290 research outputs found

    How to understand game in logistics process

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    Food quality during processing in logistic chain

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    Quality of game is more and more important for customers. How can we supply customers with good quality meat? Logistics process of meet of wild animals is a special field of foodstuff. We use it for supply chains, buy and sell products, for information and our knowledge. I try to understand the logistic methodology for a special process. In agri-business sector we can speak, talk a lot about necessity of well organized networks, chains but there are not enough experts, workers organizing and doing this. You can find many parts of business activities using logistics at acceptable level and quality, but some area is not written in scientific style. In my paper I would like to speak about a very special segment of agri-business sector, which is game in logistics process. I mention some information about quality and food safety aspects of it.

    Is the New Wine World more efficient? Factors influencing technical efficiency of wine production

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    We have experienced the emergence of New World wine producing countries (the Americas, South Africa and Oceania) in the last 10-15 years as they have successfully increased their market share in European markets. In this paper we perform a two stage model on a panel of most of the major wine producing countries over the period 1995-2007. We estimate a CobbDouglas production function and technical inefficiency using stochastic frontier analysis. We show that there is a significant difference between the major Old and New World countries in terms of technical efficiency in favour of the latter group. The analysis supports our hypothesis that the more efficient functioning of the sector in the New Wine World can be one of the drivers of their success. Moreover, inefficiency is related to some macroeconomic factors such as the development of the financial system, the quality of human capital and per capita wine consumption

    Product management, controlling and logistics at agriculture and food manufacturing companies

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    How to understand logistics in agro-food business? Logistic activities considerably changed in the last few years. The original aim of satisfying quantity needs has been followed by the logistic activity which meets the market's requirements, aims at satisfying the individual needs instead of standardized solutions, maximal the additional values, and finally, which gives a complex service. You can find special process of it in agriculture and food industry. These together mean a significant challenge for this profession. In our paper we try to understand methodology of logistics in agro-food business

    Biomassza kazánok tüzelőanyagellátásának logisztikai folyamatai

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    Tanulmányunk biomasszával működő gőzkazán-rendszer tüzelőanyagának logisztikájáról, annak gyűjtéséről, szállításáról és kezeléséről szól. Bemutatja a szalmabála-kezelési rendszerek lehetséges működését, ideértve a bálák mennyiségének és minőségének ellenőrzését, nyomonkövetési eljárásait, a bálák manipulálását, kezelését, mozgatását a keletkezési helytől, a szállító járműveken át a raktárokig, sőt az üzemanyag-előkészítő rendszerig, a szükséges tárolási kapacitások és a szükséges járműforgalom szempontjaiból. Abstract: Our study is about the logistics and handling of fuel for a biomass fuelled steam boiler system. It shows possible solutions for straw bale handling systems including quantity, quality control and overtake procedure of the bales, through manipulation of the bales from the delivery vehicles to storage and from storage to the fuel preparation system of the boilers, to the required storage capacities and vehicle traffic

    Kiskunfélegyháza City Hospital and Clinic, Bath and Rehabilitation Center development and some context of patient satisfaction and logistics

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    The study of Kiskunfélegyháza hospital rehabilitation department of the launch and operation are summarized in the light of the results data. Started in May 2005, public investment is achieved, containing functional reconstruction of partial hospitalization as a result of enlargement, was delivered in September 2006, was built to exploit the thermal rehabilitation unit, which includes a 40-bed department on the first floor, the ground floor clinic rooms, the spa offers therapeutic and physiotherapy service rooms and swimming pools, the basement of mechanical rooms. A further problem in question – the subject-oriented guide to healing, health, illness, and a definition of rehabilitation took place – according to the literature. It will be determined in the prevention, injury, disability and concepts of disability in the light of the logistics. Write the process that accompanies the service, taking into account the economic aspects of the market.Have been processed under the rehabilitated patient population, patient registration data by age between 2007 and 2012. Considering the cases of the total care days are the number of transferees from other classes, social and home placement per capita average care days in the bed occupancy and the number of death cases were surveyed on written questionnaires. Rehabilitation hospital care is most effective with measurable - which can be seen in the analysis - that of the average length of more than 18 days, the bed occupancy of 100% and a mortality rate of 2%. However, the situation logistical aspects of the process can be improved further by examining the quantitative and qualitative indicators of well. The topic niche processing, rehabilitation domestic situation analysis has been very little. The results are set out proposals to increase the efficiency of operation