578 research outputs found

    A statistical approach for estimating mean maximum urban temperature excess.

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    Munkánkban a városi hősziget (UHI) maximális napi kifejlődését vizsgáltuk Szegeden, a beépítettségi paraméterek függvényében. A hőmérsékleti adatok valamint a beépítettségi arány, a vízfelszín-arány, az égbolt láthatósági index és az épületmagasság, valamint ezek területi kiterjesztései közötti kapcsolatot statisztikus modellezéssel határoztuk meg. A kapott modell-egyenleteket mindkét félévre (fűtési és nem-fűtési) többváltozós lineáris regresszió segítségével állapítottuk meg. Az eredményekből világosan látszik, hogy szignifikáns kapcsolat mutatható ki a maximális UHI területi eloszlása és a beépítettségi paraméterek között, ami azt jelenti, hogy e tényezők fontos szerepet jatszanak a városi hőmérsékleti többlet területi eloszlásának kialakításában. A városi paraméterek közül az égbolt láthatósági index és az épületmagasság a leginkább meghatározó tényező, ami összhangban van a városi felszín energia-egyenlegével. | Investigations concentrated on the urban heat island (UHI) in its strongest development during the diurnal cycle in Szeged, Hungary. Task includes development of statistical models in the heating and non-heating seasons using urban surface parameters (built-up and water surface ratios, sky view factor, building height) and their areal extensions. Model equations were determined by means of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. As the results show, there is a clear connection between the spatial distribution of the UHI and the examined parameters, so these parameters play an important role in the evolution of the UHI intensity field. Among them the sky view factor and the building height are the most determining factors, which are in line with the urban surface energy balance

    Economic and natural effects of nitrate pollution of agricultural origin, in particular the aquatic enviroment

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    The whole area of Hungary is the gathering ground of our principal rivers (Duna, Tisza) and some bigger lakes, like Balaton, Fertő lake and Velencei lake. The water isn’t only staff of life; it is one of the most sensitive biotope of world. We suppose to protect our aquatic environment from environmental pollution as such nitrate pollution or eutrophication. Trough agricultural production the nutrient rate increases in water. The weeds begin to pullulate, they are taking up more oxygen from the water, they are necrosis, the depth of warp increases faster so the eutrophication drowns on, and the nitrate rate of rivers increases

    A statistical approach for estimating mean maximum urban temperature excess

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    Investigations concentrated on the urban heat island (UHI) in its strongest development during the diurnal cycle in Szeged, Hungary. Task includes development of statistical models in the heating and non-heating seasons using urban surface parameters (built-up and water surface ratios, sky view factor, building height) and their areal extensions. Model equations were determined by means of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. As the results show, there is a clear connection between the spatial distribution of the UHI and the examined parameters, so these parameters play an important role in the evolution of the UHI intensity field. Among them the sky view factor and the building height are the most determining factors, which are in line with the urban surface energy balance

    Integrated Process of Arabinose Biopurification and Xylitol Fermentation Based on the Diverse Action of Candida boidinii

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    Hemicellulosic hydrolysates of agro-residues are promising raw materials for xylitol and arabinose production through biotechnological methods. Two-step acidic fractionation of corn fibre was developed to produce a glucose- and arabinose-rich hydrolysate and a xylose-rich hydrolysate. An integrated process of arabinose biopurification on the glucose- and arabinose-rich hydrolysate and xylitol fermentation on the xylose-rich hydrolysate using Candida boidinii NCAIM Y.01308 was introduced, in which cell mass produced in arabinose biopurification was used as inoculum in the xylitol fermentation. Aerobic biopurification resulted in an arabinose solution containing 9.2 g L–1 of arabinose with a purity of 90 %, based on total sugars. Xylitol fermentation under microaerobic conditions resulted in a xylitol yield of 53 % of theoretical and a xylitol concentration of 10.4 g L–1 in three days. Hence, an integrated biorefinery process of hemicellulosic hydrolysates was developed based on the diverse action of C. boidinii to purify arabinose and produce xylitol

    Histological Study of the First Seven Days of Skin Wound Healing in Rats

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    The aim of this study was to elaborate a histological model of incisional skin wound healing in Sprague-Dawley rats. Under aseptic conditions two paravertebral full thickness skin incisions were performed on the back of 42 anesthetized male rats. Histological sections from tissue specimens were stained by hematoxylin and eosin, van Gieson, PAS + PSD, Mallory's phosphotungstic hematoxylin and azur and eosin and evaluated during the first seven days after surgery. Histological evaluation revealed that the regeneration of injured epidermis was completed five days after surgery. The inflammatory phase was recorded during the first three days of healing with the culmination of this phase between day one and day two. The beginning of the proliferative phase was dated to the first day and the peak during day five and day six. The initiation of the maturation and remodeling phase of the healing process was observed six days after wounding. At the layer of striated muscle, the centronucleated cells were described for the first time six days after surgery. The wound healing process of rat skin was histologically described during the first seven days. Results of this work can serve as an experimental model for further research using external pharmacological and physical factors (laser light, magnetic field) by which the wound healing can be favourably influenced