255 research outputs found

    Land Acquisition Under Land Law 2013: A Case Study of Vinh City, Nghe An Province

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    After implementing a comprehensive reform in 1986, Vietnam witnessed change in many aspects. One of these changes is that agricultural land has been converted into industrial and urban land. Increasing land demand, leading to land acquisition, is inevitable. Over time, land laws and policies have been developed to address various problems. However, land acquisition and compensation procedures still have many issues to be solved. This paper outlines changes in Vietnam’s legal system related to land acquisition, followed by land acquisition forms and procedures. Responses to this process were inquired through a survey of 170 landless households in Vinh city. Ten face-to-face interviews were also conducted to collect qualitative data. The results show that the authorities have followed the land acquisition procedures in the Vietnamese context. However, directly affected households do not feel satisfied with the compensation that the state has paid to them, while indirectly affected families rated the current policy as unfair to them

    A szegedi lakóparkok társadalomföldrajzi vizsgálata

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    Modern gated communities first appeared in post-socialist European countries after the fall of Communism. During the transition to a market economy, socio-economic differences have increased immensely across the region and the development of gated communities has brought about a new form of residential segregation. Modern gated communities have no real antecedents in Hungary. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the spread of such communities (in Hungarian: ‘residential parks’) has been rapid in and around Budapest as well as in many other smaller cities. This study analyses the residential parks in – and around – Szeged. Based on our results, we concluded that the term ‘residential park’ is used too generally in Szeged, without consideration of the exact definitions applied in the Western world. Significant differences can be observed in the numbers and spatial distribution of gated neighbourhoods in the city. Residential parks occur in specific spatial patterns which appear to trigger local conflicts

    A lakóparkok és lakóparkszerű létesítmények általános jellemzői a magyarországi megyei jogú városokban

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    The modern gated communities first appeared in East-Central Europe after the collapse of state socialist systems. Moving into gated communities turned into one characteristic form of residential segregation. Since the beginning of the 1990s gated communities (in Hungarian: lakópark, 'residential park') began to be built in Budapest and in its direct suburban gravitation zone in Hungary. The largest cities in Hungary have a special administra-tive status (City with County Rights). We analyzed residential parks and residential park-like developments in the so-called Cities with County Rights having mostly over 50 thousands inhabitants. We typified residential parks, analyzed their geographical dispersion in the category mentioned above. We can observe significant differences in the numbers and spatial distribution of residential parks amongst the analyzed cities

    A review of gated communities in some Hungarian cities

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    Returning home: An evaluation of Hungarian return migration

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    This paper deals with the Hungarian return migration process and the importance of identity changes for migration decisions. Outmigration of labour force from Hungary and other East Central European countries has intensified after the EU accession in 2004 and 2007. The possibility of free movement encouraged many Eastern and Central European citizens to leave their country; however, this is not a one-way process. A significant number of migrants returned to the home country with newly acquired skills and other assets. The majority of migration theories evaluate return migration by the role of family, motivations or different kinds of acquired capital, but the importance of identity change is less considered. Our primary aim is to investigate the future migration strategy of Hungarian returnees. The paper is based on national policy analysis and indepth interviews. According to our results, interviewees highlighted the role of work experience and family status. In general, highly skilled returnees met fewer obstacles during their return due to higher flexibility and former employer contracts, but family issues might represent more obstacles during the return. Lower skilled returnees were more dissatisfied with their return, especially those who migrated together with their family members. Hence, the chance for another emigration was higher than in the highly skilled group

    A Neimeyer és Moore-féle Multidimenzionális halálfélelem skála validálása magyar populáción

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    Kutatásunk célja a halálról alkotott elképzelések generációs értékítélet-különbségeinek összehasonlító vizsgálata a magyar társadalomban. A halállal kapcsolatos, leginkább félelmet keltő dimenziók mérésére kérdőíves vizsgálatot végeztünk, 178 fős célpopuláción. A felméréshez a Nei­meyer és Moore-féle Multidimenzionális Halálfélelem Skálát (MFODS, 42 tétel, 8 faktorba rendezve) használtuk. A skálát Lester Halál Iránti Attitűd Skálájával, a Rövidített Beck Depresszió Kérdőívvel és a STAI-T skálával validáltuk és bemértük. A statisztikai elemzés alapján a skála valid, jól mér a magyar populáción, a skálák egymással jól korrelálnak. Az MFODS eredeti faktorstruktúrája kirajzolódott a magyar mintán, az 5. faktor kivételével. A kapott eredmények - mint a fiatalok és a nők magasabb halálfélelme és szorongása - alátámasztják a szakirodalomban korábban közölt kutatási eredményeket