10 research outputs found

    Diversity of Mycobiota in Spanish Grape Berries and Selection of Hanseniaspora uvarum U1 to Prevent Mycotoxin Contamination

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    The occurrence of mycotoxins on grapes poses a high risk for food safety; thus, it is necessary to implement effective prevention methods. In this work, a metagenomic approach revealed the presence of important mycotoxigenic fungi in grape berries, including Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger aggregate species, or Aspergillus section Circumdati. However, A. carbonarius was not detected in any sample. One of the samples was not contaminated by any mycotoxigenic species, and, therefore, it was selected for the isolation of potential biocontrol agents. In this context, Hanseniaspora uvarum U1 was selected for biocontrol in vitro assays. The results showed that this yeast is able to reduce the growth rate of the main ochratoxigenic and aflatoxigenic Aspergillus spp. occurring on grapes. Moreover, H. uvarum U1 seems to be an effective detoxifying agent for aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A, probably mediated by the mechanisms of adsorption to the cell wall and other active mechanisms. Therefore, H. uvarum U1 should be considered in an integrated approach to preventing AFB1 and OTA in grapes due to its potential as a biocontrol and detoxifying agent

    Real and virtual biological science living laboratory for science teachers' formation : promoting global scientific literacy and critical thinking for sustainable development

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    Global attempts to renew scientific education aim to stop the decline of young people's interest in science and technology, and to promote the development of citizens' scientific literacy for sustainable development. Among other changes, these aims require the adaptation of K12 Biological Science Teacher’s training to meet the new objectives. Scientific literacy involves knowing science and how knowledge is developed and validated, recognizing the interactions between science, technology and society, that is, the nature of science (NoS; a set of meta-scientific contents that encompass historical, epistemological and sociological aspects of science with great value for scientific education). It also involves grasping of cognitive skills underlying critical thinking (CT; a set of cognitive abilities, including self-regulation and metacognitive processes) and creative problem solving. Therefore, scientific literacy contributes to making informed decisions, facilitating the participation of citizens in situations and dilemmas of scientific tenor. In addition, CT is closely related to the performance of educators in their professional work. Particularly, in the teaching of science, CT skills favour and enhance the learning of concepts and theories linked not only to science but also to the NoS. Considering the current conditions of middle-higher K12 Biological Science Teachers’ formation and classrooms´ limitations in our country and the region, we propose a pilot project aiming to promote the transformation of initial teachers´ training, seeking to improve the development of CT skills and to deepen NoS comprehension. It will involve the immersion of K12 Biological Science Teacher students in Biological Science Living Physical and "mirror" Virtual Reality Laboratories. These laboratories will be equipped with "do it yourself" (DIY), "do it with others" (DIWO) and "bring your own device" (BYOD) technologies for the implementation of research-type activities framed in the philosophy of the "fabrication laboratories". The virtual platform will also comprise a library with didactic resources under permissive licenses to ensure a broader impact. Within these environments, K12 Biological Science Teacher students will engage in the creation of didactic units involving problem solving and knowledge building in parallel to deeper understanding of scientific processes. We also hope to promote the creativity and innovation of the participants, and the appropriation of DIY/DIWO/BYOD and virtual reality technologies as educational resources in the classroom and everyday life. Thanks to the virtual environment, this approach would also allow to reach both National and International K12 Biological Science Teacher students and graduate Biological Science Teachers. Considering the universal access to the Internet and free access to educational platforms in several countries, we also hope to impact on the non-formal and informal Biological Science education and contribute to achieving quality education for all (Objective # 4 of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030, UNESCO) beyond geographical and cultural barriers. This pilot project will be implemented by an interinstitutional, multidisciplinary and international team. It will capitalize on confluent groups´ previous experience and complementary strengths in Science didactics (particularly biology), engineering, arts, virtual reality, fabrication, as well as open hardware and open software culture. The experimental approach corresponds to a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with control groups, and formative and summative evaluation. As a result of the implementation of this educational innovation we expect to contribute to the improvement of Biological Science Teachers students´ CT skills and promote their active involvement in practical activities that should enhance their professional activity


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    Este texto contribuye al análisis científico de varias áreas del conocimiento como la filosofía social, la patología, la educación para el cuidado del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad que inciden en diversas unidades de aprendizaje de la Licenciatura en Educación para la Salud y de la Maestría en Sociología de la SaludLas comunidades indígenas de la sierra norte de Oaxaca México, habitan un territorio extenso de biodiversidad. Sin que sea una área protegida y sustentable, la propia naturaleza de la región ofrece a sus visitantes la riqueza de la vegetación caracterizada por sus especies endémicas que componen un paisaje de suma belleza

    Esto va de Micro: 10 retos, 10 mujeres

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    “Esto va de Micro” es un pódcast de microbiología en el cual estudiantes de la Universidad Complutense realizan entrevistas a personas expertas en temas de interés en el campo de la microbiología. En el curso 2023/2024 quisimos aprovechar esta plataforma y poner en marcha este proyecto de innovación docente para dar visibilidad al trabajo de microbiólogas relevantes y explicar a la sociedad el papel de la microbiología en la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. El resultado han sido 11 episodios de pódcast divulgativos que están disponibles en las plataformas de iVoox y Spotify.Depto. de Genética, Fisiología y MicrobiologíaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasFALSEsubmitte

    El pódcast como herramienta docente y divulgativa: conversaciones entre estudiantes y expertos en microbiología

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    En el marco de este proyecto Innova-Docencia se puso en marcha el pódcast "Esto va de Micro" que se encuentra disponible en la plataforma iVoox. En los programas grabados, estudiantes de la Universidad Complutense realizaron entrevistas a expertos con los que charlaban sobre temas de actualidad en el campo de la Microbiología. El pódcast ha sido todo un reto para profesores y estudiantes pero ha conseguido de manera exitosa llevar la Microbiología a un público general fuera de la Universidad

    Micromundo@ucm: research and awareness for the stealth pandemics of antibiotic resistance

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    Actualmente se estima que las resistencias antibióticas se cobran 1.270.000 vidas anualmente a nivel global. Es necesario contribuir desde multiples ángulos a preservar la efectividad de os antibióticos y descubrir nuevas etsrategias terapéuticas. MicroMundo es un proyecto de Aprendizaje-Servicio y Ciencia Ciudadana que pretende crear cultura científica y concienciación en cuestiones de Salud Global en los jóvenes. Se pretende que sean los más jóvenes, los estudiantes de ESO y Bachillerato, los responsables de la transmisión de ese conocimiento a la comunidad. Pero un segundo objetivo, no menos importante, es el de generar y potenciar vocaciones STEM e interés por el I+D en Biomedicina. Para conseguir estos objetivos, diversos equipos de estudiantes universitarios imparten y coordinan el proyecto en colegios e institutos de su comunidad, coordinados por sus tutores (profesores e investigadores del área de Microbiología de las Facultades de Farmacia, Medicina, Veterinaria y Biología, cubriendo los tres vértices del triángulo One Health: salud humana, animal y medioambiental). En la UCM, durante el curso 2021-22, treinta y dos equipos de han trabajado en unos treinta colegios e institutos, implicando a unos 600 estudiantes preuniversitarios en el trabajo experimental del proyecto.It is currently estimated that antibiotic resistance annually claims 1,270,000 lives globally. It is necessary to contribute from multiple angles to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics and discover new therapeutic strategies. MicroMundo is a Service-Learning and Citizen Science project that aims to create a scientific culture and awareness of Global Health issues among young people. It is intended that the youngest, Secondary and Baccalaureate students, be responsible for the transmission of this knowledge to the community. But a second objective, no less important, is to generate and promote STEM vocations and interest in R&D in Biomedicine. To achieve these objectives, various teams of university students teach and coordinate the project in schools and institutes in their community, coordinated by their tutors (professors and researchers from the Microbiology area of ​​the Faculties of Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Biology, covering the three vertices of the One Health triangle: human, animal and environmental health). At the UCM, during the 2021-22 academic year, thirty-two teams have worked in thirty-two schools, involving some 600 pre-university students in the experimental work of the project.Depto. de Genética, Fisiología y MicrobiologíaDepto. de Microbiología y ParasitologíaDepto. de Sanidad AnimalSección Dptal. de Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos (Veterinaria)Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasFac. de FarmaciaFac. de VeterinariaTRUEunpu

    Plan para la promoción y mejora de la convivencia escolar a través de la mediación escolar

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    El trabajo obtuvo el Segundo Premio de la Modalidad A de los 'Premios Tomás García Verdejo' a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso académico 2013/2014Se describe el Plan para la promoción y la mejora de la convivencia escolar a través de la mediación escolar llevado a cabo en el CEIP Antonio Machado (Almendralejo, Badajoz), que tiene como objetivos mejorar el clima de convivencia en el Centro y favorecer una mayor implicación de las familias y la sociedad en su conjunto y la adopción de medidas encaminadas a potenciar la educación en valores, las habilidades sociales y la regulación de la convivencia. Entre las actividades que se realizaron se encuentran: un taller de entrenamiento en habilidades para la resolución de conflictos y la escuela de familiasExtremaduraES

    Derivación de pacientes en consulta de dermatología y de teledermatología en España. Estudio DIADERM

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