150 research outputs found

    Metodología para la identificación de riesgos en sistemas de votación electrónica

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    En la actualidad, no existen parámetros de medida que permitan evaluar la bondad de un sistema de votación electrónica. Este artículo busca dar respuesta a esta necesidad, especificando un conjunto de elementos y criterios que brinden, por una parte, la posibilidad de evaluar la idoneidad de sistemas automatizados de votación, y, por otra, realizar comparaciones entre diversos sistemas. Para ello se ha partido de la propia experiencia, del análisis de la información publicada por los autores y promotores de otros sistemas de votación, así como de las opiniones manifestadas en distintos foros en los que los potenciales votantes han reflejado sus esperanzas, reticencias y temores. El resultado es la presentación organizada de características que permite identificar riesgos y evaluar funcionalidades en estos sistemas de votación. ABSTRACT. There are currently no measurement parameters to evaluate the benefits of an electronic voting system. This paper aims to address this need by specifying a set of elements and criteria achieving two goals: To assess the suitability of automated voting systems and to make comparisons among systems. Proposed criteria area based on the own expertise, along with the deep study of the information offered by authors and sponsors of a number of voting systems as well as the expressed opinions in forums where potential voters state their hopes, fears and reluctance to achieve this target. The result is the presentation of a body of characteristics to identify risks in electronic voting systems

    Improvements of Pan-European IDM Architecture to Enable Identity Delegation Based on X.509 Proxy Certificates and SAML

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    To foster the secure use of telematic services provided by public institutions, most European countries – and others in the rest of the world – are promoting electronic identification systems among their citizens to enable fully reliable identification. However, in today’s globalized environment, it is becoming more common for citizens and entities of a given country, with their own electronic credentials under the legal framework of their country, to seek access to the public services provided by other countries with different legal frameworks and credentials. At present, a number of projects in the European Union are attempting to solve the problem through the use of pan-European identity management systems that ensure interoperability between the public institutions of different Member States. However, the solutions adopted to date are inadequate, for they do not envision all possible cases of user interaction with institutions. Specifically, they fail to address a very important aspect provided in different national legal systems, namely delegation of identity, by which a citizen can authorize another to act on his or her behalf in accessing certain services provided by public institutions. This paper provides a thorough analysis of problems of delegation and proposes an architecture based on X.509 Proxy Certificates and SAML assertions to enable delegation in provision of services in the complex and heterogeneous environment presented by the public institutions of the European Union as a whole

    Aportaciones del Proyecto Votescript a los Esquemas Tradicionales de Voto Electrónico.

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    This paper hallmarks the most relevant contributions carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). The main goal of this project was the analysis, definition and implementation of a system which copes with every phases and elements existing in a process of electronic voting using computer networks. A summary of the main criticisms of electronic voting is presented to disclose that the most relevant voting schemes only take into account a technological perspective, just trying to imitate the conventional voting schemes. Nevertheless in these proposals important aspects such individual and global verification are not properly undertaken. The paper includes the proposed solutions of the project to solve these mentioned problems

    Is Europe ready to provide a pan-European Identity Management System?

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    European public administrations must manage citizens' digital identities, particularly considering interoperability among different countries. Owing to the diversity of electronic identity management (eIDM) systems, when users of one such system seek to communicate with governments using a different system, both systems must be linked and understand each other. To achieve this, the European Union is working on an interoperability framework. This article provides an overview of eIDM systems' current state at a pan-European level. It identifies and analyzes issues on which agreement exists, as well as those that aren't yet resolved and are preventing the adoption of a large-scale model

    Contributions to traditional electronic voting systems in order to reinforce citizen confidence

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    This document provides a general description of the telematic voting scenario designed by the author?s research group. This scenario reinforces verification procedures as key elements to achieve full acceptance of the system on the part of voters. To frame this work, a general overview of electronic voting is given and the conditions entailed by these systems are specified

    Sistema VOTESCRIPT: una propuesta innovadora desarrollada para resolver los problemas clásicos de votación electrónica

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    En este artículo se presenta la descripción global de un sistema de voto telemático basado en criptografía avanzada y en el empleo de tarjetas inteligentes (proyecto VOTESCRIPT), destacando las aportaciones de este nuevo sistema sobre propuestas anteriores. Para enmarcar el trabajo desarrollado se presenta una panorámica general de la votación electrónica y se señalan los condicionantes que estas experiencias comportan. Asimismo, se resumen otras versiones particulares de VOTESCRIPT (proyecto VERA) y se comentan las características de una prueba experimental llevada a cabo para evaluar la viabilidad de la propuesta

    The vagueness of the Spanish model of school leaders’ preparation

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    Las investigaciones sobre dirección escolar en los últimos años vienen a demostrar la influencia que ejercen los líderes en los buenos resultados de las escuelas. Esta realidad ha generado un interés creciente por desarrollar programas formativos para directores y directoras que les ayuden a desarrollar competencias necesarias para el ejercicio del cargo. Nuestra investigación demuestra que en España existe interés por la formación de los directivos, aunque no existe un modelo claramente definido para todo el territorio español. La descentralización de los programas de formación, en manos de las diecisiete Comunidades Autonómicas, supone el desarrollo de diferentes modelos formativos en los que los contenidos sobre gestión siempre están presentes, acercándose con ello al desarrollo de una dirección tecnocrática. Lo anterior no siempre se complementa con objetivos y contenidos más orientados hacia un liderazgo pedagógico que incorpore cuestiones relacionadas con el currículum, la evaluación, la innovación o la formación del profesoradoIn recent years, research on school leadership has put in evidence the strong influence that headteachers have over educational success. It has provoked an increasing interest to develop training programs in order to help the principals to acquire the skills needed for that challenge. Our research evidence that although the interest in principals’ training has also increase in Spain, the model is far from being clear and well defined for the whole country. Due to a decentralized educational system, administered with a high level of autonomy in each of the 17 autonomous communities, a very different array of training programs and structures has been developed. While management issues are included in all of them, it is not always the case of contents and practices related to instructional leadership, such as curriculum development, teachers and programs assessment, innovation or teachers training. That provokes a technocratic leadership approach that need to be revise

    Gestión de identidad en las Administraciones Públicas - Interoperabilidad panEuropea

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    En un entorno digital y cada vez más global, la provisión de servicios basados en la identidad electrónica de una persona o entidad y la gestión de dicha identidad por parte de las Administraciones Públicas constituyen un importante reto, muy especialmente cuando los ciudadanos, y en general las entidades a autenticar, presentan acreditaciones procedentes de distintos países y, por tanto, ajustadas a la legislación particular de cada uno de ellos. En este artículo se recogen y analizan las soluciones propuestas hasta la fecha en el marco de la Unión Europea y se presenta la propuesta de una infraestructura totalmente interoperable para gestión de identidad que está desarrollando este grupo de investigación. La novedad de esta propuesta reside en que puede emplearse tanto para la interoperabilidad con otros países europeos como entre los distintos niveles de la Administración española (local, autonómico y central)

    Social and Legal Implications of Digital Identity in a Multi-national Environment

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    The i2010 e-Government Action Plan from the European Union forces Public Administrations (national, regional and local) of all Member States that by 2010 to meet all administrative acts of the citizens through the Internet. This implies the need for mechanisms and systems to be able to unequivocally identify people on the Internet, together with a reliable system of interoperable electronic identification management (eIDM), in such a way that citizens, businesses and government departments (even in different Member States) can identify themselves and certify their transactions accurately, quickly and simply. However, despite the clear advantages that this entails for EU citizens, namely the fact that they possess a digital identity which allows them secure and identified access to the services offered by the various public administrations in Member States, the implementation of a solution of this kind involves a series of risks which, if they are not duly dealt with, may engender a reduction in the effectiveness of public institutions and citizens' trust in them. This article will analyse the problems associated with digital identity in the EU framework and the extent to which the solutions adopted to date meet the constitutional requirements, or fail to, highlighting aspects which may entail a risk or detriment to the freedoms of citizens and those relating to the handling of digital identity which have not yet been tackled but which, given their particular relevance, necessitate an immediate solution

    Analysis of electronic and telematic voting systems in binding experiences

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    This paper is about analysis and assess of three experiences on telematic and electronic voting dealing with such aspects as security and achievement of the social requirements. These experiences have been chosen taking into account the deepness of the public documentation and the technological challenge they faces