ha portat un nou gest, la interacci贸 h脿ptica, al nostre benestar social i a la nostra forma de vida. Dins de esa interacci贸 hi ha elements com a connectivitat global, formats digitals, alfabetitzaci贸 en nous mitjans, comunicaci贸 instant脿nia, interactivitat o personalitzaci贸 que ha afectat a tots els membres de la societat sense importar l'edat, inclosos els xiquets de la Generaci贸 H脿ptica que, en aquest moment, estan observant i imitant tot tipus de gestos i comportaments que es realitzen al seu voltant mentre desenvolupen la seua personalitat. El disseny etnogr脿fic de la investigaci贸 des de una perspectiva de les Ci猫ncies Socials guia l'investigaci贸 realitzada en aquesta tesi i confirma que la interacci贸 h脿ptica en mans de la primera inf脿ncia brinda incre茂bles possibilitats per a impulsar la creativitat, l'adquisici贸 de l'idioma de l'angl茅s i el aprenentatge expert, entre altres possibilitats d'aprenentatge, sempre que s'usen aquestos dispositius aprofitant al m脿xim les seves caracter铆stiques lecto-escritores integrades que el faciliten. Aquesta capacitat intrinseca motiva les preguntes d'investigaci贸 d'aquesta dissertaci贸. En poc temps, eixos xiquets: els iScholars, que han adquirit molt de la seva alfabetitzaci贸 amb gestos h脿ptics innats des de la primera inf脿ncia, ompliran el nostres campuses universitaris portant amb ells unes necessitats d'aprenentatge differents en un nou escenari que combina entorns educatius formals, informals i no formals amb una perspectiva mes ampla. Tenint en compte aquest panorama, es configura un nou escenari d'aprenentatge, l'Atrium, per a permetre que les assignatures STEM s'enfronten a la Generaci贸 H脿ptica: els iScholars. L'Atrium, com un espai polivalent, ofereix a l'educaci贸 superior la possibilitat de configurar els t铆tols universitaris des d'un abast STEHEAM que es cree satisfar脿 les necessitats dels estudiants universitaris de 2030 a la recerca de coneixement acad猫mic, habilitats professionals and acquisici贸 de compet猫ncies.[EN] Since 2006, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), educational policies, and stakeholders have addressed to the EU recommendations aimed to provide a framework for lifelong learning in the knowledge society. Strategies like "Europe 2020" or "Education and Training 2020" (ET2020), focusing on smart growth through the development of knowledge and innovation (COM, 2010), try to answer the new global challenges that the digital era brings. New concepts like smart specialization, digital competence, or digital citizenship, among others, are keystones to fulfil the labor market skills of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Recent surveys, among nowadays students, evidence high drop-out and repetition rates (OECD, 2016), and their low motivation to join our campuses following the existing methodologies. The gap between what the students expect and what they receive from faculty is nowadays insurmountable because the university model was created, developed, and updated in the pre-haptic era when the Bologna Process for standardization of European higher education was incorporated into the curricula design (2010). Technical Spanish universities, in an effort to meet the needs of the future engineers, are trying to design strategies that incorporate those crucial skills so that its graduates can prosper in a digital working society (OECD, 2019) in the best possible way. Since 2010, the irruption of smartphones and tablets in our households (haptic devices) and normal life has brought a new gesture, the haptic interaction, to our social well-being and to our way of living. Within that interaction there are elements like global connectivity, digital formats, new media literacies, instant communication, interactivity, or personalization that have affected to all members of society no matter the age, including the Haptic Generation children that are, right now, spying and imitating all sort of gestures and behaviors performed around them while developing their personalities. The ethnographic design from a Social Science perspective guides the research conducted in this dissertation confirming that haptic interaction in the hands of early childhood brings possibilities for boosting creativity, English language learning, and expert understanding, among other learning possibilities while using the device at its best capacity for literacy learning (using its in-built features). This capacity arises the research questions of this dissertation. In no time, those children: the iScholars, who have acquired literacy learning with innate haptic gestures since early childhood will be filling our university campuses bringing different learning needs in a new scenario that blends formal, informal, and non-formal educative settings within a broader scope. Having this landscape in view, a new learning scenario, the Learning Atrium is configurated to enable STEM subjects to face the Haptic Generation: the iScholars. The Atrium, like a polyvalent space, offers higher education the possibility to shape the university degrees from a STEHEAM scope that it is believed to meet the 2030 university student's needs in search of scholar knowledge, professional skills, and competencies acquisition.Llobregat G贸mez, N. (2020). STEM subjects face the Haptic Generation: the iScholar [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/139137TESI

    Mejora del Sistema de Informaci贸n de una Oficina T茅cnica en una F谩brica del Sector del Mueble: desde el Dise帽o hasta la Fabricaci贸n

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    [ES] El presente TFG (i) analiza la evoluci贸n por etapas del sistema de informaci贸n (SI) de la Oficina T茅cnica de una f谩brica de muebles con un modelo de negocio necesariamente cambiante, a lo largo de las eras de producci贸n de piezas, de producci贸n de lotes y de producci贸n de lote 1, desde la perspectiva de la aportaci贸n al valor de la organizaci贸n que hace el SI que soporta sus procesos de negocio; (ii) lleva a cabo la evaluaci贸n y la priorizaci贸n de las inversiones en el SI de la Oficina T茅cnica, a partir de su portafolio de actividades y usando el m茅todo Bedell; (iii) y propone las inversiones a realizar para que, a partir de su contribuci贸n, se consiga el objetivo perseguido: la mejora del SI de una Oficina T茅cnica en una f谩brica del sector del mueble, desde el dise帽o y hasta la fabricaci贸n. La validaci贸n de la propuesta se ha llevado a cabo mediante la aplicaci贸n de la misma en una empresa del sector del mueble.[EN] This TFG (i) analyzes the development stages of a furniture factory technical office information system (IS), with a business model necessarily changing, throughout the ages of parts production, batch production and batch#1 production, from the perspective of the contribution to the organization麓s value that the IS supporting its business processes makes; (ii) implements the valuation and prioritization of information systems (IS) investments, from the portfolio activities approach, using the Bedell麓s method; (iii) and proposes investments to be made to achieve from its contribution the goal pursued: the information system improvement in a technical office at a furniture factory, from design to manufacturing. The proposal validation has been carried out by applying it in a furniture company.Llobregat G贸mez, J. (2016). Mejora del Sistema de Informaci贸n de una Oficina T茅cnica en una F谩brica del Sector del Mueble: desde el Dise帽o hasta la Fabricaci贸n. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/69204.TFG

    A Cuboid Registers Topic, Activity and Competency Data to Exude Feedforward and Continuous Assessment of Competencies

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    Evaluating competencies achieved by students within a subject and its different topics is a multivariable and complex task whose outcome should provide actual information on their evolution. A relevant feature when a continuous assessment (CA) rules this evaluation is to track their learning process so that pertinent feedforward may be harnessed to proactively promote improvement when required. As this process is performed via a number of activities, such as lectures, problem solving, and lab practice, different competencies are developed, depending on the recurrence and type of conducted activity. Measuring and registering their achievement is the leitmotif of competency-based assessment. In this paper, we assemble topic, activity and competency data into a 3D matrix array to form what we call a TAC cuboid. This cuboid showcases a detailed account of each student evolution, aiding instructors and students to design and follow, respectively, an individualized curricular strategy within a continuous and aligned assessment methodology, which facilitates each student to adequately modify his/her level of development of each competency. In addition, we compare the TAC cuboids’ usage in grading a mathematics subject versus a traditional CA method as well as when a dynamical continuous assessment approach is considered to measure the achievement of mathematical competencies