179 research outputs found

    The concentration camps of World War II with Google Earth. A technological resource for learning and teaching History

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    Presentamos los resultados de una experiencia didáctica realizada en el aula de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de un centro público de Alicante, a lo largo de tres cursos escolares, en la asignatura “Ciencias Sociales: Historia”. En la intervención se utilizó el software Google Earth con dos funciones complementarias: de un lado, como herramienta para la enseñanza de contenidos teóricos y procedimentales y, de otro, para la consecución de competencias clave (digital, aprender a aprender, social y cívica, comunicación lingüística). La metodología utilizada ha sido activa y cooperativa a través de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). Los objetivos se resumen en: valorar el aprendizaje curricular alcanzado; constatar la adquisición de competencias clave; introducir una estrategia metodológica novedosa, corroborar su funcionalidad y evaluar las capacidades de Google Earth para el aula de Historia. En la recogida de datos se ha utilizado un cuestionario para el alumnado.We present the results of a didactic experience carried out in the classroom of 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education of a public center of Alicante, during three school years, on the subject "Social Studies: History". The Google Earth software was used with two complementary functions in the intervention: on one hand as a tool for teaching theoretical and procedural content and, secondly, for achieving key skills (digital, learning to learn, social and civic, linguistic communication). The methodology used has been active and cooperative through Problem Based Learning (PBL). The objectives are summarized as: assessing the curricular learning achieved; verify the acquisition of key skills; introduce a new methodological strategy and verify its functionality and assess the capabilities of Google Earth for the History classroom. In the collection of data they have been used questionnaire for students

    El modelo TPACK en los estudios de grado para la formación inicial del profesorado en TIC

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    A pesar de que existe un amplio movimiento de docentes que apuestan por nuevos modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, el modelo TPACK es todavía un desconocido para las universidades españolas. Aquí se expone un ejemplo de su aplicación, en el aula de Grado de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Alicante. A través de su análisis, con el programa estadístico SPSS, y a tenor de los primeros resultados obtenidos se quiere iniciar a los investigadores y docentes de enseñanza superior a su implementación en el aula para la consecución de las competencias tecnológicas, en la formación inicial del profesorado.Although there is a broad movement of teachers working with new models of teaching and learning, TPACK model is still unknown to the Spanish universities. Here is an example of its application is exposed in the classroom Grade Primary Education of the University of Alicante. Through its analysis, SPSS, and judging by the first results are to begin to researchers and teachers in higher education to its implementation in the classroom to achieve technological competence in initial teacher

    The acquisition of Basic Knowledge of the Teacher in Social Sciences through the model of teaching and learning TPACK in the initial training of teachers with technology

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    En este texto se muestra la implementación del modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge” (TPACK) (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) para la formación inicial del profesorado, en los estudios de Grado de Primaria en la Universidad de Alicante. El objetivo central es la consecución del Conocimiento Base del Docente (CBD). La metodología ha sido activa y cooperativa. Se ha empleado la tecnología Google EarthTM. Los resultados confirman la consecución del CBD de los estudiantes, concretamente: el Conocimiento Tecnológico del Contenido (TCK); el Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido (PCK) y el Conocimiento Didáctico de la Tecnología (TPK).In this text, the teaching-learning model "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge" (TPACK) (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) is presented for the initial training of teachers in Primary School studies at the University of Alicante. The central objective is the achievement of the Basic Knowledge of the Teacher (CBD). The methodology has been active and cooperative. Google EarthTM technology has been used. The results confirm the achievement of the students' CBD, namely: the Technological Knowledge of Content (TCK); The Didactic Content Knowledge (PCK) and the Didactic Knowledge of Technology (TPK)

    Digital Teaching Competence and Space Competence with TPACK in Social Sciences

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    Research on training in knowledge related to geolocation with technologies shows the training potentials and limitations that these resources offer for teachers in training. This study examines the perceptions of the instructional effectiveness of mobile devices and geolocation software, by analyzing the performance in the TPACK skills dimensions of future teachers (n = 421). A mixed methodology has been implemented, with a descriptive cross-sectional approach as well as inferential analysis based on a questionnaire (α ≥ .918) and the tasks carried out by the sample. The results show a poor didactic use of technologies while confirming the acquisition of knowledge about geolocation. This corroborates the benefits of applying an improvement in the digital competence of teachers in training.This research has been carried out under the umbrella of the Research Group of the University of Alicante of New teaching contexts from ICT and LKT with TPACK: interdisciplinary as a methodology in 21st century teacher training (REDESI3CE2020-4612), directed by Dra. Isabel María Gómez Trigueros

    Digital skills and ethical knowledge of teachers with TPACK in higher education

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    This paper analyzes the professional ethical knowledge of teachers in the use of technologies by teachers in training. Based on the disciplinary pedagogical technological knowledge (TPACK) model, it is intended to measure the correct inclusion of technologies in the classroom. For this, a descriptive exploratory methodological design study was carried out. The instruments used have been the Likert scale questionnaire and the personal interview, organized into four dimensions in which the self-perception of professional ethical knowledge, ethical knowledge of technology, pedagogical technological ethical knowledge and disciplinary technological ethical knowledge of the future teachers. The questionnaire has been applied to a sample of 1.051 trainee teachers from a European university in the context of COVID-19 and 822 students participated in the interview. The results show the scarce training in professional ethical knowledge of teachers in training and the importance of addressing this knowledge in the 21st century, a post-pandemic context. Another of the conclusions is the need to include the ethical component in the TPACK model to achieve a correct and ethical use of digital resources in the classroom.This research is sponsored and financed by the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana 2021, and is part of the call for grants from the Program for the Promotion of Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation in the Valencian Community 2021 XX to support and promote the activity of emerging R+D+I groups (DOGV nº8959, 2021). Under this call, the work presented here is the result of the Emerging Group Project (GV/2021/077): The digital gender gap and the TPACK model in teacher training: analysis of digital teacher training, coordinated by Dra. Isabel María Gómez Trigueros (University of Alicante, Spain)

    La Guerra Civil desde el aire. Google Earth como recurso en el aula

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    El 17 de julio de 1939 tuvo lugar en Melilla el pronunciamiento militar que desencadenó uno de los episodios más tristes de la historia de nuestro país: la Guerra Civil Española. Un conflicto que durante tres años enfrentó a la población española y cuyo recuerdo sigue presente hoy día. A lo largo de este escrito vamos a tratar de dar una nueva visión de la contienda, integrando Google Earth en nuestras explicaciones. Utilizaremos las posibilidades que nos ofrece este programa para observar desde el aire los escenarios de las principales batallas, ubicándolos en el mapa y viendo cuál es su situación actual o sus características orogénicas. Google Earth nos servirá además para analizar de forma gráfica el avance territorial de uno de los bandos y el retroceso del otro. La finalidad de integrar esta herramienta TIC en nuestras explicaciones es acercar la materia a nuestros alumnos, entablando una relación entre el pasado y la actualidad que despierte su interés y su motivación. No debemos olvidar que la motivación es un elemento fundamental para lograr que nuestros alumnos asimilen conocimiento, ya que un alumno que no esté motivado, jamás logrará comprender la información recibida

    New perspectives on teacher preparation in digital competencies

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    INTRODUCCIÓN. Los cambios en la Sociedad de la Información y la Comunicación también impregnan transformaciones de la formación del profesorado. La capacitación digital del docente se presenta como uno de los retos más importantes, que permite adecuar la educación a las demandas del siglo XXI. Es en este contexto donde se convierte en necesario reflexionar sobre metodologías activas y participativas, que revisen una correcta implementación de las tecnologías en el aula. Surgen así nuevos modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje con tecnología, que fijan la atención en cómo estas herramientas se acoplan a la educación; desde qué perspectiva se forma al futuro profesorado teniendo en cuenta la ética y su capacitación digital; o cómo se abordan tales requerimientos en las aulas. MÉTODO. Se presentan diferentes líneas de análisis relacionadas con los modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje con tecnologías como Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge; el abordaje de las comunidades de aprendizaje con Small Private Online Courses y la Technology Acceptance Model; la brecha digital de género a través del análisis del uso de la robótica en las materias STEM; o experiencias concretas relativas al uso de las Tecnologías del Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento y la necesidad de formar en competencias digitales. RESULTADOS. En este entorno se identifican los estudios relacionados con las competencias digitales del profesorado y su reflejo en las metodologías docentes, como motores del desarrollo y adaptación de la educación a los nuevos requerimientos competenciales digitales de la sociedad actual. Se vislumbra así, la necesidad de nuevos planteamientos didácticos en las aulas, que aproximen la realidad de un mundo mediado por tecnología con los diseños didácticos. DISCUSIÓN. Se propone un adecuado uso de las tecnologías en las aulas y se presentan los diferentes artículos del monográfico que muestran diferentes propuestas en esta línea.INTRODUCTION. Changes in the Information and Knowledge Society turn into changes in teacher preparation as well. Teacher digital training is one of the most important challenges in education in the 21st century. In this context, it is a must to reflect upon active and participatory approaches that lead to an adequate implementation of technology in the classroom. New technology-based teaching and learning models have emerged, focusing on several points: How these tools adapt to educational contexts; which ethical perspectives are used to digitally train future teachers; or how technology is approached in the classroom. METHOD. Several technology-based teaching and learning models are analyzed, such as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge; learning communities using Small Private Online Courses and the Technology Acceptance Model; gender digital gap through analysis of robotics use in STEM classes; or experiences related to the use of Learning and Knowledge Technologies and the need for training in digital competencies. RESULTS. Studies related to teachers’ digital competencies and how they are reflected in instructional methods are identified, as means to the development and adaptation of education to the current society’s new requirements for digital skills. The need for new educational proposals in classrooms that approach the reality of a world mediated by technology is envisioned. DISCUSSION. An adequate use of technology in the classroom is proposed, supported by the variety of articles in this volume with diverse recommendations on the topic.Esta investigación está patrocinada y financiada por la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana 2021, y se enmarca en la convocatoria de subvenciones del Programa para la Promoción de la Investigación Científica, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación en la Comunitat Valenciana 2021 XX para apoyar y fomentar la actividad de grupos de I+D+I emergentes (DOGV nº 8959, 2021). Al amparo de esta convocatoria, el trabajo aquí presentado es resultado del Proyecto del Grupo Emergente (GV/2021/077): La brecha digital de género y el modelo TPACK en la formación del profesorado: análisis de la capacitación digital docente, coordinado por la Dra. Isabel María Gómez Trigueros (Universidad de Alicante)

    New learning of geography with technology: the TPACK model

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    The increasing importance of technologies in the different aspects of life has led to the development of teaching and learning models such as the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge model that allows integrating technology, pedagogy and disciplinary knowledge. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the formative possibilities of this model for 240 students of the subject of "Didactics of Social Sciences: Geography of Primary Degree of the Faculty of Education of the University of Alicante, to elaborate didactic proposals of Geography with technology. The methodology implemented has been active and cooperative. The study is a mixed one, combining quantitative and qualitative analyzes based on two instruments: the questionnaire and the materials produced by the participants. The results show the acquisition of geographical knowledge, of digital competence and of active methodologies.This work is based on the objectives of the Teaching Innovation Group University of Burgos "GID-UBU in Didactics of Social Sciences, Languages and Literatures in the initial training of teachers of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education" and is an Interesting For the line of learning of the project "The Didactics of Geography and ICT: New Methodologies of Teaching and Learning" (ICE-3176)

    Methodologies Gamified as Didactic Resources for Social Sciences

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    In this paper we analyze the perception of teachers in training about the inclusion of elements of the game in education and its potential contribution to the learning of Social Sciences. First of all, the object of the study is specified; then, an analysis is developed from a mixed methodology, using as a tool a Likert scale questionnaire. Finally, we extract the results that allow us to analyze students who, in the future, will be professors and inform about the value of this type of resources and didactic strategies for the improvement in the teaching and learning processes of Social Sciences content. as well as the acquisition of key competences and the perception of the technologies, by the participating students, teachers in training, students of the Master's Degree in Teaching. In addition, the study establishes the importance for the training of teachers of the use of innovative methodological proposals, based on new technologies.This research has been carried out under the umbrella of the Research Group of the University of Alicante (Spain) of Teacher training from an interdisciplinary perspective with ICT and TAC: challenges before the 21st century (UA 4351REDESICE18), directed by Dr. Isabel María Gómez Trigueros

    Gamificação e tecnologias como recursos e estratégias inovadoras para o ensino-aprendizagem da História

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    El presente trabajo se inserta dentro del Programa Redes-I3CE de Investigación en docencia universitaria de la Universidad de Alicante y forma parte de un proyecto de innovación aprobado por la Conselleria d’Educación de la Comunidad Valenciana (DOCV núm. 7838/27/07/2016) de España. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido valorar las fortalezas y las debilidades del uso de la gamificación y las tecnologías en las clases de Historia. Como instrumento de análisis se ha utilizado el cuestionario de escala Likert así como la observación directa en el aula. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de relieve el valor de este tipo de recursos y estrategias didácticas para la mejora en los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje de los contenidos de la Historia del siglo XIX así como la adquisición de competencias clave por parte del alumnado participante.The present paper is part of the Network-I3CE Program of Research in university teaching at the University of Alicante and is part of an innovation project approved by the Department of Education of the Valencian Community (DOCV No. 7838/27/07 / 2016) of Spain. The objective of this study is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the use of gamification and technologies in History classes. The instrument of analysis used is the Likert scale questionnaire as well as direct observation in the classroom. The results obtained highlight the value of this type of resources and didactic strategies for the improvement of the teaching and learning processes of the contents of the History of the nineteenth century as well as the acquisition of key competences by the participating students.Este trabalho está inserido no Programa de Pesquisa em Redes-I3CE, no Ensino Superior na Universidade de Alicante e é parte de um projeto de inovação aprovado pelo Ministério Regional da Educação da Comunidade Valenciana (DOCV n. 7838/27/07/2016), Espanha. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os pontos fortes e fracos do uso de gamificação e tecnologias nas aulas de História. O instrumento de análise utilizado é o questionário de escala e a observação direta em sala de aula. Os resultados destacam o valor desses recursos e estratégias de ensino para melhorar o ensino e a aprendizagem dos conteúdos da história do século XIX e a aquisição de competências essenciais pelos alunos participantes