20 research outputs found

    Modelling and 3D Visualisation of Landscape Changes in the Rosia Montana Basin

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    The town of Rosia Montana is located above one of the largest gold and other precious metal deposits in Europe. Gold and silver have been mined for centuries here, even as early as pre-roman times. Since then, and predominantly in the 20th century the landscape has undergone significant changes. Until the dawn of open pit mining the ores were extracted using shafts and tunnels, leaving little if any traces on the surface. Large-scale open cast mining began in the first half of the 20th century and two large pits were excavated in the immediate vicinity of the little town. After a few decades these were closed down, relocating the mining activities into a neighbouring valley. Presently the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is planning on reopening the gold deposits in the area by starting the largest open cast mine site in Europe. The project aroused much controversy and international protests regarding its consequences on the population and the environment. The current study aims to model the landscape in the past in some selected time periods. In addition, a significant section will attempt to predict and visualise the future landscape after the full development of the project. Also, a time series animation is included to demonstrate the changes in time.

    Model of spatial differentation of temperature in Kolozsvár (Románia)

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    Összefoglalás - A cikk Kolozsvár területének höháztartás-modelljét mutatja be. A szerzők a különböző városi felszínek (beton, aszfalt, víz- és zöldterület) eltérő termikus tulajdonságait alapul véve. a nap négy jellegzetes idöpillanatjának ábrázolására vállalkoztak. A modell megszerkesztésére a végesdifferencia módszerét használták. Mindez ideális meteorológiai körülményeket, egy hidegfront elvonulása utáni nyári napot feltételez. Ilyen ideális körülmények voltak 1997. június 6-án, amikorra a tanulmány vonatkozik. A modell szerint napközben a város leghidegebb felszíneit a vízfolyás és azöldterületek képezik. Ezzel szemben a legmagasabb hőmérsékletű térségeket a beton- és az aszfaltfelszínekjelentik. A legnagyobb hőmérsékletű eltérések este és éjszakamérhetök. Summary - The structure of urban area may give some different effects on the surface radiation the heat budget and also the heat island phenomenon. The aim of the paper is to study how the urban climate is influenced by different surfaces which characterise the city area. In order to receive a more comprehensive understanding of the thermal patterns in and around urban areas in a themperate climate, the present study was carried out in a different urban areas (e.g. green and water surfaces, streets). Important obj ectures are: - to study if the diversified size of the multivarious urban influences the magnitude of the temperature difference between the different style of built-up area; - to study in what way the density and the structure of the built-up area respectively influences temperature pattern; -to study the alternation of upwarming and cooling rate in the green and built-up area and its dependence on changes in cloud cover. The city of Kolozsvár (Cluj, Romania) has been chosen as study area. The study is caried out with the help of physical model using computer simulations

    A Béli-hegység földtana és geomorfológiája másfél évszázadnyi kutatás tükrében = Geology and geomorphology of the Béli Mountains in the light of 150 years of research

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    This paper attempts to summarize the studies made in the last almost two centuries concerning the geology and geography of Codru Moma Mountains. It is clear that within the Alpine structure of the Apuseni Mountains the Codru Moma Mountains has been divided in several lithotectonic assemblages, named according to each nappe name (Biharia Nappe System, Transylvanian Nappe System, Codru Nappe System and the Bihor autochthon). Much uncertainty still remained regarding the spatial extension, the relationship between the volcanic product and the Mesozoic sedimentary deposits, further complicated by the structure of the area, and the dimension and genetics of the truncated surfaceses

    A statistical model for estimating mean maximum urban heat island

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    Investigations concentrated on the urban heat island (UHI) in its strongest development during the diurnal cycle. Task includes development of statistical models in the heating and non-heating seasons using urban surface parameters (built-up and water surface ratios, sky view factor, building height) and their areal extensions. Model equations were determined by means of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. As the results show, there is a clear connection between the spatial distribution of the UHI and the examined parameters, so these parameters play an important role in the evolution of the UHI intensity field. Among them the sky view factor and the building height are the most determining factors, which are in line with the urban surface energy balance