1,334 research outputs found

    Immune priming and pathogen resistance in ant queens.

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    Growing empirical evidence indicates that invertebrates become more resistant to a pathogen following initial exposure to a nonlethal dose; yet the generality, mechanisms, and adaptive value of such immune priming are still under debate. Because life-history theory predicts that immune priming and large investment in immunity should be more frequent in long-lived species, we here tested for immune priming and pathogen resistance in ant queens, which have extraordinarily long life span. We exposed virgin and mated queens of Lasius niger and Formica selysi to a low dose of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, before challenging them with a high dose of the same pathogen. We found evidence for immune priming in naturally mated queens of L. niger. In contrast, we found no sign of priming in virgin queens of L. niger, nor in virgin or experimentally mated queens of F. selysi, which indicates that immune priming in ant queens varies according to mating status and mating conditions or species. In both ant species, mated queens showed higher pathogen resistance than virgin queens, which suggests that mating triggers an up-regulation of the immune system. Overall, mated ant queens combine high reproductive output, very long life span, and elevated investment in immune defense. Hence, ant queens are able to invest heavily in both reproduction and maintenance, which can be explained by the fact that mature queens will be protected and nourished by their worker offspring

    Failure and impact behavior of facade panels made of glass fiber reinforced cement(GRC)

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    GRC is a cementitious composite material made up of a cement mortar matrix and chopped glass fibers. Due to its outstanding mechanical properties, GRC has been widely used to produce cladding panels and some civil engineering elements. Impact failure of cladding panels made of GRC may occur during production if some tool falls onto the panel, due to stone or other objects impacting at low velocities or caused by debris projected after a blast. Impact failure of a front panel of a building may have not only an important economic value but also human lives may be at risk if broken pieces of the panel fall from the building to the pavement. Therefore, knowing GRC impact strength is necessary to prevent economic costs and putting human lives at risk. One-stage light gas gun is an impact test machine capable of testing different materials subjected to impact loads. An experimental program was carried out, testing GRC samples of five different formulations, commonly used in building industry. Steel spheres were shot at different velocities on square GRC samples. The residual velocity of the projectiles was obtained both using a high speed camera with multiframe exposure and measuring the projectile’s penetration depth in molding clay blocks. Tests were performed on young and artificially aged GRC samples to compare GRC’s behavior when subjected to high strain rates. Numerical simulations using a hydrocode were made to analyze which parameters are most important during an impact event. GRC impact strength was obtained from test results. Also, GRC’s embrittlement, caused by GRC aging, has no influence on GRC impact behavior due to the small size of the projectile. Also, glass fibers used in GRC production only maintain GRC panels’ integrity but have no influence on GRC’s impact strength. Numerical models have reproduced accurately impact tests

    Real-time Monocular Object SLAM

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    We present a real-time object-based SLAM system that leverages the largest object database to date. Our approach comprises two main components: 1) a monocular SLAM algorithm that exploits object rigidity constraints to improve the map and find its real scale, and 2) a novel object recognition algorithm based on bags of binary words, which provides live detections with a database of 500 3D objects. The two components work together and benefit each other: the SLAM algorithm accumulates information from the observations of the objects, anchors object features to especial map landmarks and sets constrains on the optimization. At the same time, objects partially or fully located within the map are used as a prior to guide the recognition algorithm, achieving higher recall. We evaluate our proposal on five real environments showing improvements on the accuracy of the map and efficiency with respect to other state-of-the-art techniques

    Innovative Solutions for Seawater Use in Mining Operations

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    This chapter reviews the use of seawater in the mining industry in Chile, especially from the perspective of the current situation and the innovative proposals for its sustainable use. This chapter describes the current use of seawater, with and without desalting, in the mining sector in Chile, as well as its future projection. Descriptions are given for the current desalination systems, mining operations currently using seawater and new projects, current water distribution systems, seawater applications in hydrometallurgy and minerals concentration, their environmental impacts, and difficulties in adapting processes in case of use of seawater without desalination. This is complemented by a description of mining in Chile, its importance for Chile and its relationship to the global mining. Finally, problems and opportunities are identified. A second aspect considered in this chapter is the innovative solutions that are being investigated to solve some of the problems indicated above, including integrated seawater distribution systems, seawater biodesalination, partial desalination using carbon dioxide, adaptation of process to the use of seawater without desalination, and uses of discard brines from reverse osmosis plants

    Texture Evolution of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet at High Strain Rates

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    In the current contribution the mechanical behaviour at high strain rates of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet is studied. Uniaxial deformation properties were studied by means of tensile split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) at different temperatures. The influence of the strain rate and temperature on the deformation mechanisms was investigated by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and neutron diffraction. It is shown that twinning plays an important role on high strain rate deformation of this alloy, even at elevated temperatures. Significant evidence of prismatic slip as a deformation mechanism is observed, also at warm temperatures, leading to the alignment of directions with the tensile axis and to a spread of the intensities of the basal pole figure towards the in-plane direction perpendicular to the tensile axis. The rate of decrease of the CRSS of non-basal systems is observed to be slower than at quasi-static rates. Secondary twinning and pyramidal slip were also outlined for some conditions. At warm temperatures, in contrast to quasi-static range, a generalized dynamic recrystallization is not observed. Moreover, the activation of rotational recrystallization mechanisms is reporte

    Twinning and grain subdivision during dynamic deformation of a Mg AZ31 sheet alloy at room temperature

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    The microstructural evolution of an AZ31 rolled sheet during dynamic deformation at strain rates of ∼103 s−1 has been investigated by electron backscatter diffraction, X-ray and neutron diffraction. The influence of orientation on the predominant deformation mechanisms and on the recovery processes taking place during deformation has been systematically examined. The results have been compared with those corresponding to the same alloy tested quasi-statically under equivalent conditions. It has been found that strain rate enhances the activation of extension twinning dramatically, while contraction and secondary twinning are not significantly influenced. The polarity of extension twinning is even reversed in some grains under selected testing conditions. Significant grain subdivision by the formation of geometrically necessary boundaries (GNBs) takes place during both quasi-static and dynamic deformation of this AZ31 alloy. It is remarkable that GNBs of high misorientations form even at the highest strain rates. The phenomenon of recovery has been found to be orientation dependen

    Comportamiento de elementos estructurales de compuestos híbridos base cemento frente a impacto de torre de caída

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    The performance, under drop-weight impact load, of hybrid cement composite (HCC) elements, consisting of a top layer of plain concrete (PC) and a bottom layer of fibre reinforced concrete (FRC), in comparison with full-depth FRC and PC was studied. Apart from improving the tensile capacity of PC and saving fibre steel reinforcements of FRC, the results showed that HCC can effectively control the deformations and enhance the impact performance of the structural members as its outcomes were similar to that of a full-depth FRC. The analytical studies using Hughes empirical formulae (HEF) and yield line theory (YLT) adopted to investigate the practical use of HCC showed that they are applicable for design such HCC elements against impacts.Se estudió el comportamiento, frente a impacto de torre de caída, de elementos híbridos base cemento (HCC), formados por una capa superior de hormigón en masa (PC) y una capa inferior de hormigón reforzado con fibras (FRC) en comparación con elementos análogos íntegramente fabricados con FRC y PC. Además de proporcionar una mejora en la resistencia frente a flexo-tracción de los PC y un ahorro en refuerzo usando fibras de acero en el caso de los FRC, los resultados mostraron que el HCC puede controlar eficazmente las deformaciones y mejorar el rendimiento frente a impacto de los elementos estructurales ya que sus resultados fueron análogos a la de los FRC. Los estudios analíticos, utilizando HEF e YLT, adoptados para investigar el uso práctico de los HCC mostraron que los mismos son aplicables para el diseño de estos elementos frente a impacto

    Texture analysis in an apple progeny through instrumental, sensory and histological phenotyping

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    Phenotypic analysis of texture traits was performed in an apple progeny by three complementary approaches: two classical instrumental measurements (compression and penetrometry), sensory assessment and histological screening. The progeny was composed of 141 individuals harvested over 2 years. Sensory and instrumental texture were assessed at harvest and after 2 and 4 months of cold storage. Histological screening was performed by combining macro-vision of outer parenchyma sections and image analysis on fruits after 2 months storage. Harvest year was observed to have a major impact on texture phenotypes followed by storage and genetic factors. Principal component analysis of data from the instrumental texture evaluations showed that the two methods complemented each other in characterizing the texture of the apple progeny. Compression parameters correlated better than penetrometry variables with sensory descriptors related to crispness, firmness, and graininess. Cell size distribution differentiated individuals in the apple progeny. It correlated with instrumental texture analyses and with juiciness perception. All measured texture related traits showed that they were all under genetic control with high heritability values. Higher values were obtained for fruits after 2 months storage. These results provide ground for future search of new apple texture QTLs

    Variability of cell wall polysaccharides composition and hemicellulose enzymatic profile in an apple progeny

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    The genetic variability of apple cell walls polysaccharides chemical composition and structure was assessed in a progeny of 141 individuals harvested over 2 years. The variability of the hemicelluloses oligosaccharides released by glucanase was analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. The genetic contribution was distinguished from harvest year as well as from parental crossing patterns and scab resistance selection. Results showed that harvest year had a major impact on cell wall polysaccharide composition and structure. Within each harvest, genetic effect impact more significantly cell wall polysaccharide chemistry than does reciprocal crossing or early scab selection. Uronic acids, glucose, galactose and xylose contents as well as some glucomannan and xyloglucan structures have a high heritability. This first cell wall chemotyping of an apple progeny opens the way for future searches of genetic markers for the chemical variability of cell wall polysaccharides

    Comunicación corta. Rhizoctonia solani, agente causal de la muerte de plántulas de acelga en España

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    During September 2011, post-emergence damping off of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla L.) was observed in a greenhouse in Villa del Prado (Spain). About 20% of the seedlings showed damping off symptoms. Lesions were initially water soaked, dark brown necrosis of crown tissue, irregular in shape and sunken in appearance on large plants, causing the infected seedlings to collapse and eventually die. Rhizoctonia solani was isolated consistently from symptomatic plants. After morphological and molecular identification of the isolates, pathogenicity was tested by placing agar plugs of four isolates adjacent to the stem at the three or four true leaf stage. In inoculated plants, brown crown and stem necrosis occurred while control plants did not show disease symptoms. Pathogenicity using non-germinated seeds was also tested. All four isolates produced extensive damping off when inoculated on non-germinated seeds. To our knowledge, this is the first report of damping off of Swiss chard caused by R. solani in Europe.En el mes de septiembre de 2011, se observó muerte de plántulas en acelgas cultivadas en un invernadero en Villa del Prado (España). Cerca del 20% de los semilleros mostraban síntomas de caída de plántulas. Las lesiones iniciales tenían un aspecto húmedo y consistían en una necrosis del tejido de la corona de color marrón oscuro, de bordes irregulares y deprimidos en las plantas adultas, produciendo el colapso de las plántulas y, ocasionalmente, la muerte de las mismas. Rhizoctonia solani se aisló de manera consistente de las plantas sintomáticas. Tras una identificación morfológica y molecular, la patogenicidad de los aislados se probó colocando discos de agar adyacentes al tallo de la planta en estados de tres o cuatro hojas verdaderas. En las plantas inoculadas se observó un oscurecimiento de la corona y la necrosis del tallo en todos los casos, síntomas que no mostraron las plantas control. Por otro lado, se comprobó la patogenicidad de los aislados en semillas no germinadas. Los cuatro aislados produjeron muerte de plántulas cuando se inocularon en semillas no germinadas. Hasta donde hemos podido comprobar, este trabajo parece ser la primera cita de muerte de plántulas de acelga causada por R. solani en Europa