304 research outputs found

    Detekcia polymorfizmu génu MLPH v populácii belgického ovčiaka variety malinois

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    Melanophilin (MLPH) gene affects dilution of coat colour. It focuses on D locus alleles and in c.-22G>A polymorphism 2 alleles were described. Dominant D allele controls regular colour whereas recessive d allele causes dilution. Diluted colouration in Belgian Shepherd variety Malinois is undesirable and excluded from breeding. Dilution of the coat colour can sometimes be accompanied by skin disease (CDA or BHFD). Methods of molecular genetics including PCR-RFLP method were used to identify c.-22G>A polymorphism in MLPH gene. Within the analysed population of 56 dogs following genotypes were discovered: 50 dogs with homozygous DD genotype, i.e. 89.29% frequency of occurrence and 6 dogs with heterozygous Dd genotype, i.e. 10.71% frequency of occurrence.Gén melanofilín (MLPH) je zodpovedný za zriedenie farby srsti. Jedná sa o sériu alel D lokusu, pričom pre polymorfizmus c.-22G>A boli popísané 2 alely. Dominantná alela D kontroluje normálne sfarbenie srsti a recesívna alela d je zodpovedná za zriedenie. Zriedené sfarbenie je u belgického ovčiaka variety Malinois nežiaduce a vyraďujúce z chovu. Zriedenie farby srsti môže byť niekedy sprevádzané ochorením kože (CDA alebo BHFD). Pomocou molekulárno-genetických metód s využitím PCR-RFLP metódy prebehla identifikácia polymorfizmu c.-22G>A v géne MLPH. V sledovanej populácii 56 psov boli zistené tieto genotypy: 50 psov s homozygotným genotypom DD, čo predstavuje frekvenciu výskytu 89,29 % a 6 psov s heterozygotným genotypom Dd, čo zodpovedá frekvencii výskytu 10,71 %

    Analýza genetickej štruktúry plemena slovenskej bielej kozy krátkosrstej pomocou génu CSN1S1

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    Milk is one of the basic sources of nutrition. With the increasing incidence of allergies and the spread of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, consumers are changing their eating habits, which partly leads to the reintroduction of goat\u27s milk into the diet. This study aimed to evaluate and describe the genotypic and allelic structure of Slovak White Shorthaired goats for the CSN1S1 gene. For genotyping, PCR, AS-PCR and PIRA-PCR methods. The He and FIS were used for the description of the diversity of the population. Alleles E and F were the most frequent 0.3710 and 0.2944 respectively followed by B (0.1492) and A (0.1169). The less abundant allele was N with an occurrence of 0.0685. The most abundant genotypes were EF (0.2339), BE (0.1693) AN and EE with an occurrence of 0.1129 both. The White Shorthaired goat breed exhibits high values of heterozygosity (0.7661), polymorphism information content (0.6921), the effective number of alleles (3.7736) and level of possible variability realization (74.1%) for the CSN1S1 gene. The inbreeding level of the population represents a negative value (-0.0355), which indicates enough heterozygotes in the population.Mlieko je jedným zo základných zdrojov výživy. S narastajúcim výskytom alergií a rozšírovaním poznatkov o zdravom životnom štýle spotrebitelia menia svoje stravovacie návyky, čo vedie k čiastočne opätovnému zavedeniu kozieho mlieka do jedálnička. Cieľom tejto štúdie bolo zhodnotiť a popísať genotypovú a alelickú štruktúru slovenskej bielej kozy krátkosrstej pre CSN1S1 gén. Na genotypovanie boli použité PCR, AS-PCR a PIRA-PCR metódy. Na popis diverzity populácie boli použité He a FIS. Alely E a F mali najväčšiu frekvenciu 0,3710 a 0,2944, po ktorých nasledovali B (0,1492) a A (0,1169). Najmenej zastúpená bola alela N s výskytom 0,0685. Najviac zastúpené genotypy boli EF (0,2339), BE (0,1693), AN a EE s výskytom 0,1129 u oboch. Biela krátkosrstá koza vykazuje vysoké hodnoty heterozygotnosti (0,7661), informačného obsahu polymorfizmu (0,6921), efektívneho počtu alel (3,7736) a úrovne možnej realizácie variability (74,1 %) pre gén CSN1S1. Úroveň inbrídingu populácie predstavuje zápornú hodnotu (-0,0355), čo poukazuje na dostatok heterozygotov v populácii

    Identification of DNA polymorphism at the 154 codon of the ovine PRPN gene by allelic discrimination using a dual fluorescent probe assay

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    The aim of this study was to investigate prion gene polymorphism at codon 154 of common breeds of sheep in Slovakia to provide information about their susceptibility to scrapie. The material involved 82 sheep. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood by salting out method. Genetic analysis of the PrP gene was realised by an allelic discrimination technique using the TaqMan assays. In sheep population the predominace of homozygote genotype RR was detected. Heterozygote genotype RH was present in breed Lacaune (1 animal) and crossbreeds Improved Valachian x Lacaune (2 animals) and Improved Valachian x Lacaune x East Friesian Sheep Breed (1 animal).  Homozygote genotype HH was not observed

    Hodnotenie aminokyselín v mäse a pečeni nutrie (Myocastor coypus Molina) v závislosti od veku

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the amino acid composition of proteins in the dorsal muscle, femoral muscle, and the liver of female nutrias (Myocastor coypus Molina) in relation to age. In this study a total of 50 animals were used. The animals were split into two groups based on their age, i.e. 7 months old and 24 months old. The amino acids were separated and quantitatively determined using an automated analyser. Using a two-way analysis of variance, significant differences (P˂0.05) were determined between the tested parameters, muscle type and age. In this study, statistically significant differences were found in the dorsal muscle in the content of glycine, which was higher in young animals and in the content of aspartic acid, which was higher in older animals. In the case of the femoral muscle, significantly higher content of serine, glycine and arginine were found in the group of 7-month-old animals. In contrast, the group of 24-month-old nutria in the femoral muscle showed a higher content of alanine, valine and phenylalanine. In the liver, significantly higher contents of some amino acids were found only in the group of young, 7 months old nutrias. Higher content was observed for aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline and histidine. Additionally, nutria meat, particularly meat from the dorsal muscle, is a rich source of amino acids, especially essential amino acid, glutamic acid and aspartic acid, making it yet another quality source of protein in a balanced human diet.Cieľom tejto práce bolo vyhodnotiť aminokyselinové zloženie bielkovín v chrbtovom svale, stehennom svale a pečeni samíc nutrií vo vzťahu k veku. V tejto štúdii bolo použitých celkom 50 zvierat. Zvieratá boli rozdelené do dvoch skupín podľa veku, 7 mesiacov a 24 mesiacov. Aminokyseliny boli separované a kvantitatívne určené pomocou automatického analyzátora. Použitím dvojfaktorovej analýzy rozptylu boli zistené významné rozdiely (P<0,05) medzi testovanými parametrami, typom svalu a vekom. V tejto štúdii boli zistené štatisticky významné rozdiely v chrbtovom svale v obsahu glycínu, ktorý bol vyšší u mladých zvierat a v obsahu kyseliny asparágovej, ktorý bol vyšší u starších zvierat. V prípade stehenného svalu boli v skupine 7-mesačných zvierat zistené výrazne vyššie hladiny serínu, glycínu a arginínu. Naproti tomu skupina 24-mesačných nutrií v stehennom svale vykazovala vyšší obsah alanínu, valínu a fenylalanínu. V pečeni boli preukázateľne vyššie hodnoty niektorých aminokyselín zistené len v skupine mladých 7-mesačných nutrií. Vyšší obsah bol pozorovaný pri kyseline asparágovej, treoníne, seríne, kyseline glutámovej, prolíne a histidíne. Mäso nutrie, najmä mäso z chrbtového svalu, je navyše bohatým zdrojom aminokyselín, najmä esenciálnych aminokyselín, kyseliny glutámovej a kyseliny asparágovej, čo z neho robí ďalší kvalitný zdroj bielkovín vo vyváženej ľudskej strave

    System for Analysis and Visualisation of Car Data

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    Import 04/07/2011V dnešnej dobe sa nestretávame s pojmom počítač len v klasickom poňatí osobného počítača. Vyskytujú sa všade okolo nás či už ako mobilné telefóny, GPS prijímače, prenosné mobilné zariadenia či dokonca riadiace jednotky v motorových vozidlách. Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce je poukázať na možnosť použitia mobilného telefónu ako prostriedku, pre zobrazovanie a spracovanie údajov z riadiacej jednotky motorového vozidla. Toto riešenie pozostáva z viacerých hardwarových a softwarových súčastí: mobilný telefón, GPS prijímač, prevodník ELM, server. Umožňuje tak užívateľovi zobraziť a spracovať aktuálne údaje o polohe, rýchlosti z GPS a hodnoty senzorov, ktoré vyhodnocuje riadiaca jednotka motorového vozidla. Ďalej je možné tieto údaje odoslať na server a následne zobraziť v prostredí Google Earth. Systém podporuje autentifikáciu, autorizáciu a evidenciu automobilov a užívateľov. Klientská časť je implementovaná v prostredí .NET Compact framework, serverová časť v ASP .NET resp. framework MVC 2.0.Today's computers are more than the classical personal computers from years ago. In fact, we find them all around us: in smart phones, GPS navigations, mobile devices, and even in cars operating as engine control units. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to explore the possibilities of using a mobile phone as a device for displaying and processing data from the engine control unit. This solution is composed of multiple hardware and software parts: mobile phone, GPS unit, ELM converter and server. The user can access all information about the current position, speed and sensors values, gathered from the engine control unit. In addition, the data can be sent to a server and displayed in the Google Earth environment. The system supports authentication and authorization of users and vehicles. The client part is implemented in .NET Compact framework, the server in ASP .NET, MVC 2.0 Framework.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Genetic markers as one of tools for production of tenderness meat in cattle

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    Meat tenderness is one of the major characteristic quality of beef not only for consumers but for breeders of beef cattle too. Selection of cattle focussed on an increment of meat tenderness is complicated because this trait has large variability not only between different breeds but between individuals of equal breed too. Similarly a measurement of meat tenderness is expensive because it make after slaughter of animal and ageing of meat post mortem. Therefore it was developed a several methods, by the help of which is possible increase tenderness of meat. However still exist variance in values of meat tenderness which are caused by distinctness genetic base of animal. By using molecular genetic methods was described the most significant candidate genes (CAPN1, CAST) coding formation of the calpains-calpastatin proteolytic system, which exercise an influence on tenderness. The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes were using to design commercially genetic marker panels GeneSTAR Tenderness and Igenity Tender-GENE. By help this commercially test is possible to make genotyping and selection of animals for production of tenderness beef meat in meat industry

    The morphological changes of oviductal mucose in oestral cycle of sows

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    Article Details: Received: 2019-01-25 | Accepted: 2019-03-26 | Available online: 2019-06-30https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2019.22.02.34-41The aim of this work was to describe microscopic and submicroscopic changes in uterine tube of 40 sows in the estral cycle. Samples of the uterine tube were obtained for histological studies by vivisection from three sections of uterine tube. Samples were fixed for light microscopy (LM) in formaldehyde and in glutaraldehyde paraformaldehyde for scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. They were subsequently processed in the usual manner in the LM and electron microscopic studies laboratories. We did not detect progressive changes in the length of the uterine tube. Unlike the sows‘ weight (2.57 ± 1.12 g or 2.26 ± 0.96 g), the length of the uterine tube was virtually unchanged depending on the stage of the cycle (30.2 ± 2.51 cm in FF or 30.1 ± 2.39 cm in LF). The largest relative volume of the epithelial layer was at the follicular stage of the cycle along the entire uterine tube. The difference varied from 4.99% - isthmus to 13.62% infundibulum between each part. Significant changes were seen between the ciliary and secretory cells during the estral cycle in the various parts of the uterine tube. Ciliary cells dominated throughout the cycle in infindibulum and ampulla, whereas secretory cells in isthmus. Their changes and differentiations are the manifestations of hormonal changes that direct the estral cycle. Submicroscopic changes of cells in the estral cycle have also been described.Keywords: sows, oviduct – uterine tube, histologyReferencesABE, H. (1994) Regional variations in the ultrastructural features of secretory cells in the rat oviductal epithelium. Anatomical Record, vol. 240, no. 1, pp. 77–85.ABE, H. and HOSHI, H. 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    Contradictions in Frontex Operations: the Push-back = Ellentmondások a Frontex műveletekben: a push-back (Visszaszorítás)

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    The aim of the paper is to introduce the legal misfits between the standards of human rights as stated by the European Union and the Council of Europe and practical day to day experience related to EU Member States. For this purpose, the article focuses on political and legal assessment of the so-called pushbacks at the Greek-Turkish external border and introduces the influencing factors, such as the various interpretations of the legislation, or differences in the organisational structure and values. The authors conclude that these factors are endangering the fulfilment of the fundamental rights and the efficiency of the border protection, thus the security of the EU and its Member States

    Regulation of Public Finances in the Czech Republic in Light of Financial Constitutionality

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    This chapter deals with the basic features of financial law in the Czech Republic. The authors present Czech financial law using the branch-creating criteria: a specific object of legal regulation, a specific method of regulation, a system coherence of financial law norms, and a social acceptance. As the legal relationships regulated by the financial law are very diverse, the Brno legal school uses two groups of these relationships. The fiscal part of financial law deals with the legal relationships created, implemented, and expired in the process of creating, distribution, and use of public monetary funds. It covers tax law, budgetary law, and public subsidies law. The non-fiscal part of financial law deals with the legal relationships created, implemented, and expired in connection with ensuring the functioning of the monetary and financial system. The non-fiscal part covers monetary and foreign exchange law, financial markets law, gaming law, hallmark law, and public procurement law