28 research outputs found

    5G Mobile Phone Network Introduction in Colombia

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    This research received support from the AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies).The authors would like to thank the following members of Ericsson and Nokia Company for their valuable technological support in relation to the deployment of 5G networks in Colombia and Latin America. To Ericsson Company: Fabian Monge, Head of Networks & Managed Services Sales LATAM North—Ericsson, Andrés Quintero Arango, Country Manager Colombia— Ericsson, Camilo Beltrán, RAN Sales Domain Manager—Ericsson, Tatiana Dimian, Technical & Solution Sales Colombia—Ericsson. To Nokia Company: Juan Gabriel Mariño Pedroza, Presales Director & Business Development Colombia—Nokia.The deployment of the 5G mobile network is currently booming, offering commercially available services that improve network performance metrics by minimizing network latency in countries such as the USA, China, and Korea. However, many countries around the world are still in the pilot phase promoted and regulated by government agencies. This is the case in Colombia, where the assignment of the first 5G band is planned for the third quarter of 2021. By analyzing the results of the pilot phase and the roadmap of the Colombian Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC), we can determine the main issues, which contribute to the deployment of 5G mobile technology as well as the plans to achieve a 5G stand-alone network from 4G networks. This is applicable to other countries in Latin America and the world. Then, our objective is to synthesize and share the most important concepts of 5G mobile technology such as the MIMO (multiple input/multiple output) antenna, RAN (Radio Access Network), C-RAN (Centralised-RAN), and frequency bands, and evaluate the current stage of its introduction in Colombia.AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies

    Radio wave attenuation measurement system based on RSSI for precision agriculture: application to tomato greenhouses

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    Precision agriculture and smart farming are concepts that are acquiring an important boom due to their relationship with the Internet of Things (IoT), especially in the search for new mechanisms and procedures that allow for sustainable and efficient agriculture to meet future demand from an increasing population. Both concepts require the deployment of sensor networks that monitor agricultural variables for the integration of spatial and temporal agricultural data. This paper presents a system that has been developed to measure the attenuation of radio waves in the 2.4 GHz free band (ISM- Industrial, Scientific and Medical) when propagating inside a tomato greenhouse based on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), and a procedure for using the system to measure RSSI at different distances and heights. The system is based on Zolertia Re-Mote nodes with the Contiki operating system and a Raspberry Pi to record the data obtained. The receiver node records the RSSI at different locations in the greenhouse with the transmitter node and at different heights. In addition, a study of the radio wave attenuation was measured in a tomato greenhouse, and we publish the corresponding obtained dataset in order to share with the research community

    Path Loss Determination Using Linear and Cubic Regression Inside a Classic Tomato Greenhouse

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    The production of tomatoes in greenhouses, in addition to its relevance in nutrition and health, is an activity of the agroindustry with high economic importance in Spain, the first exporter in Europe of this vegetable. The technological updating with precision agriculture, implemented in order to ensure adequate production, leads to a deployment planning of wireless sensors with limited coverage by the attenuation of radio waves in the presence of vegetation. The well-known propagation models FSPL (Free-Space Path Loss), two-ray, COST235,Weissberger, ITU-R (International Telecommunications Union—Radiocommunication Sector), FITU-R (Fitted ITU-R), offer values with an error percentage higher than 30% in the 2.4 GHz band in relation to those measured in field tests. As a substantial improvement, we have developed optimized propagation models, with an error estimate of less than 9% in the worst-case scenario for the later benefit of farmers, consumers and the economic chain in the production of tomatoes.This research received fund by the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP)

    Sistema de control digital de bajo coste de un motor de corriente continua para usos didácticos

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    Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de un conjunto de experiencias prácticas de diseño e implementación de algunas técnicas de simulación y control digital de un motor de corriente continua llevadas a cabo con elementos físicos de muy bajo coste. El sistema de control desarrollado se está empleando en las prácticas de las asignaturas impartidas por el Área de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática y el Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores de la Universidad de Granada.This work describes the development of a set of practical experiences in the design and implementation of various simulation and digital control techniques of a DC motor carried out with very low cost elements. The control system developed is being used in the practices of the subjects taught by the Systems Engineering and Automation Area and the Department of Architecture and Computer Technology of the University of Granada.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad.Universidad de Granada, Secretariado de Innovación Docente. Proyectos de Innovación Docente

    Inteligencias múltiples y deporte

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    El propósito del presente estudio, basándonos en la Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples de Gardner, consiste en averiguar si existe un perfil de inteligencia típico para deportistas, y si a su vez se pueden identificar subperfiles en función de la modalidad deportiva practicada. Definido el perfil para personas deportistas y el perfil para cada modalidad, se comparan, al objeto de poder contrastarlas. Contamos con la colaboración de futbolistas, baloncestistas, nadadores y atletas, además de personas no deportistas, que cumplimentaron el cuestionario para delimitar el perfil de IM. Se intenta determinar si existen diferencias por el hecho de ser hombre o mujer deportista en las modalidades en las que contamos con sujetos de ambos sexos. Del análisis se desprende la existencia de un perfil de IM para deportistas, que a su vez presenta diferencias en función de la modalidad deportiva practicada

    Intel·ligències múltiples i esport

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    El propòsit del nostre estudi, basat en la Teoria de les Intel·ligències Múltiples de Gardner, consisteix a esbrinar si hi ha un perfil d’intel·ligència típic per a esportistes, i si alhora es poden identificar subperfils en funció de la modalitat esportiva practicada. Un cop definit el perfil per a persones esportistes i el perfil per a cada modalitat, es comparen, amb la finalitat de poder contrastar‑les. Vam comptar amb la col·laboració de futbolistes, basquetbolistes, nedadors i atletes, a més a més de persones no esportistes, que van emplenar el qüestionari per delimitar el perfil d’IM. S’intenta determinar si existeixen diferències pel fet de ser home o dona esportista en les modalitats en les quals vam comptar amb subjectes de tots dos sexes. De l’anàlisi es desprèn l’existència d’un perfil d’IM per a esportistes, que alhora presenta diferències en funció de la modalitat esportiva practicada

    Desarrollo de sistemas mecatrónicos de bajo coste para equipamiento experimental de prácticas docentes

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    Este trabajo describe los objetivos y el estado de desarrollo actual de un conjunto de maquetas y sistemas mecatrónicos de muy bajo coste destinados al aprendizaje de las principales técnicas de control. Se está construyendo un laboratorio con material docente experimental realizado íntegramente por profesores y alumnos, y sin duda será muy útil para dar soporte a la mayoría de las asignaturas relacionadas con sistemas de control impartidas por el Área de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática y el Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores de la Universidad de Granada. El trabajo realizado forma parte del proyecto de innovación docente: “Nuevas experiencias de control óptimo con sistemas mecatrónicos”.This paper describes the objectives and the current state of development of a set of low cost models and mechatronics systems for learning the main control techniques. The control laboratory is being making entirely by teachers and students, and will certainly be very useful to support most of the subjects related control systems, teached by the Engineering Systems and Automation Area and by the Department of Architecture and Technology Computer at the University of Granada. The work is part of teaching innovation project: "New experiences optimal control with mechatronic systems."Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad

    Received strength signal intensity performance analysis in wireless sensor network using Arduino platform and XBee wireless modules

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    Today, through the monitoring of agronomic variables, the wireless sensor networks are playing an increasingly important role in precision agriculture. Among the emerging technologies used to develop prototypes related to wireless sensor network, we find the Arduino platform and XBee radio modules from the DIGI Company. In this article, based on field tests, we conducted a comparative analysis of received strength signal intensity levels, calculation of path loss with “log-normal shadowing” and free-space path loss models. In addition, we measure packet loss for different transmission, distances and environments with respect to an “Arduino Mega” board, and radio modules XBee PRO S1 and XBee Pro S2. The tests for the packet loss and received strength signal intensity level show the best performance for the XBee Pro S2 in the indoor, outdoor, and rural scenarios

    La asignatura “Internet de las Cosas” en el master DATCOM de la UGR

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    En este artículo se presenta tanto la motivación como la metodología docente de la asignatura Internet de las Cosas, una optativa que se imparte en la ETSIIT de Granada dentro del módulo de “Sistemas de Aplicaciones Específicas” de la especialidad en Ingeniería de Computadores y Redes del Master de Ciencia de Datos e Ingeniería de Computadores (DATCOM) de la Universidad de Granada. Se pretende con ello justificar la inclusión de esta asignatura en el master DATCOM y su vinculación con el resto de asignaturas impartidas en dichos estudios de posgrado. Concretamente, en este trabajo se muestra que hay detrás del concepto de Internet de las Cosas y por qué precisamente ahora se ha convertido en una verdadera revolución, también cómo se ha organizado la asignatura para lograr los objetivos propuestos en la guía docente, así como la metodología y herramientas que se van a utilizar, y finalmente se indican las principales conclusiones del trabajo.This paper shows the motivation and teaching methodology of the elective course 'Internet of Things', which is imparted in the ETSIIT of Granada within the Specific Application Systems module of the Computer and Network Engineering specialty of the Master in Data Science and Computer Engineering (DATCOM) of the University of Granada. It is intended to justify the inclusion of this subject in the master DATCOM and its linkage with the rest of subjects taught in these postgraduate studies. Specifically, this paper shows what is actually behind the Internet of Things concept and why it has now become a real revolution. It also shows how the course has been organized to achieve the objectives proposed in the teaching guide, as well as the methodology and tools to be used. Finally, the main conclusions of this work are presented.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad

    Un computador didáctico elemental (CODE-2)

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    Se describe en los niveles de lenguaje máquina, micromáquina y usuario un computador didáctico elemental (CODE-2) que reúne las características deseables para la enseñanza de las asignaturas de introducción a los computadores. Este computador ha sido diseñado completamente, con unidades de control cableada y microprogramada. También se dispone de un entorno completo de simulación que incluye emulador, ensamblador, desensamblador y visualización del comportamiento dinámico de todos los elementos internos del computador