9,219 research outputs found

    Voici le groupe du personnel du Messager [Article]

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    Undated article clipping from Le Messager identifying some of the staff of 1928: Elmyra Tremblay, Albert Bédard Philibert Buteau, Edmond Martin, Yvonne Blais, Dominique Dionne, F. X. Guay, Louis-Philippe Gagné. Valdor-L. Couture, Jean-Baptiste Couture, Faust Couture, Adélard Roy, Omer Gauvin, Liane Michaud (Mme. Gérard Marcotte), Fernand Martin, Irma Poirier (Mme. J.-Raoul Plante), Léonard Michaud, J.-E.-N. Bohémier, Mme. Henri F. Roy (Loretta Vachon), Eugène Gélinas, Delia DeBlois (Mme Flavius Dionne), and Joseph Girard.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/le-messager/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Importants avenços en l'estudi de proteïnes transportadores de membrana

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    Investigadors de la Unitat de Biofísica del Departament de Bioquímica i de Biologia Molecular, membres del Centre d'Estudis en Biofísica de la UAB, han publicat tres importants articles sobre el funcionament de proteïnes transportadores de membrana. Els treballs, dirigits pel Dr. Esteve Padrós, s'han realitzat en col·laboració i s'han publicat a les prestigioses revistes Angew. Chem.; J. Amer. Chem. Soc.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.Investigadores de la Unidad de Biofísica del Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, miembros del Centro de Estudios en Biofísica de la UAB, han publicado tres importantes artículos sobre el funcionamiento de proteínas transportadoras de membrana. Los trabajos, dirigidos por el Dr. Esteve Padrós, se han realizado en colaboración y se han publicado en las prestigiosas revistas Angew. Chem.; J. Amer. Chem. Soc.; y Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.Researchers at the Biophysics Unit of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, members of the UAB Center for Biophysical Studies, have published three leading articles on the functioning of membrane transport proteins. The works, led by Dr. Esteve Padrós were carried out in collaboration and have been published in the prestigious journals Angew. Chem., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA

    Compte rendu de : A history of Nepal / J. Whelpton, Cambridge University Press, 2005

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    In : CNAS, vol.32, n°

    For a Revaluation of Genre Theory in Contemporary Drama

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    Despite their singularities and divergences, the major dramatic theories of the twentieth century keep the classical tripartition of genres untouched. Our recent research on rhapsodic criticism has evidenced the increasingly appropriation by playwrights of elements traditionally reserved for a fourth genre, as important as epic, lyric and dramatic genres, but left aside by critical reflection because of its traditional association with “non-artistic” practices: the essayistic genre. A new theory of genres that incorporates this fourth genre into the classical triad may not only illuminate some of the main features of modern and contemporary drama, but it also allows a more accurate understanding of some of the fundamental works of Western drama

    The Rhetorical Algorithm: WikiLeaks and the Elliptical Secrets of Donald J. Trump

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    Algorithms were a generative force behind many of the leaks and secrets that dominated the 2016 election season. Taking the form of the identity-anonymizing Tor software that protected the identity of leakers, mathematical protocols occupied a prominent place in the secrets generated during the presidential campaign. This essay suggests that the rhetorical trope of ellipsis offers an equally crucial, algorithmic formula for explaining the public production of these secrets and leaks. It then describes the 2016 DNC leak and Donald Trump’s “I love Wikileaks” moment using the trope of ellipsis, which marks a discursive omission or gap in official executive discourse

    La création contemporaine, entre héritage du postdramatique et narration scénique

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    Although plays used to be organized by narrative structures since the antiquity, the calling into question of those structures in the mid-20th century made  more and more difficult the logical construction of the narrative. In addition, the evolution of the producer’s functions and role, the common made  creations development, the use of intermediality have deeply altered the way of considering the narrative modes. The present-day theatre which is more  diverse within its aesthetics and ways of performing evicts the text and the fable. The performances benefit from this eviction and propose split or various  processed based narratives. By studying three hybrid representative plays from the contemporary theatre – Blockbuster by Le Collectif Mensuel, Le Vivier  des noms by Valère Novarina, and Donnez-moi donc un corps! by Sarah Oppenheim –, it is intended to first understand the role that the text still has, to  identify the “vestiges” of a classical narrative structure, even if it is disarticulated and only works by juxtaposition and interlocking. As the contemporary  plays minimize the text influence compared with other scenic media expressions, whether it is by the use of intermidiality or visual, sensible theatre, the  postdramatic aesthetic legacy and the functioning of the new narrative techniques used will then be studied. These statements will lead us to evaluate the  impact of these shows on the audience and to wonder how it can be invested in the play.Although plays used to be organized by narrative structures since the antiquity, the calling into question of those structures in the mid-20th century made  more and more difficult the logical construction of the narrative. In addition, the evolution of the producer’s functions and role, the common made  creations development, the use of intermediality have deeply altered the way of considering the narrative modes. The present-day theatre which is more  diverse within its aesthetics and ways of performing evicts the text and the fable. The performances benefit from this eviction and propose split or various  processed based narratives. By studying three hybrid representative plays from the contemporary theatre – Blockbuster by Le Collectif Mensuel, Le Vivier  des noms by Valère Novarina, and Donnez-moi donc un corps! by Sarah Oppenheim –, it is intended to first understand the role that the text still has, to  identify the “vestiges” of a classical narrative structure, even if it is disarticulated and only works by juxtaposition and interlocking. As the contemporary  plays minimize the text influence compared with other scenic media expressions, whether it is by the use of intermidiality or visual, sensible theatre, the  postdramatic aesthetic legacy and the functioning of the new narrative techniques used will then be studied. These statements will lead us to evaluate the  impact of these shows on the audience and to wonder how it can be invested in the play

    L’Institut canadien de recherches en relations industrielles

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    Le 6 juin 1964 se tenait à l'université McGill de Montréal la première réunion annuelle de l'Institut canadien de recherches en relations industrielles. En cette circonstance, on a procédé à l'adoption de la constitution du groupement ainsi qu'à l'élection des officiers. Des communications ont été présentées par l'abbé Gérard Dion, Université Laval, Québec, le Docteur J.-T. Montague, Université de Colombie-britannique, et le Docteur Gil Schonning du Ministère du travail, Ottawa. Les officiers élus de l'Institut sont les suivants: Président: H.D. Woods (Université McGill); vice-présidents: l'abbé Dérard Dion (Université Laval), Bora Laskin (Université de Toronto); secrétaire: Frances Bairstow (Université McGill); membres: J.-T. Montague (Université de Colombie-britannique), Roy Brookbank (Université Dalhousie). Le bureau d'affaire de l'Institut est situé à: 3666, rue McTavish, Montréal,Voici le texte de la constitution qui a été adoptée
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