2,655 research outputs found

    Controlling the dynamics of a coupled atom-cavity system by pure dephasing : basics and potential applications in nanophotonics

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    The influence of pure dephasing on the dynamics of the coupling between a two-level atom and a cavity mode is systematically addressed. We have derived an effective atom-cavity coupling rate that is shown to be a key parameter in the physics of the problem, allowing to generalize the known expression for the Purcell factor to the case of broad emitters, and to define strategies to optimize the performances of broad emitters-based single photon sources. Moreover, pure dephasing is shown to be able to restore lasing in presence of detuning, a further demonstration that decoherence can be seen as a fundamental resource in solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics, offering appealing perspectives in the context of advanced nano-photonic devices.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Infrared problem for the Nelson model on static space-times

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    We consider the Nelson model with variable coefficients and investigate the problem of existence of a ground state and the removal of the ultraviolet cutoff. Nelson models with variable coefficients arise when one replaces in the usual Nelson model the flat Minkowski metric by a static metric, allowing also the boson mass to depend on position. A physical example is obtained by quantizing the Klein-Gordon equation on a static space-time coupled with a non-relativistic particle. We investigate the existence of a ground state of the Hamiltonian in the presence of the infrared problem, i.e. assuming that the boson mass tends to 0 at infinity

    Hadamard states from null infinity

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    Free field theories on a four dimensional, globally hyperbolic spacetime, whose dynamics is ruled by a Green hyperbolic partial differential operator, can be quantized following the algebraic approach. It consists of a two-step procedure: In the first part one identifies the observables of the underlying physical system collecting them in a *-algebra which encodes their relational and structural properties. In the second step one must identify a quantum state, that is a positive, normalized linear functional on the *-algebra out of which one recovers the interpretation proper of quantum mechanical theories via the so-called Gelfand-Naimark-Segal theorem. In between the plethora of possible states, only few of them are considered physically acceptable and they are all characterized by the so-called Hadamard condition, a constraint on the singular structure of the associated two-point function. Goal of this paper is to outline a construction scheme for these states which can be applied whenever the underlying background possesses a null (conformal) boundary. We discuss in particular the examples of a real, massless conformally coupled scalar field and of linearized gravity on a globally hyperbolic and asymptotically flat spacetime.Comment: 23 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of the conference "Quantum Mathematical Physics", held in Regensburg from the 29th of September to the 02nd of October 201

    Upper critical field of CeCoIn5

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    We present a detailed analysis of the upper critical field for CeCoIn5 under high pressure. We show that, consistently with other measurements, this system shows a decoupling between maximum of the superconducting transition temperature Tc and maximum pairing strength. This puts forward CeCoIn5 as an important paradigm for this class of unconventional, strongly correlated superconductors.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, author version, published in New J. Phy

    Pauli-Fierz model with Kato-class potentials and exponential decays

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    Generalized Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian with Kato-class potential \KPF in nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics is defined and studied by a path measure. \KPF is defined as the self-adjoint generator of a strongly continuous one-parameter symmetric semigroup and it is shown that its bound states spatially exponentially decay pointwise and the ground state is unique.Comment: We deleted Lemma 3.1 in vol.

    Universal optimal broadband photon cloning and entanglement creation in one dimensional atoms

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    We study an initially inverted three-level atom in the lambda configuration embedded in a waveguide, interacting with a propagating single-photon pulse. Depending on the temporal shape of the pulse, the system behaves either as an optimal universal cloning machine, or as a highly efficient deterministic source of maximally entangled photon pairs. This quantum transistor operates over a wide range of frequencies, and can be implemented with today's solid-state technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Approach to ground state and time-independent photon bound for massless spin-boson models

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    It is widely believed that an atom interacting with the electromagnetic field (with total initial energy well-below the ionization threshold) relaxes to its ground state while its excess energy is emitted as radiation. Hence, for large times, the state of the atom+field system should consist of the atom in its ground state, and a few free photons that travel off to spatial infinity. Mathematically, this picture is captured by the notion of asymptotic completeness. Despite some recent progress on the spectral theory of such systems, a proof of relaxation to the ground state and asymptotic completeness was/is still missing, except in some special cases (massive photons, small perturbations of harmonic potentials). In this paper, we partially fill this gap by proving relaxation to an invariant state in the case where the atom is modelled by a finite-level system. If the coupling to the field is sufficiently infrared-regular so that the coupled system admits a ground state, then this invariant state necessarily corresponds to the ground state. Assuming slightly more infrared regularity, we show that the number of emitted photons remains bounded in time. We hope that these results bring a proof of asymptotic completeness within reach.Comment: 45 pages, published in Annales Henri Poincare. This archived version differs from the journal version because we corrected an inconsequential mistake in Section 3.5.1: to do this, a new paragraph was added after Lemma 3.

    Correlated Photon Emission from a Single II-VI Quantum Dot

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    We report correlation and cross-correlation measurements of photons emitted under continuous wave excitation by a single II-VI quantum dot (QD) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. A standard technique of microphotoluminescence combined with an ultrafast photon correlation set-up allowed us to see an antibunching effect on photons emitted by excitons recombining in a single CdTe/ZnTe QD, as well as cross-correlation within the biexciton (X2X_{2})-exciton (XX) radiative cascade from the same dot. Fast microchannel plate photomultipliers and a time-correlated single photon module gave us an overall temporal resolution of 140 ps better than the typical exciton lifetime in II-VI QDs of about 250ps.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Appl. Phys. Let

    Probing top-Higgs non-standard interactions at the LHC

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    Effective interactions involving both the top quark and the Higgs field are among the least constrained of all possible (gauge invariant) dimension-six operators in the Standard Model. Such a handful of operators, in particular the top quark chromomagnetic dipole moment, might encapsulate signs of the new physics responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking. In this work, we compute the contributions of these operators to inclusive Higgs and t tbar h production. We argue that: i) rather strong constraints on the overall size of these operators can already be obtained from the current limits/evidence on Higgs production at the LHC; ii) t tbar h production will provide further key information that is complementary to t tbar measurements, and the possibility of discriminating among different contributions by performing accurate measurements of total and differential rates.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. v2: Logarithmic contribution of the top quark chromomagnetic operator to Higgs production by gluon fusion correcte

    Optimal irreversible stimulated emission

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    We studied the dynamics of an initially inverted atom in a semi-infinite waveguide, in the presence of a single propagating photon. We show that atomic relaxation is enhanced by a factor of 2, leading to maximal bunching in the output field. This optimal irreversible stimulated emission is a novel phenomenon that can be observed with state-of-the-art solid-state atoms and waveguides. When the atom interacts with two one-dimensional electromagnetic environments, the preferential emission in the stimulated field can be exploited to efficiently amplify a classical or a quantum state.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure