47 research outputs found

    Az információ szerepe a polgári eljárásban = The Role of Information in Civil Procedure

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    A 2007-ben összeállított kutatási tervünket két munkahipotézisre alapoztuk: Az egyik szerint a modern információs és kommunikációs technológia (ICT) rövid időn belül olyan hatást gyakorol a polgári igazságszolgáltatás hagyományos struktúráira, ami megkérdőjelezheti a XIX. századból eredő alapelvek és intézmények fenntarthatóságát. Ezt a hipotézist a saját kutatási eredmények, valamint a 2010-ben rendezett nemzetközi konferencia referátumai is igazolták. A másik hipotézis szerint az elektronikus eljárás, mint „papír alapú eljárás” alternatívája öt éven belül a magyar polgári peres eljárásban is megjelenik. Ez utóbbi feltevésünk nem teljesült, mivel az elektronikus eljárás bevezetésére tett kísérletek 2010-ben megtorpantak. Erre tekintettel konkrét kodifikációs javaslatok megtételére nem nyílt lehetőségünk. A kutatás eredményeit 4 konferenciakötetben 11 tanulmányban és 10 könyvfejezetben adtuk közre. A 25 publikációból 8 angol és 2 német nyelven jelent meg, ebből 6 külföldi kiadónál. A kutatás futamideje alatt 3 konferenciát rendeztünk: 2007-ben „Az elektronikus polgári eljárás az osztrák és a magyar igazságszolgáltatásban” címmel magyar és német nyelven, 2009-ben „Az információ polgári perben” címmel magyar nyelven, majd 2010-ben „Electronic Justice - Present and Future” címmel angol és német nyelven. Ez utóbbi konferencia teljes anyaga „Electronic Technology and Civil Procedure. New Path to Justice from Around the World” címmel a Springer kiadónál jelenik meg. | Our working plan which was compiled in 2007 was based on two hypotheses: according to the first, the modern information and communication technologies (ICT) will soon have an effect on the traditional structure of the civil justice, which can call in question the sustainability of the principles and institutions of the 19th century. This hypothesis was confirmed by our own research and by the presentations of an international conference, which was held in 2010. According to the other, within 5 years the electronic procedure will appear as an alternative of the ""paper based procedure"" in the Hungarian civil procedure as well. This expectation did not come true, because the attempts to introduce an electronic procedure stopped in 2010. Therefore we could not put forward any specific proposals for legislation on the matter. The results of the research was published in 4 conference volumes, 11 articles and 10 book chapters. From the 25 publications 8 was in English and 2 was in German and from these 6 was published by foreign publishers. During the term of the research we organised 3 conferences: ""The electronic civil procedure in the Austrian and Hungarian civil justice"" (2007), ""The information in the civil litigation"" (2009), ""Electronic Justice - Present and Future"" (2010). The whole material of the last conference will be published by Springer in a book: „Electronic Technology and Civil Procedure: New Path to Justice from Around the World”

    Magánvagyonvédelem akadályai napjainkban

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    Az elmúlt időszak növekvő és dinamikusan változó kihívásai jelentős változásokat okoznak a biztonsági szektorban. A nemzeti vagy szövetségi biztonsági szint változása mellett igen fontos, hogy a magánbiztonsági szektor is kövesse a kihívásokat és felkészüljön a kockázatokra. A jelenlegi magánbiztonsági szektor oktatási, képzési szintjének áttekintése után be kívánjuk mutatni Magyarország személy vagyonvédelmének állapotát, valamint szükséges változási irányaira is javaslatot teszek

    Effects of Cariprazine, Aripiprazole, and Olanzapine on Mouse Fibroblast Culture: Changes in Adiponectin Contents in Supernatants, Triglyceride Accumulation, and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Expression

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    Background and Objectives: The use of the dopamine-partial agonist subclass (also termed dopamine stabilizers) of atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of negative schizophrenia symptoms and some mood disorders has increased recently. Similar to other second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), aripiprazole (ARI) and cariprazine (CAR) also influence food intake, but the peripheral effects of these drugs on adipose−tissue homeostasis, including adipokine secretion as well as lipo- and adipogenesis, are not fully elucidated. In this study, we explored the adipocyte-related mechanisms induced by second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), leading to changes in peripheral signals involved in energy homeostasis. Materials and Methods: CAR, a new SGA, was compared with ARI and olanzapine (OLA), using cell cultures to study adipogenesis, and the expression levels of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) was measured in adipocytes derived from mouse fibroblasts, by western blotting on days 7, 14, and 21 postinduction. The triglyceride (TG) content of the cells was also evaluated on day 15 using Oil Red O staining, and the adiponectin (AN) content in the cell culture supernatants was quantified on days 7 and 15 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Cells were treated with two concentrations of ARI (0.5 and 20 µg/mL), OLA (1 and 20 µg/mL), and CAR (0.1 and 2 µg/mL). Results: Both concentrations of ARI and OLA, as well as the lower concentration of CAR, significantly increased the TG contents. The AN levels in the supernatants were significantly increased by the higher concentration of ARI on days 7 and 15 (p < 0.05). Although PPAR-γ levels were not significantly affected by ARI and OLA, the lower concentration of CAR induced a significant time-dependent decrease in PPAR-γ expression (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The in vitro adipogenesis considered from TG accumulation, AN secretion, and PPAR-γ expression was differently influenced by ARI, CAR, and OLA. Understanding the adipocyte-related mechanisms of antipsychotics could contribute to understanding their weight-influencing effect

    Optimization of desferrioxamine E production by Streptomyces parvulus

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    Siderophores are produced by a number of microbes to capture iron with outstandingly high affinity, which property also generates biomedical and industrial interests. Desferrioxamine E (DFO-E) secreted by streptomycetes bacteria can be an ideal candidate for iron chelation therapy, which necessitates its cost-effective production for in vitro and animal studies. This study focused on the optimization of DFO-E production by Streptomyces parvulus CBS548.68. Different combinations of various carbon and nitrogen sources as well as the addition of 3-morpholinopropane-1-sulfonic acid (MOPS) markedly affected DFO-E yields, which were attributed, at least in part, to the higher biomass productions found in MOPS-supplemented cultures. In MOPS-supplemented glucose and sodium glutamate medium, DFO-E productions as high as 2,009 ± 90 mg/l of culture medium were reached. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis demonstrated that a simple two-step purification process yielded DFO-E preparations with purities of ∼97%. Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry analysis showed that purified DFO-E always contained traces of desferrioxamine D2

    Heme Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress (HIER Stress) in Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells

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    Accumulation of damaged or misfolded proteins resulted from oxidative protein modification induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress by activating the pathways of unfolded protein response. In pathologic hemolytic conditions, extracellular free hemoglobin is submitted to rapid oxidation causing heme release. Resident cells of atherosclerotic lesions, after intraplaque hemorrhage, are exposed to heme leading to oxidative injury. Therefore, we raised the question whether heme can also provoke ER stress. Smooth muscle cells are one of the key players of atherogenesis; thus, human aortic smooth muscle cells (HAoSMCs) were selected as a model cell to reveal the possible link between heme and ER stress. Using immunoblotting, quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunocytochemistry, we quantitated the markers of ER stress. These were: phosphorylated eIF2α, Activating transcription factor-4 (ATF4), DNA-damage-inducible transcript 3 (also known as C/EBP homology protein, termed CHOP), X-box binding protein-1 (XBP1), Activating transcription factor-6 (ATF6), GRP78 (glucose-regulated protein, 78kDa) and heme responsive genes heme oxygenase-1 and ferritin. In addition, immunohistochemistry was performed on human carotid artery specimens from patients who had undergone carotid endarterectomy. We demonstrate that heme increases the phosphorylation of eiF2α in HAoSMCs and the expression of ATF4. Heme also enhances the splicing of XBP1 and the proteolytic cleavage of ATF6. Consequently, there is up-regulation of target genes increasing both mRNA and protein levels of CHOP and GRP78. However, TGFβ and collagen type I decreased. When the heme binding proteins, alpha-1-microglobulin (A1M) and hemopexin (Hpx) are present in cell media, the ER stress provoked by heme is inhibited. ER stress pathways are also retarded by the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) indicating that reactive oxygen species are involved in heme-induced ER stress. Consistent with these findings, elevated expression of the ER stress marker GRP78 and CHOP were observed in smooth muscle cells of complicated lesions with hemorrhage compared to either atheromas or healthy arteries. In conclusion, heme triggers ER stress in a time- and dose-dependent manner in HAoSMCs. A1M and Hpx as well as NAC effectively hamper heme-induced ER stress, supporting their use as a potential therapeutic approach to reverse such a deleterious effects of heme toxicity