212 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: Joan CORTADA I HORTALÀ, La filosofia de Josep Maria Capdevila. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2008

    The Moral and Ethical Baseline of Marine Socio-Ecological Values : the Case of Recreational and Artisanal Fishing in NW Mediterranean Coastal Waters (Catalonia, Spain)

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAjuts: Partial financial support was received from The Natural Park of Cap de Creus (assignment nº 019,903 and PDR 46/2015) for the years 2003 and 2015, the Catalan Government, Observatory of the Ethnological and Intangible heritage (OPEI) funding programme (reference nº CLT051/17/00020) in 2017, and Pharos4MPA Interreg Mediterranean, grant number 3MED17-3.2-M3-066, in 2018.Scant attention has been paid to values not expressed in monetary terms, due in part to the difficulty of assessing them. Moreover, the notion and understanding of "value" differs depending on the discipline and academic approaches. This ethnographic study focused on three marine spaces from the Catalonia region in Spain (Natural Park of Cap de Creus, Medes Islands protected area, and Natura 2000 Network area) addresses the competing values of maritime activities, small-scale fishing and recreational fishing, that make value judgements based on moral and ethical standards with which to legitimize activities and use of marine resources. The results highlight the co-existing market and non-market values involved in carrying out these activities, and the need to identify values as drivers of socioecological systems in order to evaluate sustainability. Through the lens of social theory mainly stemming from social anthropology, the study discusses on the moral and ethical issues at play

    Study for the computational resolution of conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy. Possible application to different aeronautical and industrial engineering problems: case GD1

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    This work consists of understanding the Navier Stokes equations by programming codes, made in MatLab, that simulate fluid problems where the continuity and momentum equations take place. Firstly, other types of simpler cases will be studied to understand concepts such as heat conduction or the terms of convection and diffusion. This last concept will be studied by developing a code of two different cases: diagonal flow and Smith-Hutton flow. Once these simpler cases have been analyzed and studied, a special case will be reached for the study of the aforementioned equations at different Reynolds numbers, that is, for laminar and turbulent fluids. Finally, the final budget of the study is analyzed, and the impact it has had on the environment, for example, the carbon monoxide emissions emitted when carrying out the project

    "Estudi codicològic del Ms. 67 de la B.U.B"

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    Estudi codicològic de la còpia manuscrita del segle XV de l'obra de Pere Tomich Histories i Conquestes dels Reis d'Aragó. Crònica de Pere el gran i de l'obra de Bernat Desclor titulada Crònica. El còdex es troba a la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona amb topogràfic Ms. 67

    Balancing ecology, economy and culture in fisheries policy: Participatory research in the Western Mediterranean demersal fisheries management plan

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    Fishing communities in the Mediterranean Sea face challenges in dealing with Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) ecosystem-based management measures aimed at reducing fishing effort and implementing partial closures of fisheries. The Participatory Action Research method is used here as a "pilot experience" to gather reactions from fishers, scientists and fisheries managers to the Western Mediterranean Multi-Annual Demersal Fisheries Plan (WM MAP) by identifying needs and concerns, but also alternatives to maintain the viability of the fishery. The data gathering process consisted on a structured questionnaire administered during a workshop to 40 stakeholders involved in Spanish fisheries in the Mediterranean, followed by an open discussion session. The results show that fishers disagree with the new regulations, which they perceive as yet another layer of restrictive regulations for an industry that faces major challenges and currently has low profitability, whereas scientists tended to agree more with the WM MAP than the administration or the fishers. Nevertheless, all stakeholders agree that the values of the cultural heritage of fisheries and the exploration of alternative marketing systems should balance the productivity-based approach to fisheries policies followed so far, that have shown signs of failure. According to stakeholder perceptions, this would improve the economic and social viability of fisheries, as well as highlight the value of fishing activity and its social prestige. Integrating the value of cultural heritage and post-production processes into the CFP would improve stakeholder involvement in fisheries policies. Through participatory research methods the ecosystem-based management approach could be embedded in a community-based approach, integrating its social actors in a proactive attitude and considering fisheries as a human activity socially and culturally rooted in the environment, which would enhance the effective implementation of fisheries policies

    Cultural heritage and environmental ethical values in governance models : Conflicts between recreational fisheries and other maritime activities in Mediterranean marine protected areas

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICWe would like to thank the collaboration of all the Pharos4MPAs project members, especially Catherine Piante, Pierre-Yves Hardy, Evan Jeffries, Alessandro Mullazzani, Elvira S?nchez and Esther Mart?nez. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their accurate and constructive comments, which helped to improve the manuscript Interreg Mediterranean 3MED17-3.2-M3-066. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.The seas as the next economic frontier have led to conflicts at the intersection of resource conservation and exploitation; a space where cultural values and social practices overlap. Underpinned by a literature review, surveys and personal interviews, this study identifies the main policy, socio-economic, environmental and cultural drivers of conflicts arising from the coexistence of recreational fishing -a major maritime activity in Mediterranean marine protected areas- and other maritime users. Results show that the constant paradoxes arising from the conflict stem from different concepts of heritage, appropriation of resources and preservation. Recreational fishing lacks a common definition and governance institution, but nevertheless regards itself as a fishing community and has behavioural traits which challenge other maritime activities, particularly small-scale fishing. This study highlights the importance of fostering socio-ecological relational values, which must necessarily be evaluated through the lens of environmental ethics, and contends that this is almost as relevant as the governance system. Given the divergent values of the different stakeholders and the high degree of scientific uncertainty found, we conclude that the main challenge in attaining a solid governance of multiple recreational and professional activities in marine reserves is to adopt a "middle ground" approach that combines top-down and bottom-up governance approaches

    Improving seafood systems with social network analysis : The case of cuttlefish marketing in Catalonia

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    Article number 105517 The EU (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund) and Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda Department of the Catalan Government provided funding for this research through the project "Advice to the CoManagement Committee of the cuttlefish of the bays of Roses and Pals for the implementation of a socio-economic program" under the grant agreement ARP163/21/000023. We acknowledge all fishers and seafood distributors that kindly participated in the project as well as we express our appreciation to all persons who shared with us their valuable knowledge by collaborating. We would also like to thank Eva Visauta, from the public administration and secretary of the cuttlefish comanagement committee, who is always available to help and provide information.Innovation in seafood marketing has multiplied, resulting in a constellation of emerging marketing initiatives from the fishing sector and seafood distributors to cope with resources scarcity, uncertainty, and climate change. Wholesalers, and retailers drawn on Social Network Sites (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Youtube, TikTok) to disseminate the values associated with fish products. This study analyses the distribution network channels of the cuttlefish market in Catalonia (Spain) and the social media users. The methodology combines social network analysis, digital ethnography, and qualitative analysis based on structured, semi-structured, indepth interviews and images. Results suggest the existence of a paradox between the values of seafood products associated with "proximity," "local," and "seasonal products" cohabiting with market values adapted to the contemporary lifestyle of "convenience" and accessibility. The spread of gastronomic culture has popularised the demand for cuttlefish, increasing market diversification and growing competition between the buying and selling network actors. While distributors can obtain resources from different sources, fishers must cope with the limitations of natural resources. We conclude that management plans should consider the integration of fishers in marketing channels and media discourses to improve the marketing of seafood products in pursuit of sustainability